l‘) lilnt Row. 556 6066.

Still Leaves [Tittil Sat 5 Jan. (‘olour pencil drawings by Domenica More (iordon.


l6 Sotitlt Fort Street. 478 7810. Mon-Sat l lam-l 1.45pm; Stiit

l2.3()«1 1.45pm.

Our Journey: Fred Sims t'niil Sat 5 Jan. Recent paintings by Fred Sints inspired by tlte natural world.


83 Henderson Street. l.eith. 555 5628. Tue- Fri 11am 75pm; Sat 11am 4pm. The Christmas Exhibition t'ntil Sat 1‘) Jait. The l.eith (iallery takes tip residency iit Waterside Arts for a festive selection of paintings. jewellery. sculpture. glass and ceramics.


(formerly Malcolnt lnnes(ia11cry).4 Dundas Street. 558 ‘)544/5. Moit— Fri 10am -6pm; Sat 1 Iain lpnt. Christmas Exhibition t'ntil Mon 24 Dec. A selection of contemporary paintings including works by Robert ligginton. John Forgan. Amanda Cornish. Rebecca Main aitd many others.

Mixed Exhibition Thu 3 Thu 31 Jan. A selection of Scottish landscapes. sporting paintings. military oils. watercolours aitd prints.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 101.


28 (‘harlotte Square. Edinburgh. 243 ‘)365. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Stiit noon—5pm. Free. Not only the head office for the National Trust for Scotland. 28 (‘harlotte Square also houses a permanent collection of 2()ih century Scottish paintings featuring work by Peploe. lltinter aitd (‘ade11. Displayed iii a domestic setting. the works are complemented by a collection of Regency furniture.

MUSEUM OF EDINBURGH (Formerly Huntly House). 142 (‘aitongatc. 52‘) 4143. Mott-Sat 10am-5pm.

Thomas Nelson And Sons - Spreading The Word tintil Sat 1‘) Jan. Ait exhibition on the importance of Nelson's Printing Works of the Old Town aitd Southside of Edinburgh.

MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘haittbers Street. 247 421‘). Mon» Sat 10am-5pm; Stiit noon—5pm: Tue 10am—8pm.

Relief And Revolution: The St Andrew’s Society Of Philadelphia lfntil Stiit 3(1Juit 2002. This exhibition looks at Scottish immigration to Nortlt America aitd the founding of the St Andrew’s Society of Philadelphia. set tip itt 1747 to care for the sick immigrant Scots.


Newhaven Harbour. 551 4165. Daily noon-5pm.

Hidden Treasures: Volunteer Work Of Newhaven People Fast And Present L'ittil Mon 31 Dec. The L'nitcd Nations‘ Year of the Volunteer is celebrated iit this exhibition which looks at the tradition of volunteering iii the Newltaven community.


53 lliglt Street. ()tieensfcrry. 331 5545. Mon. Thu. Fri & Sat ltlaitt lpitt 6: 2.15 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. Free.

Food For Thought A look at children's diet aitd eating habits over the past 150 years.


2 Chambers Street. 247 421‘). Mott—Sat l()am- 5pm (Tue 8pm); Stiit noon—5pm. Free.

Millennium Clock A chance to view Russian mechanical sculptor Eduard liersudsky‘s millennium clock. a kinetic sculpture. measuring nine metres high. Prehistoric Japan: The Archaeological Collections Of Munro l'ittil Stiit 27 Jan. A collection of prehistoric Japanese artefacts discovered by Neil (iordon Munro. a Scottish medical doctor resident iii Japan at the beginning of the 20th century.

Gifted: Five Years Of The Inches Carr Scottish Crafts Awards l'ntil Stiit 13 Jan. Ait exhibition showcasing the work of the winners of the lncltes ('arr Trust Award which enables craft makers to concentrate on a particular aspect of their work. Recipients of the award include Peter Chang. Malcolm Appleby. Keiko Mukaide and Alison Kinnaird.

Textile Treasures: Caring For A Collection l'ntil Mott 6 May. A collection of European wall hangings and decorative textiles spanning the l7th and 18th centuries. The centrepiece of the exhibition is crewelwork hangings of 171‘) with the monogram of the ()1d Pretender. Other key exhibits include a Kinghorne carpet made around 1620 and two eitibroideries dated 1637 showing scenes front the life ()fT/ll' Virgin ntade for one of the ('atholic courtiers at (‘harles l court.

Guided Tours Thu 13 Dec. Sat 15 Dec. Tue 18 Dec. Thu 2() Dec. Sat 22 Dec. Tue 25 Dec. Thu 27 Dec. Sat 2‘) Dec. Tue 1 Jait. Thu 3 Jan. 1 l.3()am. (iuidcd tours of the Textile Treasures exhibition.

Scottish Sports Hall Of Fame 1'ittil Wed 3| Jul. Ait exhibition highlighting the l()() nominations for possible introduction iitto the first Scottish Sports Hall of Fame at the Royal Museum. Front now until June next year. visitors will be invited to nominate their own choices which will then be counted aitd submitted to a judging panel who will choose 51) of the Nation's favourite sporting figures for inclusion iii the first ever permanent ftall of fante. You can also vote on-line


Lady Stair’s House. Lady Stair's (‘lose. 52‘) 4901. Mon Sat ltlant—‘Spm. Free.

A Revolutionary Writer: Lewis Grassic Gibbon 1901-1935 tintil Sat 13 Apr. A docuittentary exhibition looking at the life aitd work of one of Scotland's greatest 20th century writers. l.ewis (irassic (iibbon t l‘)()l —l‘)35). author of the classic Sunset Sung.

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS 152 Nethergate, ()1382 606220. Tue—Wed. Sat & Sun l().3()am~5.30pm: Thu 8; Fri 1().3()am—-8pnt.

Will Maclean: Driftworks tintil Stiit 3 Feb. New aitd existing works by Will Maclean. continuing his fascination with museums aitd the presentation of meaningful objects. Working iii a variety of media. the show features previously unseen large-scale installations (‘ml Requiem aitd (‘rut lnverness-born Maclean. one of the most respected of his generation of artists in Scotland. was the recipient of one of the first (‘reative Scotland Awards iii 2()()(), which enabled him to produce new work for this exhibition. See review.

Masters’ Exhibition t'niil Sun 16 Dec. An exltibition of work by masters students front Duncan of Jordaitstone (‘ollcgc of Art.

Christmas At One Five No Until Stiit 20 Jait. A selection of work by sonte of the top jewellery. ceramic. wood and textile makers iit Scotland. plus lights front Black + Blum. Freud cafetieres. diaries. calendars. MOMA Christmas cards and much more.


Albert Square. 01382 432084. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 12.30—4pnt; Thu ltlam—7pm.

The Colourist Connection L'ntil Sun 6 Jan. The use of bold. vivid colour was the trait of Scottish painting front the 1860s onwards as demonstrated by the work of the Scottish Colourists. Peploe. ('adell. Hunter aitd Fergusson. This themed exhibition features over 40 still lifes. landscapes and portraits by the (‘olourists as well as examples by later artists Alberto Morrocco aitd John Houston who have continued this tradition.

Ban The Bottle: The Life Of Edwin Scrymgeour Until Sun 6 Jan. A documentary exhibition looking at the life of Edwin Scryntgeour who was the only ever MP in the history of the L'K Parliament to be elected on a platform of banning alcohol.


West Henderson Wynd. 01382 225282. Mon—Sat 10am—4pm; Sun 1 lam--4pm. The Hidden Attraction Until Mott 7 Jan. Ait exhibition of painting. sculpture and photography by Leah Robb.

Outside the Cities



15 Kelly Street. ()l475 715624. Mon Sat 10am-6pm.

Sir Galahad by George Frederic Watt.- (iai 7-1904) The FORBES Magazine Collection, New York

listings Art

Past Masters Until Sat 22 Dec. A selection of 19th century paintings drawn front the gallery‘s permanent collection.

The Goudie Collection Until Sat 5 Jan. An exhibition presented in partnership with South Ayrshire Council featuring paintings front the Tam O'Shanter series at Rozelle House by (ioudie.

St Andrews

CRAWFORD ARTS CENTRE ‘)3 North Street. 01334 474610. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Christmas Craft Until Fri 21 Dec. A mixed craft show focusing on contemporary glass including sculptural pieces. leaded glass panels. jewellery and itents for domestic use. Visions Through Glass: The Work Of Douglas Strachan (1875-1950) Until Fri 21 Dec. An exhibition highlighting the work of Aberdeen-born artist and stained glass designer Douglas Strachan. Strachan produced over 350 windows for churches throughout Scotland aitd England including the Lowson Memorial Kirk iit Forfar.


THE CHANGING ROOM 35 The Stirling Arcade. ()1786 479361. Tue—Sat l lam—4.30pm. (re)visionLAND Until Sat 22 Dee. A first UK solo show for Alejandra Salinas and Aeron Bergmman. musicians/artists who live and work in Lograno. Spain. Curated by Stirling- based collective Diskono. the exhibition includes a full-size replica of an English garden scene with sound. video works and a traditional Spanish nativity scene.


20°27 i Centre. "

z Marker Street j V_ Edinburgh _ {Tel:01315293993.

. Monday to Saturday: mam ~ 5pm ~ Sunday; izntton to 5pm

-. ~ Admission: Adults: £2.50, Children and concessions: £1.00

Family Ticker: £5.00, Season Ticket: £4.50 wwwcacergark

13 Dec 2001—3 Jan 2002 THE LIST 95