Film index

The Fast And The Furious t 15: O... (Roh ('oheii. I'S. 200i I Paul Walker. \in Diexel. Michelle Rodrigucl.

I08 minx. Roaring off the xtart line in a cloud of hurning ruhher. (‘ohen'x xtripped- doyyn illicit xtrcet-racing ntoy ie \\ ax a dexeryed ‘xlceper' xtlceexx in the t‘S. deliyering the pure. adrenalixed entertainment that oy cr-poyyered. poorly - tuned atito moy iex xuch ax (him In (it) Serum/i and Driven only promixed. Through the axxociated clothing. muxic and xlang. it aIxo capturex the iiiulti-ethnic. trihal flayour of a dixtinctiye urhan xuh-culture huilt around faxt carx. xe\ and defying authority. 'l‘hat xttid. lltix ix xtt'ictly ‘li‘ moy ie xltlll. x0 don't go e\pecting originality. t‘(i(‘ Renfrcu Street. (ilaxgoyi; Ster (‘entury ('incma. Iidinhurgh.

Fiddler On The Roofit'i 0000 (Norman Jeyy ixon. l‘S. 1971i('haim‘l’opol. Norman ('rane. Paul Michael (ilaxer. lh‘l minx. Baxed on Sholom :\leichcm'x play. l-‘itldli'r ix the xtory of 'l'eyye. a Jeyy ixh milkman Iiy ing in pt'e-Re\oltttionat‘y Rtixxia. l‘nlike the majority of muxicalx. \y here fi\ed xiiiilcx and colourful dance routinex are de rigour. thix ix a much more xomhre affair. xet in poy erty hut filled \\ ith dry humour.

in ye'x marriage planx for hix daughterx and their rehellion ttgttithl the all-pet'yaxiye ‘tt'aditionx' form the core of the film.

Jen ixon'x direction ix xlick and hix pacing eyen. htit it ix ‘l'opol ax ’l‘eyye \y ho carricx the film \\ ith a role lie xeemx to haye hcen horn for. The Lumiere. lidinhurgh; li'l‘ll ('inenia. l-‘alkirk'.

Funny Games ( txi .0000 (Michael Ilancke. (icrmany. 190m Suxannc l.otliai'. l‘lriche Muhe. lirank (iieriiig. [03 minx. :\ \yealthy family are xuhiected to an incrcaxingly horrific xeriex of ( )gamexf) hy tyyo young men. heginniiig \\ ith humiliation and ending in torture and murder. The horror-thrillcr xet tip xeemx familiar. hut I'll/IIH (iumm ix one the moxt innoyatiye and xhocking filmx to reach our xcrcenx thix decade. ('hilling. calculated. cerchral.

hrilliant. (’('.»\. (llaxgon. Gabriel And Me ( l5! 0 (lidayan l’raxad. I'K. 200I I Sean l.andlcxx. lain (ilen. Billy ('onnolly. So iiiiiix. After the monumental \llk'ee\\ of Billy [fl/lot. \yritcr llall xecmx to hayc hccome complacent ax hix folloyy -up ix xiniply a formulaic rctread of laxt year'x hallctic harnxtormer. (iii/Hie] xllttl .l/c xeex teenage (iettt'die lad Jimmy Spud (l.and|exxi xtruggle to hide hix u ixh to he an angel from gruff. dying father ((ileltl \\ ill) the help (if none other than the .'\rchangel (iahriel (('onnolly i. The dialogue ix cliched. the xcript xickeningly xentimental and the mi\ of gritty reality and higli-floyyn littllth} _itt\l docxn't \ytil'k. Sec rcy ie\\. Selected t'eleaxe. 0 George Washington ( II: 00.00 (Day id (Iordon (ireen. IS. 2001 I Donald llolden. (‘andace liyanokai. liddie Rottxe. h") minx. In a humid. hrolcen .\'orth ('arolina hackyyoodx [on n a group of angxty. literate and ahoy c all \erhoxc tceiiagerx talk and play. (ireen \yax a mere 24-yearx-old \\ hen he made thix haunting film. poxxihly the lit'xl to he .ittxtilittltly compared I0 'l‘erence Malick'x Dan ()I lli’tll't’ll. l‘i'om itx lule clegiac photography. remai'kahle perfor- mancex from a group of non-actorx and the deeply xcnxitiye editing. thix ix an inxtant claxxic. like l._\ nnc Rttlttxey ix It’tlli‘tllt‘ltt’l‘ it dealx \\ ith the xuffocating guilt yet ultimate poyyerlexxnexx of childhood. See rey ieyy. l'ilmhouxc. lidinhurgli. Germinal ( ISI 0... ((‘latide Ilerri. l-‘rance. I‘l‘lii Renaud. Miou-Miou. (ierard Depardieu. lot) minx. .\ mining \ illage in Will century I'i‘ance xtrikex \\ hen management impoxcx an uniuxt \yage ctit. /.ola‘x noy cl prefigurex much of the unrext xeen in the 1034 Minerx‘ Strike in the l'lx'. and “line xltoyy ing the ugly xide of conflict hetyiccn \yorking-claxx communiticx xoyy x the xecdx for trade uniomxm. .'\Ittlttxpltet'ietlll} xliot \\ ith \\ ide xocial xcope and intimate detail hy the director of Jun: lh' I’lun'rli'. and \\ ell acted throughout. The Lumiere. lidinhurgh.

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30 THE LIST ' "C Nu.

The Ghost Goes West ( mu 0.. (Rene (’lair. I'K. l‘).‘\(ii Rohert Donat. Jean l’arker. Iiugene I’alIette. 00 iiiiiix. When a Scottixh caxtIe ix tranxported hrick hy hrick [0 America. itx rexident glioxt tt'ay'elx [00. The rougher axpectx of the xatire on IS hehayiour are more than compenxatcd hy the charming. romantic humour of the \y hole. The Lumiere. lidinhurgh.

Ginger Snapsi far 000. (John Iiayycctt. ('anada. 2001 i Katharine lxahellc. limin l’crkinx. Mimi Rogerx. l0.\’ minx. \Vriter-director l’ayycett'x xardonic ti'catiiient of the American hourgeoixic giy ex thix horror moyie the feeling of an acutely ohxeryational romp. lxahelle'x hloxxoming nymph xproutx a tail after a \yereyyolf attack. hut after much perplexity heginx to hear it with fortitude xpreading her infection yy ith her xexual fayourx. .»\x her xIa\ ixlll} deyotcd xixter triex to intery cne. (linger tranxformx from empoyy ered teen to tragic monxter. Dexpite lloIlyyyood’x long flirtation \y ith chanthropy. l‘ayycett'x funny. tragic film xtill contt'iyex to he original. l'iilttiltottxe. lidinhurgh.

Girl Happy ( I it .0. (lloi‘ix Sagal. I'S. 1965)lilyixl’rexley. Harold J. Stone. Shelley l‘aharex. 00 minx. :\ xingcr ix forced to chaperone a group of college girlx including a gangxter'x daughter. l’oor them. haying a chaperone called The King. .\'ot one of lilVix. fcyy decent liltnx. St Bridc'x (‘entre. lidinhtirgh.

Golden Ballsi l3) 0... (Bigax l.tina. Spain. 1903i Jay ier liardcm. Maria De .‘ylcdcirox. Marith \crdu. 95 iiiiiix. Benito (ion/alex hax three paxxionx: fried eggx. huilding xky xcrapcrx and haying xe\. When he marriex for money. it xcciiix that all hix drcamx could come true. expccially \y hen hc‘x ahle to xee hix former girlfriend on the xidc. .\ xIca/y take on Itixt and Spain‘x nouyeau riche from the director of .lmmm .ltiniun. (‘(‘:\. (ilaxgoyy.

Grand Canyon (Hit (200] I Simulation ride hringing you the lttll-hloyy n \yondcr of that really. really hig hole in .-\merica. IMAX 'l‘lteati'e. (ilaxgoyy.

Grease (t’( if 0... (Randal Kleixet'. I‘S. 1978i John 'l‘rayolta. ()liy ia Nation John. Stockard ('Iiaiining. I If) minx. 'I‘he colourful goingx-on at Ry‘dcll lliin particularly the romance of xquarc out-of- toyyncr Sandy and tough guy Danny ix the xtuff of claxxic moyie excapixm. In addition to a plot \yhicli groaiix \\ ith fi'uxtrated paxxion. hrixtlex \yith gang tcnxionx and

x“ ingx \y ith teen yeryc. the xongx are the xoundtrack for a generation. in enty yearx on. (ii-ease ix \llll the \yot'd. and xtill the way u e are feeling. (‘arltoiL Stirling.

Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone (t’( it ((‘hrix (‘olumhux. l'S/I'K. 300] I Daniel Radcliffe. Rohhie ('oltrane. Maggie Smith. Alan Rickman. ISZ minx. I’rcy ieyy xcreening of the hlockhuxter adaptation of JR. Royy ling'x phenomenally popular old faxhioned children'x fantaxy xtory. (ieneral relcaxc. Havana Mi Amor ( l’(il (t'Ii (iaulk'e. ('uha. 2000i 80 minx. Documentary about the phenomenally popular ,xtittp opcrax knoyy n ax 'Ii'lwim'eluf. \\ hich dominate xmall xcrcenx on the xmall ixland ax the xun xetx each day. Part of gSi Vuhal (il’li. (ilaxgoyy.

Heart Of Glass (Hit 0... (Werner ller/og. (Ecrmany. 107m Joxcf Bierhichlcr. Steffan (iuttler. ('lcmenx Scliietx. 9-1 iiiitix. :\ hy piiotixed caxt play out a fahle ahout a community which fallx apart \\ hen itx xecret for making glaxx. the xource of itx \\ ealth. ix loxt. \Vildly eccentric ey'en liy llet’log‘x xtandardx. l-"ilmhouxe. Iidinhurgli. Heartbreakers I ISI 00.. (Day ta Mcrkin. l'S. 200i I Sigourney \Veay er. Jennifer Love lleyyitt. (lene llackman. |33 minx. Max and Page ('oniierx are a mother- and-daughter team of con artixtx. Ma\ reelx in a wealthy xucker and getx him to pop the quextion. Soon after the \y edding. the groom ix caught in a compromixing poxition yy ith Page and a lucratiye annulment folloyy x. llay ing fleeced Ray l.iotta‘x .\'c\\ Jci'xey chop‘xhop (m ner in thix manner. the pair head for Palm Beach. I-‘lorida. “here they target tohacco hillionaire William ll 'l‘enxy (llackmani. like itx pi'otagonixtx.

lleurl/n'mku'x ix hoth cheerfully amoral and charming. cynical and xyyeet. 'l‘hc caxt are quite ohy iouxly haying a hall and their enthuxiaxm ix delightfully iiif'cctioux. Vikingar (’incma. I.argx.

Hedwig and the Angry Inch 1 15» 0... (John (‘amcron Mitchell. l'S. 300i I John (‘ameron Mitchell. Miriam Shor. Stephen 'l‘raxk. ‘ll minx. In order to excape communixt Iiaxt (ierniany. young llanxcl marricx a gay (}.I.. which in\ol\ ex undergoing a xe\ change operation. 'I‘hix ix hotchcd leay iiig llillGCl. noyy lledyy ig. \\ ith juxt an ‘angry inch'. Jump foryyard a feyy ycarx and lledyyig ix touring middle- :\mcrica \y ith her punk rock hand named after hix phallic xttiiiip. Slie‘x alxo xtalking former on er and muxical protege ‘l‘ommy (inoxix. \\ ho'x xtolen llcdyy ig‘x xongx and hit the hig time. Mitchell. xtar of the ctilt rock muxical. giy ex it hix all once more. directing. \yriting and acting in thix liyely and lihcrating film \crxion of hix xtagc collahoralion \y ith lt‘thk. ()deoti. (ilaxgoyy. Hello Dolly ( I ll .... ((iene Kelly. (S. 1000i llai'hra Strcixand. Walter Matthau. Michael ('rayy ford. IZ‘) ininx. \eyy York. in the late 10th century. and \y idoyyed matchmaker (Streixandi makcx a play. or rather a tiiuxical. for a \ycll heeled grain merchant (Matthau l. l-.\tra\agant xctx. epic muxical iiumherx and a catneo from the late. great l.ouix .-\rmxtong tnake thix xumptuoux. if not particularly xenxihle. \ ieyying. (it‘ox\enot‘. (ilaxgoyy.

Help! I’m A Fish (ti 0.. llcgncr. Stefan I‘icldniark. Denmark/( ici'many/lrcland. 2001 I \‘oiccx of Alan Rickman. 'l‘erry Jonex. 'l‘cryl Rothery. 7S minx. 'l‘hix cliecrfuI offering inyolycx three kidxi pexky lily. llix x\\ eel little xixtet' Stella and their geeky couxin('l1uck.After xneaking out of the liouxe they come aci'oxx a xecret tunnel hy the xea. in \yhicli ll\L‘\ a profexxor ( \oiced hy .lonexi \y ho‘x created a formula to turn humanx into fixli. lo and heliold our junior hcrocx are xoon xyy imming \y ith the fixhex. trying to find an antidote and doing hattle \\ ith an e\ if pilot-fiin

(\ illainoux Rickman i. Younger children xhould enjoy it. hut if you‘re looking for humour or any real momentx of hiin drama. you'll he dixappomtcd. Selected relcaxc. Himalaya 1P“)... (tine \‘atti. France/S“ it/erland/l ‘lx'.’.\'epal. 2000i ’l‘hilen l.hondup. (iurgon Kyap. l.hapka 'l‘xamchoe. Ill-I minx. In the hiin mountainx of the llimalayax. a \ illage preparex for the annual yak carayan to market. Iloyyey er. the young chieftain hax hecn killed and the old clan head. t'efttxex to recognixe the hot-headed Karma ax hix xucccxxor. .-\ \yorth} inxi:—'ht into the li\ ex of a hardy people. the landxcape ix hreathtakingly xhot. and the attention to local detail feelx authentic. The plot hax lexx going for it. heing at heart a fairly hackncy ed xtoi'y of an heir to the throne haying to pt'oy e he ix yyorthy of the ci'oyyn. Sec prey icyy. Part of the 'I'ihetan I-‘ilm l‘exti\al. l‘ilmhouxe. Iidinhurgh.

The Horse Thief: 15' 000. ('l‘ian [litiang/litiaiig. ('hina. I‘ISoi 'I'xehang Rig/in. Dan Jiji. SS minx. 'liihet. I”: i. lo proy idc for hix poyet'ty v-xtricken family. \oi'hu xtealx horxex from \yandering nomadx and offeringx rexci'y ed for the godx. llix actionx earn him the contempt of hix \ illage and ultimately. e\pulxion from hix trihc. .v\n epixodic narratiyc. occaxionally lacking in pace. l'lit' Huru' 'l'ln'c/ lingcrx on the ritualx of the trihc. \y ith a xteely ga/e that renderx their xtrangcncxx all the more xtrikmg. Sec prey ieyy. Part of the ‘l‘ihctan l-ilm I‘extiyal. l‘iliiihouxe. Iidinhurgh.

Human Body ( l’(ii (2001 l Simulation ride hringing you the full-hloun \yonder of all tlioxe really. really xmall placex inxide tix. l.\l:\.\ ‘l‘hcatrc. (iltlxgoyy.

The Idiots ( [Si O... (larx \on 'li‘ier. I)enmark/l"rance/ltaly '.\'cthcrlandx/( Iermany /Sy\ ede: , 1000i Hodil .Iorgcnxen. .lcnx Alhinux. lI-l minx. In I.arx \ott 'li‘ieik folloyy tip to lira/Ante I'lit' llili m, a hunch of "idiotx' run a little hit amok in their \ illage. get throyy u out of tea-rooinx. make \yhoopee at the x\\ iiiiiiiitig hathx and dixrupt hoard


meetingx. llllt thcxe litixlih are ax xane ax you or l. \\ till a xiniple aim to text xociety 'x allilttde\ [0 the tlixahled. Appreciation