
Drama is listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance is listed after drama for each city. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication.

Drama 8: dance listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


WA = Wheelchair Access: I’ = Parking facilities: W(' : Adapted 'I'oilet( s ). TICKETLINK

'I-ic‘kch for major venues in (iIztxgoW al‘L‘ a\'ailable from the 'I'ick‘et ('entrc. ('andleriggs. .\lon Sat ll)..‘~l)am (i.3llI)iii: Sun noon 5pm in person or tmtil ()pm b} phone on lll4l 287 55) I. An) 'l'icketlink box office cart sell tickets for other \enuex. THEATRE TOKENS

'lvl‘ indicates \‘enuex \\ here Theatre Tokens cart be exchanged for tickets. 'I‘okenx can be bought from the 'l'icket ('entre. ('andleriggx. (ilasgou‘. lll4l 287 59H); most branches of \\'.l I. Smith. John .\len/iex and James 'l'hin Bookxc‘IIL‘t‘xl or b_\ credit card from 'I'okenline. 0| 7| 240 8800.

Glasgow Drama


253 Arger Street. 090) ()22 0300. ]W(‘. WA]

The Playboy Of The Western World ltttil Sat 27 ()ct (not .\I()t122). 7.30pm. £8 (£4). Andy Arnold directs the Arches 'I‘heatre ('ompan_\' in J..\l. Synge'x tale of xex'eral _\oung. unmarried women with tIc‘sigtlx on a man \\ ho I\IIIL‘(I IIIS I'itIItCt'.

Three Women to 1‘) is Sat 20 ()ct. l.I(lpm & 7.30pm. £6 (£4). I)2\‘atheatrecom present this multimedia performance c‘ltc‘lttttptt\\itlg sculpture. \‘ISllilI arts. \otlttd and Me performance tthpit'c‘tI b} Sylria l’lath‘x L‘[)()li}‘tt)()tl\ poem exploring themes of pregnanc). childbirth and motherhood. See pre\ ietx.


Arg) le Street. 287 260‘). II’. W('. WA] Ghost Shirt Stm 21 ()ct. 7.}(lpm. £8.50 (£6.50). 'I‘heatre Il)’ Design combine ltlttsic‘ and \tot')te|ling in [Itix tale of the Sioux \xarrior’x (iIttN Shirt. Which was housed itt (ilasgott for a centur) before being returned to its rightful home in 199‘). Part of the Big [fig II'ur/r/ festiVaI.


550 SatchtiL‘ItaII Street. 552 4900. |\\'(‘. WA]

Show Off Wed 3) ()ct. 8pm. £60.15). (('('A 5 ). l'rsula .\lartine/ presents a cabaret of outrageous beha\ iour. emplo} ing a combination of elements from conjuring. \ideo and striptease.


I I‘) (iorbals Street. 42‘) ()022. II’. II. 'I'Ii. W('. WA]

Mozart’s Nacht Music Wed 34 ()ct Sat 17 .\'o\ (not Sun/Mon). 7.30pm. £10 (£3). ((‘ircle Studio). I‘ree prex iew on Wed 24 Oct. The world premiere of (ierman play“ right Rolf lIochhuth'x pla). focusing on the consequences of .\Io/at't\ death for Ilix pttpiI/Im et' Magdalena and her husband.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Thu 25 ()ct Sat l7 .\'o\ (not Sun/Mon). 7,,l0pm. £ 10 l £3). l-‘ree pre\ iew on Thu 25 Oct. (iilex IIa\ergaI directs the ('iti/enx‘ 'I‘heatre (‘ompam in Shakespeare's magical comedy of love potiom and tttispIac‘c‘tl affections.


‘) l'ni\er\it}' A\enue. 330 5522.

Not Now Bernard l'niil 'l'liu l8 ()ct. Sec KttIx Ii\ltltg\.

Dark Whispers From The Wild Wood Wed 3) ()ct. 7pm ck 9pm. £3 (£2). ()thernorld present an e\ening of (’eltic tales. lllllslc‘ and laughter to coincide W ith IIaIIo“ e'en.


297 Bath Street. 287 55) l. Ill. W('. WA] Salon Janette t'niil Sat 2() ()ct. 7.30pm. £8 £I5.IIiu/1Rou(/\ Mar} Rigganx \lilt'\ in Stuart 'l‘homax's popular muxical coined) about life in a I‘lollx (iI;t\g()\\ Ititit'tIt'exxc‘t'x.

Dean Park’s Search For A Star Tue 30 ()ct Sat 5 .\'o\. 7.30pm. £7.50 £10.50. A host of hopefuls take to the stage as part of Radio (‘l_\de\ competition. accompanied b} music and comedy from Park and his big band.


o (iranx ille Street. 287 55) l. Ill. 'l”l‘. W('. WA]

Anything Goes Mon 22 Sat 27 ()ct. 7.30pm. £8. .\'e\\ production ol’(‘ole I’ol'let'\ popular l‘)3()\ ttltlxic‘tll.


New Street. 887 llllll. Ill. W(‘. WA] Dead Dad Dog Thu )8 & I‘ri 1‘) ()ct. 8pm. £(i (£4). ('rucial Theatre perform lIlix comic tale \et in I‘l8lls (iIing‘llW. Haunted Hi 2() Oct. 7.50pm. £7 (£5.50). 'I‘heatre l’tixion present three short pla} \ celebrating lIallotie'en. including Iidgar Allan I’oe's The NH fillt’ Hr’ul‘l. a ne\\ \mrk b} John l’ielnieier. A (i/iml Sin/"X and a new adaptation of Bt'l't’llf('t’ b_\ Scottish

\\ riter l’eter Lamb.

A Dark River Mon 2‘) ()ct. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). A bride has disturbing dreams in the run tip to her \xedding day in lIlix production from the Ilig I’icture ('ompan}. Illxptt'c‘tI b} l.orca\ B/(NH/ Ila/(line. the performance It‘llllll‘c‘x Indian kathak and Spanixh flamenco dance. along W ith film and an original \core.


I2I RL‘IHiL‘Id Street. 352 I340. II). \\'(‘. WA]

Hoots Mon It’s Hogmanay l'ntiI Sat 27 ()cl (not Sun). 7.30pm (Wed it Sat mat 2pm). £8 £ l 2.50. Johnn} Ileattie heads the cast in Patrick lIarkinx' comic tale of Ilogmanay shenanigans in the (ilasgoix llari'ax.


()8 Ingram Street. 552 348‘). Il’. W('. WA. WAA]

Sex, Drugs, Rock 8. Roll t'niil 'l'liu I8 ()cl. (Spin. £8 (£4). I'il'IL‘ Iiogoxian'x one- man \atire of contemporar} American societ} ix reuorked b_\ Strathchde 'Iheatre (iroup.

Barefoot Boy With Shoes On .\lon 2‘) ()ct Sat 5 .\'o\. 7.30pm. £5 £8 (£2 £4). Strathcl} de 'lheatre (it'ottp pt'c‘xc‘lll the Iiuropean premiere of lid“ in Sanche/\ acclaimed pla_\ about a misunderstood .\'e\\ Yorker \\ ho tries to make a better life for hix unborn \on. I’url or (i/mguiz'.


2 Sttllc‘IliL‘IltlII Street. 355 (SINK). III. “(1 WA]

Hollywood and Broadway - The Musicals Wed 3) ()ct. 7.50pm.

£l4.5() £l8.50. An all-\inging. all-dancing look back lo [he he} (It!) of lllt‘ stage and screen musical. featuring tlllltlllc‘t‘x from (‘u/mn'l. (inn rtItr/ Uri/ls. Smell) ' in I/Ir' Ruin and HM! Sir/e Shirt.


IllI) Renfre“ Slt'c‘c‘l. 552 50.57. III. \\'(‘. WA]

New Directions l'niil Sat 2() ()cl. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £0 (£4). A triple- bill of challenging pla) \ from \ltltIL‘tll\ on the RSAMIM poxtgraduate directing course; featuring Sam Shepard and Joxeph ('haikin‘x Sinner/[Jilin Iiugene Ionexcu'x '/'/I(' (7min and I\\() ttlonologttex from Michael 'I‘retnble}. .Ilunriii/Suiti/ru.

The Philadelphia Story Mon 22 Thu 25 ()ct. 7.30pm. £0 (£4). Stage \ei\i()n of the fabulous Katherine Hepburn film. in

The Seagull Dundee Rep's ensemble company performs splendidly under the direction of up- and coming Lithuanian director Rimas Tuminas in this unorthodox interpretation of Chekhov's classic. A fascinating and entertaining challenge to the theatrical canon. See review. Dundee Rep. until Sat 27 Oct.

Feast 8. The Sightless Matthew Lenton directs Vanishing Point in this unusual event. in which you dine in complete darkness with unknown companions in Feast. and hear a play for voices in similar darkness in The Sightless. An engaging evening. See revrew. Tron Theatre. until Sat 20 Oct.

Blooded Isabel Wright's new play for Boilerhouse promises to combine physical theatre with a ncher-than-usual text. The story of a group of young girls on the brink of adulthood. the play promises challenges to both gender expectations and theatrical convention. See preview. Byre Theatre. St Andrews. Fri 26—Sat 27

which it W L‘aIlIl) (Ii\ol'c‘L‘L‘ itgotlixex o\‘c'l' \\ hich suitor to marr}.


282 Hope Street. 332 9000. I”. W('. WA] Death Of A Salesman 'I‘uc 33 Sat 27 ()ct. 7.15pm ('l'hu mat l..‘\llpm).

£7.50 £l7.5ll. Willi tuent) _\ear\ of touring and man} prexx \llpL‘I'ILIlI\L'\ under their bell. the (‘ompaxx 'l‘heatre ('ompan} are still going \lt‘ollg. Which is more than can be said for Will) l.oman. Arthur Miller's epon} ltllllh salesman. \\ ho'x \till nearing out the shoe leather at ()0. desperate to compete in the modern \Hlt‘IlI. See pre\ ieu. The Pirates of Penzance Mon 29 ()ct Sat 3 .\'o\. 7. l5pin ('l‘hu mat l.3l)pm). £5 £25. Gar} Wilmot and St) Pollard star in llli\ West Iind production of the (iilbert & Sulli\an operetta.


(i3 'I‘rongate. 552 42(i7.

O Feast l'ntil Sat 20 ()ct. 7.30pm. £7.50 (£4). An 'inxtallation exent' from Vanishing Point. during “hich the} immerse the audi- ence in darkness and pl‘c‘xc‘lll them W ith food. drink and imager}. ()nl} lifteen tick- L‘l\ per performance. See re\'ie\\.

OThe Sightless l'ntil Sill 20 ()ct. 8.30pm. £7.50 (£4). Vanishing Point re\ ixit their successful l‘)‘)8 production. a reuork- ing of Maelerlinck'x unner\ ing thriller abotit a group of people unable to see. abandoned b} their sighted leader. Please note The Sig/ille“ is performed in total dal'kllexx. See (U ie\\.

The Ballad Of Crazy Paola Tue 23 (k Wed 24 ()ct. 8pm. £3.50 £7.50 (£4). The teenage Io\ e affair of a hedonixtic drummer and Ili\ muse ix raked o\ er in thix production b) 'l’ra\er\e 'l‘heatre ('ompan). See re\ ie“.

listings Theatre

in ()c: 1 No‘. 1’00) THE LIST 69