Top-ten . 7 ' ,

The things you simply have to do this issue


TV James; Nostntt Is; a t'()‘.’(3|€iil()ii Hi Paul Gmmgrz ss' ‘.’(EI'SI()H of the Etit'OClilOS Hi Derry when £1(2|‘.’|| rights; march WEIES brought to an (mg by British Army bullets. SOC i'(}\"l()‘.'/. pag<:- 81%. Scott/sh.

MONSOON WEDDING Film Mike I (:Igi‘. 'ittEUTE; Satyajlt Ha, Ip I‘\/1n‘aNalv"s;.vtt:a't '.'.'a:i‘.‘ipg Etl‘ti ittm‘pmtn; (It’iitjiit'élilfl'? of Ipzilan sultan:- tamlt‘, hit}. '13; :‘ ~ " (itnmg titt; Seat”

in g. N(:‘.'. [)tfi.i" rt‘amagt:. SH; i(}{litii'(}{i’iii":3‘.11:... pages; arx

(3/ 7. Carat)” C(L'Y‘QX". [I’M "

TA BAND . NORDIC NIGHTS THE BE ,2; ,., t; t ..7 . ,. t - ‘- Music One of the more uttngtmg parts of Com: Ct>npt2(:tlt)ns;. a 5301105; ()i SHOWS piatipmmg the post of underground trati and 'i‘()(i(3!'.’t fpzk. Scandinavua is; the new Seattle. 0" fit)!‘-‘(?Ut"t§}. Var/pus venues. Glasgow.

Music Irma 1,::""-:,---'7"‘gj a :i

FROM THE SAATCHI GIFT " " ftzf‘f1"7.' 'u- 5!. «x: 1' tan" "’E'V Em,- ‘prrt‘tt-t "7‘. Wrong tin: ‘z‘itiruil. Knit“.

‘r-;r.:t;~‘.'.. pagt:

ROSS NOBLE Comedy Om:- Hrnamk; rt‘:>:;t " . " i _ " ::x<::tutg. .i at ' ,L 'w' l ;. _, ' turn; iitiSit'éiiIHt}. I " ,. ' _' g '- s;tat‘.:: tipf; C|ubs i'pt; (l’,'»~i:-’:" y w " 5,. . retains; It) tit: his; i).'"/fi'_.'(L-I:i‘; 53th.”. ii: ' W i I, warm: iti‘tnt)‘. [Java-t; aka i’t,‘ a1": \ titapg. 800 my: .. mama-".1;page :35". /\/".‘:; /V.,."f;.

(warm/)mg Mm

i, ‘1 1':_ ‘1; : ,_ i " I i JANICE MC MICHEL . ED

Books i ii} pay) a

“mp-ROAM“ N'unlousn


Video/DVD \Jphp CHIHUI'OH Mitchell's (tult s;tz1gt>n‘.tt:;lt‘:tlabout the

hat asexual ir()lti‘.‘.'()'i‘;lit at a giant ruck pami. Stw rm 10w. page SM.
