Music rook & pop listings

Thursday 10 continued

I Peter Michael Rowan \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 (i Sottth Bridge. 5. 5| l4. ‘) l l.3()pm. Free. See Stiii o. I Delta Croft Review \Vliixtlehinkiex. 4 (i Sotith Bridge. 55 5| l4. Midnight-3am. l'i'ee.


I ballboy, Cat Kills 6 and Animation Kiiig 'l‘tit's \Vtih \Vtih Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). S.3()pttt. £4 plltx hooking lee. .-\eel;iinied lidiiihtii'gh hzind \\ ho eomhine llll instinet l'or \tot'}telling \\ ith quirk} htieking ll'ilL‘ixS.

I Rumours Of Fleetwood Mac R()_\Lll ('oneert Hull. 2 Szitiehiehzill Street. 287 55| l. Spin. £|4.5(l/L'|3.5(l/U |.5() pith L‘I‘L'dil L‘ul'd hooking l‘L'L‘. .i‘llC .\ilL'i\ i'lL‘L‘hVUUtl-itppl't)\'L‘tl trihtite :iet \\ ho (()\‘L‘l' the gamut ol‘ .\|;ie mziterizil from the Peter Green and the BllL‘klllglltllll/NlL‘k\ dti_\ \.

I Torqamada, Social Lepers untl Ultimo Dragon Niec‘n‘Slezix). 43! Sziuehiehtill Street. 333 ‘)o37. ‘)pm.

I Live music Stimuel i)()\\ ‘x. ()7 ‘)| Xitlitlzile Road. 423 ()|()7. 8.30pm. Free. I Cimarron (hand (He ()pi'}. l’uixle) Rotid loll. 42‘) 53‘)(i. 7.30pm. £3 (£2 memherxl. ('otmtr} \tilllldx.

I Abba Disco Party Bottrhon Street. ltlh’ George Street. 552 ()I4 1. 7pm. 9.5

it | 2.5() \\ ith dinnerl. i't‘illlll’lltf.‘ ill] .-\hh;i trihtite uet.


OAspects Bongo (‘lutx l4 Next Street. 558 7(ill4. ll).3()pm. £8 tL'7l. A titizilit} |i\e set from thix highl} tipped hip hop otitlit from the deep \ollllt (SUIIIL‘I‘NL‘I not l.t)lll\iitllitl \\llt)\L‘ \lightl}



Incubus show off

50 THE LIST ~'- ’7 .Jgt"

unhinged rup llllllL’S llthL‘ heen etipttired perfectly on their exeellent new tilhtim (‘nrrt’t'l ling/Ali. (io lind mm.

I Lee Paterson \VltixlleliinkieS. 4 (u Sotitli Bridge. 557 5| l4. ‘)pm Midnight. l-t'ee. l’optilzir l'olk. l)lllL‘\ and gospel.

I The Johnson Bros. \Vliixtlehiiikiex. 4 () Sotitli Bridge. 557 5| l4. Midnight-3am. l‘i'ee. Roek.


I The Situates, CI State and Korova Kiiig 'l‘ut‘x With \Vzih Hut. 2721! St \‘ineent Street. 22| 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 pith hooking lee. |.oe;i| htind triple hill.

I High Roller, The Gems aind Ursula Minor Niee‘it’Slt-ziz}. 42l Sziuehiehtill Street. 333 9037. ‘)pni.

I Trampas (it‘lllttl ()le ()pi'}. l’ziixle} RUiltl loll. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £3 (£2 lllL‘lltlk‘l'S). (‘otintr_\.

I George Michael Tribute Bourbon Street. “)3 (it‘til‘gc Sll‘L‘L‘l. 552 OH 1. 7pm. £5 tL'l4.5() \\llll dinner). I Open Stage The Hall Bur. loo \Voodlzindx Rttlltl. 5(i4 l527. 4 Spin. l‘i'ee. \Veekl}‘ \L‘\\ioti for load hillltlS. I ltchycoo Park Samuel i)U\\ ‘x. ()7 ‘)| \ithdaile Road. 423 ()lll7. 8.30pm. l‘ree.


I Doc, August81 untl lndafusion llk‘ \lL‘l'L‘itl. 2S \VLNI Klitllltilld Sll'L‘L‘l. 225 336]. 7.30pm. £3. 'l‘riple hill oi indie t} pex itL‘dtlL‘tl h} Doe \\ ho :idd :i spoonl‘til ol‘ pop \eiixihilitiex to the mi\. I Mike Moran \Vhixllehinkim. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5| l4. ‘)pm Midnight. iii-CC. ('lttxxxie t'UL‘k. pup itltd lilttcx.

I Sunshine Delay \Vhixtlehitikies. 4 o South Bridge. 557 5l l4. Midnight- 3tiin. l-‘i'ee. Melodie L‘Ullltll‘) roek.

’17: .," film)...» ,. .. the sensitive side of nu-metal at Barrowland, Glasgow,

Tue 1 5 Jan


I The Sears 'l‘lie ('zithotne. l5 l'nion Slt'L‘L‘l. 24S (i(i()(i. 7.3()ptit. £4. ()\ er- l4\ \hou.

I Mrs Pilgrimm the Hill .\'ote ('zil‘e. 5() (ii) King Street. 553 M38. ‘)pin. £4. (‘eilo action.

I Texas Express (ii-anti ()Ie ()pi‘}. Paisle) Road loll. 42‘) 53‘)(i. 7.30pm. £3 tL'2 niemhei'xl. (‘otintr_\.

I The Cobramatics The Seoliti.

l l2 l l4 Stock“ ell Slt‘eL‘l. .552 SOS]. 4pm. i'il'L'L‘. RL‘SlLlL‘llC}.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()ne. (il'ti\\L‘llt)l' llotel. (iroxtenoi‘ 'l‘erruee. 34l (i5lo. 5pm. l-‘i'ee. lithlt‘d h} the Magic Bltiex Stii'lei‘x.

I Steff’s Sunday Session l‘ixge Betillttt. 232 \Vtiodlzitidx Rtitid. 564 |5‘)(i. 5pm. liree. Bring )ollt' oun lll\ll'llltlL‘lll.


I Rumours Of Fleetwood Mac l't‘\ll\til ‘l’hetttre. l3 2‘) Nicttlxtitt Sll‘L‘L‘l. 5296001).7.30pm.£9.50 E | 3.5“

(127.5“ U |.5lll. ('tn L‘l'S.

I John Watson \Vhixtlehittkiex. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5| l4. ‘)pm Midnight. l‘ree. ('ltixxie roek. hltiex and pop.

I Nobody Jones \Vltlfllt‘ltinkiex. 4 (l South Bridge. 557 5| l4. .\|idnight-3;nn. l‘i‘ee. ('ltixxie i'oek. pop lllltl l)lllL'\.

I Peter Michael Rowan ()n the Hound. North Bunk Street. 22o oS‘N.

3 5.30pm. l‘i'ee. See Sun (i.

Monday 14


I Train Burro“ |;ind. 244 (ittllongtite. 552 4nd]. 7.30pm. L'll pith hooking lee. :\lltL‘l'lCillt .-\( )R oiitlit \\ ho \eem to hm e ‘i‘rtiitg l'i'oni non here to heeoine Rtidio 2 iil\()lll'llt‘\.

C9 Rollins Band and Queen Adreena The Garage. 4‘)() Stittehiehtill Street. 332 l|2(l. 7.30pm. L'l3 plllx hooking le‘L'. ()\et‘- l4x \llt)\\. SL‘L‘ pl‘L‘\ l0“ tor the letin. metin Rollinx Btiiid. Support li'oni Queen Adreenu. \tho tire il lexx \L‘ll/l} htit etitizill) demented \erxion ol' Katie and ('i'ixpin‘x prex ittllx hzind l);ll\} ('liziinxzm.

I Cave In and Eska ‘l‘lie l3l|t Note (‘luh. 2ol) (‘lyle Street. 243 2177. Spin. U350. I)(‘-\t} Ie [)t)\l~ll:ll'tlL'til'L‘ ini\ed \\ ith \Iightl} progg} tendeneiex from (';i\ e In. Supported h_\ loe;il kindred \piritx.

I The Peacocks 'l‘lie l3llt Note (lite. 5() (ti) King Street. 553 l(i3S. ‘)pm. £4. Sku ptiiik.

I The Magic Blues Surfers Studio ()ne. (il't)\\L‘ltUl' llotel. (il‘t)\\L‘ll()l' 'l‘ei'rnee. 34| (i5|(i. ‘)piii. l‘ree.

I Acoustic Jam Niee‘n'SIeul}. 42l Szitiehiehzill Street. 33.3 ‘)(i37. ‘)piii. \VL‘Ckl} \L‘\\it)tt \\ illt lt‘L‘L‘ lititi/L‘ l'til' perl'ormei‘x.


I Acoustic Underground \Vltixlleltlttklex 4 (i South Bridge. .557 5| l4. lllpm 2.3();iiii. l‘ree. See Mon 7.

Tuesday 15


I Elvis Costello, Steve Earle, Emmylou Harris, Nanci Griffith and John Prine (‘|_\de Alltlllttt'lllllt. Sli('( ‘. l‘itiiiiexton ()titi}. ()S7ll (l4tl 4tllltl. 9235/9230/[25 plilx hooking lt‘L‘. SL‘C

pre\ ie\\ l'or this henelit tor the (‘tiiiipuign lot‘ it |.;indiiiine |-‘ree \Vorld. leuttii'ing zin lltlpl'e\\i\ e |ine~tip ol’ l 'S L'otltilt'). l'tilk tittd l'tiol\

\inger/xoiign i'iterx. :ind hezided up h) the t’L'dttllltlithlL‘ l':l\ ix ('thlt‘llt). .'\|l [it‘tiL‘t‘L‘dx go to the Vietnam Veteixinx ()l' .'\lllt‘l'lL‘£l l‘titlttdttllolt.

I Incubus Sli(‘('. l‘inniexton ()titi). ()S7() ()4() 4000. (i.3(lpiii. Lil pilh hooking lee. lneuhux are the Senxitn e Spiee ol' the llll~lllL‘ltIl hreed \\ ith :in eeleetie sound. iiioxth l'L‘lllllll\L'L‘ltl ol’ |";iith \o More. |"e;ittii'ing gratuitoux hgii‘e ehexted ti'ihtil drtiiiiming llllL‘l‘illdL‘x.

I Dressy Bessy and Salloon 'l’he l3th .\'ote (Bite. 5() (it) King Street. 553 M38. ‘)pm. £4. Riot grrrl indie punk.

I Stuart’s Session t'ixge Beutlm. 232 \Voodhiltdx Roaid. 5(i4 l5‘)(i. 0pm. i'ii'L‘L'.


I Big Bad Voodoo Daddy The liquid Room. ‘)e Victoria Street. 225 25(i4. 7pm. U2. llot \uing illltl‘ll\lltf_' ilL‘llttll lioni thix Ameriezin hig htiiid hzieked tip h} the \egzix l).| ere“ and till the llSlltll \hentmigtinx thzit the} inxolxe. I Kenny Miller \Vltixtlehinkiex. 4 (l Sotith Bridge. 557 5| 14. ‘)pin Midnight. i'lL‘L‘. ('lttxxic roek. pop tittd hltiex.

. Andy Lang \Vlttxllt‘hittklcx. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5| l4. Midnight~3tiin l5ree. (‘ltixxie roek. pop tind hillL'S.

Wednesday 1 6


I Celtic Connections See t'olk |i\llltf_‘\.

I Midtown and The Day I Snapped Kiiig 'l‘tit's \Vtih \Vtih lltit. 272a St Vineent Street. 22| 527‘). S.3(lpiii. u) plth hooking lee.

I Goma The ('zithotise. l5 l'nioii Street. 248 (i(i()(i. £3. ()\ei'- l—4\ \hou. .\let;il night \\ ith more hillttlS to he continued.

I Captain Beefheart Tribute 'l‘he |3th .\'ote ('ltih. 2(il) ('l}de Street. 243 2177. Split. £3. Annual ilppl'L‘L‘lélllttll ol' the might ('zipttiin Beelhetirt \\ ith lUL'ill hzindx perl'orniing their ehoiee ol' L‘ti\L‘l'\. I Acoustic Open Stage 'l‘lie iltlll Bar. Hill \Voodltindx Rotid. 5(i4 l527. ‘)pm. Free.


I Arbory, Shrinking Violet and Playtone ‘I‘lie Mei-cut. 28 \\'mt .\l;iit|;ind Street. 225 3Sol. 5.30pm. £3. .\|id\\ eek indie \L‘\\l()ll til the .\lere;it.

I N-Force Da Ruffness Bongo (‘|uh. 14 .\'e\\ Street. 558 7on4. lllpm. £4. I.i\ e ltink} drum tk hzixx tit thix llelp .\|e\ieo ('it} henelit night. ill\ti lezituring ti ini\ ol' Skit. i'eggtie aind hip hop l'i'om l)J\ |)tink tind THU-litltl.

I Lee Paterson \Vhixtlehinkies. 4 Sotitli Bridge. 557 5| l4. ‘)pm Midnight. l‘i'ee. (ioxpel. hltiex tind l'olk.

I The Dazes \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 o Sotitli Bridge. 557 5| l4. .\lidniglil-3;iiii. l‘i'ee. lndie tind Britpop emerx illltl originzilx.


I Celtic Connections \ee l-olk llxllltgx.

I Blink 182, New Found Glory lllltl Jimmy Eat World Sl-l(‘(‘. l‘inniexton Quzi}. 0870 ()4() 4000. (i.3()pm. L'l5 pith hooking lee. (‘;\.\'('|il.l.lil).

I Degrassi Kiitg 'l'ut\ \\';ili Walt ltnt. 2724181 Vineeiit Street. 22| 527‘). S.3()pnt. £4 pith hooking lee. l’eel itixex \\ ho litiil li‘om Iidinhurgh \peeitilixe in lllllSL‘llltll‘ etno indie i'oek.

I Rev Doc 8. The Congregation Studio ()ne. (iroxxenor llotel. (il't)\\L‘llt)l' 'lerrnee. 34| 0510. ‘)pm. l‘ree. 'l'i'ud Rth.

I The Vagabonds The Seotiti.

I l2 l l4 Stock“ CH Sll't‘L‘l. 552 XhSl. ‘)pin. l'iee. l’optilur eo\ei\.

I Live Music The (’tithoiixe. l5 l‘itioii Street. 24S (i(\ll(i, 7pm. ()\ei'~ |4\ \liou. .\'( i.\l-proiiioted night ol' Ioegil l);llltl\.

I Live Music the l3lll .\'ote (kite. 5t) (it) King Street. 553 |o3S. ‘)piii. \ol'tli (iltixgtm (’ollege \ltou euxe.


. Andy McCabe \VlllSllt‘l‘lllhlt‘S. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5| l4. ‘)piii Midnight. i'il'L'L‘. ('itlxxle (()\ Ch.

I Tourniquet \thtlehinkiex. 4 () Sotitli Bridge. 557 5| l4. Midniglit—3ziiii. l'il't‘L‘. Roek.