I The Cathouse :11 The (‘:1[hou\e. It)..itlpin 3:1111. {I helore I Ipni; 14—11151 :1l'1e‘1'.\\'e't'l\l}. Roek. grunge. 1nd1e:1nd:1 d:1\h ol' hre:1l\he:11 :1ero\\ three lloorx :11 (iI:1\go\\ \ [op \enue l'or roeket‘x :1nd :1ltern:11eenx.

I Coded :11 \':111I[. I lpm 3:1111t51L311. \Veelxl). .\ rot:1ting ['11\le‘1'11lil),l\ :11'Iili:11ed [11231'd I’reeinet \uppl} houer led g1'11o\e\ :11 the neu el11h. S1e\ e11 .\Ie(‘reer_\ ix :11 the helm. :1nd the pool ol [:1lent ineludex Hill} Kiltie. Bill) Woodx:1nd.\[11:1[1d:1l’i'iee.

I Cross Section :11 [1111- Sohu.

Ittpm $1111.15. I‘) ()et. .\lonthl}. .\en elnh :1iming l11t‘:t\ligl1ll_\ more 111:1[111‘e erond :1\\:1_\ [rom [he 111:1dnexx ol\[1pe1' eluh hell. I)J\ Matthew K :1nd .\Iurr;1_\ Seott \1ill he joined h_\ .limpxter. \erx ing 11p [he he\[ 111 px}e‘he‘de‘lh‘ \oul. \piritu:1l Vi:1//. :1nd \p:1ee} dtih reggne \\ ith lo:1d\ ol modern 1111 1:1// he:1t/.

I Deep End:11.\1l[,1[1_ Ilpm 3:1111. £11. I‘) ()et. .\Ionthl}. I):1n l'rom linghothe 11 ill hepI:1Mng:1Iong\iderexidentxRieh:11d:1nd Indie:1. Ii\pee[ tunked 11p :1nd deep honxe :1nd :111 inluxion ol [1'ih:1l he:11\ pro\ ided eourtex} ol I):1\ e Bernhurd.

I Fresh :11 'l‘he l’olo lounge. llpiii 3:1111. £5.\Veekl). .\liehellepio\ide\;1|oo\e1111\ ol houxe :1nd indie el:1\\1e\ 1l11\‘.11\1:[11‘\. \\I1ile .\nd_\ roelxx the ‘l‘ropln Ix’oom \111h Sllx :1nd ‘)(l\ hitx :11 the [op 34:1) \enue.

I FOOIS Only :11 Big John (iluh.

0pm 3:1111. U1 1inel11dex 11':111\po[‘[1, It) ( )et onl}. R:1_\1nondo :1nd Rodt‘tgue/ pre\ent :1nother \timuluting eoneoetionolI.:11in. Iunk. Iiip hop :1nd houxe g1'oo\e\. liux le:1\e~:11‘)pm Irom liueehtn :1nd eomententl} enough [:1l\e\ 11111 h:1eI\ [here :11 [lie end ol the night. I)on‘[ [orget [o \1e;11' :1 \ili} h:1[.

I Foot Therapy .11 .\[;1~[\;1. .\lonthl}. .\'e\[ due 3 \m \111h I).I(‘o\1no:1nd I’:1triel\ I‘orge.

C9 Funk Room :11 lhe.\['el1e\.

Illuitlpm 3:1111. L'lll, .loming 1’e\11l1‘lll\ .\ndreu I)i\ine:111dSi1non llodge .11'e [he I':1111:1\[ie Sotil I)e‘\[1‘11}1‘1‘\..\ndren :1nd Simon \pin he:1\_\\1 eight lllllh. d:1nee[loor _i:1// :1nd h.1rd l.:1[in to [he \e1'11111\l_\ 11p [or it eron d \xhieh i\ grouing ever} month See llllli\l.

I Gain11t.r\l:1\[\:1. .\lonthl}. \1‘\[1|:1[e‘) NM.

I Gay Jeans;11[In-[11111.[131111111 2:1111. 1‘51t‘.=1.:1111.-1.11.11111\11111111111 1l)1\ me. (iS.v\1\h:1ke\:1nd\111\:1di//}ing l‘nt'l} eoelduil [or modern l111111o\e\1[.1li\t\ :1nd [heir :1d\e111111'o[1\ eo111p:1111on\. Drew eode [\ S'I‘th'llh' dennn.

I GOOdfOOt :11 'lhe R1\e1\11leSoei:1|. Ne\1d:11e 3 .\1“.

OGIObaI Love :11 .\1'eh:1o\. llpm 3:1111. £~tfi51.\\ieekl'\.()112(1()e[.\11pe1'\[:11'l).l Roger S:1nel1e/ \1iII he ripping it 11p .1lon'._' xide rexident l,1\:1 l.1[[le\1ood. S:1nehe/ 1\ one til. the ttltttteh I111'e111o\l hou\e l).l\.1111l hux :1 knuek lor \1hipp1ng [l1ee1'11\‘.1lttilo;t Item) and \1. ill no douht he :1hle [o eneour :1ge the kid\ to get their [red on. See llllllxl.

I Halloween Ball;11'1'111~(1I.1\g1111 Sehool ol .\1'1. I Ipm E1111. L31. 211(11'11111l}, .-\ night 111 li'e:1l\) l1111:1[[dl1'ol1e\. l’1'ep:11‘e[o he \e:11'ed h) l't‘\11l1‘|[l l)_l\ \e1'\ 111g 11p \ome lit‘lgltlllt‘t‘x

I Homegrown :11 .\l:1\k:1. I Ipm Sam. {7. 11) ()et, .\lonthh .\ night de1he:1[ed [o \l111\\e;1\111gll1e\e1'} he\l11l our hotttegt‘mui [:1Ient. Se1\ 111g 11p [he hext 111 houxe :1nd \1I1:1[e\e1' the hell he [eel\ like will he \I:11't}11.leng:1he:1d. lottiedh) the hoplrom I’honie..\le\ llo1'1on:md Ioe.1l hero Niek l’e:1eo1'l\.

I Hustle 8. Bustle .11 Hahn/:1.

(1pm .i:11111l).l\ l1'11111 Ilpin-. l1eehelore IIpni; {5.1111'1'.\\'1-el\I1 l’:1ul'I1':1}nor:111d Stu:11‘[ .\le(':1llum\\e|eo[11e:111e\\ I'\'\[1h‘lll to the lold. 11:1111el_\ ,\..l, l'he eh:1nge ot hne 11p me:1n\ :1el1:111geo[ 11:1111e;111d:1\l1gltl \hilt i1111111\1epol1ey 111111':1111111\1. e\pee[ the hext houxe. g:11':1ge. l\’1\‘li :1nd liip hop. hringing [ogetherthehed111 [l1e11l1ll'1'11l;t\ t‘ltllt [[[ltl lilt' lt'ffit‘llthllll) 11111l1l11~1lSunmglilx :11 li:1h:1/:1. I Life :11 1.111: Illptn ::1111 I tee hetoie 1111d111ght;U:1l[e1'.\\eel.|}..\I11:1ndne\1 hne11p;1[[I11\1‘e\:11nped111ght. Ix'etm .\lelnrlune. lloh .lellr1e\ :1nd ( i1111l11|1 \lillei

[:1ke on the [no rootnx \\i[|1:1\olidl'11nl\. \oul. g:1r:1ge :1nd old \el11111lel11\\1e\ \L'lt‘L'llUll.

I Loose Joints :11 Ihe 13111 .\‘oie (‘Iuh 1do\111\[:1ir\1. lllpm 3:1111.l’1‘ee hel’ore llpm: L31:1l'te1'.\Veelxlyligg) hip hop. [11nl1:1nd [1111 \xiththe l.1111\e‘.lttltll\ l;ttl\ \\ L‘L‘lx Ill. \\1‘Cl\11lll.

I Low Life :11 'I'he .\1'ehe\. .\Ionthl_\. .\L‘\l tittlt‘ 2 .\11\.

OMidi Hi-Fi :11 (il:1\go\\ Sehool ()l ;\r[. I lpin 3:1111. (the. I‘) ()et. .\Iidi lli-li pre\ent :1 night 111 on|_\ [he linext e111 ‘n' puxte hip hop :1\ [he .\iniu lune Solid Steel 'I'our roll\ into [11\\ 11 e:11‘1"\ 111g UK :1nd Strietl} Ix'e\. ll')ou‘1'e :1pe :1ho111 I).I I-ood:111d it'x quirk} 1:1l1e on the hip hop model. .\ou‘ll ee1’[:1inl_\ Io\e ll[1\lo pieeex. See pre\ ie\\ :1nd llitlixt.

I Offset :11 (‘11he. llpm Run. [5. \Veekl}. liphl'ting houxe :1nd l'S g:11':1ge in [he 111:1111 1‘111111‘1e11111'lex} o! the Soleitittxie l\11_\\ (ieoll .\lontlord. (‘ln'ix Il:11'1‘1\:111d he:1d honeho S[e\ 1e 'Sold \liddleton. [e:11uring :1 n1on[hl_\ :1ppe:11‘:111ee[1’om\e1ll l‘errie\ 1|)eep Se11\:1[ion 1.

I Phonic :11 .\d I.1h. l I..i[lpi11 Run. ‘5. 3(1tlet. .\lonthl). (‘)11:1li[} deep hou\e \111h :1l'11nl\} edge pio\ ided h} l’home rexidentx .\l:11'l\. S[e\en :1nd (iot'dott.

GPressure :11 [he .\1'ehex. ‘Ultpm .‘:1111. [IS 111 :1d\:1nee. 3(1()e1, .\lotilhl}. 'Ihe hext hne tip 111 [he \1111‘I1l... e\er77 I)_| Sh:1do\\. 1\ 111:1k111g .111 e\eep[1on:1ll} 1’;11'e :1ppe:1r:1nee :1long\1de (‘ut (‘he1111\[. Silieone Sotil. ("l11'1\11.1n S11111h..lu\[111 Rohertxon. l’.111l(‘.1\\le_\ :1nd S1de\\'1nde1‘. IIK enough [o111:1I1e1ou1'1’e:1n1)our p:111[\77 Sh.1do\1. \ l),l1ng e\e11['\11111\ :11'e :1\ 1':11‘e:1\[he1eeordxI1eeollee1~:1nd(‘111 ('he1111\[ h.1\ onl_\ 111:1de one :1ppe:11’:111ee. \11 [he eh.1nee [o l1e:11 [hexe [\ko \1111l [unkiex pl:1_\111g \tde h} \ide 111 the \:11ne pl:1ee .11 [he \:1111e11111e [\lll'ell} d.111111;1111:1/1n’. See lllllhl.

I Public Spirit .11 Soh:1. I Ipiii R1111. l'reehelore1111d111;'h[; L71 .1Ite1‘. \\eel\l_\. lllx \lueh:11ll :1nd Sh.1[[ 11. 11h .1 \1. Me 1‘.111g111g \eleetion Liking 1111‘1.‘1}[l1111;' ll'111111l1\e'1tli1 hre.1l\\.

I Beds :11 l\)1'1l\. 1 [pm 1.1111 151115111. \\eel\l_\,(‘onnneteml houxe:111dd.11:ee :1nthen1x pio\ ided h} \l:1nl\’on:1ld.

I Reform .11 1.111;; llpiii i.1111.L7Ihe[oie 11111l111_~_'ht; £5.11[.'1_\\.-."nlt \ll eh.111ge .11 lung hee:1u\e loe.1l deep houxe hero l\'u\l11 [\[1o\\ [he 111.1111 111:111. 111:111.1;'111;: [he 1l1‘1'l\\ 111 [he 111.1111 1oon1. lhrough [he hnek. Bernard \lel\'1‘o\'.:1n \.1111ple\111ore I.111l h:1el\ \ihex.

I Sonic Mook Experiment .11 (‘1' \, .\pm I:1[e, (111.15..31111.1111111. l'he l.11111l1'Il|lI_‘.jllI11l111l1ll‘dllt‘ele‘t'llehllllllh l11\‘. 11 \1 11h .l.11\ 1\ ('oelu'r. S1111'11le. I.ul\e \1he1’t .111d 111.1111 more 11111111..

I Submit Reponse .11 [11.- 1 1111\111e ('Iuh 111p\[.111\1. lllpni 1.1111. l'1'ee heloie

I lpni: L51 .1111'1. .711 ( let. I ortnightl}. \111‘.1I e\plo\1on l1o\le1l h_\ 11111\1e lot. 111;: |11111'11:1l1\[\,l:1el\ \lo[[1.1111.111d leott \lel)e1111o[1. \\ell \e1'\e1l.11e1he_\ 111 [he e1111ue11e ol eelee11e.1 x11111'1'11.111‘}11111 e:11\ lorexe1_\[hn1;' [111111:1\.111[ 1lI\e'11ll11’1t[[;,'l1 eleeti‘o [titl‘l1111111\_\ (11h 17:11.1ge punk.

I Tantra .11 'l1:1\l1. lllpin i:1111. £5 1H1. \\eekl_\.l1\:1l.1[[le\.‘.ood.1n1lI:1111'lhon[\on pl:1_\ l pliont houxe[o.1p.1ei1edd:1nee llooi. \\1[l1|)l lx’oheitpl.1_\111;' [11nl\_\ hou\e. 1l1\1‘1t :1nd lnd1e1111oom.‘..

I Test :11 .\l.1\l\.1, llp111 i:1111.t_}\11_'“'1._f(1 ()1'[.\lon[hl_\ I he loMoI~11[eI1e\\1.1eld [hen [111111111'1111\ololl kiltei e eetro .111d [eehno111:1111ghlo[1111111Ile\\delxuteliei) .1I\o [e.11111111g [he nnght) 'I\\.1[eh. l \peet \onie el:1\\11 .11’11l hou\e .111d 111.11‘l1111e .11'111111 [111111 l’)11\e11.1111l (1k .\l:1ehine 1l111.‘. 11\[.111\ .111dx11111e\[111111111;'\1\u.1l\pio\11led

eourtext 111 [he .|.111.111e\e \l:1ppe1\ Illt'lll\\'l\1'\.

I Urban Groove .11 (“[1111 [111111111

I Ipiii R1111. [.»ltt§1.\\eeklj...\ i11:111d11e\1. night .11 Iluddn l1'.1lllIIIl'.' Il11‘l.1le11[\ol l)on1e[11e .\l.11[11[. ‘1‘.l[o 1x \e11on1e1g'el S hou\e :1nd ;_':11.1;'e. deep houxe. d1\eo. \onl. Innl :1111l|.1//.]‘l1[\ll1e111l1l1l.1\l1ol I .1111 .111d .\lio }_'11111\1‘\.

I Velvet Rooms .11 1111- \1-[\.-1 l\’1111111\. Illpni {.1111. [K heloie11111l111;'h[; [.11ttjl1 .1111-1. \\1‘1'l\l_\..l11llll l }1111\\\|ll1\[111111Il1

lx’1kll1l111111\1:111\.pluxR:1}mond l):1['\on \pinning \oe:1I honxe 11p\1:1ir\.

I Zero Zero :11 The [3111 .\‘oie (11111.

I lpm .‘~:1m. l’ree. \\'eeld_\, Bomher :1nd 'I'o\h. \\ Iio hoxted pre\ iou\ ‘I‘hu-nighter 111111111111. pl:1} pre[[_\ 111111‘I1:111}1l1111gthe) ple:1\e. :1dding :td:1\l1olp[1[1l\. regg:1e:1nd eleelt'onieu[olhe1111\11lxoul. lunlxnnd i:1//.

Chan 8: Paity

I Carwash :11 gl. I Ipiii 3:1111131‘431. Weekly .\ night 111' dixeo. lunk :1nd \oul el:1\\ie\. eourtex} ol'lhe (i:11‘:1ge\(ier1‘} I.}1111\.

I Cheesy Pop :11 (311111“ 11‘).\[1'1.

ltlpm 3:1111. LC [LI 1. Studentx :1nd 11p to [our g111‘\l\. \Vk‘t‘hi}. Se\ e11 _\e:11\ on :1nd 1'.1111p:1n[hordeon muelx} minded. \odku— luelled urehinx \[iII lloek to he:11' l).l 'I'o:1\[\ l'.1l:1111\eleetion.;\[‘iotottx e1 ening. 11 ith [he emph:1\1\ on pure 1111:1xl1:1111ed [1111.

I Envy :11 I)e\[in_\.. Illpm 3:1111. £5 hel'ore l Ipm; to :111e1‘. Weekly ’I'hrohhing hot[\e :1e1ion :11 [he eil} eentre 111eg:1 \enue. \\‘e:11' niee \l111L‘\.

I Love Bug :11 Ihe (i:1r:1ge.

Illillpm 3:1111. LVI 1131. \Veeld}. Inxunel) hux} night ol p:1r[_\ [unex[111‘x1111le111\:1111I }1ttllt}!\lt‘l‘\.

I Media :11 .\ledi:1. I lpm 3:1111. £5. \‘1‘1-eI\I_\. .\ledi:1 :1h:111don [heir 111:1in\11'e:1m d:111eepolie} 111 [:1111111'11li"tl\ :1nd :S'tlx el:1\\1e\. \11g1':1l1111111‘\houldeivp:1dded \uit\ :1111lge1 11111l11\\ll.

I The Shack :11 Sh:1e|\.lll..illpm 3:1111. {(1 L711. \\ I1:11e\e1' )11111' h:1g. eh:11'[. d:1nee or part} I).l II:1nl:1n \hould I111 [he \pol \\i[h hix 1111\edh:1gol part) 11p [unex

I Shag :11 I111} .\Iurr}\. Ilpm 3:1111. ‘5 1L1 1, \\eeI\I_\. I)runl:e11p:1r[} tune\ lrom .\l.:rl\ :111d,l:11ne\ (i. ‘No one l’orgetx [heir [11\[Sl1:1g'.1l1e_\ :1xxureux.

I Strawberry Fields :11 S11':1\\he1'1"\ I'1eldx. ‘lpm 3:1111.L‘(1helore llpm: Li“ :1I'1e1'. \\ee'1\l_\..\ p:11‘1_\111p\et [:1Ling 1nd:1neelloor [:1\e\ It'ont [he Mix [11 [he pre\ent d:1}.

listings Clubs

Glasgow Saturdays


I The Corinthian :11 The ('orinthiun. 0pm |:1[e. I-‘ree. \Veekl}. Super l:1id-h:1ek \eleetion [or 11:1II1111 ing in the 111:1in h:u‘ :11 the high-el:1\\ hoo/ing eomplex.

I Cul De Sac :11 The (’ul l)e Sue.

[)pm midnight. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. .\Iieh:1el I’eek L'ttl\ :1nd \L‘t'ttlt‘llt‘x [I \CllllliCS\ 111l\ til ttltl gemx :1nd ne\1 hohh} d:1//ler\. h‘om hip hop [11 [mile lrom ltottxc to the hex[ ol the 1‘L‘\I.

I Dirty Wriggles :11 The \':11‘ie1_\' Bur. 9pm midnight. l'iree. \Veekl}. .\ [eehno 'n' L‘lL‘t‘lt‘o pre-eluh \Cl lit'ttttl Dirt} \Vt‘lgglL‘x til, .\l} \lt‘L‘ BL‘HIL

I Fourward Thinking :11 [11111- (11111 B:1r1('(‘;\1.‘)pni midnight. liree. \Veekl}. I’re-eluh \\ 11h :111emph:1xixon hre:1k\ :1nd he:1[\.

I Kenny H :11 Rtixxell'x (1111" Bur.

()pm midnight. I-"1‘L‘e'.\\'e‘e‘kl}. I‘unk} houxe. \\ 11h :1 \111:1[[ering ol \Ultl.

I Nico’s :11 \11‘11'x. 9pm midnight. I'ree. \Veeld}. I).l .\l:11‘l1 I)11[lpl;1'\ing:1\1ide \eleetion ol' houxe. g:1r:1ge. Refill :1nd hip hop.

I Nomad :11 .‘\'o111:11l. 7.3011111 midnight. l-"ree. \VeeId}. linio} \ome 1111:1lit} house Irom Krix Keegun. I:1n 'I‘hompxon :1nd .-\.J. I Papacool :11 [)11[:e\ [1111:

9pm midnight. I-‘ree. \Veekl). ’l’he lltlt‘xt in _[:1//. mm :1nd Innk.

I Sensu 111 P1111 [’no. 9pm midnight. Iit'ee. \Veekl}. l’i IRS :1nd (i:u‘_\ l.it\\\1)[t deIi\ er gloh:1l \ound\ lrom lir:1/ili:1n hip hop to I’reneh houxe. lrom(ie1‘1n:1nj:1// to .'\l'1'ie:m lunk.

I Soulflow .11 lint Drink Man Woman. £3. I3 011. I’ortnightl}.('l:1\\ie \1111le‘lll\ \pieed 11p \1 11h \ome l.:1[in hooguloo Irom .\l:1nuel :1nd Michael.

I Spy :11 Sp} Bur. 9pm midnight. I‘ree. \Veekl}. (‘olin I):1\ ie :1nd l.:1111'enee llughex do :1I1ern:1te S:1[\. hoth pio\ iding 1111:1Ii1} houxeg1‘1111\e\:1nd :1 p:1r1_\ :1tmoxphere.

art loving, comedy laughing, attraction visiting, theatre going, hill walking, scotland touring,

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--‘1 'l\.'.*. THE LIST 83