This is what the in

naturally conquers enjoyment but The Irlioh is a challenge w ell worth taking up. (’('.-\. (ilasgow.

"(13).... (Lindsay Anderson. lOK. 1903) Malcolm Menu“ ell. l);l\ Id “end. Richard Warwick. 1 l 1 units. The kids are alright as anarchy and rebellion erupt with all the passion ol an explosion at a shitty linglish public school. Symbolic. allegorical sltll'l- abotlt the breakdown ol' socier which didn't seem that far ol'I' twenty years ago. the linal moment oI' machine-gun lire at pri/e day is not too dissimilar to contemporary eyenls in Paris. .\lacRobcrt :\I'I\ ('cntrc. Stirling.

Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade «I’( I) 000 (Ste\ en Spielberg. IS. 1939) Harrison l-‘ord. Scan ('onnery. .~\lison l)oody. l)enholm lilliot. 137 mins. The third and supposedly linal instalment ol' Spielberg's blockbuster series. in which the archaeological adyenlurer is joined by his I'ather (('onnery ) tor a romp through the Middle liast in search ol' the Holy (irail. hotly pursued (as e\ er) by the .\'a/is. .\ rather dodgy quasi-('hristian morality and a more-ol'-the-samc-ish plot are ollset by strong perl'ormances Irom lord and (‘onnery and tcclmical bra\ ura. l'lllllhotlse. lidinburgh.

Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (l’(i) O... (Steycn Spielberg. l'S. I984) Harrison Ford. Kate ('apshaw. Kc lluy (Juan. .'\Illl'l\ll l’uri. lltS’ mins. Again the l'oreignors Iind it hard going keeping up w ith the Jones. as master entertainer Spielberg piles on the action sequences. This time. how eyer. the lrantic pace has e\ en less credibility than l\’(ll(l('l‘\ had. l’ilmhouse. lidinburgh.

Intimacy( lb’) 0... (l’atrice ('hcreau. l'K/lirance. ZIIIII ) Kerry l‘o\. .\lark Rylance. Timothy Spall. 120 mins. An erect penis. cellulite. \ i\ id oral se\. regular but urgent intercourse in an emotional \acuum between

side of Bill Murray's brain looks like,

WA Waxy. 1u "lull .m.,,‘ mwww " I. WWW

unhappy strangers in a grubby l.ondon flat on a dirty carpet. (‘hcreau's bray e linglish- language debut (adapted Irom llanil ls'urcshi‘s short \lttl'leslltltllllll} I’launts it all. lnrmrm‘t' oll'crs much more than a reassuring (ltist‘ ol' \oy eurism. .\ Iilm composed oI moments. it brilliantly turns the lens upon ol'tcn oycrlookcd relationships in middle- age. moms in on the rise ol' sex as a pow erl'ul anaesthetic and captures the sell-loathing that ol'tcn liycs inside oI lust. (‘ineworltL l‘alkn'k; .\'e\\ l’icture House. St Andrews. Jamon, Jamon I Is) 0.. (Bigas Luna. Spain. I993) l’enclope (’rn/. Anna (ialiena. Jay ier Bardem. 94 mins. ‘Jainoir equals ham; ‘una mulier iamona’ equals hot lnspanic babe. Put them together and you‘yc got this mi\ of reprehenstblc dcpray ity and tease ol' social significance. :\s it tells of the desire M a pregnant woman lor the bulgineg becrotchcd Manuel (with w eightly subplots in\ol\ ing \arious mums). you can't help Iceling it‘s aiming at too many targets. Se\. leering and exploitation. but not necessarily a line Iilm. ('(‘:\. (ilasgow. Jeepers Creepers I )5) 00..

(Victor Saba. l'S. ZINII ) (iina l’hilips. Justin 9() mins. .lt't']’('l'\ ('rr't'pers gets ol'l' to a great start: Trish (Philips) and Harry (long) are sister and brother driying home during the spring break I'rom college. They hayc a l‘rightcning encounter with an old \an which runs them oI'I' the road. later they pass the same Vehicle. now parked beside an old church. and see the driycr dumping something wrapped in what appears to be bloody while sheets down a corrugated iron chute in the ground. Against their best judgement (and ours). they go back to

im esligate. \VeIl-cralted suspense and lean Iilnunaking l'rom w riter-director Salya: no distracting lame lo\ e interest. no cle\ er- stupid postmodern stylings. no messin‘ around (e\cept \\ ith the audience‘s ner\ es). (ieneral release.

on Saturday

’I 0th November


see the voucher“ in


at least that's what the Farrelly brothers are saying in

the 'edu-taining' Osmosis Jones

Josie And The Pussycats (PG) 0... (Deborah Kaplan. Harry lill'ont. IS. 3001 ) Rachael Leigh ('ook. Alan ('umming. Parker l’osey. 98 mins. Josie (smart/cute ('ook on meals and guitar) and her punk band The l’tissycats are ‘discoyered' by slimey MegaRecords manager Wyatt l-‘rame (Cumming) and re- packaged as the next big pop sensation. But the presence ol' go\ ernmcnt grey suits suggests there‘s more to .‘ylegaRecords than the kind ol‘ obyious media manipulation

w e'ye come to expect Irom. say. the backers ol' Heat’say. The performances in this Iilm. based on the ()()s Arr/lie comic are a joy and the satirical script by the co-directors is kill} -cat claw sllttt‘p. Selected release.

Ju Dou ( l5) .0... (’/.hang Yimou. ('hina/Japan. 1990) (long H. Li Wei. Li

index Film

Bao-Tian. 94 mins. In l92()s (him. a young man (Li Wei) Ialls innocently for his tyrannical uncle's third wiI'e Ju l)ou ((iong l.i ). and they embark on a forbidden romance. But the truth will out. with tragic consequences. In the conlines ol' the uncle's dyeing lactory. the story's cruel logic is offset by an intense beauty and eroticism. lixccptional film-making from the director of Ru! Surghmn. lidinburgh l’ilm (iuild. lidinburgh.

Julien Donkey-Boy I IS) .00.. (Harmony Korine. l'S. I999) liwen Brcmner. (’hloe Seyigny. 94 mins. Adorned with a perm that would please Keyin Kecgan. Bremner plays the title role. a paranoid schizophrenic based on Korine‘s uncle liddie. liyen when constrained by the l)ogme 95 rules. Korine‘s narratiye deconstruction manages to otit ayant garde the most talked about film moyement ol' the last decade. Willi Julie/r l)onkey-Buy Korine attempts to get to the essence of the back-to-basics moyement by dispensing with a script and rising spy cameras to gage the general publie’s ‘real reactions' to staged situations. A genius. though perhaps not to eyei'yone's taste. (’(':\. (ilasgow. Jurassic Park III (PG) .0. (Joe Johnston. ['S. 2001) Sam Neill.'l'ea l.eoni. William ll. Macy. 92 mins. The lliinsy exctise to get the cast oyer to the Park is a young lad who has become stranded on the dinosaur island. :\n unofficial search party. headed by his parents (Mac) and l.eoni ). hoodwink palaeonlologisl I)r (iranl (Neill. reprising his role) into helping tbern out. Of course. things go wrong as soon as they arrive and they are attacked by a Spinosaur. a new and improyed T-rex. l-‘rom there on in the cast jump from one pcr'ilous situation to another. A complete retread of the lTl‘Sl two moyics with even more dinosaur attacks. more ridiculous predicaments and bigger monsters. ()deon :\t The Quay. (ilasgow.


, Appomtments to Commlttees are for three years In the first Instance. Wllh the possrbrllty of re-appomtment for a further two years. The posts are voluntary. but expenses Wlll be reimbursed.

; A number of Commlttees Wlll have vacancues from Aprll 2002 and. to meet partlcular needs. we mvrte applications from people wrth the


The Scottlsh Arts CounCII IS looktng for people wlth a commltment to the arts In Scotland, who are wlllmg to advnse Come” on pollcy and make funding recommendations and decrstons.

followmg skulls. knowledge and experience:

‘I CRAFTS selling and marketing crafts: crafts cntICIsm; i cultural dwersrty ; ' DRAMA knowledge of contemporary wntmg for theatre

I LITERATURE academic experience In contemporary Scottish wrltung: l I Scots language ; l MUSIC knowledge of Jazz

' VISUAL ARTS up-to-date knowledge of Issues relating to ! professnonal practlce i NATIONAL knowledge of one or more of the followmg: economtc

l LOTTERY development. community arts. architecture. arts centre g | admmistration; urban deslgn and planmng. i Further detalls and appllcatlon forms can be downloaded dlrect from I

the websrte: wwwsacorguk

If you need further advrce. please contact: Mlchael Hance. Scottlsh Arts C0unCII, 12 Manor Place. Edinburgh EH3 700

Tel: 0131-226 6051 Fax: 0131-225 9833

E-maul: I

()ur av": to may our part in creating a (lyt‘ainit: arts (?l".ll()l"“t.‘lll '.'."I(:" .alucs‘ l'l(,' arlls't

dl‘(l (f"'ttil‘(i(?S the (Itulllh ol lulu lor t’te people of Scotlav‘d.

I a Closmg date for applications: Friday 23 November 2001

I 15> No). Ptk)‘. THE LIST 31