Save The Last Dance t 12> OOO t'l'liomax (’arter. l'S. lelll i Jtilia Stilex. Sean Patrick 'l‘liomax. l 12 minx. The premixe. ax \xe'll recall from dance lilmx like hint/now. ix ximple: [no kidx lrom dixparate hackgrotindx are thrown together h} a common loVe of dance mtixic. In tliix inxtance. recciitl} hereax’ed hallet xttident Sara tStilexi xparkx a claxh ol ctilttirex \xlien xhe enrolx in a predominantly black ('hicago high xchool and nieetx Derek t'l‘honiaxi. a )oung. gifted and black hip hop enthtixiaxt. 'l'o he accepted. Sara muxt learn the to) x of halt} xhak'itig atid Derek. ax \\ e'd expect. ix Hill} too liapp) to help. lt‘x all \er_\ x\\L‘L'l and it )(itt‘l'e xttxceplllile to teen—llickx atid dance mo\ iex. tliix u ill alnioxt certainly leaxe a \xarm l'eelitig iii )(illt' tumm}. ()deon. Kilniat‘iioek.

Scary Movie 2 i l8! 0 tKeeiiaii \Vayanx. IS. 3001 i'l‘im ('tirr}. Jamex \Voodx. 82 minx. In a cinematic environment “here paxtiche. homage. pa} ing trihute tcall it what )ou u illi ix poxitix'ely encouraged. thix ix clear et'idence that the trick ix \et'} much knim ing xx hen to xtop. Selected releaxe.

The Score t l8) 0.. t()/ lirank. l'S. Ztltll l liduard Norton. Marlon Brando, Robert De .\'iro. 133 iiiiiix. (ii\'en xticli a heat) \\ eight caxt. The Score ix xomething ol‘ a dixappoiiitment. 'l‘lie xet tip ix line. He .\'iro'x \eteran tliiel \\anlx to retire from crime to run a Montreal _ia// cltih. Btit long-time l'rieiid and fence. .\la.\ tBrandoi. perxuadex him to team up with .\'orton'x cock}. anihitioux _\ouiig thief to pull on one laxt heixt - the thelt ol a pricelexx xceptrc from .\lontreal'x torti‘exx-like (‘tixtonix llouxe. .\'ortoii gi\ ex the hext and llaxhiext perl'ormaiice. but the film ultimatel} xidex \\ ith the \aluex ol' the older gtiard proi‘exxional. dependable. and iuxt a little dtill. (ieneral releaxe.

A Shot At Glory I IS l 000 tRohet’l lltnall. l'S/l'lx'. Zillll i Rohert l)ti\all. Michael Keaton. All} .\lc('oixt. l 15 minx.

l)ti\all pla_\x (iot'doti .\lcl.e0d. the tiiatiager ol-

a lictitiottx Second l)i\‘ixion football club called Kilnockie. ()xxiier l’eter (‘aiiieron (Keatoni \\;tlllx xuccexx. and ix prepared to bring in (‘eltic'x one-time xtiperxtar xtriker Jackie .\lc()tiillaii tex-Ranger and current tahloid darling .\lc( ~oixti and conxider a [note to Dublin to lurther hix aiinx. lle hax not.

hon e\ er. coiixidered the tou‘ii'x lattatical xtipport haxe or the l'raught hixtory hetueen the manager and hix nen xtriker. .\lc('oixt acqtiitx himxell \\ ell. partl} hecatixe ol~ the oht ioux ximilaritiex hetneeii himxell atid .\lc()uillati. \xhile l)u\all ix ax llllpl'cxleC ax e\‘er. like the team it (leplc‘lx. :l 5/10! .‘l! (HUM \xill iie\ er change the world. hut in thix age of big huxinexx loothall. it’x a tellitig reminder that loothall can he tun. (ieneral releaxe. Show Me Love t l5i 0.. tl,uk'ux \lood} xxon. Sweden. Milli Rehecea l.iljeherg. Alexandra l)ahlxtrom. S‘) minx. A xlight tale ol [no teenage girlx lallitig iii lo\e iii the xiiiall Snedixh to“ n (it Amal.

Mood} xxon‘x liliii conihinex a cinema \erite e}e u itli xonie xtock xituatioiix and characterx. ('reating tetixion and turmoil out ol the rite of paxxage movie getx harder and harder. hut .\lood_\ xxon managex a modicum ol' l'rexhnexx. atid there are enough \ariahlex at work to keep the lilm going for ati engaging hour and a hall. l’(i(' Retil'ren' Street. (ilaxgon. Shrek 1 l i 0.... 4 Andre“ Adaiiixon. Vick) Jetixon. l'S. Zillll i Voicex ()l .\like \l)erx. ('ameron l)ia/. liddie Murphy ()0 minx. Shirk \xill hax e Walt l)ixne} turning in liix cryogenic lree/e tank. 'l'hix trul} xtihterxue animated liliii takex pot xliotx at lair)tale tit}lholog_\. \xhile xiiiglitig otit l'ncle \Vall'x helm ed .Sliui- ll'lttlt'. (illl/(‘IY’HtL

l’tnit ([110. ct al. l'nder the guixe (il a quext to rexctte a priiicexx li'om a dragon undertaken by the epon} moux green ogre (\xhich kidx

it ill l(i\ ei. Sliri'k alxo ruthlexxl) pillagex corporate l)lxlle). \étlll’lxlng itx theme parkx and executi\ ex. And \\ lio'x behind all thix’.’ l’roducer Jellt'e} Kat/enhet‘g ol' l)ixtlc}‘ rixal xttidio l)reaiii\\'orkx. alxo l'ormerl} head of, twp. l)lxtle_\. (ieneral releaxe.

The Smallest Show On Earth it) 0... tBaxil l)eardon. l'K. 105th l’eter Sellerx. Margaret Rtitlierlord. Virginia \chenna. Hl llllltx. And one ol the greatext liomagex to cinema ‘l'liix \xonderlul eccentric coined} xeex a )oung couple inheriting a

No, I wouldn't go down there either, especially not if I'm one of the stars

of the road movie-cum-horror thriller Jeepers Creepers

lleapit cinema. The Bijou. and xtruggling to xa\ c it from cloxtire when a picture palace. 'l’hc (irand. openx around the corner. takitig their htixinexx ana}. ll' )ou made that lilm non, of courxe. _\ou \xould ha\ e to recaxt ’l‘he Braiid ax 'l‘he Bijou and bring in a multiplex. Sad timex. l.timiere. lidinhurgh.

Smiles Of A Summer Night 1 l’(il O... tlngmar Bergman. Sneden. l‘)55i (itiiinar Biornxtrand. lita Dalilheck. l'na Jacohxon. lllS miiix. 'l‘he e\-mixtrexx ol a pro\ iiicial lau}er humpx into her old llatiie alter a number ol )earx and im itex holh him atid liix llL‘“ )otingl \\ dc to her motlicr'x countr} home for a \\ eekend. lilegaiit comed} ol genteel period niannerx. “lilL‘ll although not ol' the genre one axxociatex \\ ith Bergman ix ne\ erthclexx handled \\ ith a good deal of detached \\ it atid xopliixtication. lt “ax. ol courxe. the model l'ot‘ Wood} Allen-x .lIl(1\lllllHlt’l’ Xi'e/it'x Set (ii/malt. l'( i(' Renlrett Street. (ilaxgou.

Snatch l lSi O. l(ill_\ Ritchie. l'K. 200th Brad Pitt. Bcnicio l)el 'l‘orro. Vinnie Joncx. ll): minx. Ritchie inxixtx that Snare/i ix tiol a xcqticl to lock .Slm‘k ."lml lilo Suzuki/1e Barre/y :\lltl lie ix right: it'x practicall} a remake. 'l‘liere‘x the xanie xxxaggering lacetiotixnexx. the xame _lll\L‘llllL‘ olixexxion

u ith tindernorld \‘illainx. and the xame cod- (‘ockiie) acccntx. Ritcliie'x penchant l'or haroque plotting ix alxo iii e\ idence. although Lurk .S‘Ioi'k'x mildl_\ conl'tixing dcnouement \xax cr_\ xtal clear compared to the opening of Smut/i. The acting ix a notch up l'rom the lirxt liliii. nhile xome ol the gagx and xituationx are genuinely t'unn}. ()deon. lidinhtirgh.

Spy Kids ll'l .... lRtilwt'l Rodriguel. [S 200] i Antonio Banderax. .-\lan ('umining. ('arla (itigino. S7 minx. Like an} _\ouiig children. ('arnieti and Jtili (’orte/ harhour hopex ol' madcap adienttire. but unlike moxt children their apparentl} normal pareiitx are top international xtiper-xpiex. When the) ‘re kidnapped ax part iii a daxtardl} plot to tlextt‘o} the world. cooked tip h} kooky niaxtermind liegati liloop t(‘umming I. it l'allx to the children to xax‘e the world. Rite \\ ith lantax). xpecial-ellectx \\ i/ardr} atid high-octane thrillx. S/n Kit/i ix partictilarl} enjoyihle hccatixe it'x the children and not the adultx that ultimatel} xax‘e the da}. Ster ('entur} (‘ineniaz liditihurgh. lidinhurgh; ('inenorld. l‘alk’irk. SW9 1 lSi O. tRichard l’arr}. l'lx'. letll I (ll) niiiix. Set in Bri\ton. SB") ix a drug- addled trip through the li\'ex ol li\'e people

\\ ho lia\ e their dextiniex rolled together h} a paper thin plot that ix a reliaxli ol an) lilm that rchaxhed l’iil/i fiction. The lilm dcl\ ex into the lt\ ex til the ctiltxcietilititlx ct'ttxl). the dodg} dealer and the xocial acli\ ixt. \xhoxe li\ ex all xpin on the axix ol the drug culture and their onii perxonal \anitiex and h_\pocrixiex. l’ai‘r} interxpet‘xex the lilm u itli docuiueiitai’} l'ootage ol the antircapitalixt mat‘cliex \alidating himxelt' ax a director but not ax a xtor}teller. 'l'he xcript. \thich ix loaded \x ith political xoundhitex that iiiixx their target atid iiixtead ricochet around [he \oid created on xcl'eeti h} dodg} acting. (ietict'al releaxe.

The Swamp (La Oiénaga) I I2: GOO tl.ticrecia Martel. :\rgeiilina/Spain. ltltll i .\lct'cedex Moran. (ii'aciela Bol‘gcx. \lat'lili Adieniian. It): miiix. Sixeat dripx lroiii eter}

inch ot celluloid in Martel'x liliii in \\ hicli [\H) lamiliex xtriiggle to xtlt'\ i\ e the .-\rgeiitiiiean heat. ()nc mother. broken and ineffectual “allon x in a drunken log; the other precariouxl} itigglex \Hil'l'x and kidx. Martel hax \\ ithlield a xotindlt‘ack to allow opprexxiw xilencex lo grim. \xhile xltotx til mood} inaction are heatitil'till} lingered upon. Although the pet'xpecti\c ix original. ultimatel} the \ ie\\ er ix lel't ax i'ruxtratingl}

dixetnpou et‘ed ax the characterx in the lilm. Jtixt one true hreatli ol' clean air \xould ll;t\ e heen \xelconie. (il’l‘. (ilaxgotx; l‘ilnihouxe. lidinhurgh.

Swordfish l l5i 0. (Dominic Sena. l'S. liltil I John ‘l‘i'axolta. lltigli Jacknian. llallc Bert}. 9*) niinx. ()pctiitig \x ith a magnilicent e\ploxion \xliich occtirx during a hank rohher} atid l’lll xiege. .Siiort/Iii/i llaxhex hack iii time to tell tix lion matterx came to a terminal head. ('riminal maxtcritiind (iaht‘iel Shear t'l‘raxoltai hircx top computer hacker

index Film

Stanle} Johxoii tJackniani to help him .xteal hillionx ol dollarx from the Drug l'itlltit'c‘Clllelll Agenc} 'x mone} -laundering xcheme. Berry pla_\ x Shear'x partner (linger. a role that natttrall} callx for her to rcmo\e her bikini top in a laughath gratuitoux xcene. l'ltiiiiatel}. jtixt another big. hraxx} atid pointlexx 'actioiicr' l't'om lltill}\\t\titl mogul Joel Silt er and hired-hand director Sena. .\'e\\ l’icttire llotixe. St Andre“ x.

Theatre Of Blood 1 IN 0000 tl)otiglax llickox. l‘lx'. l‘)73i Vincent Price. l)iana Rigg. laii llendr). ll): minx. Macahrc and ol'ten liilarioux blood} xltce ol' ( it'and (itiignol horror in \xhicli l’rice xinkx hix teeth into the role of a px} chotic thexpian \\ ith e\ ident delight. Damned h} l.oiidoii\ theatre criticx. l’rice coiiiniitx xuicide. Later. xomeone idtihf i e.\actx aii an it” re\enge through a xeriex oi elahorate murderx. each haxed on a Shakexpearian atrocit}: the taking of a pound ol tlexh. the eating ol' one'x on n children. etc. .\ grotexqtie gem. ()deon (‘ity (‘entre. (ilaxgmx.

The 39 Steps 1 l’( il 00... i.-\Ii‘retl Hitchcock. 1-K. l‘l‘fil Rohert Donal. Madeleine (’arroll. (iotlli'c) 'l‘eale. tx'l minx. l'ndouhtedl} the hext liliu \erxion of John Btichan‘x no\el. ax Donal ei'adex a xp_\ ring acroxx the length and breadth of the countr_\.

u itli mar\elloux xet piecex iii the London Palladium arid the l‘orth Bridge. llitchcock at hix action-packing peak. l.iitiiiere. lidinhurgh. Togetheri 51.... tl.ttkax .\lood_\ xxoti. S\xedeti. letllli l.ixa l.indgren. (iuxtat llaiiiiiiarxten. Sam Kexxel. ltlti minx. Set iii the mid-70x. Mood} xxon'x t'ollotx -up to the highl} - rated Slum .1141 Low gi\ ex a gentle. comic dig in the rihx to the hipp} ideal. \Vlien lilixaheth (l.indgreni and her children take refuge from a violent htixhaiid \x ith her placid hrother (loran tllammarxteni at hix commune. named 'l'ogether. their lil‘ext) lex are not the otil} onex that etid tip being reaxxexxcd. lmportantl}. the lilm exchexx x hoth noxtalgia lor the period and mocker} til it. dexpite the retro xotindtrack t:\hha. naturall) i arid enilmrraxxing contemporar} clothing. Selected releaxe.

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