Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk 8. World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.


I Jive Ceilidh St lll‘idcix (.L‘IIII'L‘. l” ()l‘\\ ell 'l'eri'ace. 34o l4tt5.

7.30pm midnight. £lt)t£Si. ('.l’..\'. Dance coinpan} lll\ itex )Ull to lhix ceilidh dancing and the claxx e\cnt. complete \\ ith l'ree bullet to keep _\otir xtrength up.


I Dick Gaughan “‘5 nd ‘l‘lieairc. Bticcletich Street. (MSW) 823854. Spin. {S tUH. Iiinotionall} charged l_\ricx t‘i'om thix xeaxoiied xollg\\l‘llcl' and guitarixt \\ill1 nearl} 3i) _\earx ot xocial and political comment tinder ltix bell.


I Alastair MacDonald \Vee I-‘olk (‘ltib. Ro}al ()ak. lntirmar) Street. 55." 39%. .\‘.3(lpiu. £3. 'l‘in} \entie openx the New Year \\ ith the \elei'an banjo/guitar and meal entertainer.

I Peter Michael Rowan ()n the Hound. \orth Bank Street. 220 (NM.

.3 5.30pm. l‘ree. (‘oiitemporar_\ xongv.riting and co\erx t'rom Rll\\;lll.


I Acoustic Underground \\'liixtlebiitl\iex. 4 (t Sotitli Bridge. 55."

5| l4. 10pm 2.30am. l‘i‘ee. ()ne ot‘ the moxt popular open mike xpotx iii to“ n. hoxted b} l’L'ICl‘ Michael Rowan.


I Glenfarg Folk Club (ilentarg llotel. (ileiit'arg. 8.30pm. £3 iL'4i. littorination

til 383 "38 032. Siiiger/ xongui‘iter and guitarixt trom Stratlta\eii. .lohn Malcolm.

t,» i‘" .. b u.‘ 1 MW ., i My. .. v“

52 THE LIST -'- ' lye

Cherish The Ladies liven up Celtic Connections the Royal “Concert Hall,

Wednesday 9


I Sandy Brechin Band lidinbui'gh l-‘olk (’lub. ('abarel Bar. The l’leaxance. 65” 334‘). Spin. L'o iL'5 t. Welcome 3002 \\ ith the great piano accordion pla_\er and hix rockin' t'olk band. Skill. quextionable taxte iit xliortx. and a xenxe ol' humour.

Dick Gaughan & Friends St Bride‘x (‘entre. ()r\\ ell 'l‘erracc. 340 I405. l)oorx open 7.30pm. U) (UH. l‘und-raixei' to help ’l‘rideiit l’lotighxharex campaign tor peacet'ul direct action agaian nuclear ueapottx in Scotland. llighligltlx are a l‘ile-lxixed all-“omen barberxhop choir; (‘)tll\tllL‘ take the alt.countr_\ road: congax are the main inxtrument in (iood) 3—Shoox. and (iatighan xingx ot' low. the l.et't. and iniuxtice. littorination 553 4‘)l 1.

Thursday 1 0


I Peter Michael Rowan \Vhixtlebinkiex. 4 (t South Bridge. 557 51 I41) ll.3(lpm. l’i‘ee. See Sun (l.


0 Dick Gaughan 8. Friends Si Bride‘x ('entre. ll) ()ru ell 'l'errace. 34o l4()5. 7.30 ll).3()pin. U) (UH. lite xeaxoned xong\\riter \\ ith nearl} 3t) )earx ol' xocial and political comment tinder Iiix belt ix joned b_\ l‘il'e \tonten'x barberxhop choir. llighlightx. (iood) 3 Sltoox (’onga Quartet attd lidinbtii'glt alt. countr} merchantx (‘)lll\ttlL‘. l'undx raixed go to 'I‘rident I’Ioughxharex.


I Ceilidhs At The Caley ('aledonian Brewer}. Slatet‘ord Road. 03.3 soon. 7pm laiit. L'b (£5i. Dance in lidiiiburgli'x laxt Victorian bre\\ei'_\.


I Family Ceilidh .'\llk‘l'l llallx. l)umbarlon Road. ill7.\'(i 473544. 7.30pm. £3. 'lraditional ceilidh lt‘ttllll‘tllg‘ Deirdre \Iac‘l‘aggart. Sand} and 'l'am trom (ilaxgotx lxla) (iaelic (‘hoir and pipe lnnex Smith.

Glasgow on Thu 17 Jan


I Kesha (‘al'e (‘oxxachok Rtixxian (‘ulttiral ('entre. It) King Street. 553 ()733. S.3l)pm. £5 (£3i. .\ g_\px_\ -ja// l'ttxion from \ iolinixtx l.e\ :\tlax attd ()leg i’onomare\ aitd guilarixt .\'igel (’larlx.


I Russell’s House \Vee l-‘olk (‘1qu Ro}a| ()ak. lntirmar) Street. 557 2‘)7(t. 8.30pm. £3. Brilliant tiddle. piano. banjo and lrixh-leaning inxtrumental lllllle‘.

I Peter Michael Rowan ()n the Mound. .\'orth Bank Street. 230 (MSW). 3 5.30pm. l‘ree. See Stiit (t.

Monday 1 4


I Acoustic Underground \Vhixttebinkiex. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5| l4. lilpm 2.30am. lirce. See Mon 7.


I Glenfarg Folk Club (ilentarg llotel. (ilentarg. 8.30pm. £3 iL'4 i. lnl'orniation (H383 73S 022. :\llxt)lt .\lc.\lorland. Kil'\l_\ l’ottx and (ieordie .\lclnt_\ l'C. ()ne Ul- lltL‘ great Scotx xiiigerx. \\ ith huxband and daughter. old balladx. and HG“ xongx.

Tuesday 1 5


I MacAlias l’enicuik l-"olk ('lub. \maar llouxe llolel. Bog Road. (ll‘)(t7 (t7Sl53. S.l5pm. £5 (£4). (iill Boninan and Karine l’olnart otter tip xome tinel} ltoned l}ricx and memorable ltlclodicx.

Wednesday 1 6


0 Celtic Connections 'l‘he annttal \\ inter celebration ot' (‘eltic intixic. lt‘tlllll‘lllg‘ Scotlixh and International intixicianx. xiiigci'x. \torkxhopx. talkx. debatex. tuition. open xtage e\entx. late-night l‘exti\a| (‘lub. ceilidlt dancex. ci'al't lair. |i\e broadcaxtx . . . aitd more. Varioux \entiex: .-\|| lickelx a\ailable l'rom (ilaxgtm Ro}al ('oncei‘t llall. Silllk‘lllL'llilll Sll'L‘L‘l. 55.5 Nllllll; ttlhcr \enuex are The :\l'L‘llL‘\. .-\t‘:_'.\ I" Sll'CL‘l. ()‘)()l ()3: (Hill).

0 Celtic Connections Opening Concert Royil (‘oncerl llall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 Slitltl. 7.30pm. £10 tl5. '.\'e\\ \‘oicex' coininixxionx thix _\ear include the pair ol' openerx

b) \Villiain .lackxon and Brian .\lc.\'eill. ()xxian hai'pei' and pipe pla_\er .lackxoii'x l)uan Albanach includex a xtring enxemble. percuxxion and a rake ol~ top claxx liddlex. pipcx. \ocalx. harp and \\lll\llL‘. .\lc.\'eill'x ()xpre} takex ot'l‘ \\ itli chamber orcltexlra. \ocalx l'roiii Hick (iaughan. Karine l’olual’t aitd l'Lpretlt ('oxx ie and a palette ol' traditional inxtrtimentx. l’art ol‘ ('r/Iit~ ('ruim't'linnx: \('(' (I/HIl't'.


I Aly Rain and Ale Moller lidinbtirgh l-‘olk ('lub. (‘abaret Bar. The l’leaxance. “50 334‘). Spin. u) ([5 i. \Voi‘ldtamoux t'rom ltix _\earx in Bo}x ol' the l.ouglt. Shetland'x xtai‘ liddler ix joined b} hix intilti-inxtrumenta| triend there recentl} in l‘rit'oti l'roni tlte kin Scandintn iait culture ot' Sueden. \'irttioxo pl;i_\ iitg and a xenxe ol' tun.

Thursday 1 7


0 Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Ro};tl ('oncei'l llall. Saucltieliall Street. 55.3 Kill)”. Split. l'rl'L'L‘. :\ Sill)“ (the int neu talent. l’rex iotix \\ innerx ha\ e included l.a Sonera (’ala\ era and l’ipedim it. Part ol' ('t'llit' ('unnu'lium.‘ \(‘r' lli'r/ //).



Celtic Connections Glasgov-x's annual ovordosc- of tradition. roots and acoustic Aiticricana in a gala prcmicrc of two grand. folk into-classical commissions. by William Jackson and Brian Mchill. But for a touch of gc-iiius. catch Shotlaiid's mastcr tiddlcr Aly Bain ipicturcdi now rosidcnt in Sis/cdcn in coiiccrt \‘JIlll tho mandola. cow horn and bark tlutc- of his ncighbour Al'z Mollcr. (Io/tic Connections (Loon/rig Concert. Royal Concor.‘ Hall. (3/asgoiic l'i/od fol/an. /'i/i.' {lain and A/o [Viol/or. [ dinning/i f—o/k C/ur’). ll/od to Jan and Piping Cont/c. (3/asgo;tc Inn 17 Jan. Dick Gaughan Songiziritor. troubadour and consistent campaigner for a socialist Scotland. Dick Gaughan comcs homo to J()Ill ‘.‘.’|lll coiigas. country and ail~womon crooiic-rs in a lix'c-lj.’ fundraisor for {lllll‘llthIlUéll‘ x'xcapons cai‘ipaigncrs 'l‘ridcnt Ploughsharos. l'/i/nd 'l/io.'i:‘/‘o. Mo/i‘oso. Sat 5) Jan. St Bur/0's Cont/c. [dinning/i, //'i .7 1 Jan.

0 Cherish The Ladies Rota ('oncert llall. Satichiehall Street. 353 tx‘tllltl. 7.30pm. L‘ll U3. (‘lieert‘uL entertaining lrixh/:\nicrican xhotx xtep—daiicerx and all. .ligx. reelx. xongx aitd 'big' .loannie Madden'x chat. Baclx tor the umpleenth lime. and \er_\

lti’l‘tilar. l’art ol' ('v/m ('onnt'rliom.‘ we

lli'r/ //).

O Ceolas and Mackenzie l{t)_\;ll (‘oncet't Hall. Spin. L'ltl. ('eolax combine traditional arid contemporar} (iaclic inxti'umenlal intixic aitd xong. l.ed b) piper l‘red .\lorrixon. the band alxo includex the \\onderl'til .v\laxdair (‘adona oit \ocalx. l’art ot' (‘e/lit ('o/i/tr'r’lio/ix.‘ \('(' lli't/ lo.

I Myllarit ('alc ('oxxacltok. Ruxxian (‘tiltural ('eitti'e. It) King Street. 553 ()733. S.3tlpm. £5 il.'3i. .\ xexen- piece outtit pla_\ ing a l'olk rock blend. l'cattii'ing muxicianx troni Rtixxia and l'llllttlltl.

0 Nordic Nights The Arctic-x.

.'\rg) le Street. ()‘)()I ()2: 0300. Split.

L' I 3. line-up ’I‘B(‘. l’art ol (‘t’lli't' (‘n/i/It't'liunx; \('(' lli't/ ll).

I The Singer and the Song 'l‘ron 'l‘heatre. 'l‘rongate. Spin. LS 'l‘B('.

O Aly Rain and Ale Moller 'l‘lie l’iping ('enti'e. Mcl’ltater Street. ('o\\caddenx. 2S," 55l l. Spm. L'S. Sltt‘lltllttl lllltllk‘l' littilt ix ittlllt‘tl it} Suedixh mulli-inxtrumenta|ixt .\loller. a member ol' bandx .\'ordan and l‘rit'ol. l’arl ol' ('t’llit ("o/int't'lionx; \('(' lli't/ lo. 0 Festival Club the ()ualil) (it'lllliill llUlL‘l. (ittl’tlttll Sll‘L‘L‘l. Ill 908“. ltl.3()pm~late. £3.50. Varioux bai‘x. .\lain pertormance xpace ix hoxted b) (iibb ‘l-Ulltl. \\illt l't‘\ll\;tl gtlexlx. l’at't Ul' (‘l’llll (.l’llllt’t'llillllki \r’t’ lli'i/ l/t.