Clubs listings

Glasgow Clubs continued

Glasgow Wednesdays


I L Is For Latin at llayana Bar. 8pm 10pm. £4. Weekly. l.atin dance classes \y ith Michel. and all the Latin sounds yotl could ask for.

I Fluid at the Polo l.otmge.

l()pm lam. Free. Weekly. DJ \Vayne Dixon mixes tip classic ltink. sotil and disco \\ ith a dash ol contemporary business. and there are hall price cocktails to make sure things go \y ith a swing.

I Moda at .\loda. 8pm lam. l’ree. Weekly". Smooth and sotill‘til R&B \\ ith DJ .\'iall.

I Russell’s at Russell’s. () l lpm. Free. Weekly. DJ Yayy' hrings his \yorld music extrayagan/a to the yuppie

I Take A Stand at The Stand.

8pm I lpm. £3. Weekly. ()pen-stage night \y here poetry pc‘t'lttl‘lllc‘l's. mtisicians. comedians and DJs are encouraged to get tip and do their sttilt'. I Jengaheads at Tytc-(‘huills was (hit West. 9pm I lpm. l’ree. \Veekly. .\1artyn Jengahead test drives his llL‘\\ tracks. promos and purchases. lixpect mellou heats. house and \\ hatey‘er tickles his lancy'.


I Back To Life at .\I:\S. llpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. ll' your hag happens to he R&B and hip hop and your partial to a hit ol‘ hongo action. then this is right tip your street. DJ (‘hidi is at the helm doing his thing and throyy ing in a hit ol liy e percussion for good measure.

I Basis at Yang. l lpiti 3am. £4 (£3). Pauly l). D] limit and .\l(' l’edro supply a full spectrum ot~ drum ck hass and jungle in the main room. \y hile .\lr

Bro“ n (Vision (’rcyy’l proy'ides a smooth hlend ot‘ hip hop and reggae dancehall through the back.

I Bennet’s at Bennet‘s.

llaitlpm 3am. £2.501L‘l5th. \\'eekly. Sara \\ ith an tip-lt'oiit dance mi\. (iay. I Elastik at The lfith \ote (‘ltih. llptii 3am. £3. Weekly. liclectic is such an tieg word. so \ye’ll just say they play good music at lilastik. \y ithout hothei'ing themselyes \y ith horing old genre constraints. This means you’re liahle to hear l.ed /.ep. The Human league and 'I‘ortoise all in the same night.

I F.A.B. at Baha/a. l lpm 3am. l-ree hel'ore l lpni; {—1 ltd) alter. \Veekly. l).l Sktid hlcnds garage. R&B arid t'tinky house. play ing to a dressed-tip croyyd who help to make this one ol' the htisiest midneek nights in (ilasgoyy.

I Joints & Jams at ('titie.

llpm 3am. £3 it'll. Weekly. In the hack room Harry B and Brian 'I' present loungin’. a selection or t'tmky tracks and laid-hack tunes. \yhile iii the main room. a rotating roster ol' l).ls supply Rth. hip hop and sotil.

Chart & Party

I Fit at .'\l'L‘ll;ttt\. llpm 3am. £3 it: t. \Veekly. .'\hsoltitely colossal student night \\ ith .loliti Richardson and (itis .\lichaels supplying cheesy pop. party anthems and commercial house.

I Media at Media. llptii 3am. L3. \Yeekly. ;\ lull-on l'layoured mis lt'ttlll rotational residents pltis karaoke in room [no Drinks promos a honus tall drinks El het'ore laiiii.

I Toast at Shack. ltlfitlpm Rant. [3 (£3). (‘heesy ttmes courtesy ol' Dl loast. \y ith lashings ol hoo/c to help \yash it doyy ii.

I Klass at Destiny. ltlpni 3am. LC helot'e llpm; £3 alter. \Veekly. ,-\ night aimed at those \yho lancy a party night out htit can't stand those pesky kids cluttering tip the dance floor. ()\ei' Zhs only.

I Souped Up at 'l'hc ( iarage.

ll).3tlptn Barn. [3 till. \Yeekly. Dalt pop and student antics at the most popular student yentie iii loyy n.

Superstar Sanchez at Global Love, Fri 26 Oct

86 THE LIST 12', ()ct. Nn.


Clbs '

Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Edinburgh club listings compiled by Catherine Bromley.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Eccentric at Bani Boii, ‘lpllt lam. l’ree. 25 ()ct. l’ortnightly. New residents Stuart Sandeman t.\'akedi and .\lurray ioin latian .laines arid l’hil York as they play trtiality l‘S house arid litii'opcan trance tor the discerning pi‘e- cluhher at this ()ricntal style har.

I Flashback at l'lashhack.

hfiltpni lain. l'ree. \‘y'eekly. l).l \cntis shoyys no shame in playing disco tunes lroin thc fills and Stls. Drinks promos a hontts.

I Iguana 6th birthday at lgtiaiia. ‘lpni Iain. l‘rec t\\lllt inyitei. I Not only. the s\\;tlll\_\ style har celehi'ates si\ years sysankin' tyith a \cry special guest in the ltrl‘lll ol' nu ia// daddy l’atrick l'orgc lsiss l'.\l. l)a l.;tta I. l’leasc note that entry to this eyent is hy ll1\ itatioii only. .\ limited numher ol passes are ayailahle iii adyance. hy retitiest at the hat.

I Immersed In Music at l’lyo. ‘lpni lain. l'i'ee. \\eckly. Smokey tk the Bandit iSensesi tear tip the Itinky house highyyay tlS ( )ct t\' l \o\ l \yhile the Sptitiiik kids lire tip the lt‘eaky house li'ctitiencies at the pre cltih session lor the tiiaiii eyent at the Venue i5 (let i. I La Fromagerie at the \leadoyy s Bar tdoyy nstairsi. ‘lpni lain. l’ree. IS ()ct ck l \o\. l’ortnightly. Sample the treats on the cheese hoard serycd tip hy l'dinhtirgh's original I: /. slea/ies .\l and Ram the \ltillet.

I Made In Iguana at lgtiana.

‘lpin laiii. l'ree. \Veekly. (iareth Sointnery ille hreaks the mould or his l‘ltragrooye guise. playing \yarni \eyy York house. disco and all things soull'til at this pic \yeekend pre cluh. Please note that lguana \y ill he celehrating it‘s si\th hirthday this lortnight tl \oy i. See separate listing.

I Oxygen at ()\ygeii. ‘lpni laiii. l'ree. \\eek|y. l’rogressiye house arid trance troin rotational residents Stuart Duncan t.\tomic Bahy rand l)a\e Begg tSkank. .\i‘e;i 5| l.

I Prefix at Bar l'nion. ‘lpin laiti. l‘l't‘t‘. lS ( )ct. l‘ortnightly, ('hris Bryant and Derek Sehnes sort the deep arid ttmky yyheat lroin the house chall.

I Salsa Viva at Bai'acoa. Spin laiit. l‘it'cc. \Yeekly. l).l .lot‘ge play s the latino grooycs to make you salsa at this long standing night. leaturing dance classes lor heginncrs and those at intermediate lt‘\t‘l.

I Shadowskill at Bani Bott.

‘lpin laiti. [3. lS()ct k I Not. l-ortnightly. ('onlticitis say this Iicyy ()riental style hat got plenty good drtun t\' hass and hip hop \y ith l).l Sam and Redo.

I Soft Rock at the l’ond Bar.

‘lpni l;llll. l’rce. \Yeekly. \ltillets. perms ttltd poodle ltt‘ttds let loose to sotttt‘ ‘ori‘ihle solt rock in the conitortahle surroundings ot l.eith‘s premiere \yatering hole.

I UrbannHangSuite at Barth's. llpm 3am. l'ree. Weekly. light \cgetarian snacks scry ed to a kooky and eclectic soundtrack li'oin Son ot l'gly.

I YO! BGIOW .tl Ytti lit‘loyy.

.Spin ll. illdllt. l'rec. \‘y'eekly. lhe Sushi sty lc har gets a solid soul inicctton lroiu l.el l’atrey. play tng pcrcttssiyc house through to hossa Bra/ilia heats.


I Behave? at the lloneycomh. ltlpm Rant [5 l‘c—ll. 25 ()ct. Monthly. ('hrist aliye? Impressed \ye \yerc \ylieii this tip-and-commg l'tinky drum & hass night secured the sery ices ol (ilasgoyt 's ()ptimo creyt. Dtiinhstrtick \ye “etc then \yhen he heard that .v\dam l-~ ytas hooked to make his Scottish dehtit here tonight. l‘olloyt ing his recent cross-oy er hip hop productions_ .r\dam l“ plus support l‘i'om .\l(‘ .\l(‘ \\ ill no dotiht drayy helty hordes so early arriyal goes \t itliotit saying. I C.C. Blooms at ('.('. Blooms. lllfillpm 3am thar lrom (rpm i. l’ree. \Yeekly. lrip the light lantastic to lli-NRG dance action at this eyer-poptilar gay har. I Da Break at l.a Belle .r\ngele. .\lonthly. \t‘\t date S .\'o\ with DJ Roli tho. I Dust at Studio 3-1. llfillpm 3am. £2. l .\'o\. .\lonthly. (iet ready to rock at this goth. metal and industrial shotycase hosted hy the residents lair. lony and Daye. I Exam at .\'oa. ltl._§tlpni 3am. £3 tlree iii school tinit'ormi. IS ()ct. .\lonthly. Yet another school disco night \\ here cltihhers are encouraged to regress to childhood. this time to a tottgli house soundtrack l'roin .lason (‘orte/ and Doyy /ei‘. I FAT presents ‘Edinburgh Club Together’ at the Honey coitih. lllpm Rant. ‘5. IS ()ct. .\lonthly. l‘resh :\ll' 'l'httrsday s il‘.v\’l‘i are hack in htisiness alter the summer hreak. lo cclehrate the return or hoth the radio shoyy iSH." l".\ll and the cltih night. ten ol lidinhttrgh's tinest cluh nights get together to torm a mighty melange ol' ltmk. hip hop. house. drum ck hass and techno. l’articipants include Stihlimc. .\langa. Motherltmk. t’ltragrooyc and taste. I Fusion at l’o Na Na. llptu 3am. ‘23. Weekly. l).|s .\lark B tSttidio (irandt and Murray Richardson tltl'lll \isioni play mg \ inyl gems in the realms ot‘ house. hip hop. ltlllls and soul. I Genetic at the ('itrtis ('ltih. llpm 3am. £2. Weekly. Still a mighty popular soii'ee that shoyycascs alternatiye. indie and lo-li. No smoking in the har area. mind. I Kinetic at l.a Belle .v\tigelc. lllfitlpm Rant. [3 hel'ore llpm; L31 alter. 35 ()ct. \Ionthly. .v\|l neyy drum ck hass and hreakheat night lt‘dllll‘lltg‘ guest DJ (i—.\lac. .\l(' duties hour .\.I arid the residents. (‘hris and Stet. Please note that Kinetic \\ ill mote into a next montth slot as ol l5 Not. I Mars at \oa. \lonthly. New date S \o\. I The Moneyshot at the Bongo (‘ltilx lttfitlpm 3am. Lo. 25 ()ct. Monthly. llell hot ticket tor the hip hop licad/ lcaturing 1).! Ideal. 'l‘ommy liyans atid .lehst the lt‘lldS collt‘c‘ll\t‘l_\ l't‘spoltslltlt‘ lor lllL‘ outstanding Hie/i ’i’itiiry [tr/tier |-.l’. Support comes lrom the local residents l‘oly. (ietstiin. Hood and Scottish l).\l(' champion Ritchie Ruttone. I Muzikisum at the Honey comh llpm 1am. [5 L31 til \yith them. I _\o\_ \lonthly. .llsiqik maga/ine's otlicial Scottish residency geared touards promoting the Dlmg protyess ol past and present Bedroom Bedlam title \y innei‘s. 'l‘his itioiith. residents (irant .\lcl )onald and Ki (‘i'eighton are toured hy a special guest tthci. through the hack. the lahel mates ol t'jlll'.il\l Records ltty tltt\\ll lllt‘ létlt‘sl l.l\ garage .iiid Rth l'lay‘as. I Naked at l.go. lllfillpm 1am. \tiii ineinhcrs L“ hel'ore | lillpni. LIS alter: incmheis L5 helorc llfillpiu. Lt» alter. 35 ()ct. \lonthly. the hard house night re- launches \\ ith a tidy lray tour date leattirmg llaslam. ('hiis (ireen iStindisscntiali and Phil York t.\'akedi. .\rii\e early to capitalise on tree ('Ds and \ltlt‘os. I Opium at ()pitiin. lllpm 3am. l’ree. \Yeekly. l he all-neyy rock har cum cltih comple\ takes hold ot- lidinhtirgh's attei' hours scene like a Rott\\eiler to a small. del'cnceless child. In terms ot~ music policy ygp. you guessed it? 11's rock. nti metal and alternattye indie. I Playaz at l.go. ltlpm :alll. LC. 35 ()ct. l-oitnightly. Rttdchoy/ and guests playing smooth ls’th. tiggy hip hop and 'yyicked‘ dancehall \ ihes at this hai'gain titglit otit.