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30 THE LIST 208(2p-«10m 2001

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Jude Law's recreati

Central Station l Hi .00. iwulier Salles. Bra/il. I‘Nh’i Vitiicitts dc ()liy'eira. liernanda Montenegro. 1 It) mins. Sugar- coated neo-realism or a film that stares poverty in the eye'.’ Salles's international hit is the story of a young Rio de Janeiro street urchin and a former schoolteacher who go on the run together in a film explores that Latin American mainstay: the search fora missing loy‘ed one. ()deon. lidinhurgh.

The Centre Of The World t 1th

.0 tWayne Wang. ('8. 3001 i .‘ylolly l’arker. Peter Sarsgaard. 86 mins. Young. successful cotnpuler engineer tread: geek) Richard Longman (Sarsgaardi proposes to rock hand drummer-cum-stripper l-‘lorence tl’arkeri that he purchase a weekend in [as Vegas with her. lillen Benjamin Wong‘s script then has emotionally immature Richard fall in love with emotionally reticent l-lorence. which fucks up. as it were. their husiness arrangement. \Vang confines the action to interiors. shooting largely in close-up Using digital \‘ltlcn. which gives the film a cheap. seedy feel. ironically. the explicit eroticism is anything but intimate. and while this is sort of the point. it makes for uniny'oly ing Viewing. See reyiew. (il’l‘. (ilasgow: ('ameo. lidinhurgh.

Chocolatt lZi O. Hallstrom. (‘8. 2001 i Juliette Binoche. Johnny l)epp. Judi l)ench. Ill mins. Adapted from Joanne llarris‘s noyel. ('lim'olu! unfolds ‘oncc upon a time’ in a tranquil l-‘rench Village where sexy unwed single mother \ianne (Binochei opens up a chocolalcric during l.ent. ller magical confections are soon having a liherating effect on yarious locals. though her actions incur the w rath of the reigning count tAlfred Molina). who fears that the traditional order may he it't‘e\ocahly damaged. l'nfortunately. llallstrom's t'l'lie (it/er Home Rules) fcelgood fairytale relies on its calculatedly cosmopolitan cast and glossy production Values lo disguise its lack of suhstance. Lumiere. lidinhurgh.

0 The Circle (Dayereh) it’(ii COO. tJafar l’anahi. lran. 2t)t)| i l‘ereshteh Sadr ()rafaei. .\'arges .\laiiii/adeli Rallighi. ‘Jl mins. 'l‘hrough a series of quotidian inci- dents. l’anahi lT/lt' ll‘liin' Bill/(mill presents a devastating yet profoundly empathetic por- trait of Moslcm women's stunted liyes in Iran. Nobody could fail to he angered by the casual cruelties. wicked discrimination and hlatant hypocrisy shown here. Yet. hy the saute token. ttohody could fail to he impressed and inspired by the courage and resilience of these women. linked only hy their depressingly similar fates. the women rebel against the circle of discrimination. hray‘ely denying their second-class status. See reyiew. l-‘ilmhousc. lidinhurgh.

The Colour Of Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge) t 13) .0. t('laude ('hahrol. France. 1008) Sandrine Bonnaire. Antoine de ('auncs. Jacques (iamhlin. 1 l3 mins. A more straightforward thriller than we're Used to from ('hahrol. (iamhlin is a struggling. ageing artist. Rene. implicated in the murder of a ten-ycar-old girl. But if Rene looks guilty. what ahout his wife.

\'i\ iane tBonnairei'.’ .\'ot guilty of the critne of course. but of a lesser offence. of emharking on an affair with an undeniahly

anal sex robot Gi

. hi golo Joe in Steven Spielberg/Stanley Kubrick's vision of the future A.I. Artificial Intelligence

ohnoxious media celehrity. (iermain tdc ('aunesi. ('hahrol settles here less for psychological depth than the width of social culpahility. and offers up an impressiyc study in toxic milieu. Lumiere. lidinhurgh. The Crimson Rivers t m 000 tMathieu Kassoy it/. l-rance. 2t)()l i Jean Reno. Vincent (‘assel. Nadia l'ares. 105 mins. Kassoyitfs fourth film as director is a gruesome. glossy Sewn-sly le murder mystery adapted hy Jean-('hristophe (irang from his own hestselling crime noy cl. Reno and ('assel's police dclectiyes are inyestigating two seemingly unrelated cases: a hrutal murder outside an Alpine uniyersity' town and the thsL‘cl'alcd graye of a child in suhurhan Sar/ac. The action and suspense sequences are \ery slick. hut once the mystery is solyed the film looses impact. and ultiruately fails to deliy er the shocking denouement that sealed Sei‘en's place in cinema history. (irosyenor. (ilasgow. Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles tl’(ii O tSimon\\'incer. (8.3001) l’aul Hogan. Linda Ko/low ski. Serge ('ockhurn. ()4 mins. If .\lick Dundee was a (‘rocodile. he would he put down. in this helated. lame third adyenture .\lick's longtime companion journo Sue (’harleton tKo/low ski. aka .\lr.s llogani is called to l..»\ when her father needs someone to edit a new spaper. The couple head to ('alifornia with son Mickey t(’ockhurni w here they hecome embroiled in a smuggling operation inyolying dodgy -looking liast liuropean filmmakers. Mick goes undercoyer and finds work on the set of l.eI/iu/.-leml .i‘. a sequel so had that no one can understand why it is being made (oh the irony Y i. l.ct's inst hope that no one comes up with another sequel. or no. please a prequel. (iencral release. The Croupieri tSi 0000 (Mike Hodges. ['K. l‘)‘)7i ('liye ()w en. (iina McKee. Aley Kingston. ‘H mins. Jack (()weni is a struggling w riter who takes up a joh in a London casino w here he qtiickly pt‘mcs himself to he an accomplished croupier. But he finds himself assisting Jeni 1 Kingston l. a South African gamhler w ho's apparently in deht to a gang of criminals. llodges' taut. intelligent and darkly amusing drama comhines cinematic flair and thematic suhstance. unfolding in a dream- like. hall-of-niirrors world. peopled hy con- artists. card-sharks. and inyeterate liars. Propelled by ()w en‘s impressiyely watchful and poised central performance. it boasts a delicious ()edipal twist in its denouemcnt. ('ineworld. l‘alkirk. Dancer In The Darki Hi .00. tl.ars yon 'l‘ricr. Denmark/8w cden/ (iermany/l-'rance. Ztltitii Bjork. (‘athcrine I)enue\ e. l)a\'id .\lorse. 137 nuns. flay mg founded the [)ogmc school of littck-IU-lmsics lilnunaking. yon 'l‘rier's now turned his hack on it with this digitally -shot homage to the Hollywood musical. Set in otis America. it's the story of(‘/ech immigrant Selma tplay ed hy liiork. w hose e\traordinary performance takes naturalism to its c\tremei. a single mother w hose only escape frotn her dreary factory work life are her daydreams which transport her into a Hollywood-style musical. As with Breaking The Hines. the drama reyolyes