Film index

Thunderbird Six 1 l 1 O... 1|)a\ 1d Lanc. l'K. 1008101) iiiiiix. Scott. Virgil. Lad} Pcnclopc 1'! 11/. (‘alling lntcrnational chcucl Black Phantom hack xhock horror? ()nl} (icrr} and Syh ia :\ndcrxon can \11\ c 0x mm 3 Juxt ax \icll thc} can xpin a dcccnt )arn. Shamc thc} trcat tlic actorx likc puppctx thotigh . . . MacRolicrt .v\rtx ('cntrc. Stirling. The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg 1I’(11 O... (Jacqucx l)cm). l’rancc. l‘)(141 (’athcrinc Dcncin c. Annc \crnon. \iiio ('axtclnumo. ()3 minx. Romancc hctnccn a xhopgit'l and a garagc atlcndant ix rckindlcd \thn thc} inch again aitcr _\carx apart. Delightful xcrccn opcrclta uxing onl} xung dialogue. \\ ith dci'tncxx oi caincra ino\ cincnt and dclicioux production dcxign maintaining the lillL‘l‘L‘\l \\ hcn thc plot crcakx. l.uinicrc. lidinhurgh.

La Vache Et Le President 11’(11 O... il’hilippc Mir} 1. l‘rancc. 211011 Bernard Yc'i'lcx. l’lorcncc l’ci'ncl. (‘hrixtinc Buicau. 911 minx. liight-}cat'-old l.ucax nc\cr mct hix mothcr; xhc dicd in childbirth. lca\ ing liix iarmcr lathcr to raixc him \\ ith a hca\) heart but lotx ol lo\ c. thn a co“ on the lattiin iarm xui'i'crx a ximilar latc. l.ucax xtcpx in to take carc oi ncu call and ldndrcd xpirit. Mama. But tragcd) xti'ikcx in thc form of mad cow dixcaxc. \\ hicli tlircatcnx thc cntirc licrd. including l.ucax' ho\ inc pal; old} a pardon from Ilic l‘i‘cnch l’rcxidcnt can xa\ c hcr 111m. 'l‘hingx gct a touch \lll) \xhcn thc pair hcad 1111‘ Pam. particularl} .\l;ic\a\ inad\crlcnt trip on thc Metro. But thc iatlicr arid xozi rclationxhip ix touching throughout. ax ix tlic undcrl} ing incxxagc ahoul tnox mg on ai'tcr thc dcath oi a iox cd onc. l'ilmhouxc & Lumicrc. lidinhurgli.

Whisky Galore il’(ii .0...1:\lc\andcr Mackcntlrtck. l'K. l‘H‘li liaxil Ratllot‘tl. Joan (irccnuood. Jcan (atlcll. 83 iiiiiix. .\ltich-

lo\ cd lialing coiiicd} Ii) thc latc Sand} Mackcndrick. .\ xliip carr} ing a cargo of uhixk} ix xhipxx rcckcd oil a Scottixh ixland during \Hll‘lllilt‘. xo thc localx dccidc it'x tinic to act thcir thirxt. Hill of" \111 and charm that othcrx can onl} hopc to ctnulatc. lumicrc. lidinhurgh.

The Wind In The Willows 1 I '1 COO t'l‘crr} Joncx. l'lx'. I‘)‘)01‘l’crr} .liiil'.‘\. liric ltllL‘. SIL'H‘ (.tltlfJilll. 38 ltillix. \Vlit‘li \ltilc\ honic ix dcxtro} cd h} \icaxcl pi'opcrt} tlL‘\L‘lt)pL‘l‘x. lIL‘ Cllll\l\ lllC hpr ol R111. lilitlgt‘l' arid cgotixtical load to tincowr a conxpii'ac). Joncx‘x l’_\ thon-l'or—kidx adaptation of tlic claxxic no\ cl ix a tad xcli'- indulgcnt. \\ ith xomc an iul xongx and lackluxtrc pacing. llo\\c\ ci'. Ilic charactcrx and atmoxphcrc \\ ill prohahl) charm a )oungcr audicncc not )ct into tlicir morc c)111cal lchIx. (ii-"l. (ilaxgim. Women Talking Dirty 1 151 O.

i(‘ok_\ (iit‘tlt‘ti}c‘, ['K_ Zilill1(i111;t\lL‘KL‘L‘. llclcna Bonham ('ai'tcr. Jamcx l’urcio}. 9" minx. Not a proxocatn c C\poxc oi phonc-xc\ \iorkcrx. 1101 a pcdcxtrian 'i'ciiialc ii‘ictidxliip' comcd} ahoul .\lcl\'cc'x xh} cartoonixt and her cxtrox crt hcxt pal 1(‘artc1'1. \\ ho \\ indx up ax a xinglc niothcr at'tcr licing dumpcd h} lici' lii'cnch ho} lricnd. (iicdro_\ c'x iollou “up to SIt’l/(l [)111'1 'I‘rii'l1 ix thc xort ol inxulixtantial and unamhitioux uork \xhich gncx Britixh cincina a had nanic. lxla Dcuar'x xcript thaxcd on licr o\\11 nox cl 1 an kuardl} attcmptx to mix naturalixtic drama \\ itli \llc‘ttlll' humour. but at lcaxt cincniatt1graphcr Brian ’l‘ul'ano photographx lidinhurgh \\ itli crixp cl'licicnc}. \\ hilxt \chcc pla} x thc drcainil} lllli‘tHL‘l'lCtl lillcn \\ illi xcnxitn c rcxtraint. (it‘llCl'ttl l'L‘lL‘tth‘.

Zoolander11210000 tl'lL‘ll Stillci'. [2%. 3111111 licnStillcr.()ucn\\'ilx1iiI.JonVoiglit. 8‘) minx. l)c\clopcd h} Stillcr from a charactcr crcatcd for 'l‘\'. /Ulll(lll(/('I' ix a gloi'iouxl} gooi'} xatirc on tlic Nc“ York laxhion xccnc. ('i'ainincd \\ itli \ ixttal and \crhal gagx. and pcppct'cd \\ itli cclclirit} t‘tiltit‘tix. ti xll'iligx logt'llit'l' it \t‘l'lt‘5 til. trcaxurahlc xcl picccx. including a ‘ualk oil' ltclu L'Cll SilllL‘Fx l)t‘1'L‘l\ [iitilltlitlt'l' alitl \thxon'x hlondc upxtart llanxcl arid tlic c\planation ax to Ali} tlic \iorld oi iaxliion ix implicach in thc laxt 31111 )cat'x oi .'\lllL‘l‘lL‘1lll

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

GilmorehillG12: Glasgow

9 l'nchrxity .1\\ cnuc. 350 5522. 'l’iclxctx £4. (‘hildrcn'x tickct £3.

THURSDAY 13 DEC The Magic Flute 1t'1 7.011.

Glasgow Film Theatre

l2 Roxc Stt'cct. ()l-ll 552 812s.(‘;11'c/11;11~. .~\l| pcrl'ormanct‘x hookahlc. |l)|. llil. liwningx: £4.751£5.5(11. Matinccx: £5.75 t£3.5()1.\\'cdflici‘orc5pinl: £5.75 t£31. i)ouhlc hill £5 1£.‘\.5()1. (ii-ii xa\'crx: £l’) t£l~ll liVL‘ lit‘lx’t‘ls l‘ot‘ lllL‘ pt‘lt‘t‘ til 4 t\;1litl for thrcc inonthxi.


1. The Devil’s Backbone (El Espinazo del Diablo)1151 3.30. 0.1111. 8.30. 2.Storytelllng111x’1 3.15. 5.1111. 0.00. The State I’m In 1 151 0.45.

FRIDAY 1A DEC 1. Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 11’( 11

2.50. (1.45.

Down Fro-m The Mountain 11‘1 4.30. x45.

2. Eloge de L’amour11’t11 3.00. 5.1111. 0.00.

Passing Summer1 151 7.00.


1. Down From The Mountain 111 2.311. (1.51).

Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 1 1’( 11 4.30. 8.45.

2. Courage 0f Lassie 1 t ‘1 1.00.

Eloge de L’amour11’t1i 5.1111. 7.00. 11.00.


1.0 Brother, WhereArtThou? 1 121 2.011. Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 11’( 11 4.30. 8.45.

Down From The Mountain 11'1 0.30.

2. Eloge de L’amour11’t11 3.011. 5.1111. 11.00.

Dirt For Dinner 1 151 7.00.


Startup.com1151 0.45.

1. Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 1 1’( 11 12.30. 3.30. 0.45.

Down From The Mountain 111 4.30. 8.45.

2. Eloge de L’amour11’(11 1.110. 3.30. 11.00.


Startup.com1l51 4.30. 0.45.

1. Down From The Mountain 1l'1 2.30. (1.50.

Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 1 I’( 1 1 4.30. 3.45.

2. [Stage de L’amour 1 Pt 11 12.30. 0.00.

WEDNESDAY 10 DEC 1. Down From The Mountain 1t'1 2.311.


(1.30. Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 1 I’( 11 4.30. 8.45.

2. Eloge de L’amour1l’(11 3.1111. 5.00. 7.110. 0.00.

THURSDAY 20 DEC 1. Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 1 1’1 11

2.30. 0.45. Down From The Mountain 111 4.30. s45.

2. Eloge de L’amour11’(11 3.1111. 5.00. 7.110. (1.1111.

Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 11’( 11 1.00. 7.00.


1. It’s A Wonderful Life11’(1i 2.311. 5.30. 8.15.

2. Eloge de L’amour11’(1i 3.00. 5.00. 0.00.

Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 1 1’( 11 1.011. 7.1111.


1. lt’sAWonderful Life1l’(1i 2.30. 5.311. 8.15.

2. Stage de L’amour11’(1i 3.011. 7.011. Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 11’( 11 5.00. 0.00.

CHRISTMAS EVE 1. It’s A Wonderful Life 11’( 11 1.30. 7.00.

2. Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 11’( 11 1.00. 7.30.

Eloge de L’amour 11’( 11 3.30.



1. It’sAWonderful Life 11’(11 2.30. 5.311. 8.15.

2. Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) 11’( 11 3.00. 7.00.

Eloge de L’amour11’(11 5.1111. 0.00. l—‘RIDAY 20 DFC

1. Arsenic And Old Lace 11’( 11 2.30.

The Philadelphia Story 11’( 11 0.00.

His Girl Friday 11'1 8.50.

2. The Circle (Dayereh) 11’( 11 3.011. 7.00. George Washington 1 121 5.1111. 11.00. SATURDAY 20 Dt-C

1. The Wind In The Willows 1 t 1 His Girl Friday 1 t '1 4.1111.

Arsenic And Old Lace 11’( 11 0.00. The Philadelphia Story 1 I’( 11 8.30. 2. The Circle (Dayereh) mm 3.00. 7.00.

George Washington 1 121 5.1111. 11.00. SUNDAY :10 D1 C

1. The Philadelphia Story 11’( 11 2.30. His Girl Friday 1 t '1 0.110.

Arsenic And Old Lace 11’( 11 .x’.30.

2. George Washington1121 3.00. 7.00. The Circle (Dayereh)1l’(11 5.1111. 0.011.

HOCMANAY a N1' Y1 AR‘S DAY GFT is closed.

Wi-‘iDNi SDAY 2 .JAN

1. North By Northwestd’tn 2.30. 8.111). Bringing Up Baby 11’( 11 0.1111.

2. George Washington 1 121 3.00. 5.00. 7.00. 0.00.

l'HURSl )AY .‘3 .JAN

1. Bringing Up Baby11>t11 2.30. 3.30. North By Northwest 1 i’( 11 0.1111.

2. George Washington1121 3.1111. 5.011, 7.00. 0.00.

Grosvenor: Glasgow

:\xliltili l.attc. llillhcatl. ill~ll 5.104398. ('(' hooking: Hill 35‘) 420K. £4 1£2 all da) .\loni. Studcnix: £3; l'li-lli/l)ixalilcd/Young Scot: £5“. ('liild £3.50; ().v\l’: £3.31). Scalx can lic liookcd iii ad\ancc for all xcrccningx. lio\ oi‘iicc opcn llatn 7pm 15011: 1 7pm). Grosvenor closed Christmas Day 8. New Year’s Day




1'1 lUHSDAY it}

Cinema Paradiso 11’( 11 3.25. Fiddler On The Boof1t'1 130. Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone mm 1.20, 4.50. 8.115. TheDtherS1l210.15.

The Lord Of The Rings The first part of Tolkien's sword and SOTCOW opus arrives with another two to follow in 2002 and 2003. On ewdence of Fellowship Of The Ring. it's going to become a force of hobbit. See feature and reVIew. General release.

Kandahar Sadly. the most tinier film of the season. the stow of an Afgliaiii refugee 1.1/0111an returning to Taliban-ruled Kandahar in search of her suicidal Sister. See review. GF 7, G/agsow; Fi/nihouse. Eo’rnhurgh.

The Deep End Smartly plotted noir- is'n thriller in which Tilda Smnton's mother protects her gay son from blackmail and murder. See ith/1033!. Geiiera/ release.

This Filthy Earth Andrew GI'i/iii/an.‘ Ketting's radical adaptation of 1' mile Zola's La fer/e. relocated to a i‘aiii-sigiept Yorkshire farming community. See preview and renew. Cameo. Edinburgh.

Blue Velvet Arguably the film that defined DaVId Lynch's unique hraiid of surreal horror. rereleased in the run up to the master's new year llll‘.‘._ iliiii/hofland Drive. See renew. Se/ecfed re/ease.

Cary Grant Season The most suave actor in screen histon; gets his own inini~seaso'i including North [31' /\’ort/iwest. Bringing Up Baht;

71' 1e Philadelphia Stor'i'. His Girl

/- r/dai/ and Arsenic And Old Lace. See Rough Cuts. Of 7. G/asgow. Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone .J.I<. Rowling's child wizard gets top notch 111g screen treatment in the other fantasy blockbuster of the season. Geneia/ re/ease.

Fiddler On The Boot 1 t '1 .\latincc Sat: I51).

Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone 1 I’( 11

Hail}: 1.2001111 llllll. 4.50, 3.05.

It’s A Wonderful Life 1 i’( 1 1

Matincc'l’hu: l.45.

political axxaxxin.'ilionx. 'l‘lic dcadpan lcad [)L'l'lttl‘lllitllt't' oi Stillci 1x a comic trcat: l)crc|x'x pouting xci'icx 111 ‘loolxx‘. liix

Quadrophenla 1 1.x’1 l.atc l‘ri & Sat: I Hit). The Lord Of The Rings 11’( 11

IRIDAY 1.1 Amelie 1 151

TRIO/w 21 DH; llltJHSDAY 1’0

1. lt’sAWonderful Life 1 H11 2.311. 5.311.

xnakcxkin outiitx. lux \tlllL‘éll'x} \oicc and liix 3. I5. l-i'i Tue: 1.15111111 Sat 1, 8.35. \Vcd .\ ‘l‘liu; _1,l()_ 7.30, tcrril'}111g xtupidit} uarranl iiiiincdiatc ctilt 2. Eloge de L’amour l l’( ii 3.01). 5.1M), Anastasia 1 l ' 1 The OtherS1 l 31 ‘lilll"-(’V'1L"’i'l 'VlViNV ‘Hlll. .\latincc Sat: l liltlani. l'i‘i 'l‘uc: -l.(lil1not.\'at1. (1. l 5.

40 THE LIST 1.; i)‘.:t, 211’

.2» .Jan 2012‘