Music rock & pop listings

Glasgow Tue 23 continued

I Sarah Harmer, Cooler and Vertigo 101 King lut‘s \Vah \Vah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 537‘). 8.3llpm. £(i plus hooking l'ee. See .\lon

I The Quireboys 'l‘he ('athouse. t'nion Street. 248 (t(\ll(\. 8pm. £9 plus hooking lee. ()\cl'-l4s shim. Old school hcayy rocking l'roin this hand. successl'ul in the early ‘Jlls. \\ ho also spasy ned the \Vildhearts. they split in the inid-Utts hut singer Spike and guitarist (iril’l' hase rcl'orined the group.

0 Trans Am, The Fucking Champs and Eska 'l‘he l3th .\'ote (‘Iuh. ('lyde Street. 243 3 l 7". 8pm. £(i. (‘a\enian rocking lroin t\\o Stateside hands \slio hring the noise. \sith support li'ttnl local noiseniks t-.ska. See pres ie\\. I Los Destructos, Pellet, Dudload and Chester Says the |3th .\'ote (‘al'e. King Street. 55.3 H138 8pm. £2. Rock and indie. I Tiki Island Nice ‘n‘ Slea/y. Saucltiehall Street. 333 W137. ‘lpnt. llauaiian heach party theme night is ith runi cocktails and suitath tropical sounds.

I Glasgow Songwriters Hrunnnonds. \Vcst Regent Street. 333 l842. ‘lpin. l-rce.


I Six By Seven and The Silver Fill the Venue. (Hilton Road. 55" 31)."3. _..5ll[)lll. £thc. l.ondon\ noisy guitars and sa\ophone se\tet team tip \\ ith l'xlinhurgh's premier noisy quintet.

I Dead Men Walking the liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Street. 33.5 250-4. “.3llpni. £ lll. See Sun 2 l.

I Kenny Miller and Gold In Virginia \Vhistlehinkies. 4 (1 South Bridge. 557 5| 14. “pm. l‘ree. (‘lassic rock and hlues nuinhers.

Wednesday 24


I My Vitriol, Seafood and Queen Adreena Queen Margaret l'nion. t'nisersity (iardens. 33‘) 9784. 7.30pm. £8.51) plus hooking lee. ()ser- l4s shim. Bogstandard indie from My Vitriol a Ride litti‘ the 3 l st century. (Is it \\ e needed that. Queen :\dreena are Katie and (‘rispin lrom the once liherating l)ais_\ ('hainsau.

I Eddi Reader :\rta. Walls Street. 552 2|(tl. S()l.l) ()l'l‘. See Tue 23.

I The Hives, Fine Day and Fred King 'l'ut‘s Wait Wait Hut. St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £(i pllts hooking lee. the lli\es are it 8“ edish garage rock coinho \s ho ingratiate themselses l‘urther \\ ith their matching outlits and rock ‘n’ roll haircuts. Which is. (it course. \shat it's all ahout.

I To Rococo Rot & i-sound, Minotaur Shock and Scientific Support Dept Burnt ()ut. (‘ottiei' 'I‘heatre. It} ndland Street. 357 3808. 7.30pm. £0. tickets from the l3th .\'ote (are and hranches ol‘ l-‘opp Records and Missing Records. intriguing instrumental soundscapes lrom (ierman trio To Rococo Rot. \shile Minotaur Shock comhine the lo- and the hi-li. See pres ieys l'or more on the Burnt ()ut l'estiyal.

I Mapstation tilustik. 'l‘he l3(h Note (‘luh. (‘lyde Street. 243 2l77. llpin. £5. Minimalist techno lroin Stelan Schneider ol' lo Rococo Rot in solo guise. l’art ol' Burnt ()ut. See prey ie\\.

I My Legendary Girlfriend, The Electroluvs and The Poppadoms the Residents. the l5lll .\'ote (idle. King Street. 555 “158. 8pm. £5.

I Bipolar and Zeptepi Nice ‘n' Slea/y. Sauchiehalt Street. 33.3 9037. ‘lpin.

I Kingpin l‘isge Beatha. \\'oodlands Road. 5(14 l5‘)(i. ‘lpni. l‘ree.



Wed 31 Jim White (The Arches)*

Mon 12 Slobberbone (The Ferry) Sun 18 Trish Murphy (Tron Theatre) i Sun 25 Dar Williams with Jim Bryson (The Ferry)

Sun 2 Jolene & The Cash Brothers (The Ferry) Wed 5 Sharon Shannon (The Ferry)

Thu 6 Lucy Kaplansky (The Ferry)

Sun 9 Paul Burch (Tron Theatre)

Ticket Centre_0141 287 5511 Tron Theatre_0141 552 4267

*The Arches_0901 022 0300 (calls charged at 25p per min)

56 THE LIST ‘“

y. I a; 3 \


I Acoustic Open Stage ‘t‘he Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 564 I527. 9pm. l'hl'L‘L‘.


I David Essex t‘sher Hall. l.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm. £14 £18.51). See line :3.

I Mydas, Tigermoth and Safe La Belle Angele. littstie's (.lUSL‘. 335 7530. 8pm. £4 £5. Mydas recently supported ()cean (’olour Scene. \\ hile there is pop rock lroin 'l‘igerinoth and indie lrom lidinhurgh's Sale.

I Lee Paterson and Codeine Road \Vliistlehinkies. 4 (1 South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 0pm. l‘ree. Blues. l‘olk' and gospel coyers lrom l’aterson \\ ith hlues. funk and _ia// li'om tuo piece ('odeine Road.


I Future Pilot AKA, Dat Politic and Pedro Burnt ()ut. ('ottier 'I'heatre. Hyndland Street. 357 3808. 7.30pm. £0. Tickets lroin the l3th .\'ote ('ale and hranches ol~ l-‘opp Records and Missing Records. (ilasgoys 's collahoratiy e king Sushil K Dade presents his galasy of sound. \yhich can he anything lrom Indian chants to Scottish lolk to psychedelic soundtracks. See pre\ ie\\ l'or more on Burnt Out.

I The Electric Soft Parade, Cinefilm and Animation King 'I‘ui‘s \\'ah “ah Hut. St Vincent Street. Ill 5279.831)an £5 plus hooking l'ee. Brighton hrothers The lilectric Sol‘t l’arade \\ ith their e\pansi\e pop sound. I James Last (‘lytle x\lltlit()l‘llllll. Sl‘.( '(1 l-‘innieston Quay. 08700404001). £3()/£35 plus hooking ice. the king ol' light entertainment \\ ith his s\\ inging orchestra.

I Empire Windrush, Sleepflower, Shrinking Violet, Eskimo Blonde and Kiness the ('athottse. l'nion Street. 348M106.

7. | 5pm. £3 (adyancel; £3.5(l (door). ()yers l4s sll()\\. Local hand shoys case.

I Luci Baines Band Nice ‘n‘ Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 0637. 0pm. Retro ltltllL‘ sounds.

I Mitch Malloy, Jamie Kyle and Deadline 'l‘he l3th .\'o(e (‘luh. ('Iyde Street. 243 2 t 77. 8pm. £8. :\n eyening (it old school adultorientated rocking.

I Mountain Men Anonymous, Julia 13 and Sam’s Hot Car Lot ’l‘lie I3t|i .\'ote (Kile. King Street. 55.3 |o38. 8pm. £3. Headliners are ('ardil'tl hased instrumental coinho.

I Alex Lowe, Accura and The Fuse l-ury .\lurrys_ .\la\\\ ell Street. III 051 l. 0pm. £3. including entry to post

OPM playtLiquid Room, Edinburgh, Tue 30 Oct; OMU, Glasgow Wed 31 Oct

gig eluh. Natiye Scot [.owe was formerly the singer \\ ith trad indie comho Hurricane .\'o.l hel‘ore guitarist Andy Bell uent oil to join ()asis.

I Full Picture Strays'herry Fields. ()sysald Street. 32] 787]. 7.30pm. £4. including entry to post-gig cluh.

I Larry Butler (ii-and ()Ie ()pry. Paisley Road 'I'oll. 43‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£3 memhers). ('ountry.

I Sticky Fingers Studio One. Byres Road. 342 (15H). 9pm. Free. Rolling Stones trihute hand.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘he Scotia. Stock“ ell Street. 552 8681. 9pm. Free. Popular co\ ers.

I Jam Session Samuel Dow’s. Nitlistlale Road. 423 ()l()7. 8.30pm. Free. I Open Mic 'I‘ehai ()yna. ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. Free.


0 Trans Am, The Fucking Champs and Senator Wee Red Bar. lidinhurgh Art College. Lauriston Place. 32‘) 1442. 8pm. £(i (£5). See Tue 23. See preyieyy.

I Supercoolthing, Jimson Trance, Calvin and Reiser Studio 34. ('alton Road. 558 3758. 7.30pm. £6. Months (it. heats come to their culmination as Studio 24 hosts the linal oi its ‘Battle ()l‘The Bands' contest. The \ ictor l'roin this quartet of acts \yill receiye guest support slots with seyeral touring hands scheduled to come to the cluh in the coming months as well as an acoustic session recorded and hroadcast on Radio l'ioi'tlt.

I The Sundowns, Headlux and The Erratix the Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £3 (£5). .’\ from es memhers ol' llohotalk and Joyriders. I Risingson, Babacool and Odeon Beat Club lleriot-\\'att t'niyersity l'nion. Riccarton. 451 5333. 9pm. l’ree. l'hiteis Risingson headline this student night \\ ith a riotous mix ol indie and dance heats and |)Js keep you going \\ ith an indie llli\ till 2am.

I Peter Michael Rowan and The Beagles \Vhistlehinkies. 4 (v South Bridge. 557 5! 14. 9pm. Free. (‘oyers l'roin the ()()S and 7() from Rowan \\ ith Beatles and liagles tunes from The Beagles.


I Karen Matheson 8. James Grant ()ld l5ruitinarket. :\lhion Street. 287 55l 1. 0.30pm. £l2.5() ( £|().5()t. (‘ollahoration hetyy een the ('apercaillie \ocalist and the l'ornier l.o\ e & Money inaininan \yho treads a more traditional path these day s. l’url (if/fie [he ll'or/tl.