I Looks like Hollywood has solved the problem of how to make movies that don't remind anyone of 11 September. The answer? Illness and personal tragedy. In one week. American

cinema-goers are being treated to

the thrills and spills of sudden infant death syndrome in Everything Put Together (suburban mum loses baby boy). chronic fatigue syndrome in / Remember Me (worthy documentary about llel. cerebral palsy in Keeping It Real: The Adventures Of Greg Wal/och (documentary about a gay comediancum-performance artist with a unique take on disability). arrested development in King Of The Jungle (man with mental age of five witnesses murder) and Tourette’s syndrome in Maze (a melodrama about a sculptor given to obscene rantingl.

I It's commerce. Jim. but not as we know it. On 12 December. the internet auction site. eBay. will be calling on bids for 300 items of Star Trek memorabilia supplied by the show's creators. Items include the only remaining production model of the USS Enterprise (which COuld set yOu back anything between 830.000 and 850.000). Captain Kirk's



original duty uniform tunic (812.000 to 815.000i and the original beds used by Captain Kirk and Mt Spock in their officers quarters. All this and more (phasers. space ships and scripISl come from the personal collections of art director Matt Jeffries. production executive Herbert Solow and writer Harlan Ellison. But surely the highest bid of all ‘.‘/lll go for the chance to have a blind date WIIll James Doohan aka Scotty. the chief engineer. Just imagine the fun yOu COuld have getting him to s; Captain. she cannae take it anymore!‘ over and over all lllg'li.

I The truth is out there. but /nsro'er can’t quite understand it. Rumour has it that Chris Carter is in disCussioiis about a second X- Files film unthich =.'.'0uld star both Gillian Anderson and Dayid

Duchovny. But ‘.'.'e thought Mulder

got taken away by the aliens for demanding ever-increasiiig fees and talk about dinersit’ying as an actor. The truth is out there.

I Ding. dong the bells are going to chime. right around the ears of Insider i.‘ all this talk of weddings doesn't subside. We've got Britney talking

Who’s getting up to what

about marrying Justii‘. [and E32t‘.’l.’l(l her virginity to." the *.'.’(}(l(ll."§l i‘~ght. it's so refreshing to hear there are still some NICO girls let: out there. Kylie being spotted l()()l\l"{l i." a jen'xe-llen. shop ‘.'.'i'tdoi.'.' ‘.'.:ti‘ boyfriend .Jaiites Goodiiug ‘ll"<)()l l)()S|ll‘.’(l‘. siii‘eiyfl’.. Liz Hurley

being a tl‘orotig".

and (List going stra grit to the making babes tit "ii': producer SEepi‘ei‘: Hr‘gi. ‘.‘.<,- ear‘. ho‘.'.'e‘.'er, breathe a fag" of "elie‘ about the itat.:>t‘.'s; most (Elitlvt) e .o‘.'eal;ie put:- Mr Robbie Williams. st elxnn .J<;i‘.at"a" \.'\."lkes sa,s runwmrs ai:<;..’. Robbie and Nicole Klfll‘izt" a'e pure ll()ll§3(}".t3(}. Aziai‘. suave.

I \."."i‘.iei‘ brags .lES (:t‘tt: the hate: '5; t'a‘': fat l>;<;k-i,-i;. Hebbie '.'.'as; pe’ezi sexe'if“ faxourite eeeiJ'J, 7a. "a," ;" ()"zif iitaga/i'e But “1:;- i;/;%\':; t,r,§;ti.-::'. slender <::,"‘(;ar'e<l f" Robbie Coltrane. ritzgl‘t mete" 1:; (t:- ::e-:;/:" ee" '15; a 'lt’;£‘.‘.",‘.'."(} :ii‘. .;ia'.er‘ 0" ' l leib, unootl :;:;e!‘=e atte' '7 f} performavrce'


I Taking 1;? sen/3'1. Richard Harris. .'.’.'i<: t) a}; i’r’,‘~::%;&;:,'

[\.ir \\‘/,\:/\ 'n‘v olw I~(\\r..,\/r. J\l l:l, tn mltj. 1:. r: {LN-1 .itr.. l,“ ,\ l.(.,, «p, ,.. ,. ,., ,.,.,.. ,g,.,, i(l\/'\:3 it; Lia-Hal it. .1 t: ,1: .. 1.: . Pot? press; eo't‘ereitee .'."‘e't "e

Tl(E.'.' (Ill 0" {t l'él'l'. (Ill):/\‘\l: /\"' ll“}.'.

l_.’(1‘.(l‘..::l}l><:l.t1::"r:zl;:.t'.t:tzt.i mat il.e.ot<io» 1'10" ega'i .iseiz

had {ll'.'(kl‘. the tittivi‘iits may." it: l/(l/‘";' I) lift,“ atte" attel‘tl "-;; fl‘e l()l‘:(l<3l‘.{1"(3l‘7't3"(?. ll‘s. Hans argued. mas ea" to' (We :t:;-..':~;:,- for two man ‘.'."1:>';i e’. l es; i"‘/7/f;{3r"t'i.’).'fif; nto ’)l"’: 'i.~: theat'es. (1(jn'“.'1l‘(L-il-Itf’iftl t .'.;i;; too '.'.'eak to (‘th to" long-er tl‘a" three 'iior‘ttis;. a‘fei‘ '.'."i<:'t l »<>j..: \"x’ehbei '5; /')."<'i.".'(3'i" O" '~.'.'otild be "earn to do r)" " (It; place. 'l'ier‘ of ::<:.irs;~:: trait ‘or fifteel‘ year‘s. "‘.'/e ::an ,udge “its,

taste t'oiii tl‘at.' said lléi.’"'lf§. [3.3.

if Hans ii; iii :;.;<:'i (lis;agr'~:;<.~rner“.

3.".th l l(>'.fl \.'.'et:'t>-:;'. rt::.'. (L()ll‘.(: he"; ‘,e’. to 'ea:: :1 page of t:‘-:;- .J.l<. Honing;

()i'igii‘iazt; Y

on one leg.’

There are records of people finding things that’ve

TH E QUOTES been there for

years. There was

nothing in me except shit. I’m full of shit. I was hoping for a shirt button or my cubs

badge or something.’

[,3 .y‘./::

‘I love fire as much as water. I love its reassuring presence, its colour and its

‘I hate children, the little bastards.’ 5)" 85.". i? .g Y) ‘tfit’i 4&0 if}

‘I said I didn’t want to show my arms, ’cos I just didn’t. If you’re having a fat day,

you’re having a fat day.’

‘It opened up a oneness with everything, being not just self but part of everyone. Part of you, part of that couch.’ ‘Mick’s like an alcoholic where sex is concerned.’ "L: LED)”: ’76?" (2'14

‘The problem about going out with an ex is that it’s very hard to have a platonic relationship when you know what their genitals look like.’ r

‘lt’s not easy to wear her underwear. I kind of wore it more