Jazz listings Music


The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.

Q Q) (D LO Q E

I The Paddy Flaherty Quartet Brel. 3‘) ~13:\\htou lane. 3-12 4960. 3pm. I‘ree. Now haxed in London. this )oung _ia// drummer returns to Ilix nati\ e (ilaxgim \\ ith III\ on n quartet.

at Mario Caribe Quintet Brazilian lv‘lario Carihe lpicturedl is a great shot in the arm for Scottish ia//. lle's established himself on a first—call basis fora host of bands, including the Scottish National .Jaxx Orchestra. and is here joined by the cream of the country's ia// scene. /' lenry's Ja// ()e/Iai'. [gr/inhu/‘g/i. Iii/ed /(>‘ Jan.

Scott Hamilton and Brian Kellock 'lenor saxophonist Scott Hamilton was hailed as the saviour of mainstream ia// in its (loldrum (lays in the 705;. and has developed into a ia// interpreter of the highest class. He is joined here by another such, pianist Brian Kellock. Henri/s Ja// (Se/lg”; lt‘l/iiht/I'g/i, Hill 1/ Jan. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy lhis American outfit enioyed a lot of attention amid the cra/e for sexing dancing which erupted in the USA in the late 90s. and \Vill generate plenty of feet shifting energy. [he / igu/d Hoe/n. {:d/Iibt/I‘g/i, li/e Hula/i.

\Vaterloo Bullet. 3 \Valc‘t'ltm Place. 550 7597. 8.30pm. £3. Mainxtream. progrexxixe and experimental ia/z from the resident trio Ian .\Iillar. Dominic Spencer and Des Tim is plus guest ilPPL‘ill'flllL‘L‘S.

I20 33; as ECO 2% El 3 Q U 0 3. E. 0

Spencer 'l‘he Scot-ex Hotel. 7n the Score\. 8.30pm. £3. ('ontemporar} \;t\opliotte and piano duo.

Wednesday 9

Q Q) (x) (Q Q E

I Linda Fletcher Trio Brel. 3t) 43 :\\lilttll l.;lllL‘. 3-1: 4900. Split. I'll-CC. .\ night of eax} listening gem\ and lounge muxic l'rom tlte trio. All“) featuring Scott Madden and (iL‘Ul‘gc I._\ le.

'67 g_ 03 no 30 0% C








3‘) 43 Ashton Lane. 3-13 40m. 3pm. "H. 'l'enor \a\ophoni\t Burgesx l'rontx this ittno\ati\c lourxome.


I Jazz At The Trafalgar Suite I? \Vaterloo Bullet. 3 Waterloo Place. 550 \Ittl‘l'lvtll Street. 40" 53M). 3.3Illtttt. 750.". Sfillpm. £3. See Sun (i. L'ltl. .v\tnerican tenor \a\ophoni\t Scott

Hamilton remains the iii;tioi‘ name in Tuesday 15

current mainstream ia/l. and ix a regular _ as \\ ell ax an al\\a}\ “clcothc \ ixitor to Edinburgh GBig Bad Voodoo Daddy ‘l‘lie

thexe partx. lle team\ up in a duo \\ itlt pianixt Brian Kellock. iii \iliat \hould he liquid Room. 0c Victoria SII‘L‘L‘I. 335 350-1. 7pm. U3. Ilot suing aitd in e

a memorable collaboration hemeen l\\o action l'ront thix .r\nterican hig hand. one

\Hit'ltlcl;1\\ iltlpt'tn i\cr\. oi the leading names in the late ‘Illx Statexide \\\ltt§_' re\i\al l\\lllL'll i\ pt'ohahl} old hat again h_\ no“ l. The hand are hacked up h_\ the Vega\ 1)] creu. with all the ll\ll;tl llamhoymt \llL'llLllllfJilllS that in\ol\e\.

Wednesday 1 6


GMario Caribe Quintet llcnr} \ .Ia/l (char. 3 .\Iorri\on Street. to? Slttll. 3.3“an £5. latin llmottt‘ed ia/I lrom IIll\ c\cellent hawixt. “'10 l\ ioined h_\ a stellar cre\\ lroni the Scottixlt \cene. in \;t\0pllttlll\l .\Iartin Kci‘xltau. guitarixt Malcolm \Icl-arlane. pianixt Brian Kellock and drummer .Iohn Rae.

Thursday 1 7


QScott Hamilton and Brian Kellock llenr} \ .la/l ('ellar. S


I Band Of H.M. Royal Marines Scotland ('arnegie Hall. liast l’orl.

til ‘33 RHHUU, 7.30pm. to i £51; Seaxon IlL'le‘IZ [35 (DH). I’Uptlltlt' L'UllL‘L‘l'l \L‘axntt l'eaturing muxic l'rom the classic\.

\IIU“ \. film and hig hand era.

‘Feminist overtones and gothic leanings are rite and although moments are pure oddball, most of this smacks of something certitiably sinister’

Catherine Bromley on Meat Cake, Comics, page 85.



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" .‘ THE LIST 51