Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


“)4 \Voodlatidx Road. 333 (NBS. Mon Fri ltlam 5pm; Sat Illam llfitlpm.

Mixed Exhibition I'ntil Sat 2‘) Scp. .\ \clcction oi paintingx It) Scottish (li'll\l\ including John Bathgatc. l)a\\n .\lc.\’cil and ll). llcndcrxon.


1‘) l’arnic Strcct. 552 777‘). .\lon Sat noon 5pm.

Inspiration 2001 [not .\ton t ()ct. .\ look at \\ hat inxpircx artixtx to paint tL‘atttr'irtg a ncu \llllL‘ ot' ligttratn c paintings h} 'l‘odd (iarncr: cit} \capcx h} Bill Kncalc; ccramic painting h} lid Smith: oils h} 'l'im ('oclxhurn and nc\\ \xork It) Nicolc Baudon.

Director’s Choice t'nttt Mom I ()ct. .\cxx jcucllcr} in mctal h} l,i\a (iman iuxpircd liduard \\'c\tori\ photograph Sum]. t/llltt’x. (It't’uIH.


ISSa Bath Strcct. 223 £830. inc Sat

ltlam 5.30pm,

Mixed Show l'ntil Sat 3‘) Scp. .-\ ini\cd \hou oi paintings ittcluding “01'le h} Donald .\lclcod. littan .\lc(ircgor. l’ctcr .\Iurra}; (icorgc llorn. Scott Rilc} and Katc l‘ramc. plux ccramicx. glaxxttork and .icucllcr}.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART li-l Bl}llt\\\ootl .SII‘L‘L‘I. 333 “ll-4

.\lon l‘ri 9.30am 5.30pm: Sat

ltlam lpm.

A Collectors Eye l'ntit Inc 25 Scp. .-\n cxhihition and \alc ot' conlctnporat'} pillttllllgS lt'otn thc collcctiou ot' thc rcccntl} rctircd (ilaxgoxx architcct John 'l‘homxon. 'l‘hc \lttm t‘caturcx \\Ul'l\\ h) l)a\ id DUIMILISUIL .lamc\ Rohcrtmn. Alhcrto .\lorrocco and .-\lc\andcr (iotidic. Encounter l'ntil Tue 25 Scp. .\‘cu paintingx h} Sarah ('arrington. lirnina l)a\'i\. .\latthcu l)rapcr and Roxx R}an. Movers And Shakers l'ntil 't‘uc 25 Scp. (‘ontcmporau \il\cr\\arc h} l.inda Robct'tmtt. llclcn .\larriott. .\lariannc Kanc. Yx'onnc chout Smith. ('ara .\lurph} and .\ltrcd l’ain.

David Cohen l'ntil 'liuc 35 Scp. ('crantic l'ormx.

Lorraine Robson t'nttl Inc :5 Sq». NC“ c‘c‘l‘itttticx.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY lil King Strch 553 U733. .\lon Sat 10.30am midnight: Sttn l llpm.

Primitive Art From Russia And Beyond I'ntil Sat 3 Scp. traditional and contctnporar} Rttxxian hoardx. illustrach \\ ith \ccncx ol' l'olldorc h} \ttt‘ltttIS (tt'llxlx.

L. Kosmina Sun ‘) Sat 2‘) Scp. l-‘iguratix c \cttlpturcx ot~ hirdx. animalx aitd pcoplc by this l'krainian horn. (ilasgou -lia\cd artixt.

CELTIC FOOTBALL CLUB Kcrr}da|c Suitc. Kc‘t‘i‘}tl;tlc‘ Strcct. l’arkhcad. (ll5l ()4‘) 000‘). .\lon Sttn lilain 5.30pm.

Contemporary Fine Art 'I‘ttc IS Sat 2‘) Scp. :\n c\hihition ol' L‘Ultlclttpot‘;tt‘}‘ tinc art h} 3t) artists and dcxigncrx from Nottingham and thc \Vtrral.


.\lon Sat 10am 5.30pm: Sun noon 5pm. Mixed Exhibition :\tt ongoing mhihition ot‘ \xork h} \itl‘lttUS artists. Castaway t’ntil Sun 33 Scp. ('oaxlal landscapcx h} \arioux artixtx inclttding l)crck Ilarc. John l.o\\ric .\Iorrixon. l’cnclopc Starc}. chhcn ('ollc}.

l.a\\ rcncc (‘oulxon and \Vcnd} .\IcBridc.

the engage international conference

October 3—6 2001, Tramway Glasgow

= was-'1'

Visits to: _ CCA . GOMA. Lighthouse . Street Level Photowo

more details infotaengage.org or +64 [0120 7278 8382

86 THE LIST' Fir-t, L" r':-":

ell r ‘c , t -

Oh Genie by Stephen Bird on show at Compass Gallery


l'ni\cr\it_\ oi Sti‘;ttltc‘l)tlc‘. 32 Richmond .Slt'L‘L‘l. 553 44(l()c\13(\83. .\lth l'it'i lilam 5pm; Sat noon 4pm.

The Snake In The Garden: Exhibition t'ntit Sat IS ()ct tctmctt 32 24 Scpt. .-\n intcrnational c\hihition t'octtxing on ncxx dmclopmcntx in Slipnarc l'caturing lilc-xi/c liguratn c Sculptut'cx. ittxlallationx tor inlcriot' dcxign and ltmctional pots. 'l‘hc \\ttl'l\ ol' out 30 ccramicixtx lrom Britain. l‘rancc. (icrman). thc \cthcrlandx. l)cnmarl\. .\'or\\a_\. Canada. .'\ll\ll';tll;t and .\mcrica ix includcd in thc displa).


l7tS \VL‘Sl Rc‘g’c‘tll Sll‘c‘t‘l. Ill (ii—ill. .\lon Sat Illam 5.30pm.

Stephen Bird l‘ntil not So St-p. Paintings. Sculpturc and ccrainicx h) Stcphcn Bird inxpircd it} arcltct) pal IllL‘IllL‘S til. lilt'lll. lll‘C :ttltl tlcatlt. .SL‘L‘ illStl llouxc l‘or ;\n .‘\rt l.o\cr.


IS (‘axtlcmilk .'\rcadc. (ill 3on3.

.\lon Sat lilain 5pm.

Kathleen Little l’ntil l-‘ri 3| Scp. .\ photographic c\hihition h) Katltlccn I,ittlc documcnting thc Simon (‘ommuniu dcu‘loptncntx throughout (ilaxgtm.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Strcct. 32‘) 1000. .\lon Iltll & Sat lilam 5pm; l‘ri & Sttn llam 5pm. GJerwood Painting Prize Exhibition l'ntil Sun II Oct. Honouring lhc licxt in contcmporar} painting. lhc .lcrnood l’ainting l’ri/c

lhc Iargc\t \iitglc pri/c anardcd to onc artist tours outxidc London t'or thc lirxt ltttlt‘ \\ itlt tltc \\tll'l\ til~ IIlL‘ \i\ \ltttt'lliSICtl artixtx. lliglilightx includc tltc \\ inning paintings h} Katic l’ratt; ‘l'im Rcmhau \ intricatc. hcautil'ull} c\ccutcd pattcrnx

\\ hich I’L‘Sctttl‘lt‘ tnagniticd \ilicon chip and Ian l)a\cnport\ incxmcrixing pourcd paintingx using ltottxcltold gloxx. Scc llitlixt.

Glasgow School Of Art Graduate Series t‘ntil \\'ctt St ()ct tl.o\\cr .\ir ( iallcr} and Top l‘loor

lillipxc Rotunda). (ilaxgoxx School ol':\t't graduatcx l’ctcr Bradl‘ord. Stuart .\lurra}. I.ciglt-.-\nn l’arkcr. Ann Shan. I)ot'i.\ \octtcr and Sarah \Valton ha\'c hccn gi\cn thc opportunit} to \hou thcir Work in (i( ).\l:\. Working in a rangc ol' mcdium. lhc \\ttl'l\\ inclttdc largc-scalc ctchingx. painting. ittSlttllttliott. \c'lllplut'c‘ and \ idco.


Rouch (ilcn Road. (Ct) ()335. Fri. Sun & .\lon lfitl 5.30pm; Sat

llfitlam 5.30pm.

The September Show l'ntil .\lon 1

()ct. .\'c\\ work h} imitcd gallcr} artixts.


lJtS \VL‘SI Rc‘g'c‘tll SII‘L‘L‘I. Ill 3095. .\lon Sat 0.30am 5.30pm.

20th Century British Paintings And Drawings t'ntil Sat 2‘) Scp. Rcccttt :thtllSIIlth including \xorkx h} Rcdpath. l‘crguxxon. (iill. liardlc} and man} otltct'S.


('alc (‘USllltL l3 RUSL‘ Strcct. 333 6535. .\lon Sat l().3t)am ‘lpm. Viewpoints l'ntit Sun St) Scp. Photographic \xorkx haxcd around thc thcrnc ot~ lililtlSL'ilPL‘ h} (iltthtm School ol'.'\rt graduatcx Strxan Bakcr‘ and Ricl.


22 ck 25 King Strcct. 552 0704. Inc Sat lilam 5.30pm.

Stuart Duffin - Sacred Science l‘ntil Sat o ( )ct. \IL‘I/Hllttlx. paintings and ctchingx inxpircd h} a rcccnt c\changc \ iin to ,lcruxalcm. making at lhc .lct‘thalctn l’rint \Vot'hxltop

Murray Robertson - Uncertain Pantheon l'ntil Sat (t ()ct. ’l'raditional and digitall} manipulach prints inspircd h} L‘tllllll'c‘S past and prcxcnt.

Ian McNicol lintil Sat o ()ct. .-\rchitcctural and abstract imagcr) combinc in \lcNicol'x nc\\ hod) ot‘xtork \xlticlt utilixcx traditional printmaking tccltniqttcx.

Tricia Murray - Scratching The Surface l'ntil Sat o ()cl. Sil\cr icucllcr} h} l‘ricia .\lurra}.