
Karen Dunbar Live King's 'l‘lieatre. 3‘)7Batl18(reet.387 55] 1. 7.30pm.

£8 £l4. See Thu 35.

The Stand The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road, 0870 (300 ()055. 8.30pm. £(i (£5). Laid-hack lx’u/ Ihmrt star llattie

lla} ridge. plus Boh Reill}. .lolm (iordon and motormouth eompere \ladimir .\le'l‘a\ islt.


The Stand 'llie Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. ‘lpm. U) l £5). lteland's Ke\ in Ha} es returns to his l'a\ourite stomping ground. and is ioined h} the Rexerend ()hadiah Steppeimolle Ill. 'l'edd} and L‘Ulltlk‘l'c .lilllk‘ \laeka}.


Big And Daft liellshill (‘ultural Centre. John Street. (ll(i‘)8 3o75l5. 8pm. £0 (£4). See pre\ iexs.


Dundee Comedy Club lltL‘ l)():_‘l)otise. l3 Broun Street. 0l383 337080. ‘lpm. £5 (£4 ). Straight—talking Sha/ia Mir/a headlines. \\ ith support lt‘UlIt Sandra .lolmstone and Paul MeNeill.


Karen Dunbar Live King‘s 'l‘lieau-e. 3‘)7Batl18treet.387 55l l. ".3()pm.

£8 £l4. See Hit: 35.

The Lorraine Bowen Experience 'l'ron 'l'heatre. (i3 'lrongate. 553 4367. 8pm. £(i ( £4). Billed as the ‘Kitselt—in-

s} ne (‘asio (Jueetr a mi\ ol high eamp and lmahle tunes \\;tlell in murder as How en pro\ es she can pla} the ke_\hoard \\ ith e\er_\ part ol' her :tttalottt). I’d/“I of (i/tl.\'.utll\fi'

The Stand 'l he Stand. 333 \Voodlands Road.()s7tmootio55.sfitlpiii.Ute-1i. See i‘il‘i 3(1.

Madcap Comedy Club State Bar. l48 Holland Street. 357 5387. 9.30pm. £5 (£4). \ladeap’s host u ith the most. Bill} Bonkers introduees the net‘— popular lrislunan \lieliael Redmond. plus support.

Edinburgh The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 9pm. £7 (£4). See Fri 36.


Big And Daft (‘arnegie llall. liast l’ot‘l.013833l4000. 8pm. £7 (£5 £6). See preview.


Comedy Club llarhour :\t‘ts (‘entre.

l l4 llh llarhour Street. 0l3‘)4 37405‘). 9pm. £5. Regular coined) eluh \sith l'ull line-up to he announeed.

Sunday 28


Skitters The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 ()00 0055. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). .\ lrenetie mix ol’ eharaeters. costume ehatiges. and not l'orgetting a generous helping of gags. just about sums up The Sland's \ll()\\'L‘ll\L‘ sketch shim.


Whose Lunch Is It Anyway? the Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. lpm. l‘ree \\ ith drinks or a meal. See Sun 3|.

Six On Sunday The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 9pm. £3 (£3). (‘ompering honours go to Ben Dare) who introduees Boh Reill}. l-‘rank Quinn and three guests.

Monday 29


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 8.30pm. £ 1. Diamond iii the rough James Ferguson keeps eight eomed) t)e\\'e()tttet's on the straight and narrow hel'ore headliner l-"in .\le.-\rthur.

Tuesday 30


Spencer Brown The l’leasanee. ()(l The l’leasanee. ()50 ‘)l‘)5. 8pm. £(i (£4). This highl) tipped _\oungster im’ites you into his strangel} hi/arre \sorld. Skitters The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). See Sun 38. Hairy Watt Comedy Club lleriol- \Vatt l'ni\ersit} l'nion. Rieearton. 45l 5333. ()pm. £3. l.oeal lad (‘olin Ramone and riotous ranter Vladimir Me'lm ish

San Fran shocker Scott Capurro, The Stand, Glasgow, Thu 1 Nov

join eompere l'rankie Ho} le l’or more

student-l'riendl} hanter.

Reg Anderson’s Big Fun Quiz Night Noble's Bar. .l-la ('onstitution Street. l.eith. 554 3034. 0.30pm. £l to pla)‘. See line 33.

Wednesday 31


The Comic Club l3laeklt'iats. 30 Bell Street. 0707‘) 55()o(l3. 0.30pm. £5 (£4 ). ()l‘llthe-eul'l~ meandering maestro l’ltil Kil} headlines, \\ illt hacking lrom Roli Miller and eompere .lames ('amphell.


Wicked Witches Hallowe’en Special The Stand. 5 York l’laee. 558 7373. 8.30pm. £(x ( £4 ). .\lo\e o\et' l’l'eil'l'er. ('her and Sarandon. .loon Blunt) and Jill l’eaeoek are the ladies iii control and the} 're otit to scare the li\ ing

da} lights otit ol' )ott on this dex ilishl} l'unn} exening.

Reg Anderson’s Big Fun Quiz Night (’al'e Rt)};tl Bistro liar. l7 \Yest Register Street. 5.57 4703. “pm. £l to play. See Tue -3.

Departure Lounge @ PopRokit l’opRokit. 3 l’ieard} Place. 550 4373. 9.30pm. i'iliL'C. SL‘L‘ \Ve‘tl 34.


Glasgi Glasgay Special ~ Scam ‘13—‘L -7

'lillt‘ Sldinl. iithwwi (illll(i()5\ s ltlp- l’t'attt‘isi.m v.1 in N indulges Sx‘UllJlltl's (Ill: ;‘ pro\ lil(‘\ the i“

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Noble Comedy 2 (i()ll\llllill\\‘ \'- ql

‘lptn list" ('ltitsllioo'n" .1)

eotnpcii'l l). .. .' i'

Reg Anderson‘s Lit/7:: llll \lm (

7lll" “(W |'

t‘ltel li'5'i'lt'

and his |\.:.} lltooinlivtti. ll" llUsl l\)('_:' \m‘ ‘l The Stand g x

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l’atket. up mt. (iallai'lic: (‘(


Snatch Club \I‘hililll‘: \{i\. ,. (

l_‘l_5t)it \Ili \

Whatever you’re into, get into


Scotland’s number one guide to comedy