listings Clubs

i LECTRO JUICE Glasgow School of Art, Fri 25 Jan

Of all the genres that have come of age in the last year, the European electro scene looks most likely to make a permanent mark on Clubland. The Glasgow School of Art’s latest nightclub, Juice, is set to catch this wave of interest with a combination of regular live acts from across the Channel and selections from long-time Arty affiliate Brendan Hessle.

‘It’s an obvious progression,’ says Hessle about the new venture. ‘I’ve done the Miami Bass nights, then we were involved in a night called Electroluxe which went really well I was almost expecting ten people through the door but it was a real success and that made us realise that, even though it


might be a bit of a niche market, there were a lot of people out there interested in this type of music.’ While the guest at the opening event, Steril, typifies the new wave techno sound that Juice is set to concentrate on - perky 80s-flavour vocals with a solid electro backing - the night isn’t set to be a one-trick


‘This 805 throwback thing is big at the moment,’ Hessle says, ‘and that’s what the live acts will be about, but I’ll be trying to play around that. I’m not interested in just playing the latest records. There’ll be stuff by Kraftwerk from the late 70$, electro—funk from the mid 805 and techno from throughout the 905, because the Detroit electro sound is what I’ve been into for years and all those styles fit in with what’s happening at the


Juice is also set to crusade against all things thumping and faceless. ‘The guests are all going to be live acts,’ says Hessle, ‘because artists don’t always make the best DJs. I want to get people who will put on a show. Steril will be up on stage in his bondage gear, rather than just hiding away behind the equipment nodding his head like a geek. There’s been a continuity in Glasgow of people going out to listen to banging techno all night and I think it’s about time we tried to break away from that.’ (Jack Mottram)

I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at \‘ault. llpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. Mighty popular residency li'om Andy l'nger and Lady Shae-l). devoted to underground disco. vocal house and New York (iaragc. liarly arrival tnore than makes

I Subculture at MAS (in association with the Suh (‘luhr llpm ~1am.£l(l. Weekly. Suhculture has heen going strong lot" in er fourteen years and has hecome legendary. with its reputation going w ell beyond the (ilasgow community. . . and it’s all down to llarri and Domenic serving tip quality sounds to one (it the most loyal and unique crowds there is.

I Superfly at the \Vootlsitle Social (’ltih. Monthly. .\'c\t date 3 l‘eh.

I Super Stereo at Soha.

l lpm 3am. I‘rce helore midnight. £4 alter. Weekly. (‘oncentrating on the raw end ol' the l'unk spectrum. Jared and Stuart ol‘ Vinyl l'i'eaks keep the crowd on their toes with occasional doses ol‘ disco and garage.

I Triumph at the Tunnel.

l(l_3()pm 3.30am. £‘) (£7). Weekly. (‘olin 'l'evendalc and Steven .\lc('reery supply the dressed-up glamour kids with progressive house and trance in the tnain room. while Key in \laclfltrlanc and Stephen l.ce mi\ tip garage. disco and \tieal hollse in room l\\(). ll~ you're not wearing aw l'ttlly nice clothes. however. don‘t expect to get in.

I No Tun at Budtla. llptn 3am. £7. \Vcekly. (ieoll Monti-(it‘d and (‘ltt'is llarris get lunky with a hang—up-to—datc selection M l ‘S house and garage.

I Traxx at the Sountlhaus. Monthly. \e\l date 2 l't‘l). '

I Vegas at the Renl'rew l‘erry. 9.30pm 2am. £8. (£(i). 2o Jan. Monthly. The hoy s w ho pttt the schw ing in sw ing are hack once again with their lahttlotis entourage. Joining l‘rankic. litigsy and

l)ino are (it course The Vegas Showgirls. 'l‘he liahulous Scott hrothers and the lovely l.ola \egas tor a night (it scintillating swing.

I The Vibe ill the Velvet Rooms. l()pm 3am. £(i (£4); £3 hcl'orc midnight. Weekly. Keith l’y per hreaks out the lunky house and garage in the main room while Ray tnond Woods cools things down with hip hop and Rtyli in room two.

I Wired at Asylum. (‘aledonian l'niversity l'nion. lilpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. (ilasgow ‘s longest running alternative indie night with drinks promos aplenty.

I Xposure at .-\rchaos. I lpm 3am. £«S’ (£(i). Weekly. Serving up hedonistic

hard house and trance. your hosts Stevie

Kerr. lain 'l‘hompson and l)a\e (iilmour keep the kids on their toes.

Chart & Party

I Bonkers at Bunkers. l lpm 3am. £4 hcl'ore midnight; £5 alter. Weekly. (’hcesy tunes. dance classics and those good ()ltl ltils limit the 30s.

I Boogie Nights at .\1etlia.

l lpm 3am. £1». Weekly. Step hack in little [0 revel in the tunes till the 7(ls itlltl Slls. .»\rri\ e early to avoid a crushing disappointment.

I Classic PM at May .\lurry ‘s. llpm 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. Dance classics and party tunes. with alternative and rock tunes upstairs in 'l'w istet'.

I The Garage at the (iarage.

lllpm 3am. £5 (£3) hel'ore llpm; £(i (£1) alter. Weekly. Stiper—ct)mmercial party sounds on the main dancel'loor and indie classics in the Attic.

I Graduate Club at g3.

llpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Designed to stiit those who have always enjoy ed

a (iarage-sty lc night out. hut lccl a little

long in the tooth when surrounded hy

fresh-laced. lager-stained youngsters. Steve Davis provides the party anthems.

I The Shack at Shack. 10.30pm 3am. £7 (£5). (‘heesy chart tunes and commercial dance tracks l'rom l)J (iraeme.

I Seduction at Destiny. lllpm 3am. £(i hel‘ore l lpm: £7 alter. Weekly. Tonight the cltih would like you to ‘dress to impress' while enjoying the Usual commercial house ‘n‘ trance pap.

I Strawberry Fields at Slrawherry l-"ields. 10.30pm 3am. £5. Weekly. (‘lassic pat'ly nonsense limit the (ills to last week.

Glasgow Sundays


I Budda at Bar Budda.

8pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. (‘olin Walker (New York Alliance) playing deep hotise.

I Divine Intervention at Brel. ‘)pm midnight. l’ree. .\ soothing yet syncopated Sahhatli selection to chill the hot-looted cluhher. Northern. mod. pop— l.atin. I-‘rench ye-ye and shallow l'unk. Blended hy l)J llushpuppy (Divine. (iSA).

I The Hustler at .»\ir ()rganic.

5pm midnight. l’rec. Weekly. Johnnie Bla/e and his occasional guests supply grooves so smooth they'd move yo' momma‘s ass.

I Man With No Suitcase at the (iril'liny. Monthly. Next date 3 l'cli.

I Moloco at .\1oloco. Spm midnight. l'rcc. Weekly. .\lartin St John spins stompin‘ northern soul. roots. rock and reggae.

I Nico’s at .\'ico's. ‘)pm midnight. l‘rec. Weekly. Billy Milligan. the Ian .\lcllis ol~ dance music. supplies a w ide- ranging cheesehoartl.

I Phonic at .\loskito. ‘)pm midnight.

l’ree. Weekly. The hoys l‘rom Phonic are popping up everywhere. Winding down the weekend. (iordon and Steven play quality house music.

I R&B at Bar ll). 7pm~amidnight. Free. Weekly. Relax with R&B cuts and take advantage of the generous drinks promos at this city—centre style bar.

I Scratch ‘n’ Sniff at .‘vic(‘huill's. ‘)pm midnight. liree. New pre-cltth venture. l'eattiring Danny Barhour playing house. garage and whatever else he l‘aneies.

I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at Strata. ‘)pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. l'nderground quality house. Latin vibes and choicest disco from Andy l'nger. Shae-l) and special guest l)Js.

I Soulful Sundays at 'l‘chai-()vna. 3 7pm. l‘rce. Weekly. Sottll‘ttl chill-out session to help you wind down the weekend. hosted hy Raymondo and Rodriguez (l-‘ools ()nly'). Drink ohscure teas. play chess. give your hody a rest. I Sunday Social at the .-\t'ches. Monthly. Next date 3 l‘eh.


I Bennet’s at Bennet's.

l 1.30pm 3am. £3. Weekly. 'l'om plays tunes loved by twelve-year-old girls. pltis some hangin' handhag. to equally appreciative gay men. l-‘unny old world. I Bite at the ('athotise.

l().3()pm 3am. l-‘ree hel'ore l l.3()pm: £2 (£1 .5()) alter. Weekly. A milder mix of indie and rock than you'll lind at the city's premier rock venue on l‘ri or Sat. I Bump ’n’ Grind at the Velvet Rooms. llpiii 3am. £4 (£2). Wind down the weekend with l).\l(}'s mix of R&B and street soul.

I Chittlin’ Hoedown at the 13th .\'ote (ale. 1 lpm 2am. £ l. A new night devoted to pretty much whatever the l)Js please. including dtih. hip-hop and electro with added splashes of indie stul‘l.

I Club Tropicana at the (iat‘age (Attic). I lpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lndie. hoth classic and contemporary. with a healthy dose ol‘ Britpop.

I Dream at Strawherry l-‘ields. 10.30pm 3am. £l5. Weekly. l-‘il'tcen nicker might seem a hit steep for a night down Straw herry l’ields. hut in addition to hanging house anthems and saucy dancing girls. the har is totally and utterly l'rce. Much like a stomach pump on the .\'llS.

I Liquid Cool at Baha/a. 0pm 3am. £5. Weekly. .-\.J.. Kris ls'eegan and Ian 'l'hompson playing top-notch vocal garage and house to a cltih packed with hy per-hedonistic twentysomething revellers. all ol‘ whom seem to have l'orgotten that they have work in the morning. It quality tunes and glamorous antics are your hag. Sun at Baha/a is unmissahle.

I Optimo at .\I.»\S (in association with the Suh ('luh). llptn 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. lixpcct tthstillllely anything from Lady Miss Roland and 'l‘witch & Wilkes. including gut—husting techno. country & western. punk and painlttlly cool electro-pop.

I Solvent at .-\laska. l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (‘olin l)avie gives us another reason to go out and get completely ti'ollied on a Sunday night. Playing funky house and whatever he lattcies to a crowd of tip-lor-it re\ellers who just don't want the weekend to end.

I Sunday Best at Shack.

l().3(lpm 3.30am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Jim l)a Best plays pop. dance and Rtkli.

I Sunday Shelter at .'\tl~l .ih. \ltiltlllly. Next date Ilk‘.

I Transistor at the Polo Lounge.

l lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. Real pop for rcal people with l)Js .\'iall McMurray and Way nc l)i\on.

"3‘. .Jr‘ THE LIST 63