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it comes no Surprise to learn that Monarch Of The Glen is one of the BBC's most lucrative expons. Indeed. its glorious picture postcard backdrop. complete With purple heather. azure skies and rugged mountains COuld serve as an effective replacement for viSitscotland in this time of declining tourist numbers.

This. fantastically enough. is the third series of the cosy. unoemanding Sunday night drama. though the plot hasn't moved an inch since episode one. Arctie. the young Laird iAlastair Mackenzie; is still struggling to save his crumbling Highland estate from bankruptcy and heartless urban developers. The latest city sophisticate Installed by the bank to run the estate is Stella Moon Alexandra Gilbreathi.

Naturally. Glen'bogle's gallery of grotesque teucl‘ter stt—areotypes Will exert every effort over the next eleven ieleven?l episodes to bully her snto subntissicn and convert her to the noble cause of the downtrodden landed geiitny. lAllan Radcliffe)

DOCUMENTARY BODY SNIPPERS Channel 4, Thu 25 Oct, 10pm 00..

‘Your brothers in town this weekend: Michael Jackson.‘ Just one of the comments from caring family members of people g0ing under

Richard Briers enjoys the Glen’s good life

theory put forward here is that those facing surgery. black and Asian British. are changing their faces to look more western. This notion is vehemently denied.

The Chinese TV presenter who's having surgery to make his eyes wider is srmply doing it to feel 'more confident'. Then there's model, stripper ‘Prince' whose nose jobs and freakish cheek implants are explained as a quest for penecnon.

With surgeons arguing that it's wonderful that all nationalities want to take 'the best' of each other's features. it seems to boil down to two viewpoints. One believes you must have psychological problems to have surgery while others think it's everyone's right to look their best. Either way. there are no obvious answers. (Louisa Pearson)

DOCUMENTARY GOING CRITICAL Channel 4, Tue 23 Oct, 9.30pm on.

Natural and man-made disasters often come

down to one critical moment when. if circumstances had been different. tragedy could have been avoided. Modern aCCident analysis techniques use state of the art computing technology to explore such incidents. and this fascmating and intriguing documentary series uses such technology to examine some of the world‘s worst catastrophes of recent years.

This one deals With events around the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal. India. where in 1984 a malfunction lead to lethal clouds of mm gas being released. killing and injuring countless thousands of local peOple. Using some seriously impresswe computer graphics to reCreate events. the programme is paced iust right. and strikes Just the right balance of human eye-Witness accounts. chemical boffinry and intelligent analy'Sis.

The shocking and disturbing results of negligence aren‘t shirked from. but nor are they laboured. This is a mature and genumely effecting piece of documentary work. iDoug Johnstonei


Design. it seems. is the new quantum physics: everyone wants to be a designer but no one can actually tells you what it means. So thank goodness the BBC is not only around to show us the many processes Of design but. even better. they are taking it to the streets With this first programme dealing With trainers.

So we get to go inside

Going Critical traces the Bhopal tragedy

Pumas design labs igood to see the BBC giVing free advertismig space to global brands. but that's another ston. Born» Bible John is the

(.lesign process .5; proved to be little .'l‘()l'(} than cultural theft. lPaul Dale.

out the stops in Tarantinos third ntovie. Scenes Of Crime

i J/rt'i'wel :3. Thu 2:3 Oct.

as we follow the young “so on stret—at-smart design Top Ten TV: Bitches wizards as they (.tIIOH‘l)! iC/‘mnei’ .1. Sat 20 Oct. to come up v-rith a sort Flo/tr Miss Piggy. Kilt‘ of Sélll‘tll't’ti sneaker: Tale. Anne Robinson hard on the outside. soft and Aiexis Car‘rirtgton Within. scratch and bite thew Cool'lttirffers is actually. way up th s chart. Later With Jools very interesting in a kind Jackie Brown Channel Holland IBBCZ. Fri 26 of 'what lucky bastards -1. So"? 2’ Oct. .‘OLWV Oc‘f. 7 i..’3(),")mi Pulp and they are doing a iob like Pam. Grier. Bob De N:"o Lyte Lovett are aii‘ong that' kind of’ way. but the and San‘ Jackso i pun tonight's guests.

subject of tonight's noir sensationalist. sensitive crime documt-zntary. attachments {BBC2, Tin; 2:3 Oct. ZOpmi The start of a second series

of the dotcoin dr‘aina.


It's ironic that anin‘; tors and t()‘.(3lf$ o‘ ::tt"tt’;tv‘s and con‘c books have a reputation for being nerdy i)(}(i"(}()ll‘ dune: "g pctheads and or nerdy skateboarding potheads. Certairiy the pest EtYT'll‘tl'tth W t3t3l':t)é$ troii‘ Re“ Stimm' to l"./;i.’i't'1ce Arid Groni _' it(t‘.t} beei‘ wrong the west l't'lt)\.{tI:*.'t’}. arttolgent programmes on the box.

The latest anin‘afed corked". '.'-.:'."i "" {‘l" W'a t t 'i.’ s l" ‘3.” ‘1“ Shoat/f tut/Fitch .‘ti‘t'z'.es or: .itii ".ift‘fflt‘ UK fit‘f-i}t:'"f; "gt: :‘t‘m‘tt ..t: orb. do; as o‘ goiigsa’. him. and Lt'lY"ti'.'<fl‘ '1;2s‘.'«.;istri~}~.'.:>t“.io‘.t=i. I'u- sews .i :::>~t>:‘-.)ti.i<:tl:)rt betx'reen tlte UK and (Janina. s We ‘irst 'Y‘fii/a)" ‘.ft> if' .._>rxior"s Peatttr‘ Productions. a new. ti'i 't‘atoit sitido founded t). ters Daxizl l-r'eeiin‘an and Alan Gzlney

Unlike the sitcoi" t:>t""at o‘. say Set/f," f7).th a't'i 7"») S "‘."s(t"s. 7/7" lie,

consists of a loose series of sketches. (Il'ti‘tlt‘ parades tl'Tfl :;-..rr'et.ti

visual gags. Commodity is prouded by M" l-«e... si"t'>ct*‘~tak."g. bee" "g. woii‘anisint‘i. lovx‘i‘e. who bears an tilit‘tl""‘, bl". Beel/ei'xlb. Mr lie 3; velvety “.(,‘l(,‘(} provided by that sn‘octr‘—tal'\!'ig. t)";t"(;e guy/es, Bob l‘vlor‘kltotist’é.

Episode one recounts; M" Hel 's tttv‘ee tia‘. "g‘t. ’13'zi'..‘i‘:3fl.t“.‘.'Tl‘ a l_)especta(‘,ied :iooi'vi‘at ’tLtY'ttL-(i Ai‘r‘. E". nun-.2

pix]. USU” I/‘(l [\/ \iful \.-\I (1- ‘(i §)\I'(r’, . \J 3) L- {3 f). '\)l\{, {v .1 A

t\l\ K?tiirti'\.().(," \, \)(1.\l xii)!" 5} ‘\

gratin; a penttltar‘f for ;;i<:‘:;s‘.'.~>r'<i t:...'."t;~:; .l’“! :1 ....:»\—:v'"‘.g "g goider‘ baby There's aiso {t'l Incl: -t:ertect pant t‘, Scz‘t‘c. .i "ex-.auttia't about Oueeit Vi(:toi':a's 'etat'onsrt i: ‘.'.'tth M" Bros.’ '* t , t' ‘5 l.‘.:)‘.‘.f feel

the knife. The intriguing good? iAElan Rattt:li"'e

118 THE LIST id Oct ‘- Nov 20m