5“ year old black New Yorker lI\ mg iIt l’atix who xccmx In ha\c un ticx. \‘v'agon'x lilm might bring to mind Inrtid '7llx xlca/c epicx like .llimt/iueu and Uri/m. bttl il’x linked much more nbt. iously to lilmx like lx’nniuitt‘e and ntltcr csainplcx nl abicct rite of passage. l‘nr w Ital Marie nccdx ix liberation: a retreat from Ilic cnuxttaiutx of well rchcarxed xclling Iechuiqucx and middle claxx famin lifc. (il’l'. (ilasgnw; (amen. ladinburgh. Shinertlb'l. (li\in,lnhu. l'ls'. llllll l Michael ('aiuc. Michael Marxdcn. Marlin landau 0‘) inittx. Hill}. ‘Shiucr' Simpxon l( ‘ainci ix a xmall Iiiiie bosing promoter with big ideas. llix new cxt money titakitig \culuic ix to pit liix son liddic

‘( iolden Boy' Simpxnn agaiuxt l‘rank Spedding'x (landaui l'S champion. 'l'hc liuancial lutttre ol Simpxnn and hix deIurbed daughtch rcxtx on the outcome of the light. 'l'hiugx incv italin go wrong. This ix .Me/II .-lm/ I‘IIi' ( 'i'l\ crossed with an anaemic epixnde ol l(l\l('lIt/t'l‘\ the xcript xn ltlll nl espoxiunu and cliche ll ph_\ xically hurts to watch \Vitlexx and w ilhnuI a tnndictun nl htunour. rI‘x a cold wallow iii an empty bath. ()dcntt. (ilaxgow.

A Shot At I I5) ... lRtilIL‘l'l l)u\a|l_ l'S/l 'ls'. Zuni l Robert l)u\all. Micltacl lscalnn. Mb Mc('nixt. ll5 minx. l)u\al| play \ ( inidni: Mcl end. the manager of a lictittnux Second l)i\ ixiou tnntball clttb called Kilnncktc. ()w nci l’etei' ( ‘auiernu (Kcatnut wantx xuccexx. and ix prepared to bring in ('clttc'x one time xupei'xtar xtrikcr Jackie \lt’l‘Nlllldll ic\ Ranger and current tabloid darling Mc( ‘nixt i and consider a move to |)ublui In lurlhci hix atuix, lle hax tint. hnwc\cr. cnuxtdctcd the tow nix lanatical xuppntl baxc or the liaught hixInry between the manager and hix ncw xltikct'. Mc( 'nixI acquttx htmxell well. partly bccauxe nl Ilic nbv inux ximilarittcx bch cctt himxcll and Mcl‘hullau. while l)u\a|| ix ax unprcxxnc ax met: I ike the team ll depictx. .l Slim! \1 (i/nii w lll nc‘.cr change the world. btu Ill Ihix age of big buxmcxx lnnIball. II'x a telling rcuundei that football t'ttlt l‘t' ltllt St‘lct‘lt'tl It‘lcttxt'.

Shrek (l I 00000 ( .'\lltllt‘\‘. .'\tl.tlll\ttll. \ilt‘ls} .lcltxnit.l S. 31”” l \(itt't'x nl Mtlu‘ M_\ct'x. (‘aiucrnu lltaI. l'.tltllt' Murphy ‘Hl itiiiix. S/irtL w lll ha\c \\alI l)ixuc_\ turning llt hix cryogenic tree/c tank. 'l'hix tiuly xub\cixt\c .uiunatcd lilm Iakcx pnI xhntx at fairytale mythology. while xingling otit l'ttclc \\all‘x bclo\cd Slim: ll/IIII'.

("Int/t lift/(1. l’III/r t liin. cI .tl. l uch the guixc of a (ptcxt In icxcue a ptmccxx lrnui a dragon undertaken by the cpnuy Innux gtccu ogre (which kidx w ill ln‘.t‘l. Shirk alxn ruthlcxxly pillagcx tnipniate l)Ixticy xatutxing Itx Ihctuc parkx and c‘scculhcx. :\ud w hn‘x belund all thix',’ l’ioducer .leltrcy Kill/L'ltltcl'g’ nl l)ixnc_\ I'i\;tl studio l)rcam\\'nikx. alxo Inimcrly head of yep. l)ixncy (icncral lt’lt‘thc'.

Singin’ In The Rain (I l”...

(( icuc l\cll_‘.. Stanley l)oiicn.l S. l‘ifilii (icnc lx'clly. Donald ( )'( ‘nnuni. Debbie

Re} unldx. (‘_\d ('hartxsc. l()_‘ minx.

llnllj. wood uudctgnex the Iranxitinu llnm thc xilcul era In the talkicx arid Icpulatinnx rixc and fall. Absolutely wonderful muxical entertainment. with tlic xlickext of snappy dialogue. endurineg catchy numberx. a caxt nl genuine charixma. and an engaging picture oi the tnduxtry llt transition into the bargain ()uitc splendid ludinburgh l‘ilm (iuild. ludiubuigh.

The Smallest Show On Earth ( l 'i .... (littxll l)c.tt'(lnlt. lil\'. l()5lll l’cth' Scllcix. Margaret Rutherford. Virginia Mcls'cuna. SI ltlllt\. .r\ud nnc oi the greatest hnmagcx lit cutciua 'l'lIIx wonderful cccctitric cnincdy xccx a young couple inheriting a llcapit ciuctua. 'l'hc liiinu. and xtrugglnig In xa‘.c ll liniii closure when a picture palace. 'l'lic (iraiid, npcux around the cnincr. taking their buxuicxx away, It you made that film now. of cnurxc. you would ha\e In tetaxt 'l he lfraud ax 'l he Brion and bring III a tuulttplc\_ Sad tiutcx 'l'hc |,uuiicre. lahnbutgh.

I l it .... tl(()l)cl'l RndrtgucLl'S.31mli;\titnuinllandetax. .v\lan ('umuitng. ('arla ( iugino. S'l tiiiiix. like any young children. (‘arutcn attd Juli (‘nrtc/ harbour hopes of madcap adventure.

but unlike most children their apparently normal parents are top international super- spics. When they‘re kidnapped as part of a dastardly plot to destroy the world. cooked up by kooky mastermind l‘egan l‘loop

(( 'umming). it falls to the children to save the world. Rife with fantasy. special-effects w i/ardry and high-octane thrills. Spy Kids is particularly enjoyable becattse it's the children and not the adttlts that ultitnately save the day. Ster (‘entury (‘inema. ladinburgh.

A Star Is Born (1') 0... (George ('ukor. l'S. l‘)5-li Judy (iarland. Jatnes Mason. 15?. mitts. (’ukor's musical tale of the rise of a starlet ((iarland) and fall of a fading star (Mason) has been much repeated bttt never bettet‘ed. (iarland displays extraordinary comic titning and vocal power. lidinburgh l-ihn (ittild. lidinburgh. Strictly Sinatra ( IS) 00. (Peter ('apaldi. l'K. 200] ) lan Hart. Brian Cox. Kelly Macdonald. ()7 mins. Actor (‘apaldi turns the camera on his home city. Glasgow. with this entertaining play on the cult of l‘rank Sinatra. Strictly Sinatra songs only is the rule of Italian-Scot club crooner Toni ('oco/za (Hart). So obsessed with Old Blue l-lycs is 'l'oni. he falls in with (ilasgow's gangsters. seduced by crime boss ('hisholm'x ((‘osi tales of his Vegas days. lixxentially. this is the story of Faust to which Sinatra‘s Vegas mob connections lend themselves very neatly. llart gives a great tragi-coniic performance. and despite making his natne playing John Lennon twice. for the first titne sings on film. See feature and review. (ieneral release. Stroszek ( 15) 0... (Werner Her/og. (iermany. 1977) Bruno S. liva Mattes. ('Iemcus Scheit/. lllb’ ruins. Busker Bruno S. his lirlfriend and their diminutive friend abandon the hard life in berlin for the golden land of opportunity - Wisconsin. America. lrnnic. obviously. l-‘ilmhnuse. lidinburgh. The Swamp (La Ciénaga) ( 12)

0.. (l.ucrecia Martel. Argentina/Spain. Ztltll l Mercedes Moran. (iraciela Borges. Martin Adicmian. l()2 ruins. Sweat drips from every inch of celluloid in Martel’s film in which two families struggle to survive the Argentinean heat. ()ne mother. broken and ineffectual wallow s in a drunken fog; the other precariously juggles work and kids. Martel has withheld a soundtrack to allow oppressive silences to grow. while shots of moody inaction are beautifully lingered upon. Although the perspective is original. ultimately the viewer is left as frustratingly dixeinpow cred as the characters in the film. Just one true breath of clean air would have been welcome. l-‘ilmhouse. lidinburgh.

The Tailor Of Panama ( IS) 000 (John Boorman. l'K. Ztltll ) Pierce Brosnan. (ieot'frey Rush. Jamie Lee ('urtis. 10‘) mins. Brosnan's Andy ()snard. the anti-hero of Boorman‘x black comedy based on John Le ('arre'x spy Itt)\ cl. is unashamedly self- xccking. llavitig been banished to Panama he sees a way to turn his new posting to his advantage by exploiting British and .-\mcrican paranoia about the fate of the strategically vital canal. in this end he recruits cockney ex-con turned bespoke tailor Harry Pendel (Rush). The pacing is uncertain and the ending is a mess. but the film's central relationship is intriguing. Harry is an admirable foil to corrupt ()snard. w hose Bond-like attributes are exaggerated until they appear nasty. ()denn. Ayr‘. ()denn. Kiltttttt'unck‘.

Tears Of The Black Tiger (Fa Talai Jone) ( 15) 0... (Wish Sasatiatieng. Taiwan. 2()()l ) Stella Malucchi. (‘hartchai Ngatiisan. l()()() mins. This gorgeous "I‘hai w estern' cleverly parodies John Ford and Sergio Leone. while drawing on Thai inclodramas from the 50s and ()(ls. The pacing. how ever. is as dynamic as a John Woo bullet ballet. Likewise. the story evokes 'l‘hai citiema's past. bttt blends the traditional tale of Rumpoey and Dum's impossible love (her father‘s the local governor; l)ttm's alter ego is Black 'l'iger. top gunman of the bandit chief. Fail with modern cynicism and existential angst. lixuberant. cainp and thoroughly. wonderfully bizarre. The resurgence of Thai cinema starts here. MacRobert Arts (‘entre. Stirling.

the steve martland band

8pm thursday 29 november

tickets: EIZ/EIO conc: EIO/8

index Film

mr mcfall's chamber

8pm friday 7 december tickets: {IO/8 conc: {8/6

~15 Nov your THE LIST 35