and tiltimatel} tailx to deli\ei the xhoelxing denotiement that xealed .Bi’l't'll.\ plaee in einema hixtor). l’('|. liaxt lx'ilhride. Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles tl’tii C (Simon \Viiieei'. l'S. Ztltll i l’aul Hogan. l.inda Kit/ltiuxhl. Serge ('oekhurn. ‘H minx. It .\liek Dundee \xax a ('i'oeodile. he \\Utlltl he put domi. ln thix helated. lame llilt'tl .ttl\eltllll'e .\ilCh.\ longtime eompanion iotirno Sue ('harleton le'o/louxlu. aka .\lrx llogani ix ealled to l.:\ \\ hen her lather llL‘L‘Il\ xomeone [ti edit tt nexx \I‘apei'. 'l'he L‘UllPlL‘ head to (‘alil'ornia \xith xon .\lielxe} t('oekhurni \\ here the) heeoine emhroiled in a xmuggling operation in\o|\ ing dodgylooldng liaxt liiiropean tilininakerx. .\lielx goex underem er and lindx \\til’l\ on the xet ol' l.i'i/iul {I‘JI'HI .i’. a xeqtiel xo had that no one ean tinderxtand \\h} it ix heing made ioh the iron} T i. let'x _lll\l hope

that no one eomex tip \\ ith another xeqtiel. or

no. pleaxe a prequel. Seleeted releaxe. Cuba Feliz t lli t K;ii'iiiiii l)i'idi. l’ranee. :lllllll ‘Ni minx. .\luxie doeumentai'} lollou ing "(i-tear old xingei' .\liguel l)el .\lot‘alex .Il‘tllll (‘tiha ax lie ltookx and pla) x \\ ith old triendx and meetx ne\\ onex. l’art ol' fit \Ill‘di (il‘ l. (ilaxgou. Cuba Va! il’( ‘. il-elix (ireene. IR. 10"] i "H minx. l)oeiiment.ir_\ depietion ot‘ the ('uhan Rewlution in W?” emplo} ing tootage troin that _\eai1 l’art ol ;Si \‘tihal (il’l. (ilaxgou. Cuban Music NOWll)(it i't'iin} Ktio\. l'lx'. l‘).\'.\'i llliixtrated leettii‘e h} iotirnalixt .lan l'airle) \xho went to (‘tiha to dixeo\ er the tope gi'oupx pla} mg toda}. l’art ol A81 \tihaT (il- l. (ilaxgoxx. The Cup (H it 0... ilx'li}entxe \oi‘hu. .\llxll'dlld. l‘NUi ()rg}en ‘l'ohgyil. \eten (holding. .lam_\ang l.odro. ‘li minx. l'lii' ('u/i xeoi'ex a hat triek ot lirxtx: lirxt tilm direeted h) a lama. in the 'l‘ihetan language \\ ith a eaxt xole} eomprixed ot iiioiikx :\nd it'x .ihout toothall. xpeeitieall} the loot} le\ er that gripx the monkx ol ('holxling .\lonaxter} during the l‘)‘).\ \\'orld (‘iip

lilieiting xpirited perl‘oi‘maneex I'roin hix eaxl. Norhu aehiex ex liix goal in ereating a xiinple. humoroux. humane lilm. l-ilmhouxe. lidinhurgli.

Donald Cammell’s Wild Side t txi 0.. il)onald (‘ammelL l'S. ltitttti .v\nne lleehe. ('hrixtopher Walken. Joan (hen. llZ minx. ln NUS ll‘i/i/ Sit/("x produeei‘x re-eut the lilm againxt ('ammell'x \\ ixhex. ln .-\pril l‘)‘)(i he xhot himxelt'. .\'o\\ the l’i'rluriiiuni‘i' eo-direetor'x laxt mo\ ie xeex the light ol da_\ in the hunt he intended. 'l’liix px_\ehoxe\ual thriller. in which four pla_\erx hanker. raeketeer. extranged \\ He and hod) guard t‘uek eaeh other in er hoth nietaphorieall} and literall). ix an uneven al‘l‘air. _\'e\ei'thelexx. the eaxt are thoroughly entertaining. and ('ammell xa) x xome interexting thingx ahotit the xe\/po\xer/mone} ne\ux. ('(’;\. (il;txgo\\. Double Indemnity mm 00.0. i Bill} \Vildet'. l'S. I‘M-Ii Barhara Sltlll\\}t‘k. l’t'ed .\le.\lurra}. lidxxard (i. Rohinxon. lttti minx. (‘i'aeldng adaptation h} Wilder and

Ra) mond ('handler ol the Jamex .\l. (‘ain no\el hax inxuranee man .\le.\ltiri'a} atti'aeted h) the alluring Staii\\_\elx. \xlio talkx him into murdering her xpouxe. and all goex \\ ell until liix hoxx lid\\ard (i. heginx to xuxpeet l'oul pla}. Se\ual elieinixtr}. l;ll‘}l'lllllllllc plotting. tart \xordpla}. it'x all here. .\ elaxxie. (il'ml‘. (ilaxgou.

Down From The Mountain it'i O... lxtc‘h l)ool\. (‘ltt'tx llegc‘tltlx. l8. Ititll i (l" ininx. lhix i'eeord ol the eoneert gi\ en h_\ the muxieianx \\lio reeorded the xotmdti'aek to () Brut/in: \l‘lii'ri' .li'l 'l'lioii.‘ leatiirex the late John llartt’ord ax .\l(‘. liarl_\ on. haekxtage. he ix at death'x door. hut on xtage tlie \xondei't'iil muxie animatex him into a iig. llartt'ord ix ottl} one ol' the ama/ing hluegraxx nnixieian axxeinhl} ineltiding l'ellou \eteran Dr Ralph Stanle} ax \\ ell ax )otiiigc‘i' ai'tixtx xtieh ax (iillian \Veleh and .-\lixon lx'rauxx. .-\nd there are a numher ol xongx not on the original xoundtraek. See pre\ ie\\ and re\ iexx. l-'iliiiliotixe. lidinhurgh.

Dr Dolittle 2 tl’( i) 0.. (Stew e (‘arix l'S. ltltll i liddie .\liirph}. Krixten \Vilxon. \oiee ol‘ l.ixa Kudrmx. .\‘7 minx. .-\ .\lalioxo i'aeoon turnx up at the doe'x home and deinandx that lie \ ixit Bea\ er. (iodlgtlltet‘ ol~ the lorext ei‘eaturex. Bea\ er'x prohlem ix that two naxt} humanx “ant to ‘de\ elop‘ their home. It onl} l)olittle ean mate endangered xpeeiex hear .-\\a (Voiced h} l.ixa Kudrou i

\\ ith eii'etix dude hear .-\rehie. then h) Ian the t'orext \\ ill he protected. Simple. eheex} and eeo-l'riendl). (ieneral releaxe.

Drifters tl'i O... tJohn (irierxon. I'K. 1939i 7| minx. Stirling-horn lather ot' the Britixh doeumentar) mmement (irierxon'x landmark film about North Sea herring tixhermen. l’la) ing it ith (irierxon'x xhort lilm .\‘ielimiuil. The Lumiere. lidinhurgh.

The Enigma Of Kaspar Hauserit’m 0... (Werner ller/og. \Vext (ierinan). 1974i Bruno 8.. Walter l,adengaxt. Brigitte Him. I ll) minx. .-\ )oung inan. \\ ho xeemx to ha\ e had no eontaet \\ ith other human heingx. arm ex iii .\‘uremhurg in the 19111 eenttir}. ller/og tixex thix ligtn'e ax the ultimate mixlit and an e\etixe l'or xatirixing xoeial eom entionx lrom the point oi \ ieu ol' the innoeent. The tilin'x xtar. Bruno S. had xpent 23 )eai‘x in whom inxtitutionx helot'e the dii'eetoi' hand-pieked him tor the part. l’ilmhouxe. lidinhurgh.

Enigma i l5i O... (.\liehael .-\pted. l‘lx’. ltltll i l)ougr;i) Seott. Kate \Vinxlet. Sal'lron Burro“ x. l 17‘ minx. 'l‘om .lerieho tSeott i. a eraek WWII eotlehieaket'. ix ealled haek lroin premature retirement to hi'ealx the \a/ix' ne\\ e}pher. ()n liix return. he

dixeo\ ei'x that (’laii'e iBurrouxi. the \Hittlttll \\ ho hroke liix heart. hax gone mixxing and. \\ ith the aid ol' her houxemate i\\'inxlet I. heginx to dixeox er that xlie \xax not entirel} “littl xlte \L‘L‘lttetl. .\ltledK \et'L‘ett tttlttplttlititt ol Rohert llarrix'x hext-xelling nox el ix. rarel_\ enough. hotli i‘elati\el} t'aithliil and rather good. though xeripturiter loin Sltippttt'tl itlc‘l'ettuN the Ir“ e intet‘ext and

index Film

litldlex the [iltil tt lilllL‘. l‘tIl the ltti\lttt'c‘ Ul- e} nieixni and heroixin that ehai'aeterixed llarrix'x eliai'aeterx ix undiluted in the lilm. (ienei‘al l'elL‘;t\L‘.

Escape From Tibet t t’( it i_\"iek (it'd). l'lx'. liltil i 55 minx. l’ouei‘t'iil doetnnentar} ahout the periloux exeape t'i'om ('hinexe oppt'exxion h} a group ol' ‘I'oihetan i'el'ugeex. See pre\ ie\\. l’art ot the 'l'ihetan l‘ilm l"exti\al. l‘ilmhouxe. lzdinhtirgh.

Even Dwarfs Started Small it’tii t\\'erner ller/og. (ierinan). 107th llelmttt l)oring. (ierd (iiekel. l’aul (ilauer. ‘)(i minx. \Veird hut \er} \xateliahle parahle ahout a remoi'e epnal eolon} inhahited h} d\xarl'x. \x ho xtage a re\oliition in the pi'ixon “arden'x ahxenee. l-‘ilmliouxe. lidinhtirgh.

Excalibur: l5) 0... iJohn Booi'iiian. 1'8. 108] i .\'igel 'l'eri'}. .\'ieol \Villiamxon. llelen .\liri'en. (‘herie l.iinghi. l4: minx. 'l‘he Boorman eanon ix ei'ammed \\ ith retereneex to the .'\l‘lllltl'l;tlt legend. and thix ix hix long eherixlied attempt to tilm the ehi'oniele \\ herein he tound xo imteh l’axeination. ‘l'he i'extilt ix a tilm ot‘ \ ixual xplendour. melodramatie x\\eep. and in the eaxe ot‘ \Villiainxon'x .\lerlin. deliantl}

pei'\ ei'xe aeting. l’ilinhouxe. lzdinhurgh. The Exorcist - Director’s Cuti 1m .0. i\\'illiam l'llL‘tll’xlll. l'S. l‘)"3i .\la\ \on S}do\x. lillen Burxt}n. l.inda Blair. 132 minx. \Vritei‘ \Vilham l’eter Blatt} alxxa} x griped that in e\eixing tuent) inintitex trom I‘lii' Iz'tui't‘ixl. l‘riedkin reniox ed itx moral eentre and olxetired itx theologieal mexxage. lo Blatt} ‘x horror. xome people thought the Dew il “on. In ent} xe\ en _\eai‘x later. l‘llk‘tll’xlll hax reinxtated ele\ en minuiex ot' lootage. and the i'e-editing ioh ix done xo lo\ ingl} that lanx are llllllle'l} to leel (Mllettll) e\ploited. li\en xo. l’i‘iedlxin'x eutx ha\ e moxtl) heen \ indieated h} thix

tie“ I‘L‘ledxe ll lit)“ l-L'Cl\ ltttt ltitlg‘. \\ lIllL‘ the intaiiiotix ‘xpider Milk xeene inerel} addx a eheap and redundant xhoek. l'(i(‘ Renlren Street. (ilttxgtm.


GRAND PRIX 381m ammo:






t1l Tr]





.Annie Girardot

ThePiano Teacher.

(La Pianiste) In French with English subtitles

a film written and directed by Michael Haneke




Isabelle Huppert

“POWERFUL” m- oi.- - TIE m






music includes Schubert - Bach - Brahms - Beethoven


fun the novel by EU‘RIEDB JflJNFK 'IIIB PIANO TEACIIFJI' 57ml: Tail MARIN “Rm madam MK} LES FILMS SARDE 'AL DE 1.4 mm 0P1 WFP (RF EURMG


"WMJM 01312282688

Benoit Magimel

An Artificial Eye Release