Gohatto i lSi COO i.\'agixa ()xbima. Japan. 1990) Ryuehi .\latxuda. Beat ’lakexhi. lill liilllx. ()xhima'x new lilm recall hix popular earlier workx xii .Vn ('urrii/u and .llerry (’liriyrnim. .llr I.ll\\'l'('ll('('. alxo lilms einphaxixing a hothouxe xexual atmoxphere and L‘liithl ol‘l' xpace. In thix xtudy of a much- dexired young xamurai recruit i.\latxudal in a Japanexe xainurai temple in the lh’otlx. ()xhima conibinex the xexually ripe with the coldly ritualixtic. “here that maxter ol' larger than lil‘e xamurai cinema. the late. great .-\kira Kuroxawa. ol'ten emphaxixcd the realixtic with dillicult on location xhootx. it'x ax it. ()xhima wantx to play up the dreamin mythic with a xlltilio xcl ilcxign xuggcxllttg the whole xamurai world could haye been a wixpy erotic liction. \lacRobet‘t. Stirling. Grand Canyon il’(ii i2tlill l Simulation ride bringing you the lull-blow n wonder ol‘ that really. really big hole in .-\merica. l.\l.-\.\ 'l'lteatre. (ilaxgow. The Grapes Of Wrath ll’(il COO. iJohn l-‘ord. ['S. 1040) Henry lionda. Jane I)arw ell. John (’arradine. 13‘) minx. 'l‘he xtory goex that producer l)aryl l". Xanuck didn‘t beliey C John Steinbcck'x licliitnalixaliitn ol. the plight ol' the poyerty -xtricken ‘()akiex' ithc ()klahoma tarmerx w ho migrated from the duxtbowl to (‘alil‘ornia during the l)ept'exxion yeaer wax baxed on l'acl. Xanuck hired pri\ate C) L‘x lo \L'l'lli} illL‘ L‘\ Unix portrayed in Steinbeck'x noyel xtaryation. abuxe by the \Vext ('oaxt authoritiex and l‘ound he had. it arty thing. play ed down how bad thingx were for the immigrantx. liord'x lilm doex juxticc to both a great literary work and the tragic people it'x baxed upon. lidinburgli l‘ilm (iuild. lidinburgh. Heartbreakers i 1% 0000 tl);t\ ltl .‘ylei'kin. l'S. Illill l Sigourney \Vemer. Jennifer l.o\e llewitt. (ienc llackinan. 133 minx. .\la\ and Page (‘onnerx are a mother- and-daughter team oi con artixtx. .\la\ reelx in a wealthy xucker and getx him to pop the quextion. Soon alter the wedding. the groom ix caught in a compromixing poxition with Page and a lucraliyc annulment l'ollow x. llay ing ilecced Ray l.iotta‘x _\'cw Jcrxey’ chop-xhop ow ncr in thix manner. the pair head l'or Palm Beach. l‘lorida. where they target tobacco billionaire William B ’l‘enxy illackmani. l.ike itx prolagottixtx. I/eiIrI/N'eukery ix both cheerl'ully amoral and charming. cynical and xweet. 'l'he caxt are quite oby iouxly haying a hall and their enthuxiaxm ix delightlully inlcctioux. Selected l'L‘lL‘;t\L‘. Hedwig and the Angry Inch i lSi O... iJohn (‘ameron Mitchell. [8. lellli John ('ameron Mitchell. .\liriam Shor. Stephen ’l‘raxk. ‘Jl minx. In order to excape communixt liaxt (iermany. young llanxel marriex a gay (i.l.. which inyoly ex undergoing a xe\ change operation. lhix ix botched leay ing llanxcl. now llcdwig. with juxt an ‘angry inch'. Jump l’orward a lcw yearx and lledw ig ix touring middlc-America with her punk rock band named alter hix phallic xtump. She'x alxo xtalking i'ormer loy er and muxical protege 'l‘ommy (inoxix. w ho'x xtolen llcdw ig'x xongx and hit the big time. Mitchell. xtar oi the cult rock inuxical. giy ex it hix all once more. directing. writing and acting in 1le liyely and liberating lilm \crxion ol hix xtagc collaboration w ith 'lraxk. ()dcon. (ilaxgow. Help! I’m A Fish iii... llegner. Stelan l‘ieldmark. l)enmark/( iermany/lrcland. 3(0)] l Voiccx ol' Alan Rickman. 'l‘erry Jonex. 'I‘eryl Rothcry. 78 minx. 'l'hix cheerl'ul ol'l'ering inyoly ex three kidx: pcxky l‘ly. liix chet little xixter Stella and their geeky couxin ('huck. Alter xneaking (llll ill the littllxc they come ttct‘itxx it xL‘L‘t‘L‘l tunnel by tlic xea. in which liy ex a prolexxor iyoiccd by Jonexi w ho'x created a lormula to turn humanx into lixh. l.o' and behold our junior herocx arc xoon xw imming with the lixlicx. trying to lind an antidote and doing battle with an ey ll pilot-lixh (\illaillotlx Rickman l. Younger children xhould enjoy it. htit ll' you're looking lor' humour or any real inotncntx ol high drama. you'll be dixappoinled. (icneral releaxe. Himalaya il’( il 0.. iliric Valli. l‘rance/Sw it/erland/l 'K/Ncpal. Zilllili ‘l'liilcn |.hondup. (iurgon Kyap. l.hapka 'l‘xamchoc. lllJ minx. In the high mountainx ol the llimalayax. a y illage preparcx lor the annual


yak caravan to market. lloweyer. the young chieltain hax been killed and the old clan head. rel‘uxes to recognixe the bot-beaded Karma ax hix .xuccexxor. A worthy inxight into the liy ex of a hardy people. the landscape ix breathtakingly shot. and the attention to local detail l‘eels authentic. The plot hax lex.x going for it. being at heart a fairly hackneyed story of an heir to the throne haying to proye he ix worthy of the crown. lidinburgh Film (iuild. lidinburgh.

The Horseman On The Roof i 1m .0. iJean-l’aul Rappeneau. l‘rance. NUS) Juliette Binoche. ()liyier .\lartine/. Jean Yanne. Ht) minx. Rappeneau'x l'ollow -up to ('yruno I)e lie/germ~ lackx the yerye of that modern arthouxe blockbuster. .-\n Italian huxsar eyadex llapshurg agentx and croxxL‘x cholera-rayixhed l‘)tb century l‘rance. meeting up with a beautil‘ul young woman. limotions are reprexxed to the extent that it actually hinderx audience irwolyement. and we‘re left juxt looking at picturex which are .xpectacular. admittedly. Lumiere. lidinburgh. The Hunchback of Notre Dame il’tii 0.. (William l)ieterle. [8. 193‘)! (‘harlex Laughton. Maureen O'Hara. ('edric llardw icke. ll7 minx. Not exactly pin-up material. Laughton woox hix gypxy low in and around the Notre Dame and w inx much audience xy mpathy in the procexx. Sty'lixhly and atmoxpherically' directed. You might not remember ()uaximodo'x name. btrt hix lace ringx a bell. St Bride'x ('entre. lidinburgh. The Hurricane i lSi O. ifx'orman Jew ixon. l'S. lilili)! Den/cl \Vaxhington. John Hannah. l)eborah Kara l'nger. l-lt) minx. An engaging and wholly ()xcar-worthy turn from \Vaxhington ixn't enough to xalyage Jewixon'x contriw'erxial biopic ol the boxer Rubin (‘arterz The lactx oi (’arter‘x triple murder caxe haye been maxxaged into cinematic xhape to the extent that gaping holex mar the lilm‘x narrative. a cowardly tactic that ximplilies and linally dixcreditx itx lIIL‘xxtth about inxtitutionalixcd racixm in America. The nutx and boltx ol the case are gloxxed oy er in l'ayour ol~ a law ning glorification ol (’arter. who ix painted ax a quaxi-mythic martyr xaint. liilmhouxe. lidinburgli.

The Idiots i lh’t 0... Han \ott 'l‘rier. l)enmark/l’rance/ltaly/Netlierlandx/(iermany/ Sweden. 1999) Bodil Jorgenxen. Jenx .-\lbinux. l H minx. ln l.arx \on 'l‘ricr‘x follow up to [freaking 'I'lie llirrei. a bunch of "idiotx‘ run a little bit amok in their Village. get thrown out ol tea-roomx. make whoopee at the xw imming bathx and dixrupt board meetingx. But thexe mixlitx are ax xane ax you or I. with a ximple aim to text xociety ‘x attitudex to the dixahled. .-\ppreciation naturally conquerx enjoyment but The [din/i ix a challenge well worth taking tip. (‘(':\. (ilaxgow.

Intimacy i is) O... tl’alt‘icc ('hereau. l'K/lirancc. 2001 l Kerry l‘ox. .\lark Ry lance. Timothy Spall. llil minx. :\n erect pcnix. cellulite. \ iy id oral xex. regular btit urgent intercourxe in an emotional \acuum between unhappy xtrangerx in a grubby London llat on a dirty carpet. ('bereau'x braye linglixh- language dehtit iadapted l'rom llanil Kurexhi's xliitt‘l xtoriexliauntily llauntx it all. Intimuey ol'l'erx much more than a reaxxuring doxe of my eurixm. .-\ lilm compoxed ol' momentx. it brilliantly turnx the lenx upon ol'ten oyerlooked relationxhipx in middle-age. loomx in on the me ol xe.\ ax a pow erl'ul anaexthetic and capturex the xelli-loathing that olten by ex inxide ol' ltixt. (il‘t)x\ enor. (ilaxgow; l‘('l. lidinburgb.

Jeepers Creepers i Ht .000 i\'icior Saba. i'S. Zilill l (iina l’hilipx. Jtixtin Long. Qt) minx. .leeperi (‘reeperi getx oll to a great xtart: 'l‘rixh il’hilipxi and Harry il.ongi are xixter and brother driy ing home during the xpring break li‘Ulii college. 'l‘hey hayc a frightening encounter with an old yan which runx them till the road. Later they paxx the xame \chicle. now parked bexide an old church. and xee the driy er dumping xoinething w rapped in what appearx to be bloody w bite xheetx down a corrugated iron chute in the ground. Against their bext judgement iand ourxl. they go back to inyextigate. Well-cral'ted xuxpenxe and lean lilmmaking lt'oltt w riter- director Salya: no dixtracting lame lo\ e intcrext. no cley er-xtupid poxtmodern xty lingx. no inexxin' around ie\cept with the audience'x nery exi. See rey iew. (icneral releaxe.

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Mon 29 & Tue 30 October at 7.30pm

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18 0;:th Noy 2001 THE LIST 35