
Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


0 National Youth Orchestra of Scotland l{o_\a| (‘onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall $0ch 353 8000. ".30pm. {I | £34.50. (iari') \Valkcr coiitluctx llic talciitcd _\oung inuxicianx in l)\orak'x (Urn/rill ()l't’l'llll'l'. Ht'uch'x Uri/in (‘o/ircrl .Vn / and .\l;I|ilc‘i"x Swim/mm .\-U


I Mo’s Company (iallcr) ()1' .\lotlci'n .'\l'l. ()uccn Strcct. 33‘) 10W».

.3 4pm. l‘rcc. \‘ioliiiixt Hcctor Scott and clarincttixt Shinohu .\li|xi continuc thcir xcricx ol' inlornial al'tcrnoon conccrtx. lilling (i().\l.v\ \\ill1 thc \Ulllltl\ ol contcinporar} Scottixh coinpoxcrx. ililltlil} .\ k‘UliL‘L‘I'l lt‘alllt‘LN 1ii\c \\itt'ltl prcniicrcx. all conipoxcd xpcciall} l'or 'l'uo'x (‘oinpan_\.

I Renfield Recitals chi‘icltl Si Stcphcn‘x (‘hurch ('cnti'c. 300 Bath Sircct. 333 3830. 1pm. l’rcc. Saturda} lunchtiinc conccrlx h) \ai‘ioux attixtx.


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra lilu‘ Studio I. lii'oatlcaxting Houxc. ()uccn Margai'ct l)i‘i\ c. 335’ 8844. 7.30pm. l'rcc. (iat't‘) \Vallxcr ix at lhc baton tor a prograininc o1 \\t)l'l\ crcatcd h} coinpoxcrx iiil'lucncctl h} .'\111L'1'lt‘;111 ininiinalixl. .lohn .'\tl;llll\. 1"i'cc llCl’xCl\ can hc ohtainctl h_\ xcnding an xac to: SS() ('oncci'tx Scci'ctar}. lii‘oatlcaxting Houxc. ()uccn .\largarct l)ri\ c. (ila\go\\ (il3 NIX}. l’honc014l 338 3‘)l(i lor tlctailx.


0 5C0 Brass (iraccniount High School. l.axx\\atlc Road. («)4 5H”. ".30pm. £3. 'I‘hc hraxx \\ ing ol' thc Scottixh ('hanihcr ()rchcxtra talxcx itx inuxic to thc pcoplc. pla} ing a \arict} ol' communit} ccntrcx throughout thc \xcck. \Vorkx h} Iii/ct. l‘atirc and l)\orak \\ ill hc pla} cd aloiigxitlc popular hitx lil'ttlli Broathxa} lllll\lL'iIl\. and all thoxc “ho attciid \\il| rccci\ c a l'rcc IIL‘le‘l l0 thc S(.()'\ lixltcl' iltlll CttllL'L‘l‘l on 31 .Ian.

Tuesday 8


I SCO Brass Southhoiixc antl liiirtlichouxc ('onimunit} ('ciitrc. Hurilichouxc Strcct. 004 3310. 7.45pm. £3. St‘t‘ \lttll H.

Wednesday 9


I SCO Brass (iilincrton ('oniinunit} ('cnlrc. 4 Drum Sli'ccl. 7.30pm. £3. Scc Mon 7.

Thursday 1 0


I Scottish Flute Trio RSI\.\tl). 100Rciilrc\\ Strch. 333 5057. 7.30pm. L5 ([31. Ruth .\loi‘lc_\. l.aura Hailic anil .laiict l.arxxoii aka ‘l‘hc Scottixh l‘lut ~ ‘li‘io arc ioinctl h} pcrcuxxionixt lzilxxartl (‘cr\cnl\a tor a xclcction ol lllUtlL'l'll picccx.

I Steven Osborne ('onccrt llilll. litll\cl'\l1_\ iil (ilaxgtm. lilltu't'xil} .r\\cnuc. 330 4093. 7.30pm. .'\n c\ciiing I'ccilal lroiti piaiiixl ()xbornc.


0 Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()uccn'x Hall. (‘lcrk Strcct. (this 301‘). 7.45pm. £0 £30 0.3501. .'\lt‘\illitlt‘l' .lanic/ck pickx up liix \ iolin and dii‘cctx lhc 8(‘() String linxcinhlc in liarok'x I)ll‘('l‘lllll('llltl. Harlinaitn'x ('mit't'rlu l'um'lm' and Slim iiixlx} \ .vl/m/lun .lllmlur'lr'.

I 5C0 Brass Morcdun (’oininunit} ('cnti'c. 5 Morcdun Park l’lacc. («)4 3013. 7pm. £3. Scc Mon 7.


0 Scottish Chamber Orchestra (’it} liall. (‘ziiitllc-i'iggx, 353 8000. 7.30pm. to £18 iL'3.50i. Scc 'I‘liu I0. I Midday Concert Rs.r\.\tl). I00 chl'rcu Strcct. 333 505.". lpm. £50331. .'\ll al'tcrnoon conccrt o1coiitcinporai'} \\01'lx\ h} l.ouix Antlricxxcn and Yannix K)i'i;ikitlcx. l’art o1 thc .'\L';ItlL‘lll} .\'o\\7


I Johann Strauss Gala t'xhcr Hall. l.ot|1ian Road. 33\' l I55. ".30pin.

£14 £33.50. .-\ll thc romancc ol~ I‘lth ccntnr) Vicnna ax thc Johann Strauxx ()i'chcxti‘a and l)aiiccrx pcrl'orni hix nioxt popular \\orlxx. tlz'cxxcd in 11111 pcriotl coxtuinc.

I A Celebration In Music llat‘t'} .\li|lcr Hall. Kirk (1' l‘icltl (‘hurch. 7.30pm. "0p. .-\ 111i\Ctl prograininc l'roni conlralto and pianixt .\lorag .\lacl)oiialtl. \\ ith accoinpaiiinicnt l‘i'oin haritonc .\'oi'nian .\1acl)onaltl.

I SCO Brass Inch ('oininunit} (.L‘lllI‘L'. (iilltlt‘l'lttlt Road. (304 4-,. ll). 7.30pm.£3.Scc\loi17.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Stirling (‘axtlc. ()ltl 'l‘oixn. 01‘30 475010. 7.30pm. £15it'3.501.'l'|ic8('() \Vind liiixcinhlc. tlircctctl h} I)ouglax Bind. pcrl'orinx Strauxx’x sum ()p J and Swim/rile .Vu /. plux |)\o!'al\\ .S't'rc/im/t’.


I Johann Strauss Gala Raul ('oiiccrt Hall. 3 Sanchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £13.30 £23. Scc Hi It. I Renfield Recitals Rt‘lillL'ltl Si Stcphcn'x ('hurcli (critic. 300 Bath Strccl. 333 3330. 1pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sat 5.


I SCO Brass Hinx (‘oininunih Bll\lllL‘\\ (critic. 4 Ha} .'\\cnuc. 053 0153. 7.30pm. £3. Scc .\lon ".


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('arncgic Hall. liaxt l’oi'l. (H.333 3|4000. 7.30pm. £13tL'3501.Scc'l'hu 10.


I Johann Strauss Gala Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £13.50 £33.8cc1‘ri 11. I Kesha (‘al'c ('oxxachok. Rtixxian (‘ullui'al (‘cntrc. 10 King Slrcct. 553 0733.830pni. L51L.31_;\;1_\p\_\1la// l'tixion ll'ttltl \ iolinixtx l.c\ .v\t|ax and ()Icg l’ononiarc\ and guitarixt \igcl (‘lai'k


0 Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()uccn'x Hall. ('Icrlx Strcct. (iris 301‘). 3.30pm. [7 {13043501. Scc l’ri ll.

Tuesday 1 5


I Opera Galactica l)uiitlcc ch. ‘la_\ Squai'c. 0| 3X3 3335 30. 7. 15pm.

£5.05 U305 M405 [0.051. .\ hit at laxt )car'x litliiihurgh l’ringc. thix tli'oll takc on lhc opcra l'orniat ix looxc|_\ haxctl on thc Slur llirl'x iiio\ icx.

Wednesday 1 6


I Opera Galactica buntlcc ch. la} Squarc. 01383 333530. 7.45pm.

£5.05 £13.05 W405 £0.95). Scc'l'uc 15.


I Benjamin Nabarro and Philip Moore Mcrchanlx llotixc. 7 \chi (icorgc Strch 334 9757. 13.45pm. £4.50 (£1.50 £4 1. 'l‘hc il\\ill'(l-\\ inning \ iolin and piano duo pcrl'orin uorkx h} I)\orak. Brahms and Janacclx.

I Rosie Staniforth and Nicholas Ashton ('onccrt Hall. l'ni\crxit) o1 (il;ixgo\\. l'iii\crxit} .’\\ cnuc. 330 4093. l.l0pin. l‘i'cc. Lunchtimc rccital lroin tliix duo on ohoc and piano.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘)11L‘L‘lt'\ ll;1ll.(‘lcl‘lx 511111.008 301‘). 7.45pm. £30 1 {3.501. ('oiitlnctor l‘i'anx liruggcn ix joinctl h} auai‘tl

\\ inning .'\ll\ll‘&1llttli xoprano Rchccca \axh tor a coniplctc i'cndition ol' liccthm cn'x lag/limit. licrualtl'x Sim/thorn .\'n 3' coniplctcx thc hill.

Dundee I Opera Galactica buntlcc ch. la} Sguarc. 0| 383 333530. 7.45pm.

£5.95 £13.95 l£4.‘)5 £0.95). Scc Inc 15.

‘He does have a re boring life, which in turn makes for a rather boring film’

Jane Hamilton on Robbie Williams, Film, page 34.

Classical & opera listings Music

I National Youth Orchestra of Scotland l'he combination of spr-ghtly young (:onduetor Garry Walker. the 1 10 siekenniglx,’ talented l? 21 year olds in the NYOS and one of the most popular (:lassieal '.'.'orl<s. Brueh's Violin Concerto should guarantee a memorable evening. Glasgoz'x Hot/a/ Concert Ha/l / n .4 Jan.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra the ‘.‘.’lll(l and string arms of the SCX) go their separate ‘.'./ays for a ‘.'.'eel<. performing a inelange of sumptuous works \.'.rhi(:h ablt demonstrate the strengths of both orchestra? sections. Means/hie. the brass wing touts its ‘.'.’£il’(}8 at a number ()i' l"(lllll)tll'§}ll (I()".‘lllltllll‘," (:entres isee listings for (leta:lsn. SCO String l. rise/rib/e. anen's Hall". I-o’inhurgh, Thu 10 Jan; C/ll" / /a//. Glasgow: In I 1 Jan. SCO Wind 1 risemb/e. Queen’s Ila/l. Edinburgh. Sun 13 Jan.



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' . THE LIST 53