FOur hands. one piano and a flavour of St Andrew's Day is the combination which Edinburgh pianists Margaret Waketord and Simon Coverdale hope \.'.’|ll bring success tr. raising funds for the Childrens Hospice Association Scotland. Along wrth food and Wllle from Cafe Huh. the ititoriital (3‘.'(3llllttt ‘.'.’ill presetit musk: to reflect the occasion of the special date. well known cl; SiiliIS and a number of light-heartt-zd items. selected with the children in mind. CHAS' Rachel l-louse at Kinross is the only facility in Scotland \.-.'hich provrdes ouaeit‘, respite care for children. although a st-zcond. at Loch Lomond. if; curre'ttt', being planned.

(Carol lvlaint

I Mar Jaret lt't/akeford and Stmor‘ Coverda/e pray at 7"<,‘- Hut). [7512"riturgti.

Fri 30 Nov.

Japanese drummer and children iron) the Japanese \ehool singing.

I Renfield Recitals Rent‘teltl St Stephen\ ('hureh ('entre. 360 Bath SII'CL‘I. .553 3830. lpltl. liree. l't'L‘L‘ Saturda} lunchtime eoneertx h) \arioux at'ti\t\.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's llall, ('lerk Street. ()(18 3lll‘). 7.45pm. £30 (£3.50t See Thu 3‘). 0A Celebration Of Life St \lat‘} \ ('athedral. Palmerston l’laee. (ioS 30l‘). 7.30pm. LS (UH. l‘amiliar 'l‘\' laces Sheena .\lel)onald atid Hannah (iordolt join a host ol other l'tindraixerx at this exening ol' lltllSlt‘ and \poken “(ml in aid of \Va\ et‘le) ('are.

I New Edinburgh Orchestra \lt‘olxolt Square ('hureh. 7.30pm. to (£4 t. 'l'im l’a\ton eoltduch the orehextra in a \\ inter eoneert. t‘eaturing lilgar’x lixel} .St’t‘t'ttrlt/v for Strings. Mendelxxohn‘x Sini/t/tmii' .VU 4 'Ittt/tutt' and a neu eommixxion ltom .lennil'er Martin. llt'ttt‘ttte I’tt turn.

I Scottish Voices (ire) l'riarx Kirk. (il'L‘)ll‘l£ll'\ Place. 53‘) 8877. l.lllpm. £4. (iraham Hair eonduetx the \oeal group in Jaek Bod} K l.m'(' Somtt'tx ot .lltt'ltt'ltttiet'lu. [)lth \xorkx h} (iillian \\'hitehead tttltl Rthx llat‘l‘ix.

I Edinburgh University Music Society Choir 51 (iL‘ttl'gC\ \\t'\l (hutch. 58 Strand“ iek Place. 07355 4534M). 7.30pm. £5 tL'3i. Riehard Jelleoat eondttetx the ehoir in llaiidel\ .l/t'xxtu/t.


I RSAMD Recital l’ollok llotlxe. l’ollok (‘ountr} l’ark. 30o0 l’ttllt)k\ll;l\\ \ Road. (tlo (i4 10. 3pm. £4 tL'3l. l’ianixt Maria Karapanou pe‘l'lttl'llh \xorkx h} Bach and ('hopin ax part oi the RS:\.\II)\ ul'let'ttoolt I'L'Cltal \L'I'IL'S.

I Sunday Promenade Organ Concerts .-\rt (taller) & Museum. Kel\ ingrme. :\t'g'\le Street. 337 3%)”.

3.30 3pm tk 3.30 4pm. l’ree. .t\n hottr of tree organ lllllSlL‘ iii the museum \\ itlt .lolin \Valker.


I Edinburgh Quartet Queen‘s llall. (’lerk' Street. (fox 301‘). 3.30pm. L") trot. ()ne ol Seotland\ linext \tring t|llttl'lt‘l\ perlorm tuo \\ork\ It} .\lo/art: Quartet in I) Ittttlttt' atid. \\ itlt rentm ned elarinettixt (ier\a\e de l’e) er. lti\ (Yuri/it't Quintet in .l. Blim‘ ('lttt'tttt’t Qttttitt't eompletex the hill.

I Wizards, Witches and Wands l.\ltL‘l' llall. l.otltiait Road. 335 l I55. 4pm. L‘Stt'4i1l'amil} tieket US. See

Sal l.

I Edinburgh University Music Society Symphony Orchestra (ire) lriarx Kirk. (ire) l'riarx l’laee. 07855 4534M). 7.30pm. to l L'4t. (‘onduetor Riehard .lelteoat is joined h} pianist :\ndre\\ .lolithtott for l’i'okolie\ '\ l’t'tttto (‘om-t'rto .\‘o .i’. The programme :tl\o teatttrex Selioenherg‘x Verklarte \aeltt. the prelude and \elter/o lo llolxtK l/tttttmt't'uttt't/t and .lanaeek\ \xondet'l'ul .S'ttt/tttttt’tttt.

Advent Organ Recital Sacred llL‘al'l ('hureh. l.auri\ton Street. o.30pm. Retiring eolleetion. ()i'ganixt \liehael Bottzneitture perlorim \\ot'k\ h} ('ottperin. Baeh aitd olltet’x.

I St Giles’ At Six St (iilex' (‘atliedraL Ro}al .\lile. 335 9443. opm. liree. Ul'g;tltl\l Sheila Rolterlxott performs \xorkx It) Haelt. Ritter and l"ranek.

I Helen Phillips Ittllllltlll‘glt (Ktxtle. I{tt_\;ll .\lile. 335 (ts-to. Ipm. 3pm N 3pm. Normal :ttlllll\\lttll applies. \oealixt l’ltillipx \lllgx a \eleeliott ol traditional (‘hrixtmax L‘al'ol\.


I Musica Electronica (‘otteett llall. l'ni\er\it} ol ( ilaxgtm. l‘ni\er\it'\ ./\\enue. 330 4003. 7.30pm. l‘ree. :\n e\ening ol li\ e eontemporai') muxie and eoniputer haxed \otmd ll';lll\lt)l’lltallttllS.

\\ ith guest eellixt Rohert lr\ ine.


I Paul Lewis Queen's llall. (’lerk Street. (ioS 30l‘). 7.45pm. [S U450. Young Bt‘itixli pianist Paul l.e\\i\ builds on hix alread) exeellent reputation. \\ ith the \eeond ot~ t‘otn' eoneertx leattn‘ing SL‘lillltL‘l’l.\ eomplete I’trlltrt Sullulrls.

I Childline Christmas Fundraising Concert t'xltet Hall. l.othian Road. 338 ll55. 7.30pm. to (Ht. Young lttthlelillh and orehextrax from lidinhtirgh \L‘ltool\ raise mone) l'or eharit).

Tuesday 4


I La Traviata 'I‘Iieatre Royal. 282 Hope Street. 333 9000. 7.15pm.

£5.50 £50. See Sat l.

I RSAMD Junior Academy llutehexonx' Hall. I58 Ingram Street. 553 830]. l.l5pm. £3.50. Studentx trotn the Aeadem} perform a \eleetion ol‘ \olo arid ehatither muxie.


I Carols For Christmas (ire_\'l'riar\ Kirk. (ire) l'riarx l’laee. (ms 404‘). o.3(lptii. The National Youth (‘hoir ot' Seotland. lidinhurgh ('hildren’x (’hoir and loeal eeleht'itiex PL‘l‘lttt'lll readings and earolx.

I Rudsambee .\Ill\L‘lllll ()l~ Seotland. ('hattthers Street. 347 43l‘). 7pm. liree. .-\nnual ('hrixtniax eoneert from the eompan} of a eappella singers. drawn lrom man) dillerent eountriex and languages.

I Stephen de Pledge Reid (‘oneert llall. lidinhurgh l'nixerxit}. Bristo Square. (toS 30l‘). l.l0pm. l’ree. l’ianixt de l’ledge perl‘ormx \\ot‘k\ h) llarrix. Houatet‘. Rimmer and l‘arr. l’urt oft/1e .Vt'tt' /(’(Il(l/I(/. .Vt'ii' .l/ll\l.('_’t’.\/I.\'(l/.

Wednesday 5


I Glasgow Symphony Orchestra Adelaide's. 30‘) Bath Street. 348 4970. 7.30pm. .\ seasonal programme from the popular orchestra.

I Carmen Ro_xal (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

9; l 7.50 £30. The l’olixlt State Opera ol‘ Kraktm \l\ll (ilaxgtm \xith their produetion ot‘ Bi/et\ tragie opera.

I RSAMD Symphony Orchestra RSAXH). I00 Renlreu Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £7 tL'4 t. the student orehextra. eondueted h} 'l‘akuo Yuasa. perform \xorkx h} l’eter lnnex arid Raehmaninm.


I Robert Melling ()tteen‘x llall. ('lerk Street. (ioS 30l‘). l3.45pm. £5. l’ianixt .\Ielling perl'ormx \\t)l‘l\\ h} Chopin. Sehuhert atid Dehusx}.

I Hebrides Ensemble Qtteen‘x llall. ('lerk Street. (ms 301‘). 7.45pm. £7.50 L") (to). As part of llal'lidi llallgrimxxon’x (tlllll hirthda} eelehrationx. the eompoxer hitnxelt \\ ill appear ax narrator in this performance ol~ I)aniil Kharnix' Rll\\l;tll itltxllt'tllxl poem. .tltttt Stu/tn.

Thursday 6


I La Traviata 'l‘lieatte Rinal. 382 Hope Street. 333 9000. 3. I 5pm.

£5.50 L5”. See Sal l.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra BBC Studio I. Broadeaxting llottxe. Queen Margaret l)ri\e_ 338 8844. 7.30pm. liree. Martyr Brahhinx eonduetx the orehextra iii Rttltt‘l'l l'illt'lh' I’ttllttt (‘UIHY’I'IU l\\l[l1 \olol\l Martin Roxeoel and I'il-L‘kIL‘lilC l.amond\ .SVm/t/tutn. l‘ree tickets ean he ohtained h} sending all we to: SS() (‘oneertx Seeretar}. Broadcasting llouxe. Queen Margaret l)ri\ e. (ilaxgou (il3 SIX i. PIIUIIL' (ll~ll 5.3K 39H) lior thIilllS. I Rosalind Sutherland and Julia Lynch XIL‘I'L‘llttllh House. 7 \\t‘\l (ieorge Street. 334 0757. l3.45pm. £4.50 tL‘l.50 £4). lnternational soprano

A Celebration of Life Sheena McDonald (picturedi is at the helm for this night of music and narrative. with all tmrticipants giving their time freely to raise money for HIV and AIDS charity Waverley Care. St Mary's Cathedrat Edinburgh. Sat t Dec.

Royal Scottish National Orchestra The RSNO's mammoth Shostakovich series draws to a close. with help from two fellow Russrans. soprano Elena Prokina and bass Mikhail Svetlov. Fill yOur hip flask with vodka and get into the SC viet spirit. Usher Ha/I. Edinburgh. Fri 7' Dec; Royal Concert / /a//. Glasgow. Sat 8 Dec.

lnstal Seven hours of electronica and contemporary classical works from around the globe. jazzed tip with video installations it'll either blow your mind or drive you insane. The Arches. Glasgow. Sun 9 Dec.

Adrian Chandler They call him the 'Naked Violinist. but fear not. no parts will be on show ~ instead Chandler's relaxed approach to music has invrted comparisons to TV chef Jamie Oliver. St Andrew's /n The Square. G/asgow. Sat 1 Dec.

Sutherland ixjoined h) pianist l.}llL‘lt lot a \eleetion of Spanish aitd liitglixh \olth. plus the odd (ierxhn iii number.

I Scottish Voices (‘oneert llall. l'ni\er,\it} ot(ila\go\\. l'nixerxit} :\\enue. 330 4003. l.l0pm. lii'ee. See Sat l.

I Opera School Workshops RS:\f\ll). I00 Rentteu Street. 333 5057. 7.15pm. £5 (£3). :\n inl'ormal presentation ol' \x’ork-iii-progress l'rom \lltdettt\ on RSAMI) opera eourxex.


I Christmas In Portugal (‘anongate Kirk. l53 ('anongate. on" 7776. 7.45pm. to tL'3.50t. .\'oel ()‘Regan direetx lidinhttrgh l'ni\et\it_\ Renaixxanee Singers iii an e\ening ol' l’ortugnexe ehoral muxie. 'l'ieketx ;t\ailahle on the door.

I Carols On George Street (ieorge Street. 473 3800. 5.30 7pm. Free. 'l‘raditional a eappella earol singing performed h} memherx ol‘ lidinhurgh \L‘ltool eltoil'x.


I Carol Concert Ro};ll (‘oneett Hall. 3 Satiehiehall Street. 353 8000. 5.30pm. £5 LI4..‘\IIL'\CI1III“_‘UI‘l-L'\ll\t‘I-il\UlllilIC\ \\ ith all proeeedx going to the .\la|eolm Sargent ('aneer l‘und.

:'t\.". '.“-I‘-- 'THE LIST 61

