Drama is listed by city, then

alphabetically by venue. Dance is listed after drama for each city. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication.

Drama & dance listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


\\i.'\ = \thclchait‘ :\CL‘L‘\\1 l) = l’ttt‘htllg l‘aciliticx; \\'(' = Adaptctl 'l’oilcttxl. TICKETLINK

'l‘ickctx lor major \cnucx in (ilaxgon arc ttHIlldNL‘ ll'UIII lltc‘ 'l'IL‘le'l (.L‘llll't‘. (‘andlcriggx .\lon Sat ltlfitlam (v.3(lptit: Stiii noon 5pm iti [K‘I‘Stllt or tiiitil 9pm h} plionc on ()Hl 3ST 55l I. An} 'l‘iclxctliult ho\ till-ICC t‘tttt \cll llL‘hL‘lS l‘tIl' Ulllt‘l' \L‘IIIIL‘S. THEATRE TOKENS

'l"'l‘ indicatcs \cnucx \\ hct‘c ’l‘licatrc 'l'oltcnx can l‘L‘ L'\L'llilll:_‘k'tl lot“ llc‘le‘IS. 'linlxctlx can hc bought Irom tltc 'l‘icltct ('cntrc. (‘andlcriggx (ilaxgou. (ll-ll 3S7 59H); “10% lit'anchcx ot' \\'.ll. Stnith. .lohn .\lcn/ic\ and Jamcx 'l'hin Boiiltxcllci'x: or b) crcdit cai'd lroni 'l‘oltcnlinc. lll 7| 340 SS0”.

Glasgow Drama


353 .'\l'f_'_\ lc Sti'cct. (Will 033 (Will. |\\‘('. \\'.-\|

The Playboy Of The Western World lit 13 Sat 37 ()ct ino pci'l' Mon 33 ()ct i. 7.30pm. L'S HA I. .-\iid} .»\rnold tlircctx tlic .'\I'L‘llc‘\ 'l‘hcati‘c ('otnpan} in J..\l.

S} nch talc ol a )otmg. tinmarricd “oincn u itli dcsigus on a man \\ ho killcd his lathcr. Scc pt’c\ icix.


ll‘) (iorhals Strcct. 43‘) 0033. ll’. ll. ll. \\'( '. \\';\l

Losing Alec I'ntil Sat () ()ct. 7.3tipiti.

‘4 ll) ltd). (ilaxgon pla_\\\i'ig_'ht l’clci‘ x\l‘|it)ll i‘cuorltx llI\ IUSS pla) t‘oi' llll\ ncu production h} (‘umhcrnauld 'llicatrc (‘oinpany \Vltcn ltuxhand. lathcr. c\- \oldth' and socialist :\lc\ .\lacS\\ inc} gctx l'lattcnctl l\_\ a car. ltc t'cl'ttxcx Io lakc it I} in}: do“ n. lnxtcad hc It'a\c|\ hack li'oin tlic gun c to u rcak haxoc on Ihc ll'lL'lltlS and l'L'l;tll\L‘\ lclt hchind.

Faithfull l'ntil Sat (i()ct. 7.30pm. tlt) Iii). t(’ii‘clc Sttidioi. Amanda lllll'\\ it/

\Iat‘S :tx Iltc Itotot‘totIS rock icon in this \Iagc

adaptation ol' .\lat'iannc l‘aiIlil'ull‘x hook.


93 U5 ll§ ndlaud Strccl. ‘l'ickctx l'i'oin

III 355 33(io5 l. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.v\| Insignificance \Vt-tl to Sat l_1()ct. Spin. ‘3" tHi all tickctx {3 on \Vcd ll). Rapttii'c 'l‘hcati'c pi‘cxcnt ‘l‘cri'.\ Johnson's account ol' a liclional inccting.‘ hctnccn \larihn .\loni'oc and .v\ll\crt liinxtt'in. Scc prc\ icn.


U l'ni\cr\it) :ML‘IIUL‘. 330 5533.

Look Back In Anger .\It)tl S ()ct. 7.30pm. £8 it'oi. London (’laxxic 'l'hcatrc (‘oinpatn gncx its takc on John ()xhornc’x passionatc anal} six of class. Sc.\ and l’L‘lllllUIISIllPS.

Not Now Bernard \Vt-tl l7/l'htt ts ()cl. SL‘L‘ KltlS listings”


307 Bath Strcct. 3S7 55l I. Ill. \\'('. WA] Whistle Down the Wind t‘ntil Sat l3 ()ct tnot Stinl. 7.30pm (\Vcd & Sat iiial 3.30pm). £7 £36.50. Baxcd on tltc “L‘lI-hllti“ u liltn. .-\ntlrc\t l.lo}d \Vchhci' and .lim Stcinman‘x \\'c\t lind Musical comcs to Scotland.

Born To Sing Mon lS/l‘tic lo ()ct. 7.30pm. £7.50 £13.50. 'l‘hc uoman “ho brought US .lllt/X and Pitt]; l.c\lc_\ Mackic puts tlic \xoi‘k ol' hoth stars into thc mclting pot lot‘ this ttttlxic‘ttl rc\ tic l‘caturing thc songs and \[Ul'IL‘S ol~ Jud} (iat'lantl antl litlillt l’ial'.

Salon Janette Wed I7 Sat 20 ()ct. 7.30pm. [8 U5. Ilia/i It’uutl'x Mar} Rigganx stars in Stuart 'l‘homax'x popular musical comcd} about Inc in a l‘)(i(l\ (ilaxgtm ltairtli'cxxcrx.


o (iram illc Strcct. 3S7 55l l. Ill. 'l"'l’.

Wt ‘. \mt

Derek Ogilvie: Psychic Night 'l‘liu lS/l‘ri l‘) ()ct. 7.30pm. L‘ll). (‘oltunnixt and pci'l‘orincr ()gilx ic ol'l'ci'x a night ol' px} chic intcraction.


.\'c\\ Strcct. SS7 l(llll. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.'\| Dead Dad Dog 'I‘ltti IS k l‘ri It) ()ct. Spin. to (U l. ('rttcial 'l‘ltcati‘c pcrl'orin llIIS comic Ialc \L‘I itt l‘LSllx (ilaSgtm. Losing Alec 'I‘uc 9 'l‘hti l l ()ct. 7.30pm. [7 H.550). Scc (ilaxgtm. ('iti/cnx' 'l'licatrc.


l3l chlicld Strcct. 333 IS-lo. ll’. \\‘('. \\'.'\|

That’ll Be The Day Iii-i 5 ()ct. 7.5llpnt. t' l 3.5” tt'lll.5lli. 'l‘hc lllthl popular touring: musical \hou iii tltc l'l\' tapparcntl} l. l'cattit'ing hits from Ilic 5tlx. (ills and “llx. Any Extras .\lon S \Vctl lll()ct. 7.30pm. UH. Band} adult coincd} wt in \ct'a\ Massagc l’ai‘lotti'.

Hoots Mon It’s l-logmanay \Vctl

l." Sat 37 ()ct. 7.30pm; \\'cd tk Sat 3pm tk 7.30pm. [S t l 3.50. A touch on thc cai‘l} \ttlL‘. Jolttlll} iiL‘ilIllL‘ llcutlS llIt‘ (ml in l’ati‘ick llat'ltinx‘ comic talc altout lloginana) night at thc Barrax.


lllll RL‘llI-I'L'“ .Sll'L‘L‘l. 353 505”. Ill. \\'(‘. \mt

Savage/Love, The Chairs and Manon/Sandra Wed I." Sat 3n ()ct. 7.10pm: Sat 3.3tlpin tk ".Rllpm. tort-1i. RS.’\.\ll) post graduatcx pi'cxcnt a ti‘iplc hill of challcnging plan l'caturing tlic

(lL‘\ ixcd narratix c of Sam Shepard and Joxcph ('liaikiu'x .S'tii'uuv/lxn't': litigcnc loncxcti'x tragi-comic piccc ’l’lit' (7min and lIlUliUlUgthS l‘rom .\lichacl 'l‘rcmhla) in .lltuuiii/Sandra.


US Ingram Strcct. 553 348‘). ll’. \\'(', WA. \\'.-\.-\|

Hamlet l'ntil Sat (i ()ct. 7.30pm. £5 £8 (£3 U l. Sll‘ttlltc‘l}‘tlc‘ 'l‘licatrc (ii'oup PI'L‘SL‘IIIS its cxpcrimcntal \crsion ot' .Sllztkc‘Spcut‘L"\ classic.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy 'l‘uc ‘) Sat l3 ()ct. Spin. £5 £8 (£3 £4). Douglas Adams' imcrgalactic \pacc opcra makcx it to thc \tagc. CUIII'IL‘S} ol Sti'allicl}dc 'l‘licatrc (irottp. Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll \Vctl l7/l'hti IS ()ct. Spin. £8 (£4). liric Bogoxian‘x satirical look at contcmporar) :\mci'icait \ticlcl) is t‘L‘\\ot‘kctl h} Stratltclylc 'l'hcalrc (irotip.


3S3 llopc Slt‘L‘L‘l. 553 9000. Ill. \\.(3. “Al QThe Mystery of Charles Dickens l'ntil Sat o ()ct. 7.l5pm (Sat itiat 3.l5pml. £5 L'l7.5(). Dickcnx' biog- i‘aphcr l’ctci' Ackroyd‘x \\ itt} nc\\ pla} ahotit thc pcoplc. placcs and cliat'aclcrx

\\ hich pcppci'cd tltc gt'cat author‘s lilc. l’aIrick (iai‘land tlll'L‘L‘lS and Simon ('allou \lill'S as thc cpou} IIIUIIS \c‘l‘lhc.


(i3 'l'i'ongatc. 553 4307.

In The Solitude of the Cotton Fields l'ntil SaI (i ()ct. Spin. £3.50 L'll). .v\'l‘(' 'l‘hcati'c [Ithcx on l‘rcnch dramatist Kollcx‘ tlttt‘lx Iltt‘illct‘. (lL‘SCI'll‘L‘tl tt\ :1 Hit/ling l-iir (I'm/n! l‘oi' thc 3l\t ccnttir). Feast 'l'liii l I Sat 20 ()ct lnoI Sun/Mon). 7.30pm. [7.50 t Hi. .'\n ‘inxtallttttott c\cut' l‘i'om Vanishing Point. during nhicli it imtncrxcx tltc atttlicncc iii tlarkncxx and prcxcntx Ihcm \\ ith l‘ood. drink and imagcr}. ()nl_\ lil'tccu Iiclxctx pcr pci'l'orinancc. Scc pi'c\ icu.

The Sightless 'Iiliti l 1 Sat 3t) ()ct tttol Sun/Mont. Sfillpm. [7.50 I Hi. Vanixhing l’otttI t'c\ tSIIS ilS \tlcc‘L‘SSlIII l‘)‘)t\’ production. a l'c‘\\t)l'l\lllg ol‘ Mactcrlinclx'x unnct'\ in; thi'illct‘ about a group ol pcoplc ttnahlc Io \cc. aliandoncd h} thcir sightctl lcatlcr. l’lca\c uoIc 'I'lit' Sight/mt l\ pcrlormcd in total darknch Scc pt'c\ icn. Say Nothing l-‘ri l3/Sal l3 ()ct. Spin. t'll) t £5.5lli. limit) and \urrcal Musical tlicatrc lroin \ot'tltct‘tt lrcland coinctl} dtio. RItllL‘IllllSlllllS.

Glasgow Dance


‘) l'nixcrxit} .-\\cnuc. 330 5533.

One Crowded Hour Sat l3 ()ct. Spin. to t H l. lidinhtirgh‘x 'l‘ahtila Raxa l)ancc ('ompan}. licadcd h} ('lairc l’cncak. pi'cxcntx llllx ncu multi-tnctlia norlt l'cattiring music h} l’ctcr .\'cl\on and glaxx installations h} Kciko .\ltil\aidc. Scc prc\ icn.


listings Theatre

Come On Feel The Noise The Brunton's delightful piece of popular theatre gives you the chance to pttt on your platforms and boogie. with the Bay City Rollers. Rod Stewart. Sweet and many other nostalgia pieces of the 70s performed live. David Mark Thomson's production takes a familiar plot and simply has fun. See review. Brunton fheatre. Musse/hurgh. until Sat (5 Oct. Scottish Ballet Mixed Programme Crisis seems to have focused the minds of Scottish Ballet. which has produced its best work to date tinder artistic director Robert North in this short programme. As North openly falls out Wllll his administration. a truly entertaining programme of dance is presented. See review. Fest/‘vt'i/ Theatre. Edinhurgh, Thu lt-Sat 13 Oct. then touring. E The Seagull Dundee Hep has a distinguished visitor in Riintis l'tiininas. of the Small ’lhealre Of Vilnius. whose take on Tom . Stoppard's version of Chekhov's (ZlEtSSIC lays the emphasis on love. See- preview. Dundee Rep. Mon 8-

Sat 2/ Oct.

The Mystery 01‘ Charles Dickens Simon Callow presents

his much-admired piece on the life

of Dickens. in \."-/lll(lli he portrays :19 characters. lliere's no reason to assume it won't be as entertaining on this tour as on its original production in 1997. Theatre Rot/at V (3/asgow. unti/ Sat (5 Oct. Rambert the nation's top contemporary dance enseinolc- brings us works both old and new. See review. / est/val theatre. {dilihu/‘gh, Wed 1/ Sat Qt) ()ct.

No Monlthouse. No Brucie. Nolar . "*°"

But have we got variety! How about stand—up comedy, Arabic jazz, naked opera, lots of plays and a Christmas show? All at the Tron this season. Check tron.co.uk for details or call the Box Office on 0141552 4267.

Theatre Bar Restaurant


ll lllElll JllSl BE Yllllll SCENE

4“ j _' THE LIST 57