Edinburgh Galleries


l‘l Brandon lettuce. 556 l I75. Wed Stilt noon 6pm.

Mixed Show t'ntil Hi 30 Nov. A mixed show of works. mainly of industrial art.


20a Duntlas Street. 557 5002. Mon l‘ri Illaitt 6pm; Sat lllatit -lpttt. Contemporary Paintings t'ntil 'l‘tte l3 Nov. Paintings by .\ngela Reilly. (ieoll'rey Roper and \ndrew l‘it/patrick.


26 Bridge Street. \ltisselburgh. 665 S473. .\loit ix \Ved Sat llattt 5pin1Snn

noon 4pm.

Michael Koerner Sat t Sal tit Nov. New paintings by Michael Koerner. who is studying for all .\ll'.\ at lidinburglt ('ollege of \i'l. "l? 3;"?


29b l)uud;ts Sheet. 467 3937. line l‘ri llaiit 6pm; Sat llatn 5.30pm.

Blood And Kin tile 6 iii 30 Nov. .\ range ol wotk including watei'colours. oils and sculpture dating from the |760s to 2lst century " "


>l lit‘llt‘\ tlt‘ f .l‘t‘\t't‘lll. .S 3(13. “it‘ll Sill ttooti 6pm.

Jenny Smith l Itlil Sun IS Nov. .\ solo show ot new paintings by lidinburgh-based ailist Jenny Stitillt which draws inspiration from llt‘l' recent ti';t\cls to .lapan. See

rev iew


6 l)nndas Street. 55771050. \lon l’ri

lllaiu 6pm; Sat llant 2pm.

John Halliday l'ntil Sat ll) Nov. (ialloway inspired ligurative and landscape paintings by ls'irl.cudbrighi bortt artist Joltn llallitlay

Recent Acquisitions l‘niil Sat l0 No\. Recent purchases including paintings by lloratio .\lc( 'ullocli. Sant Botiglt. Joan Ixatdlcy aitd .loltn \la\wcll.

Scottish Paintings .‘vlon l2 fit 30 Nov .\ selection of paintings by Scottish artists dating from lSlttl to present day. l't‘1tltll‘t‘tlltlllsls include lloratio

\lc( ‘ulloch. .loan l’ai'dlcy. loltn Maxwell and \\ tlliatu lleatli \Vilson.


l0 Royal l’errace. 556 Hill). .\lon l'ri Illatn 6pm: Sat by appointment. Mixed Exhibition l'nlil lit 30 Nov. Paintings ttont stock ittclttdittg works by (ieot'ge llouslon. .l.l ). l'et'gtlssoit.

\laclancltlan \lilne aitd |’.\\’, .-\tlatn.


3S llonie Street. 223 ill-l l.

Mike Wood l‘ntil Sat Ill Nov. Photography.

Squid Drawings .\ton I: .No\ Sat 8 Dec. .\ comic book exltibilion by lidinburgli cartoonist \lalcoltit l)ufl. the iiiait beltind /' ve/ta/l on ll'an/tliie/(l and the bit/HUI/)Iil1\llllll~'\.


.‘. Market Street. 52‘) i993. .\lon Sal

lllaiii 5pm; Stilt noon 5pm.

The Quest For Camelot: The Arthurian Legend In Art Sat 3

No\ Sal .‘6 .lan, l.".‘..5lltl.'l i: family ticket t5; season ticket £4.50. lllls major exhibition traces the impact of the \rlltutian legend on artists throughout tlte ceutln ics. l)t\ idcd into three sections. the lust examines how tlte legends have pertttcaletl society l'ltc second section looks at the \ ictorian era when 'lctitiy'sott's /(l\//\ ()1 //n' Iva/2: rex l\t'tl the myth. inllticucing the work ol the Pie Rapliaelitcs. Rossetti and William Morris. 'l'lic linal pail concludes with tlte earliest known literary reference to :\i'lltlll'. the epic poem l' (fill/lltlilfll. composed by :\neirin in the late 6th century. .\ programme of workshops and assttn'iatcd t'\t‘ltl\ will take

place throughout the exhibition see Edinburgh City Life. NEW SHOW. Europe In Space Until Sat 24 Nov. An exhibition tracing three decades of European co-operation iii space. which marks the Edinburgh meeting of the Ministerial Council of the European Space Agency.

The Kyoto Artist Makers Until Sat 8 Dec. An exhibition of work by craftmakers front Edinburgh's twin city of Kyoto. Japan featuring woven attd dyed textiles. ceramics. glass. Japanese dolls. metalwork arid hand-painted kitnonos.


22- '28 (‘ockburtt Street. 220 1260.

W ‘d—Sat 10.30am 5pm: Sun 3—5pm. New Work Scotland Programme 4 Until Sun 18 Nov. A showcase of work by Edinburgh College of Art sculpture graduate John Wallbank. attd lain lletherington from the drawing and paitttittg division of (ilasgow School of Art.

‘Dear Sarah’ l’itiil Sun 18 Nov. New work in the project room froin Dave Beech.


(Formerly (iallery 4| ). 4| Dundas Street.

557 4569. Mott l-‘ri l0.3()am- 5.30pm; Sat l0.30am--5pm.

Recent Paintings Until Wed l4 Nov. Paintings by Alan King. James l'larrigan.

Nigel (irounds. Peter Nardini and Nicola



at Marie (‘urie House. 29 Albany Street. 478 7050. Mon Sat l()am~-4.30pm. Hanging By A Thread Wed l4

Nov Sat 1 Dec. 'l'lte lidinburgh branch of the limbroiderer's (iuild presents an exhibition of members’ work.

THE DEAN GALLERY Belford Road. 624 6200 (recorded information 332 2266). Mon- Sat l0am- 5pm: Stttt noon 5pm.

Beuys To Hirst: Art Works At Deutsche Bank Wed 7 Nov—Sun t3 Jatt. The Deutsche Batik has the largest international contemporary art collection in the world. boasting around 48.000 works of art. This selection of almost l00 works by (ierman attd British artists. gets its first UK showing iii a public gallery. Featured works include drawings by Joseph Beuys: 'l‘ony (‘ragg's dice sculp- ttire .S'ecrelion; works by Anish Kapoor and Richard Deacon: prints by Damien Hirst and photography by Matt (‘ollinshaw attd Hannah (‘ollins. See pre- view and llitlist. NEW SHOW.


27 Queensferry Street. 220 4l50. Mon~ Sat 9.30am 5.30pm; Stin noon 4pm. Recent Acquisitions A changing display of the gallery’s recent purchases.


S Advocate's ('lose. 225 927 l. Daily

1 l.30am- 5.30pm (closed Wed).

The New Wave Of Primitivism Dom is an arts project established itt 1996 by a grottp of international artists working iii Scotlattd. Willi a constantly changing exhibition of artworks. the gallery houses sculpture. stained glass and paintings by artists who practice primitive art.


6a Duridas Street. 558 9363. Mon—Fri l0am 6pm; Sat 10am 4pm.

Scottish Art Portfolio Sat 3-Sat l7 Nov. Scottish Art Portfolio present an exhibition of work by contemporary Scottish paittters including 'l'erry Barron Kirkwood. John Lowrie Morrison. Lin Pattttllo. Jackie Philip. (‘ieorge Birrell and Davy Brown.

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART Lauriston Place. 22l 6000. Mon—Thu l0am- 8pm; Fri l0am 5pm: Sat & Sttn l0am 2pm.

Kenneth White Until Fri 9 Nov. An exhibition and lattnch of poet Kenneth White‘s new artists' book The High Line: With Stevenson In The ('evennes. White's essay on Robert Louis Stevenson‘s travels in the Cevennes region of [trance has been illustrated by eight works by staff and students based at FICA.


18a Dundas Street. 557 5227. Mon l‘t‘i Ham-«5pm; Sat l0ant lpm.

Joan Benton and Brenda Lenaghan t'ntit the o No\ Recent paintings.

Josephine Graham and Joe McIntyre Sat 10 'l‘ue 27 Nov. Recent paintings.


23 Union Street. 557 2479. the Sat 10am—6pm.

Contemporary Japanese Woodblock Prints t'ntit iii-i to .‘s'ov. Innovative works by fourteen contemporary Japanese artists who specialise in woodblock printing. I’ar! of Japan 200/.


5 Charlotte Square. 220 7720. .\lon l-‘ri Want-4.30pm.

Waverley Until iii 30 Nov. A documentary exhibition looking at the development of liditiburgh‘s railway station. Waverley.


52 Dublin Street. 557 2725. .\lon Hi

I lam--5pm: Sat 1 latit 4pm.

Double Act l'ntil l‘ri 30 Nov. Paintings. drawings attd prints by Alfons Bytautas and Brent Millat'.


88 Lothian Road. 223 2(iSS. Daily 10am-- 10pm.

Little Lhasa - In Exile From Tibet Thu l l‘ri 30 Nov. ('olonr attd black and white photographs by Kari Herbert. takett in Dharamsala iit northern India. where she experienced the exiled life of the Tibetans wlto ltaxe fled tojoiit the Dalai lama.


35 William Street. 225 2l96. 'l‘tte l-‘ri 11am—5pm; Sat l latit 2pm.

Karen Kirkwood and Susan Woods Until Sat l7 Nov. Abstract paintings attd prints by Karen Kirkwootl and Susan Woods. Kirkwootl's work reflects the relationships beiweett science and the physical world while \Voods’ paintings allude to cinematic screens of saturated colour. See review.


9 West Port. 22l 0237. Daily llatit till 7pm (1 lpm when special events are on). location at forest t'ntil Sat 3 Nov. Artist-run space l’orest Arts presents an exhibition of work by local. emerging photographers Lucy l.ee. (ieraldine .»\.sh and Cameron Dugttid featuring landscape. travel attd doctnnenlary photography.

Zargonia Fri 9 Nov Still 2 Dec. .'\ mixed show of paintings. ceramics. text art. slides and works iit leailter.

THE FOUR PLUS ONE GALLERY 2 Warrentler Park Road. 66'." 5 l 52.

Mon Sat l0am 6pm.

Scottish Craft Exhibition .\ wide variety of crafts and applied :tt'ls by tip- and-coitting crafttitakers and designers working in Scotland.


45 Market Street. 225 2383. \lon Sal llam— 6pm; Stttt itoott 5pm.

Nic Hess l'ntil Sat l7 Nov. With a growing international reputation. Swiss ill’IlSl NlC IIL‘SS creates Silt‘ specific. large-scale wall-based collages for the gallery space. (‘realetl froiit industrial tape and adhesive vinyl. lless

listings Art

appropriates logos and brand names into his work. See review.

Richard Murphy Until Sat 17 Nov. The first of a series of exhibitions devoted to architecture. First up is Richard Murphy Architects. the architects responsible for the refurbishment of the gallery in l993. (‘elebrating their tenth year. the exhibition features models. drawings aitd photographs of over 30 projects. attd a 30-minute film by Murray (irigor. Magnetic North Until Stttt l l Nov. 'l'he l-‘ruitmarket Bookshop celebrates ('anmla Days. a two-week long promotion of (‘anadian culture iit litlinbtirgh with a programme of experimental video by over 40 artists. Open Book: Publishing Art In Scotland l’ri 2 Nov. l 6pm. Joint ticket £12 (£6); Unpacking A Library only 1.5 (£2.50). A half-day forum to discuss the quality. distribution aitd funding of art publishing in Scotland. Speakers include (iraeme Murray. director of the l’ruitmarket Gallery. artist-publisher Alec l’inlay and State Nordgrett. director of Baltic (‘entre of (‘oniemporary Arts in (iateshead. A linked independent event Unpacking A Library will take place at 7pm which includes perforntances from poet-artist Kenny (ioltlsmith. artist—publisher 'I‘elfer Stokes and Alec Finlay.

Northern Lights On permanent view is Peter l-‘ink's light installation for the gallery inspired by the aurora borealis. (‘ontprising a ‘roof lin’ triangle of light. detailing on the east arid west roof. lift shaft and pavetttent. the colottrs regularly change. brightening tip this dark corner of [Edinburgh's Market Street.


46a Raebttrtt Place. 3l5 2603. Mon Sat l0atn 5.30pm.

Christmas Exhibition Thu 15

Nov Mon 24 Dec. Annual (‘hristmas exhibition ittclttdittg decorations frotn around the globe. unttsttal (‘hristmas gift ideas and jewellery by British designers Julie Lawrence. Sam Ubhi. Kale Smith. Jenny (iill and Karen Johnson.


(iallery & Shop. 77 Dtindas Street. 556 3l59. Mon Wed & l’ri Sat l0attt 6pm: 'l‘hu l0attt 8pm.

Mixed Exhibition l7ntil Wed 28 Nov. .\ pre--(‘hrisimas exhibition featttrittg paitttittgs by Laura llope-Newbury and Kristen llannesdottir. pltis ceramics. woodwork. jewellery. textiles. prints and cards.


32 Shandwick Place. 225 9l5 1.

Mon Wed & l-"ri 9am ~5.30pm: 'l'hu

9am 7pm; Sat 10am 6pm: Stttt

l l.30atti 5.30pm; Sttn l l.30am 5.30pm. Because You’re Worth It: John Morrison l'ntil Sat 15 Dec. l‘orming part of llabitat‘s iii-store exhibition prograttnite art (0‘ habitat. an exhibition of photo works by Edinburgh (‘ollege of Art graduate. John Morrison.


22a l)nndas Street. 556 2 l S l. Mon l‘ri l0.30am 6pm; Sat l0atn 4pm.

Gary Bonn Sat 3 Sat 17 Nov. Recent oils on aluntiniutit by (iary Botttt featuring landscapes and figurative works. Also on show. sculptures itt wood and wire frameworks by his brother. Bob Bonn. NFW SHOW.


('astlehill. Royal Mile-173 2000. Daily 9.30am l0pm.

Deirdre Nelson Until Stilt l l Nov. In association with the Scottish (iallery. an exhibition of photographs attd textiles by Deirdre Nelson inspired by Ayrshire needlework produced in the l9th century. Artist Talk Thu | Nov. 6.30pm. £4. Deirdre Nelson talks about her work currently on show.

i if) Nov Pillll THE LIST 91