Dennis l-lopper investigate

s more brutal butchery in Tobe Hooper’s poor

1.. . '/ i m.

satirical sequel, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Annie Halli 1M 0000. (Woody Allen. L'S. W77) \Ytitidy Allen. Diane Keaton. Tony Robertx. 93 minx. Tyyo decadex belore Sci Am] The (‘in had itx lirxt orgaxm. .‘llllllt' Hull Wax laying bare the morex of modern. urban romance to deyaxtating el'l‘ect \yhile alxo zoning in on the xpecil'ie pxy che ol‘:\llen Konigxberg: anti-Semitic paranoia. metaphyxical angxt. the xearch lor true loy e. There'x a highly charged oii-xcreen electricity between .-\llen and Keaton. glorioux \ ixtax ol' the old .\'e\y York and hilarioux xet piecex .-\lyy lighting with lobxterx. the xcene ol' hix childhood home beloyy the rollereoaxter and a stream ol' one-liiiei'x to end them all: ‘don't knock lllihllll‘bitlltllll it'x xex \y ith xoineone l loye.' They really don't make 'em like .'llllllt‘

Hull anymore. l'(i(' Renlreyy Street. (ilaxgoyy.

Asoka (PG) 0... tSaiitoxh Siyan. India. 2001) Shah Rukh Khan. Kareena Kapour. Danny [)en/ongpa. I73 iiiiiix. Axoka there played by Holly \yood'x T0”) ('ruixe. Khan) Wax prince ol‘ the .\lagadha kingdom betyyeen 27-1 and 233 B('. Alter a period in the yyildernexx. .-\xoka returnx to \\ age bloody \yar until he conlrontx the bleak uaxtage ol hix battle field and Buddhixm reyealx to him itx iiiexxage of peace. And that. xo the xtoi'y goex. ix hoyy Buddhixm xpread itx \yay acroxx the world. Tranxlated into a moy ie. Siyan hax captured both the my th’x heroic and xpiritual dimenxionx. 'l‘here‘x alxo xong. dance and lighting tthat lookx like it'x xprung iron] the xet ol' ('muc/iine Tlt't'l'l. ()ne of the lirxt Hindi lilmx aiming to breech the liaxt/\\'ext. Bolly/llollyyyood diy ide. ()deon .'\l The ()uay. (ilaxgoyyz l'('l. lidinburgh.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire it'i

.. tKirk \Vixe. (ial‘y thlllStlillC. lb.

300! l Voicex ol Michael J. Fox. Janiex (iarncl‘.

John .\lahoney. ()(i iiiiiix. The baxic premixe ol' Dixney ‘x latext. the dixcoyery ol' the loxt. mythical empire ol.»\tlantix. ix a xcenario \yith .xoooooooo much xcope lor magic and enchantment it xhould be llllptixxihlc to tail. But it ix realixed \y itli all the \ ixual and iniagiiiatiye panache iii a jaded xtreet artixt. Furthermore. it xorely lackx an cy'ebroyy - arching. pupil-narroyymg. gloriouxly caricatured yillain. Similarly. .‘ylilo. the geeky hero tyoiced by l‘oXi ix delicient ol' charm and arouxex little xympathy. Ax l)ixney'x raixon d'etre ix the good/bad dichotomy. it xeemx not only yyax the limpire loxt. but a grand opportunity too. (ieneral releaxe.

Audition t Int .0. t.\liike 'l'akaxhi. Japan. 2001i Ryo lxliibaxhi. liilii Shiina. llS minx. '\\'here haye all the good girlx gone." axkx the chain inixtic Yoxliikayya ol' lllx

\y’idoyy ed. middle-aged buxiiiexx partner Aoyama tlxliibaxhi l. The latter thinkx lie'x found one. u hen he xetx up a xeriex ol auditioiix to xelect a neyy \y il‘e: lormer ballerina .-\xami tShiinai. \yho'x young. beautil'ul. and xtllillllx\i\c. But u here hay e the scarx on her legx come Mom. and yyliat ix the nature ol' her interext iii pam'.’ .-\lter a deliberately meaxured build-up. Takaxhi axxaultx the \ ieyy er'x xeiixex “ith a truly niglittiiarixh linale. \yliich tlircateiix to

oy eryy helm the lilm’x critique ol male Japaiicxe attitudex to women. ('(‘.-\. (ilaxgoyy. Basquiat t 15) O... tJuliaii Schnabel. t'S. l‘)‘)(il Jellrey \Vt'igltl. l);i\ id Bl)\\lL’. Michael \Viiicott. ton iiiiiix. Sclinabel’x biopic

ol hix l'riend Jean-Michel Baxquiat truly capturex the whim of the 80x New York art xcene. \y here hype mattered more than talent. Wright takex Baxquiat l'rom gral‘l'iti artixt to oyernight xtar to drug oyerdoxe \ ictim and coiiyey x hix charm and artixtic yixion. The lilm ix packed yy ith cameox and larger rolex by celebx notably Bmy ie'x turn ax Andy Warhol making it ax much a lilm about liangerx-on ax itx xubject matter. ('ameo. lidinburgh. Before Night Falls i iii .00. (Julian Schnabel. lb. 200]) 130 iiiinx. Thix biopic ol the gay (‘uban author Reinaldo Arenax hax been garlanded \y ith praixe and ayyardx. including a dcxery ed ()xcar nomination l'or leading actor Jay ier Bardem. lt'x more recognition than itx xubject achiey ed in hix lil‘etime. an irony the pei'xecuted .»\rcnax might haye found or) ly amuxing. Sclinabel'x lilm ix haxed on the memoirx Arenax dictated in exile in New York. terminally ill with Aidx. bel‘ore hix xuicide in NW. The painter turned director liiidx a xtyle in keeping yy ith the man and hix yyork. mixing truth. poetic hyperbole and magic realixm to di/ly ing el'l‘ecl. (‘ameo. lidinburgh. Being John Malkovich 1 1m 0000. (Spike Jon/e. l'S. 3000i John ('uxack. ('aineron Dial. ('atherine Keener. John .‘ylalkoy icli. 1 l2 minx. l-‘ruxtrated puppeteer ('raig Schyyart/ t(’uxacki takex a job ax a tiling clerk and dixcoyerx a portal into the actor John .\lalko\ ich'x brain. What could haye deyeloped into a one-gag llllll. beconiex a gender-bending extrayagan/a \y ith a era/y netyyork ol loy e trianglex. \yhicli clinia\ex \y itli a lexbian relatioiixhip bctyyeen two people of the oppoxite xex. A beyy ildering number ol poxxibilitiex are added to the central premixe and important quextionx about perxoiial identity and xc‘ll-ltillilnient are raixed. lidinburgh l-‘ilm (iuild. lidinburgli. Betty Fisher and Other Stories (Bettey Fisher et autres histoires) tltx’i i(‘laiide Miller. France. 2001 i Sandrine Kiberlairi. .\'icole (iarcia. Mathilde Seigner. Hit) minx. .\liller'x pxy chological thriller takex ltx through a xtraiige xtory inyolying the collixion ol‘ the liyex ol- two women and the unexpected arriyal (ii an extranged mother. Part ol the French l-ilm liextiyal. (ilaxgoyy Film Theatre. (ilaxgoyy ; 'l'lie liilmliouxe. lidinburgh. Blade Runner: The Director’s Cut tlSi 00000 tRidley Scott. ['S. Will) llarrixon liord. Sean Young. Rutger llauer. 1 lb minx. ()ut go the pxeudo-noir narration and the tacked-on happy ending; in comex a more defined xeiixe that Deckard hiinxell may be a replicaiit. The look and feel remain ax pouerl'ul. and the acting ix xuperb. A llayyed iiiaxterpiece ix mm a rextored maxtei'piecc. ()dctiii. (ilaxgoyy. Blade ( lb'l 0.. «Stephen Norrington. l'S. IWM \\'exley Snipex. Stephen l)orll'. Krix Krixtol'l'erxoii. [2| iiiiiix. Young Brit director Norriiigton'x techno-yampire moyie haxed on the .\lar\el (’omicx character ix marred by yyeak xtorytellirig and llaxhy computer- game \ ixualx. ()rie hoped l'oi' xuxtained atiiioxpliericx and coherent mythology: inxtead. tliix laxliioiiably updated take on yaiiipire lore xquaiiderx itx iiiiioyatiyc ideax oii ti xcriex til tll\_lt)llllCtl xel-piccex. ('tllltcti. lzditibui'gli.

index Film


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