Film index

John Hannah dons chops to play Romantic poet William Wordsworth in Pandaemonium

Suspicious River ( I8) 000 (1.} lillL' Stopkext'ich. ('anada. 2001 ) Moll) l’arkcr. ('allum Keith Rennie. 92 minx. 'l‘rappcd in a lovclcxx marriage. Parker’x )oung motcl rcceptionixt )‘L‘zirltx it) Icai L‘ her rcmotc (‘anadian hometown. To raixc limdx xlic xcllx .xexual xcr\ iccx to cuxtomcrx li'om work. which ix how .xhc encounterx and tallx in lo\‘c with the \ iolcnt di‘ii‘ler Gar} (Rennie). A trouhling. opaque \tork. Sits/intuit.) Rii't'r ix lcxx conccrncd \\ ith depicting the xcxually maxochixtic actx ol' ilx protagonixt than in come} ing the xtale-oll mind of a woman nunihed h)‘ childhood trauma. Parker dcli\'ct'.x a dcliheratcl} .x'omnamhulixtic performance. althougli thc lilm'x hlcak detachment militatex agaian the \‘iewer’x emotional engagement Willi the material. l'(i('. (ilaxgotx; l'ilmhouxc. lidinhurgh.

Swordfish ( 15) .0 (Dominic Sena. [78. 200] ) John 'l’i‘atolta. Hugh lackman. lialle Berry. 99 minx. ()pening u ith a magnificent exploxion which occurx during a hank robbery and FBI xiege. Smut/IN) llaxhcx hack in lime to tell tix ho“ maltcrx came to a terminal head. (’riminal maxtermind (iahriel Shear ('l'raxolta) hircx top computer hacker Stanlc) Johxon (Jackman) to help him xteal hillionx ol dollarx from the Drug Enforcement Agency’x money-laundering xchcmc. Herr} playx Shear'x partner (iingcr. a role that naturally callx for her to 1‘c111o\'c her hikini top in a laughath gratuitoux xceiie. l'ltimatel)‘. juxt another hig. hraxx} and pointlexx ‘actioner' l'i'om lloll) \tood mogul Joel Silver and hired-hand director Sena. Selected relcaxe.

Taxi 2 ( l5) .0 ((ierard Kra“ c/} k. France. 2001) Sam} Naccri. 82 niinx. l.uc Bexxon returnx ax writer and producer 1m- tlie xecond inxtalinent ol' liix action coined} xeriex. Daniel (\accri) ix xtill dri\ ing hix cah. which hax more gadgetx than the average Bond car. and ix embroiled in


Falkirk Town Hall

Tues 25th September The Dish (12) CUPPA 77 :00am and at 7:30pm

Thurs 27 th September Princess and

the Warrior (1 5) 7:30pm Tues 2nd October

Croupier (15) 7:30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

36 THE LIST 20 Sui) .: ()(,’. 7(1))

international cxpionagc uhilc 11‘}iiig to imprcxx hix girll'ricnd‘x latlici'. lllt‘i't' arc humhling copx. kimg l'u niniax. a .lapancxc amhaxxadoi' to rcxcuc and loadx and loadx ol car chaxcx along the 0.1}. The conicd} 1x ol llit‘ \l;1p\llc‘k \;:1'1L‘l} and il\ L‘ltlltllxltticxx docxii't xil caxil} “till the morc xc\ual content and \ciiophohic rclci'cnccx. .-\n L‘\lL‘litlt‘tl c111” clttlxt‘ t'llllictl 0) had 'ltil'xt‘N tilltl a \\ cak xlor}. ('amco. lidinhurgh.

Tears Of The Black Tiger (Fa Talai Jone) t l5) 0... (\Viin Saxaiialictig. 'l‘aiuan. 200])81clla .\la|ucchi.('liartchai .\'gamxan. I000 minx. 'l'liix gorgeoux "I'hai \icxlcrii'clc\c1'l} pill'tttlicx .l()l111 l'Itil‘tl and Sergio l.cone. \xhilc drau mg on 'lhai niclodi'amax from the 50x and 00x, 'I‘hc pacing. |io\\ c\ci'. ix ax d} namic ax a John “'00 hullct lMtllt‘l. l.llxc\\ l\L'. llic \ltit'} c\1)lxt‘\ 'l’hai cincma’x paxt. hut hlcntlx the traditional tale ol Rumpoc} and l)um‘x impoxxihlc lo\ c (licr lathcr‘x the local gmcrnor: l)um‘xa|1cr cgo ix Black 'l'igcr. top gunman ot the handit chicl. liai) u ith modcru c_\ nicixm and c.\ixtential angxt. li\uhcranl. camp and tltoroughl}. \xondcrl'ull} hi/arrc. 'l'hc rcxui‘gcncc oi 'l'hai ciiicma xtai'lx hci‘c. l'( i( '. (ilttxgt)\\1li(i(..litllltl‘llt'glt.

The Terminator( 18)OOOOO(1.imcx ('ameron. [8. WM) Arnold Sch“ar/cneggcr. Michael Bichn. Hamilton. I07 niinx. In 2020 machincx l1a\ c all hut conquered the planet hut a xa\ ioiir ix at hand in the form (it a ncxx human leader. The machincx rcxpond h} xcnding Sch“ar/ciicggcnx c_\horg hack in timc lo 198-1 on a mixxion to kill the 101101“ lcadci"x mother. ln\ciiti\ c. L‘\Clllti}_‘l} paced xciciicc liction atl\c111111‘c xx ill) a notahlc l‘ei‘ior'riuiiicc lrom Arnie in liix lirxt

\ illainotix rolc. liilmhouxc. lidmhurgh. Thrill Ride tl’(i) ( lien Slaxxcii. l'S. 200l) :\111l\ol computer gi'apliicx and |i\ c action. pi‘o\ iding a xcicnlilic. hut 1111) look at the liixtor) ol' ridcx. li'om their car!) origmx m l7ll1ccntur} Riixxia 101o1l;i}'x ridc ximulatorx. l.\l./\.\ 'l‘heatrc. (il;l\§-'1)\\. Tigerland l l8) 0.. l.l()t‘l Schumachcr. [8. 200] ) ('olin ()‘l'at'rcll. .\lattl1c\\ l)a\1x. Slica \Vliigham. l00 nimx. Although 'li'et'r/mn/ lakcx placc cnln'cl} in l.ouixiana in the earl} ."0x. the xpccli'c ol thc Vietnam War pcrmcatcx c\c1'} l1‘aiiic.\'otirig American arm) i‘ccrinlx arc hcing put through the rigouron training. hcloi'c hcmg xhippcd oil to South l'.ax1.v\x1a. ()1) paradc here are a pi‘cdictahlc collcclion ol “at

111m ic t_\pcx: idcalixtic \oliuitccr. xadixlic xci'gcaiit. hloodthii'xl} px_\c|iopalli. li'cc xpii'ilcd i'chcl. l)cxpitc iiiiiciiiai‘kahlc xtor}tclliiig. lrixli acloi‘ ( )'l-.ii'rcll. \\ ill) a lilaix lcxx ’l'c\an accciil. xtill pi‘otliiccx an L‘lllti);ll)l_\ chai'ixiiialic. xtai' making turn ax the anti ~l1cro \\ ho cliallcngcx mililai} aiillioi‘il). l'('l. latlmhurgli,

Together) 15).... (Iiikax .\l()()tl}xx()11.S\\ctlc11. 2001))l.1xil.iiidgicn. (itixtal llamiiiaixtcn. Sam chxcl, [00 minx. Set 111 the mid 70x.\lo1nl}xxoii'xiollou up to thc highl} rach Slum .l/t‘ [Jill gncx a gentle. comic dig m the i'il)x to llic hipp}

ideal. \thn lilixahclh (l.indgren) and her children take i'clugc from a \ iolciil huxhand u itli her placid hrother ( ioran (llammarxtcn) at liix commune. namcd 'I'ogelhcr. their lil'cxt} lcx arc not ll1c1111l_\ oncx that cud up hcing rcaxxcxxcd. lmporlaiitl}. thc liliii cxchctx x hoth noxtalgia tor the pcriod and niockci'} til it. dcxpitc the retro xotindli'ack (.v\hha. iialurall} ) and emhari'axxiiig contemporar} clothing. (‘amco. lidinhurgh. O 2001: A Space Odyssey (t') .0000181anlc} Kuhrick. l'lx'. 1008) Keir [)11llca. (iar} l.ock\\ard. Leonard Roxxitcr. 13‘) minx. Rc—rclcaxc (\1 ith tic“ \\ idcxcreen 70mm print) of the greatcxt xci-li lilm of all time. 33 _\carx after it \xax made. in the .\ear it \xax xcl. lx'uhrick'x gloriotixl} grand archi- 1cc1111'c xccx prchixtoric apex tiiiiclincd into a xpacc hallct lt‘ullll'lll“: a lunar cral'l docking to the xound oi Sli‘aiixx. 'l‘liix prcligurex an cucudcd drama aboard a xpacccral't hound l'or .lupitcr in\o|\ ing a murdcroux :\l com- putci‘ and the giant cmhr)o o) a xpacc child xigml}mg \xhat'.’ 'l‘hc nc\t xlcp in human ctolution'.‘ .'\n opaquc maxtci'picce that xug-- gcxlx xo much. _\ct c\plainx xo little. Which 1x uh} it'x a limclcxx claxxic. l’ilmhouxc. l'dinhurgh.

What’s Cooking 1 l8) .0.

l(illl'llitlL‘l' (‘hadha. [5. 2001 ).'\ll'1‘c Woodard. .\lercedcx Ruchl. .loan ('hcn. I09 minx. 'lhankxgn ing hax long been di'car} dramatic l’oddcr l'oi‘ American lilmmakcrx hut .-\xian-l{ngl1xh director (‘hadha (Ii/uni ()n HI" [Mic/i) gi\cx thc xiihicct a much-- lit‘ctlctl kick up lllL' lNlClx\ltlL‘ \\ itlt llt‘l‘ oulxidci”x pcrxpcctiw on the xccular l'cxti\al. 'l‘lic multicultural ixxucx c\p|orcd iii ('hatlha'x dchul l'caturc arc alxo in

c\ idciicc in thix \tai'iii comcd} drama. which l’ociixcx on tour clliiiicall) dixparalc l.t)\ ,\iigclcx laiiiilicx. (‘liadha and co \\ titer (and xpouxc) l’aul .\la} cda Bcrgcx xhill lluidl) l'rom one month \xatci'ing dinncr table to another. 1111\ing the political and pcrxoiial in a \\a_\ i'ciiiinixccnt of John

3;!) lL'\. St'lcclt‘tl t’clt‘;1\c.

Women’s Support Project( 18) (2001) I20 ltllll‘- approx .»\nnual ex c111 tliix )cai' marking the Scplcmhcr .\lonth ()l’ .’\\'llt)ll 1o t'aixc.i\\;11'c11cxxalioul child xcxual ahiixc. lnlcudcx crccniiig. audience dixcuxxion and dchatc \\ ith indiixtr) prol'cxxioiialx. (ii-"l. (ilaxgtm.

Women Talking Dirty( 15)..

t('t)l\v\ (ilt‘tlt‘t)_\ c‘_ llllll ) (illltt \lL‘Kt‘C. llclcna Bonliam ('ai‘lci‘. .lamcx l’urcl'i‘}. 97 mmx. l)on'1 he mixch 1)} llic titlc: lhix ixn't tt [)l‘tntit‘nllu‘ t‘\[)1)\c til I‘llilllk"\t‘\ \\1tl'lxt‘l'\. hut a pcdcxti'ian ‘lcmalc tricndxhip' coined}. lullcn lecch) ix a xh_\ cartoonixl. \\ ho iiiarricx .1 charming )cl duplicitoux complilxix c gaiiihlci' ( l’urcli‘} ). ('oi'a

(('.irtci ) ix l1c1'c\l1'o\c1'l hcxt pal. “hit it indx 11p ax .i xinglc mothcr altcr heing dumpcd h} licrl5icncl1ho}!i‘iciid. l'.\cculi\c produced Ii} l‘.llt)11.l()l111.tllt’t‘t'lttl ('ok) (iicdi'o) c'x lollo“ up to Sir/In Hum I)“ Ax ix pi'ccixcl) the wit ol mxulixlanlial and unamhitioiix \\t)l'lx “lilt'll gncx liiitixh cmcma a had littlllt'. Xt‘t' l't‘\ lt‘\\. St'lt't‘lt‘tl l‘t'lt'tht'.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

ABC, Muirend: Glasgow

380 (‘larkxton Road. Muirend. ()l-ll 033 2123. Info: 0141 037 204). £3.95. Student/(‘hild/OAP: £2.75.


A Knight’s Tale (11(1) 0.00. Heanhreakeis ( 15) 7.45.

Moulln Rouge ( 12) 5.35. 8.25. Planet Of The Apes ( 12) 7.30.

Scary Movie 2(18) 0.00.

The Fast And The Furious ( 15) (i. I 5. 8.45.


AKnlght’s Tale (P0) Matinee liri Mon: l2.25. A.|. ( 12)

l)ail_\: 0.00. 8.45. :\lxoinatincel5ri Mon: 2.30.

Cats And Dogs (P0) Matinee l‘ri Mon: l2.20. Dr Dollttle 2 (1’0)

Matinee l‘ri .\lon: noon. Moulln Bouge112)

l)ail_\': 5.35. 8.25.

;\l.xo matinee l’ri Mon: 2.15. The Fast And The FuriousHS) Daily: 0.l0. 8.35.

Also matinee l‘ll‘i Mon: 3.l0.


Programme likely to he similar to the pl'L‘\‘i()ll.\ week. l’lionc 014l 037 2041 for detailx and timex.

Blackfriars: Glasgow

30 Bell Street. ()l-ll 552 592-1. Free.

TUESDAY 25 SEP Shanghai Noon ( 12) 9.00.

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

5 Lorne Street. lhrox. (ll-ll 41‘) 0722. £5 (£3).


For thix \i'eek'x programme timex. please contact the ci11cmaon0l-ll 41‘) 0722 for detailx.

Glasgow Film Theatre

I: Rose SII'L‘CI. (ll-ll 332 3l28. (’al'e/har. All pcrl‘ormancex hookahle. [1)]. [ii]. lix'eningx: £4.75 (£3.25). Matincex: £3.75 (£2.25). Wed (before 5pm): £3.75 (£1.75). l)ouhle hill £5 (£3.50). l‘amily tun matineex: £2.25.

THURSDAY 20 SEP 1.Moulin Rouge(12) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. (,..“’().

2. GohattO(15) 1.30. 4.1)(). 0.30. 8.45.


1.Moulin Rouge(12) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30.

2. Centre OlTheWorld(18) 7.00. 0.00.

3.00. 5.00.


Mouselluntit’) 12.45.

1.Moulin Rouge(12) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30. 2.Centre01TheWond(18) 7.00. 9.00.

3.00. 5.00.


1. Moulln Rouge ( 12) 1.00. 8.30.

2. Centre OtTheWorld ( l8) 7.00. 0.00.

3.30. 0.00.

3.00. 5.00.