Film index

Casablanca mm .0000 l Micltacl (‘urti/. l'S. 19-13) Humphrey Bogart. Ingrid Bergman. Dooley \\'ilxoii. 103 minx. You muxt remember thix . . . Bogart being impoxxibly noble. Bergman torn betyyeen [\yo loyerx. (‘laude Rainx playing both endx againxt the middle. deyioux .\'a/ix. a fogbound airport. a piano-play er tinkling that ttme . . . A yy’onderful hill of beam. (il‘t)x\L‘llUl'. (ilaxgoyy: Filmhouxe. lidinburgh.

A Christmas Carol - The Movie it'i 0 (Jimmy 'l'. Murakanii. l‘lx'. 2001i Voicex of Kate \Vinxlel. Nicolax ('age. Simon (allow. 80 minx. Dexpitc tlte adyancex made iit compti[er-generated imagery. there ix xtill a case for tlte traditional form. Sadly. it'x not one made by thix poorly e\ecttted film; tlte animation ix flat and xtalic. xcarcely better than that found on Saturday tnorning kidx' TV. .\'or doex the .xtory telling do (‘harlex Dickenx justice. .x'yy'eetening and .xoftening an already sentimental original. The final xtrayy, hoyy ey er. is the introduction of a pair of cute. xlapxtick mice. Bali. ltumbug. Ster (‘entury ('inema. Iidinburgh.

The Colour Of Pomegranates 1 IS) (Sergei Paradjanoy'. [‘SSR. lWZl 73 minx. Director‘x cttt of the film initially refuxed an export licettce. Baxed on the life of lSlh century Armenian poet Sayat .\‘o\ a. Paradjanoy replacex conyentional biopic xty le. opting inxtead for a xeriex of painterly imagex correxponding to momentx lll Noy'a'x life. (il'vl‘. (ilaxgoyy.

Cool And Crazy (Hettig og Begeistret) t l5l ilx'nut lirik Jenxen. .\'oryyay. 2001) 105 minx. Prey ieyy xcreening of one of the hitx of laxt Auguxt‘x lidinburgh International l‘ilm liextiyal. a Noryyegian docutnentary about a male choir. lixxentially [hix l\ :lll itl‘L‘llc‘ Bllt’lltl \fylrl .Sr’r‘frl/ (fit/t. (il'J. (ilaxgoyy.

Cunnamulla t lS’i tl)ennix ()‘Rourke. ,-\u.x[l‘;liIla/Scotland. 3000i So mmx. \Vartx and all portrait of xtltalllmy n life tn Queenxland. Atixtralia. l’oignant. funny. honext attd alyyayx rexpeclful of itx xubiect.. Part of the Sheffield International Documentary liextiyal. l-‘ilmhouxe. lidinburgh.

The Deep End t 15l 0... HS. Scott Mc(iehee. l);t\‘ld Siege]. 3W” llllklil Syy llllUIl. (ioran \‘ixnjic. Jonathan Tucker. W minx. Axxured adaptation of lili/abeth Sanyay llolding'x 10-17 crime noyel about a mother tSyy intoni attemping to conceal the murder of llCl‘ c‘lllld‘x ltm lll'L‘ it“ L‘l‘. liL‘l‘ dc‘llttllx are complicated by a blacktnailer t \‘ixniici u ho threatenx to expoxe the crime and the romantic affair thux ruining the teenager tchanged from the book'x daugltter to a gay xon. \yhiclt effectiyely updatex the dramai. The traditional yyeb of intrigue ix replaced by the emphaxix on hiding a crime yy ithin the contincx of domexticity. a brilliant moye on Mc(iehee and Siegel'x part. and one u hich xltoyy x great fidelity to Holding'x tnuch underyalued \yriting. MacRobert. Stirling.

Detective Story I t 'i iyy‘illiani \y'y let'. [1%. 1051 I Kirk l)ouglax. lileanor Parker. \Villiam Bendiy. 103 minx. 'l‘yyenty four lioui'x in the life of a New York police precinct yy ith Douglax play mg the detectiye yy ho ix driycn oy er the edge by the corruption and \ icc around him. Stagcy land baxed on Sidney

Kingxley 7x play Dem! lint/i. btit the performancex are litte and the .xet.x and xtiitx right handxome. St Bride'x ('entre. lidinburgh. l lSl . lJlllt (iillexpie. [-5. 300] l Sy lyexter Stallone. Krix Krixtoffct'xon. Polly Walker. 03 minx. After hix \y ife ix xlaughtered by a xerial killer. Stallone'x cop loxex the plot. liitx the bottle and ix committed to the remote. xnoyy -bound rehab unit. Ax if group therapy \y ith a bunch of felloyy cop :llcolttilicx \yaxlfl bad L‘llttllgll. Sly 'x fc‘lltm inmalex xoott xtart dying in my xterioux circumxtancex. 'l’hix promixing xct-up hax tlte potential for clauxtrophobic xuxpenxe. Sadly. (iillcxplc.x direction ix ltaltt-lixlcd lllL' tone ix flat. the action dull. and the finale both predictable and laughable. See rey ieyy. SL‘JCCIL‘LJ l'L‘lL‘tth‘.

Doctor Zhivago it’( it 00. t Day id Lean. l'S/l 'K. 1005! ()mar Sharif. Julie ('hrixlie. (ieraldine ('haplin. 103 mm. Big xcreen rottiance in the (iom' ll‘i’t/i 'I‘lii' “flit! xty le. rather than a genuine adaptation of the l’axternak noyel. yy ith Sharif and ('hrixtie ax loyet'x caught up in World \Var One and the Ruxxian Reyolution. Notable mainly for itx ltixh. picture poxtcard photography. (iroxyenot'. (ilaxgoyy.

Domestic Disturbance l Ill 00 tllarold Becker. IS. 200! l John 'l'rayolta. Vince Vaughn. Teri Polo. S“) minx. ‘l‘yyelye- year-old Danny 'x liex and delinquency are xeen ax a cry for help. lle'x unhappy that hix dad t'l‘rayoltai hax left ltome and that hix mum tl’oloi ix abotit to marry millionaire neyy comer Rick i\'aughn l. So when Danny xay x he xayy hix hated xtepfather murder a man and dixpoxe of the body in alt incinerator. nobody beliey ex lttm xay c hix deyoted dad. lloyyey el'. tltix genre offering fatlx to e\ploit the potential for uneaxe and xuxpenxe lll itx xet-up. Stey c Biixcemi turnx in an enioy able cameo. bill the film xtumblex toyyardx a concluxion that ix both implauxible and predictable. (iencral l'L‘lL‘ith‘.

Dr Dolittle 2 t l’(ii DO. tSteye ('arr. l'S. Still] ) liddtc Murphy. lx't'ixten \Vilxon. mice of l.ixa Kudroyy. S" minx. A Malioxo racoon turnx tip at tlte doc'x home attd


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Sylvester Stallone attempts to flex his acting muscles in DE-TOX

demandx that he Visit Beay'er. (iodfather of the forext creatures. Beayer'x problem i.x that two naxty humanx want to ‘deyelop‘ their home. If only l)olittle can mate endangered xpeciex bear Aya ty'oiced by I.i.xa Kudroyy l yy ith circux dude bear Archie. then by Ian the forext will be protected. Sitnple. cheexy and eeo-friendly. l'(i(' I’al‘kltead. (ilaxgoyy'.

Dr Dolittle tl’(ii 0 (Betty 'I‘homax. l'S. J‘J‘JSJ liddie Murphy. ()xslc l);t\ lL‘x.

()liy er Plan. 85 minx. A turkey \yith Rey llarrixon in itx original form. and xtill pretty dire thix time round. 'l'hix \y ild family adyenture offerx crude bottom humour for the Bit/iv audience. btit the talking animalx gimmick battlex yy ith cheexy morality and nothing comex together. (iroxyenor. (ilaxgoyy. The Dream Life Of Angels ( lb'l tlirick '/.onca. l-‘rance. 1098i lilodie Bouche/. Natacha Regnier. (iregoire (‘olin. l 13 minx. What xtartx ax a female buddy moy ie about tyyo tyyenty -year-oldx \eerx into much darker territory and procecdx to a xhocking though moy ing conclusion. Sympathetic yet ney er xentitttental in the treatment of itx characterx. Zonca'x tiltn ix a truly inxightful character xltldy. (‘(‘.v\. (ilaxgtm.

Eloge de L’amour l PG) 0000 (Jean- l.uc (ioddard. France. 200] l Bruno l’ut/ulu. (‘ecile ('amp. Jeatt Dayy. ()8 minx. (iodard'x latext film xeex him once again grappling yy ith [\Hi conxtraittlx: [he pl’ogl'cxsiyc and tlte elegiac. llere l’ul/ulu playxx an artixt u ho in the film‘x monochrome. celluloid tirxt half xtrugglex to get a project off the grotmd. In the colour. \ ideoed xecond .xection. xL‘l A! couple of yearx before. he intery ieyy x a Rexixtance eypert and we \yatch hoyy yy hat yye xee may become the xouree of inxpiration for the film Put/ulu warm to make. Blending the old yy itlt the new. (iodat'd offet‘x a technical correlatiye to a may that punttingly play x on the many formx rexixtance may take. ('ameo. lidinburgh.

Enigma l l5i O... tMtchael Apted. l‘lx'. 2001 i Dougray Scott. Kate \Vinxlel. Saffron Burroyy x. l I" minx. 'l‘om Jericho (Scott i. a crack \VWII codcbreaker. ix called back frotn premature retirement to break the Na/ix' neyy

cipher. ()n hix return. he dixcoy er.x that (’laire tBurroyyxi. the woman yy ho broke hix heart. hax gone mixxing and. yy ith the aid of her houxemate (Winxlet i. beginx to dixcoy er that die \yax not entirely yy hat xhe xeemed. Apted‘x .xcreen adaptation of Robert llarrix'x bext- xelling noyel ix. rarely enough. both relatiyely faithful and rather good. though xc‘rililyy‘rllcr Tom Stoppard increaxex the low interext and fiddlex the plot a little. but the mixture of

cy nicixm and heroixm that characterixed llarrix'x characterx ix undiluted in the film. The Lumiere. lidinburgh.

Eraserhead ( lSl O... tl)ay*id l.y nch. l'S. 107m John Nance, Qt) minx. You may ney'er eat jelly babiex again after the repellent btit compelling tale of Henry. hix haircut. hix girlfriend. hix .xtrange offxpring and a .xi/eable quantity of pu.x. Disturbing xtuff. mercifully filmed in black and white. (‘('A. Glasgow. Erin Brockovlch l ISi 0000 (Steven Soderbergh. l'S. 2000) Julia Robertx. Albert Filiney. Aaron lickhart. 133 minx. l'nemployed xingle mother lirin tRobel‘txi .xhoehornx her yyay into a filing clerk poxition yy'ith l’inney'x (‘alifornia layy' lirtn. 'l‘here xhe accidentally uncoy‘erx a conspiracy to conceal the poixoning of the local community. which leadx to the largext direct action lawsuit in American hixtory. 'l'hix might .xound like a cliched John (irixham thriller. btit it'x based on a true .xtory and Soderbet‘gh'x direction and Robertx' performance are faultlexx together they proye that mainxtream American cinema can be xomething truly great. l-"ilinhouxe. Iidinburgh.

The Fallen Idol tl’(il O... t('aro| Reed. l'K. 10-18) Ralph Richardxon. Michelle Morgan. Bobby llenrey. 95 minx. Rextored and re—ixxued print of ('arol Reed'x claxxic (iraham (ireene adaptation about a caxe of adultery entangled \y ith a murder. l-‘ilmliouse. lidinburgh.

The 51st State I IN... tRonny Yu. l'S/l'K/(‘anada. 300] 1 Samuel 1.. Jackxon. Robert (‘arly le. limily .‘ylortimer. 92 minx. 'l‘here‘x much about thix comedy thriller that's itixt plain daft: Jackxon'x (‘alifornia drug dealer donning a kill for hix \ ixit to rainy l.iyerpool. (‘arly le'.x Scouxe thug more concerned with the l.i\erpool-Manchexter footy match than minding Jackxon. ('arly le'x e\ tMortimeri going Statexide to become a contract killer. Daft. bttt ftitt. Indiy idual elementx. from (flvl‘ performancex to y iolent gun play. \york in ixolation. but the tonex jar: in one xcene you're laughing at Ricky 'l‘omlinxon playing Robert De Niro \ ia Jim Roy le. the next your reeling at him being tortured in the moxt graphic faxhion. l‘(i(’ Renfreyy Street. (ilaxgoyy.

The Flatt l5t tJan Syankmajer. (‘leehoxloyakia thSl 13 minx. Short film from the maxter of xurreal animation. (‘(‘A. (ilaxgoyy.

The Flufferi lS‘i (Richard (ilat/er. \\'a.xh \cht. l‘S. 3(llll J Scott (iurney. Michael (‘unio. Royanne Day. 03 llllllx. ()flbeat drama about the life of a ‘fluffer‘ - the indiy idual

u ho arousex a porn .xtar. preparing them for light. catncra. action and . . . fuck? (iuext appearncex by Debbie Harry. (ieney iere 'l'urner and ‘Mr \Vood' himxelf Ron Jeremy. l‘(i(‘ Renfreyy Street. (ilaxgoyy.

Singles Valentines, Come With A Friend, Leave With A Stranger!

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We are now taking bookings from groups of two or more mainly single pe0ple

Also showing at CCA on 14th February: Paradigm Poets - Share the wit and wisdom of spoken words answer to twenty first century relationship themes Call CCA Box Office 0141 352 4900