Theatre listings

Glasgow Drama continued


NC“ Slrccl. (SS7 llllll. Ill. “If. \\'.'\I Amnesia - Part 1 Of The Exeunt Trilogy America \Vcd 3 ()cl. 730an L7 (£3.50). 1 I57 l’crlormancc (iroup lilcndx ph} \ical lhcalrc. film. \land-up and imprm ixalion lo qucslion \\ lial dri\c\ a ncrxon lo murdcr. ('onlainx \irong language. Dead Dad Dog Thu 4 & Hi 5 ()cl. 8pm. to (£4). (’rucial 'l‘licalrc pcrl'ormx [his comic talc wt in I‘)S()\ (ilaxgou, lll‘xl produccd al lidinliurgli'x 'I'raxcrsc 'l‘licalrc.

The Song From The Sea Sal 3?. Scp. lpm. [-1 (£2.50). Scc Ki(l\ listing» Treasure Island Sal 2‘) Scp. l lam ck 2pm. £41[2.5()i. Scc Kltlx llxllllgx.


|2l chlicld Slrccl. 332 [846. ll’. \\'('. \\'.'\| Mourning Mrs Brown l'nnl Sun .‘~o Scp (nol Mon). Inc Sun 7.30pm.

U0 U5. Brcndan ()'('arro|l l'ollous up lll\ lmgc \llcccxs \\ llll .lll‘x BI'UH'II '\ l.u.x/ Hit/(ling \\ ilh llic \ccond in lll\ propoth lrilog) ol' ‘lirou n\‘ play. This limc around. .\lamm_\"\ planning a luncral onl) ll'Ulll‘lL‘ ix. liohod) '\ dcad )c‘l. Patsy Cline - Music and Memories luv 2 ()cl. 7.30pm. U l (Lllll. 'l’lic \lor} olcounlr} lcgcnd l’ah} ('Iinc combining lilnclcxx lllllxlc and l'ond mcmoricx.


()8 Ingram Slrccl. 552 348‘). ll’. \\'(‘. \\'.r\. \\'.'\.'\|

Hamlet Thu 27 Scp Sal () ()cl (not Sim). 7.30pm. £5 £8 (£2 £4). Slralhclylc 'l‘licalrc (iroup prcxcnlx il'x npcrimcnlal \crxion ol' Sli;ikc\pc;ii‘c\ claxxic. Scl in an agc ol' \urwillancc. )oung llamlcl knou \ that \pic\ arc all around and nothing i\ ;I\ it \ccmx.


332 llopc Slrccl. .552 9000, Ill. \\‘(.. \\‘.-\| The Mystery of Charles Dickens luv 2 Sal 0 ()cl. 7.l5pm (Sal

mat 2.l5pmi. £5 U750. Dickens‘ hiographcr l’clcr .v\ckro_\d\ \\ ill) ncu pla) ahoul llic pcoplc. placcs and characlcrx \\ liicli pcppcrcd lhc grcal aullior'x lilc. l’alrick (iarland dircclx and Simon (’allow \lar\ a\ Ihc cpon) mom \c'l'llk‘. SL‘L‘ prc\ ic“.


(i5 'l‘rongalc. 5.52 4207.

Our Bad Magnet Inc 25 Sal 2‘) Scp. Spill. £7.50 [l0 1 £5.50 £5.50). 'lilic hordcr hcmccn lanlax) and rcalil} incrgc in |)ougla\ .\la.\\\ cll‘x acclaimcd pla) ahoul grmxing up in \mall-[mxn Scotland. l-'our mcn gcl logcllicr l'or an uncoml'orlahlc rcunion ax lllllg-ltll'gtlllt‘ll cwnlx come back lo haunt lllclll. Cabaret Sauvignon Sun 30 Scp. 7.30pm. £5 (U). .\n cclcclic mi\ ol' drama and muxic.

In The Solitude Of The Cotton Fields \Vcd 3 Sat (i (M. Spin.

[3.50 £ 10. .v\'l"(‘ 'I‘hcalrc lakc on l‘rcnch tll';llll;lll\l Kollcx dark llu'illcr. dcxcrilicd a\ an urban Hui/[nu l-m' (I‘m/u! l'or llic

2 l \l ccnlur}. Scc pm ic“.

Glasgow Dance .


.28: llopc Slrccl. .553 “(ll)” lH~ “(2 \x'..\|

Scottish Ballet Thu 27 Sal 2‘) Scp. 7.15pm (Sal mal 2.l5pmi. £3.50 £17.50. .\ quarlcl ol‘ oldicx hut goodicw l'rom SL‘Ulll\ll Ballcl. l'caluring Rolicrl Norlli'x [Mu/I um/ I/It’ .l/un/cn and 'l'rm (iunu' and llanx Van .\lancn\ In and ()HI and .Stll‘t‘uxmv SL‘L‘ prc\ ic\\.


25 Allicrl Min: 28," 3000. ll’. ll. \\’('. \\'.-\|

confession time. that cool and immature feeling of total honesty l-‘ri 28 (g Sal 2‘) Scp. 8pm. is 19.4). li\pcrimcnlal dancc compan} /.cro Vixiliilil) (’orpioinx lol'cc\ \\ illi undcrgrouml clcclronica \pcciali\l\

:/o\ icl lrancc Io c\plorc idcax ol L‘Ulllc\\ioll\ and llc\.

A memorable performance of amnesia, Paisley Arts Centre

Edinburgh Drama


l.aduw|l \Va}. .\lll\\c‘ll\lll'j_'ll. («)5 2240. Il’. ll. ll. \\'(’. \\'.'\I

Come On Feel The Noise! 'l‘hu 3i) Scp Sal (\ ()cl (not Suni. 7.30pm. £0.50 it‘l £4.50i. Brunton ’l‘licalrc ('ompam rcli\c\ llic wmalional \olllid\ ol lllc Tllx

in llll\ ncu lllll\lL';ll comcd}.


l5 2‘) \icolxon Slrccl. 52‘) (\l ll ll). Ill. \\‘('. \\'.v\|

Palladium Nights Sun fin Scp. 7.30pm. U0 [H (U U l l. .\ \aricl} c\Ii‘a\agan/a all lllc \\a} lion) Blackpool. \\ llll l)ann_\ l.a Ruc. Siu l’rancix and

Theatre Guide

Arches Citizens Main Citizens Circle Cottier Theatre Gilmorehill King’s

Paisley Arts Pavilion Ramshorn Theatre Royal

Tiamway Tron

3 o o I!) < -l a

Thursday 20 NC“ \Volk Sc‘axoll llllll‘ \\ l llt‘ l'.l) \ IR l\


()li' \\ ha \ \mu

\loliining \li \ Hit-v. in

Friday 21 \c’“ \Vullc Sunni] limo .\ llic l’.:_\\ in k


()li' \\ ll.:l \ \i;'lil

Saturday 22

\c\\ “i u l\ Scam ill


()li' \\ lial \ \lj,‘lll

Sunday 23

limo ‘\ lli-c “chm k

\li l’clch' ('onnctlionx \li l’clch‘ ('onnc‘lionx \li l‘clch' ('onncclionx

Song l‘lUlll llic Sca

\louininj: \ll\ lliou n

\loiumnfs \ll\ Hit-u n

.\lomnm;- \ll\ liioun

Monday 24

()li' \\ \ \ij.'lil

Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26

limo .\ llic l’ay m l\ limo ‘\ llic l’.i_\\ in k

lunlhlull l'.llllllllll

()li' \\ ll.:l .\ \1;'lil ()li' \\ l1.ll \ \i;'lil

\loiiinmg' \ll\li1\\\|.ll \loinninj.‘ \ll\ “toxin

()m Had \lat'licl

()m Hail \l.i;'licl

Brunton Festival Theatre King’s Playhouse Royal Lyceum Th Workshop Traverse 1 Traverse 2


(ilcllf..'.rll_\ (ilcn Rn“

(‘omc ()n l'ccl llu- \‘oixc' (‘omc ( )n l'ccl llic \oiw' ('omc ( )n l ccl l'lic Noixcl

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(illaxlliy' \Ilffclx

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'llic \\ lln'l\ ( )n lllc lllh llk' \\ lk'cl\( )n “W liux

(ilcngaiu (ilcn RU\\ (ilcngauy (ilcll Row

62 THE LIST. f;-:. -'- (1'1.