Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

AJ. t l2) 0.. tStc\ cn Spiclbcrg. l'S. ltltll l llalc} Jocl ()xinont. Judc l.a\\. Ill iiiiiix. Stanlc) Kubrick xpcnt )cai'x planning :lrlifii'iu/ Iriri'llrm'ncc. inxpircd b} a Brian Aldixx xhot‘t xlot'}. 'Supcr-to) x l.axl :\ll Sunimcr Long'. ()n hix dcath. thc projch \xax bcqucathcd to Spiclbcrg. 'l‘ogctlicr thc} ha\ c crcatcd a l'uturc \torld \\ hcrc thc human bod) ix coinplctcl} coinmodilicd. l-‘orgct c) horgx thc robotx iii thix lilm arc pnrc artilicial intclligcncc. 'l‘hc qucxtion ix. can thc_\ bc programiiicd to [all in low'.’ llonmcr. tlic immcnxc dill‘crcncc bctuccn tlic l\\o lilmmakcrx' approach makcx thix a torturoux tno hourx. ax _\ou arc tuggcd bctuccn tiio cxtrcmcx: lx'ubrickian cool and Spiclbcrgian .xcntimcntalit}. (‘amco. lidinburgh.

Amélie t 15) moo lJcan-l’icrt'c Jctmct. lirancc. 200] i:\udrc) lautou. .\lathicu Kaxxoxitl. Scrgc .\lcrlin. llt) minx_ .'\\ u ith hix [\xo prcx ioux l‘rcnch lantaxicx. l)('/II(”(H('\\('II and [Ii/1(‘(illh ()1 [1H] (hilt/(Il'i'n. JL‘tlnL‘l L‘I‘L'alL‘x a lantaxtical \Hn'ld. hcrc t'ciinagining l’arix' oldcxt tiuartcr. Montmartrc. \Vithm it thc ccccntric adwnturcx ol hix cpon} moux licroinc Ipla} cd b) capthating cllin ncncoincr 'l'autoui untold in a manncr ax complc\ ax a Sn ixx timcpiccc “llCll .'\mL"llL‘ dccidcx to bring happincxx to LlC\L‘l'\ ing pcoplc b} pla_\ mg claboratc practical iokcx on thcin. (‘ompoxcd ol' man) momcntx ol' abxolutc \xondci'. thix ix a tilm \xhich cclcbratcx all thc littlc. grcat tliiiigx m lllt‘. SL‘iL‘ClL‘ti l'L‘lcaxc.

American Pie 2 t l5. 0. Li. B. Rogcrx. l‘S. ltKll l Jaxon Biggx. liugcnc In}. .\lcna Sutari. lllS iiiiiix. l)cxpitc thc l'act that thc opcning xccnc tlcaturing anothcr xc\ual mixhapi \\ ill bc rcaxxuringl) lainiliar to laiix ol. thc lit’xl mm ic. it ix not L‘nlit'cl} rcprcxcnlatn c ol \\ hat ix to conic. lla\ ing gonc to collcgc. our horn} licrocx arc madc to inaturc. ('ollcgc comcdicx. in thc tradition cl rill/HUI] Motor and l’oi‘ki 'x. arc xuppoxcd to bc all-out band). brainlcxx l'un. 'l‘hc problcin \\ ill] ."IIIUI'UYHI I’lt' 2 I\ littll dcxpitc lllt' gt'tixx~ out humour and prcoccupation \\ ith xc\. ll ix a film uhich ironicall} alxo tricx to bc rcxponxiblc and maturc and thc luo iuxt don’t \Hit‘k togcthct‘. Sclcclcd t’L‘lL‘axc. Amores Perros (Love’s A Bitch) l IM .0... t .r\lciandro ('ioii/alc/ l-.f:rritu. .\lc\ico. 200] l limilio liclicuii'ria. (iacl (iarcia Bcrnal. (io) a 'l'olcdo. l53 iiiiiix. lnarritu‘x dcbut l'caturc ix bilch ax ‘thc .\lc\ican l’ul/i I-i't'li'on‘. a dcxcriplion \\ hich xcllx it xhort. 'l‘hc 'larantino comparixon ix a tixcl'ul xtarting point: thc liliii tcllx tlircc

0\ crlapping xtoricx - a tcciiagcr draxx n into thc “orld ol' illcgal dog-lighting. thc inlidclit} of a middlc-agcd iiicdia c\ccuti\ c and an cldcrl} homclcxx man b} uxing xhil'ting timc-l'raiiicx. tangcntiall} linkcd charactcrx and iaggcd \crbal rh_\thinx. l-icrcc htunaiiit} undcrpinx lnarritu'x bcautilul. grain} \ ixualx and (iuillcrmo Arriaga Jordan‘x iiitilti-l;i_\crcd xcript. 'l‘lic bcxt lilin ol thc _\cai' xo lar. and unlikcl} to bc xurpaxxcd. l'ilmhouxc. lidinburgli.

An American In Paris «two... «Vinccntc .\linnclli. l'S. 105] l (ictic Kcll}. l.cxlic (‘aron. ()xcar l.c\anl. .\'ina l’tk‘ll. ll.i ininx. Splcndid il' xoiiictiiiicx garixh romantic inuxical. v. ith KcII} on top ltll'lll ax a uould-bc artixt kicking up a xtorin m [(1 l’t'l/(' «'I'Ic. l.uiiiicrc. lidinburgh.

Anastasia tl'iOOOO tl)on llluth/( iar\ (ioldntan. l'S. lWTi \‘oiccx ol .\lcg Ryin.’ ('hrixtophci' l.lo)d. John ('uxack. ‘H iiiiiix. \Vith thix \\ idcxci'ccn romantic mtixical adwnturc. animator l)on llluth ollcrx a lilm that ri\alx l)ixnc_\. chriting hixtor}

\UlllC\\ hat. 0 il magician Raxputin putx a curxc on thc 'l‘xar'x lamil} and cauxcx thc l‘)l7 Rcwlution. 'l'hc child prmccxx :\naxlaxia xur\ ncx. but grim x up ax an orphan. tiiiablc to rcmcnibcr hcr paxl. \Vith c.\traordinar} action xcqucnccx. L'\t]lll\llL' charactcrixatioiix and bcautil'ul xoiigx. (it'ox\ctior. (ilaxgim.

Apocalypse Now Redux l 15: 0000 il'i‘ancix Ford Coppola. l'S. l‘F’U/Itltll i .\lartin Shccn. Marlon Brando. Robcrt l)ti\all. 203 minx. (‘oppola'x llL'“. longcr cut ol' hix \‘ictnam \xar inaxtcrpiccc mcludcx morc ol' l)u\a|l'x cr‘al} choppcr corinnandcr lx'ilgorc. a xccond cncountcr \\ ith thc l’la) bo) lltiiinicx. a ncu xcqucncc xct on a rcinotc l’rcnch plantation adding hixtorical background and Brando cxpounding upon thc inxanit) of nut". lt ixn‘t an impro\ cmcnl. but conxidcring thc circuinxtanccx undcr which it \\.‘t\ lilincd - in thc l’hilippincx \xhcrc c\cr) thing from hurricancx to hcart attackx plagticd thc caxt and crcxx )ott uant to xcc c\cr} thing thc_\ got on lilm. l’(i(‘ chlrcxx Strcct. (ilaxgtml (‘amco. lidinburgh.

QArsenic And Old Lace «PG: 0”” tl'l’dtlk (’apra. l’S. l‘llli ('ar} (irant. Raynond \laxxc}. l’chl' l.orrc. Joxcpliinc llull. Jcan .-\dair. 1 IX minx. l’ricclcxx black comcd} hax (irant upping thc doublc-takc lactor \\ hcn xinixtcr criminalx .\laxxc_\ and [our conic to xta} \\ ith hix l\\o x“ cct atmlx. a doublc-act \\ ho ol' courxc arc

juxt ax murdcroux lhcnixchcx. Scc Rough

L'tllx. (il'vli. (ilttxgtm.

As Good As It Gets I IS» 0000

tJatiicx l.. llt‘ookx_ [3. WWW .lack \icltolxon. llclcn llunt. (ircg lx'iiincar. l3” iiiiiix. .\'curotic \\ ritcr .\lcl\ in xul't‘crx li‘om

0h\C\\l\ C-cottlptllxh c til\Ul'tlL'l'. litll compcnxatcx l'or hix loncl} lil'c b_\ bccoming a niaxtcr ol' abtixc. (‘arol. tlic \iaitrcxx in a local rcxtaurant. ix thc onl} pcrxon tough cnougli to takc him on. .'\x romantic coincdicx go. it'x an odd pairing. btit tlic match \xorkx thatth to a xharpl} \\ itt} xcript and xpol‘on pcrlormanccx l'rom .\'icliolxon and Hunt. ()dcon. lidmburgh. Atlantis: The Lost Empire it‘.

C. tKll'lx \let‘. (iar_\ 'li'otixdalc. [8. Still] \itllL'LW ol \llc‘llttt‘l .l. l'.0\. .lttlllt'x (iarncr. John .\lahonc_\. ‘lo iiiiiix. 'l‘lic baxic [\i‘clttixc ol l)l\tlL‘} ix lalcxl. lllL‘ tlixctn L‘l'} ol thc loxt. ni_\tliical cmpirc ol :\ll;l|lll\. ix a \cctial'io \\ llll xoooooooo ttittch xcopc lot‘ magic and cnchantnicnt ll xhould bc iinpoxxiblc to lail. But it ix rcalixcd \\ ith all thc \ ixual and imaginatix c panachc ol a iadcd xtrcct artixt. l‘urthcriiiorc. it xorcl_\ lackx an c}cbro\\ .archiiig. pupilararron mg. gloi'iouxl} caricaturcd \ illaiii. Siiiiilarl). .\lilo. tlic gcck) hcro t \oiccd b_\ l-'o\i ix dclicicnt ol charm and ai'ouxcx littlc x_\ iiipath}. .-\x l)ixiic} ‘x raixon d‘ctrc ix thc good/bad dichotoiii}. it xccmx not old} \xax thc liinpii'c loxt. but a grand opporttmit} too. (icitcral t‘clcaxc. Audition i IX) 0.. i.\lttkc 'l'akaxhi. Japan. Itllll l l<_\o lxhibaxhi. liihi Shiina. 115 iiiiiix. ‘\\'licrc hai c all tlic :_‘t‘od :Jiilx :Jtiiic ." axkx thc chain inixtic Yoxhikana ol hix uidoxxcd. middlc agcd buxiiicxx partncr .r\o'\ama t lxhibaxlii r. lhc lattcr tliinkx hc'x lotiiid onc. \x licn hc xctx up a xcricx ol auditionx to xclcct a ncn \\ ilc: lorincr ballcrma .'\\;lllll tSliiinai. \\ lio'x )tiiiiig. bcauttl'ul. and xubinixxi\ c. But \\ hcrc lia\ c thc xcai'x on hcr lch conic trout. and “hat ix tlic naturc ol' hcr mtcrcxt in pain’.’ .v\ltcr a dclibcratclj. incaxurcd buildup. 'l'akaxlii axxattltx thc \ icucr'x xcnxcx \\ ith a trul_\ nightmariin linalc. \xhich tlircatcnx to o\ct'\\hclm thc lilin'x critiquc ol' malc .lapancxc attitudcx to \xonicn. ('amco. lidinburgli.

Bandits t III 0.. Illarr} l.c\ inxon. [8. 20”] l llrucc \Villix. Hill} llob 'l'hornton. (‘atc Blanchctt. 123 iiiiiix. \Vrittcn b} llarlc} l’c} loti t In in I’M/Ax l. Hum/11x ix a talc ol modcrn da} bank robbci'x loc Blakc i\\'illixi and 'l'crr} ('ollinx t'l‘hornton I. “m mg hccoinc l’olk hcrocx. tlicir criiiic xprcc ix complicach b} Blanchctt'x ncurotic

llt)lGC\\ ilc “llu lallx in lo\c \\ ith both iiicn \\llll\l i'c ciiacting tlic l’att} llcarxt xtor}.

l.c\ iiixoii and PL") ton lail thcir likcablc caxt. but ’l‘hornton xal\agcx tlic liliii “ith a gcniux comic pcrl'orinancc ax a li) pocliondriac criminal. lt'x a crinic 'l'liornton'x pokci' lacc talciitx \xcrcn‘t matchcd b} thix o\crlong. unrcmai'kablc romp. (icnci'al t‘clcaxc.

Battle Royalei Isa .00. tl-ukaxakti Kitiji. .lapan. jtltll l 115' iniiix. [mil ()1 'I‘lic I‘lim ix rc-iiiiagincd ax a \ iolcnt prc tnillcnnial nightinarc ax a claxx ol tccnagc Japancxc xclioolcluldrcn ix abandoncd on an ixland. gixcn a \arict} ol \xcaponx. and told that oiil} lhc laxt xui'\ nor \\ ill bc alloncd to Ian c. (irucxomc cult action flick that xctx out

index Film

ER. heartthrob Goran Visnjic plays a no-good blackmailer of Tilda

Swinton's hassled middle-class mum in the top rate thriller The Deep End

to bait tlic inorc i’caclionat‘} incinbcrx ol xoctcl}. (Enrico. lidinburgh‘. \lacRobcrt .-\rtx (critic. Stirling.

The Believert IS: 0000 illcnn llcan. [8. Soul l R}an (ioxling. ’l‘hcrcxa Rtixxcll. Bill} /.anc. UH iiiiiix. .\ )ourig .\'c\x York

.lc\\ ixli kid \\ ho'x alxo a two-Nan ix abotit ax pl'o\ocall\ c ax xubicct mattcr gctx. 'l‘hc xtor} ol Harm} Blmt rciccting hix )c‘xlii\;i xtudicx to adopt a kalicad unil’orm arid undcrtakc actx ol tcrrorixin. might ha\ c bccn mcrc chcap xcnxationalixm \icrc it not for lhc thought- proioking inanncr in which uritcr-dircctor llcnr} llcan in\cxtigatcx thc xlor). and thc lact that liix xcript ix baxcd on a rcal caxc li‘otn thc l‘)(i()x. l'nxurprixingl}. lican ta Jcn l got liiinxcll' into hot \xalcr in :\lllL‘l'lL‘;t. btit hix liliii ix a ccrcbral thcological and philoxophical inquir} \ihicli tranxccndx criticixin. l'(i(‘ chlrcn Strcct. (ilaxgo\\‘.

l‘( i(‘ (‘incinax. lidinburgh.

Blade Runner: The Director’s Cut Il5i .....lthllC} Scott. [8. l‘lh’li llarrixon l‘ord. Scan Young. Rutch llauci‘.

I In llllllx, ()ut go thc pxcndo-iioir narration and thc tackcd-on happ) cndmg; in comcx a morc dclincd xcnxc that Dcckard hiinxcll ma} bc a rcplicant. 'l‘hc look and l'ccl rcmain ax poncrlul. and thc acting ix xupcrb. .'\ llaucd itiaxtcrpiccc Ix no“ a t'L‘xlttt'L‘tl ltl;I\lL‘l'plCL‘L‘. (’ainco. l2dmburgli.

Qalue Velvet l rm ooooo t l);t\ ia l._\nch. l'S. loam lx'}lc .\lacl.achlan. l)cnnix lloppcr. lxabclla Roxxcllini. Ill) iiiiiix. ln xmall-tou ii .\liddlc Anicrica. \xould bc ho} dctccli\ c .\lacl.achlan lindx a xc\ci'cd car on xoiiic naxtc ground. \thn tlic policc xhoo hiiii ana} hc dccidcx to do xoiiic imcxtigating ol hix oun. A xingular luxion of thc cox) and thc tcrril’} ing \xhich hlcndx kitxch and nightmarc. ll-mm ic dctcction and brutal xcx to dcconxli'uct our complaccnt \ ixioii ol' normal xocict}. 'l’liix

ix lilin-making of rcmarkablc imagination and xkill. Scc rc\ icxx. l‘('i(' chl'rcw Sti'cct. ('ilaxgou; l‘ilmliouxc. lidinburgh.

Bonnie Scotland 1 tr .0. ilamcx llornc. [8. INS) Stan l.aurcl. ()li\cr llard)’. Daphnc Pollard. lx’t) iiiiiix. Stan and ()llic hcad north ol thc bordcr to collcct an inhcritancc. but ciid tip in a Scottixh i'cgnncnt lighting in India. .\'ot a touch on I. and ll'x xhortx tlicrc’x an unncccxxar) romantic xubplot but l'caturcx cnougli ol' thc xlapxtick xtupidil} to makc it \xortli \xatching. l.uniicrc. lidinburgh. GBringing Up Babyil’m .0000 tllouard lltmkx. l'S. HUN) ('ar} (ii'ant. lx'atliarinc llcpburn. ('harlcx Rugglcx. It): iiiiiix. lair) gal llcpburn cauxcx timid Ioolo- g} prolcxxor (Brant to loxc a \aluablc dinoxaur bonc arid mixla} a pct lcopard \\ ith- iii thc courxc ol‘ onc xcrc\x ball cxcning. .r\rchct}pal 'l‘hirticx cra/_\ comcd) \\ ith onc otillandixltl} liilarioux xccnc l‘olloxi ing anoth- cr \\ itliiii thc progrcxxion of an uncrringl} logical narrati\ c. Both xtarx at thcir charix- matic bcxt. Scc Rough clttx. (il'il‘. (ilaxgon. Cats And Dogs 4P0: COO tl.a\\rcncc (iutcrman. ['5. 20”] l Jclltioldblultl. lili/abctli l’crkinx. Miriam Margo} lcx. S7 iiiiiix. ’l‘hix rclrcxhing approach to cutc talking pctx lilmx ix a kind ol' xlll“ L‘l'xl\ c lxlnh’ mcctx .lliximn.‘ IIII/Ir)\\l/l/(’. ’l‘hcxc dogx don't itixt talk. thc} uxc xur\cillancc cquipnicnt atid

ha\ c a xolcmn mixxion to protcct xcicntixt (loldbluni ax hc imcntx a curc lot” dog allcrgicx. 'l‘hc catx arc c\ il. hcll-bcnt on conqucring tlic \iorld‘. lhcii' xpccial agcntx

hax c dcadl} nima xkillx and \ icioux “caponx. ’l‘hc aniinatronic cll'cctx arc of a prclt) high xtandard. but it'x tlic animal traiiicrx )ou'rc in rcal an c ol. 'l‘hc occaxional \xandcr into xcnlinicntal tcrritor) and xlou mg up ol' pacc can bc l'orghcn b} thc madl} original idea. Incl} action xcqucnccx and knockabout humour. Stcr ('cntur} (‘incina. lidinburgh.

Scotland’s number one guide to Cinema

[)(ix‘ .‘x‘itli c“ xiii'i .‘x‘\‘.‘