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r regularmusic presents

Jill Scott

Glasg w Barrowlands Wednesday 13th February Credit Card 0870 90 33 444



25th February


til Kama"

Edinburgh Liquid Rooms

i iii. :44 44444444144449; rum}

. jg; emeewmimg

_ owoeo :33 444

plus support from The Parkinsons

Edinburgh, La Belle Angele, 8th March

Glasgow, 13th Note, 9th March

Sunday 3rd March

Edinburgh Queens Hall Venue Box Office 0131 668 2019

Monday 4th March Glasgow Grand Ole Opry


+ special guest Colin Devlin

All tickets available from credit card on-line at www.tick-

t;twr.-l).co.ul< and from Virgin 8. Ripping and all usual outlets.


Shooters t lS’i O. t(ilenii l)urtort. ('olin league. l‘k. Ztttll i .v\drian Dunbar. (iei'ald lliitlei‘. loan (irut‘tiidd. 95 iiiiiix. (‘oke head and gangxtei' J‘x mate (itll) ix releaxed trom pi'ixon lta\ ing doiie time tor a ei‘ime liix triend eommitted. lle needx moire} that J

on ex him to go xtraight. hut ix perxiiaded to do one laxt ltll‘. Needle [it \.t_\. the deal iltiextt'l go ax planned. Yep. )et another tale ot' di'ugx. giiiix and iii} ining xlang. 'I'here'x little in thix lllltl ll‘ titlxe lllL' [illlxe lk‘xtilcx tt gleel'til tttt‘lt trom Butler ax a iixxe‘litiii;itliie (ilaxuegian. Shim (aw. l’atxle}.

Show Me Love I Hi 0.. illukux \liitiil} xxtitl. S“ CtlL‘ll. 300th Relieeea lilieherg. .'\lL‘\.tlttll‘;t l)ahlxti'om. S‘) minx. .'\ xlight tale ol t\\o teenage girlx lalliiig in lo\ e in the xmall Snedixh to“ n ot' .-\mal.

Mood} xxou'x lilm eoinhinex a einema \erite e} e \\ itli xoine xtoek xittiatioiix and eharaetei'x. (‘i'eatiiig teiixioii and tiiriiioil out ol the rite ot paxxage mm ie getx harder and harder. hut Stood} Win iiianaf—‘ex a modieiim ot li'exhiiexx. and there are enough \ariahlex at \iork to keep the tiliii going t'oi‘ an engaging hour and a halt. (‘aineo. lzdinliiirgh.

Shrek t l 'I 0.... l.'\tttll'L‘\\ .'\il;llll\ttll. \dklx) .lL‘ltxittt. l'S. :lllll I \iitec\ til \llkL' .\l_\ei‘x. ('aiuei'on l)ta/. liddie \liii'ph}. ()(t minx. Shirk \\ ill ha\ e \\'alt l)ixne_\ turning in liix ei‘yigeiiie tree/e tank. 'l‘hix trul}

xulii ei'xi\ e animated tiliii takex pot xhotx at tair)tale lll)lllitl0:._"\. uhile xiiigling out little \\L;tll.\ lieli“ L‘tl .Sliuii “I’ll/(fl (.llltlt'l't'l/(l.

l’inu ( hm. et al. l'nder the gtiixe ot a tiuext to rexeue a prineexx trom a dragon undertaken h} the epoi‘.) iiioiix green ogre iiiliieh kidx \\ lll lo\ e I. Slur/i alxo riithlexxl} pillagex eoi‘poi'ate Dune}. xatirixing itx theme parkx and

e\eeuti\ ex. .r\nd uho'x heliind all thix'.’ l’rodueer Jetli'e} Kat/eiiherg ol l)ixne_\ rnal xltttltii l)l'(‘;llll\\.ttl'lx\. :tlxti l'iit'ttlct'l} lteail Ul. )L‘p. l)l\tte_\. SL'lL‘etL‘tl I'L‘lt‘ttxe.

A Skin Too Few I l’( it ilei'oen Berk\enx. Netherlandx'l)eiiinark.'l ’K. Sittil ivlS iniiix. litopie about the lite and premature death tat Ito ot the xinger-xongnritei; .\li\ex t'ootage ol l)iake'x ehildhood home \\ ith interx ienx ineliiding the xiiigt‘i"x xixtei'. (iahrielle. l’ai‘t ot the Shellield International l)oeumentai‘} l'extnal. ( il’l‘. ( ilaxgoii; liilinliouxe. ladiiiliiirgli. Slackert 15).... iRiehai'd linklatei'. l'S. Will i ()\ er lttt) 'I’e\.mx, 0" minx. l'nelaxxiliahle pieee ot independent .'\lllL‘t‘lL‘;tll mo\ remaking \ihieh doexn't ha\ e a plot ax xueh; iiixiead it pi‘o\ idex a xnapxhoi til it\ er Itlt) ‘xlaekei‘x‘ )ouug. liapp} go»luek} driltei'x ax the} get through their dail) ll\ ex. Sti'tietui‘ed ax a monumental i'ela_\ teaeli eliai'aeter hriet'l} appearx. meetx the iie\t. and xo on I. it liax a looxe. e\periinenial. almoxi ia/l} loi'inat that )ou‘ll either |o\ e or hate. .-\ xure lire eiilt llll. ('ameo. ladinliiii'gh.

Songs From The Second Floort lit .0. iRo} ;\lltlct'\\ittt. Siieden. Itltlli larx \ordh. Stetan l.arxxoit. 'l'oihioi'n l‘alilxti'oiii. OS iiiiiix. .'\ltilL‘l'\\Ull'\ ("annex pi't/e \xiniiing lirxt leattii'e tilm in 35 )eai'x

Kristin Scott“ Thomas looks the part playing a glamorous high society Lady

in Robert Altman's Gosford Park

eoinprixex a xei‘iex ol heaiitilull} eoiiipoxed

\ igiiettex. eaeh xeene xhot in a xingle long lake. l'nxeripted and iixing lirxt time aetorx. it ol'l'erx a xitapxhot ot' the li\ ex ot \ai'ioiix eharaeterx. .\ long \L‘l'\ ing eiiiplo} ee elingx dexperatel} to hix hoxx'x leg. pleading tor hix jolt haek; a man \\ itli the “mug xkiii eolour tallx \ ietiiii to a i'aeixt attaek; \xhile a magieian unintentionall) \;l\\ x an unxuxpeetrng \oluriteer in halt. .\ \\ itt_\ ohxei'\atioii on the ahxurdit} and \uliieraliilit) ol' the human eoiidition. Soiiex I-mn The Set out! I‘lour ix at itx hext intelligent. moi ing and limit}. ('( '.v\. (ilaxgoix.

Sons Of The Desert t t i am. t\\‘r|liaii .\ Setter. l'S. l‘liir Stan laurel. ()li\ er llard}. (‘hai'le) (‘haxe (i‘) iiiiiix. One or the tiiiext ot' the Laurel and Hard) teatui'ex \L'L'\ the putt ;t\ ltt‘lllk‘e'kcd lttlxlitttiilx \\ ltit atteiid a l'raternal eoin ention hehmd their \iiiex' liaekx. Nothing goex to plan ot eourxe. not leaxt lieeaiixe Staiile) ix hound to littll tip lttx ll'tcnil'\ l‘L'\l ltiltl [‘l‘attx. The title Ul tlttx lilm \iax adopted h} the ho} x' international l-ittl L‘lllli littt' lltihc \\ ltii llL'L'kl lit ktttm. (il'fll'. (ilaxgoxi.

Soul Survivors t 13: oo ISte\e (’arpeiiter. l'S. ltltll i .\lelixxa Sagemillei‘. ('axe} Allleek. \Vex lit-title}. SS iiiiiix. ‘l'hix teehnwgotlite tale heginx \\ itli a tatal ear ei‘axh iii\o|\ ing tour .v\meriean eollege l'rexherx. But \\ ho ix alix e poxt-eraxh. “hat ix l'L‘;tltl_\ and \\ho ean the} truxt .’ Sueh tenxioiix loi'm the erii\ ot thix uninxpired ehillei'. “here a trip to the dark xide heeomex tedioiixI} tamiliar. lioi'roix iiig too t'reel} troin gi'eatx like [In l'fiort'iil and (‘tii'riix Soul Suri lion poxxexxex neither the hraiei‘} nor the \ ixion ot thexe lllltlx and Mt litttlx lit :10 the “hole ltitt‘t'iit' iltxltttlcc. Seleeted t‘L‘lL‘axe.

Southern Comfortt 15' i Kate l)a\ ix. l‘S/Auxlralia/Seotland. :lllllll 0t) llltll\ llte ti'agie \titl') til. Rtilk‘t'l l'atilx. (mtl‘i‘). gi'andlathei‘. good ol' l‘o_\ limit the .'\lltL‘l‘lt‘.l'\ deep South and tranxxe\ual a man horn temale and a mother or iuo. \Vhen diagnoxed u itli o\ai'ian eaneer Izadx couldn't lind a doctor “thing to treat lllltt. l’art ot the Sliel‘l'ield International l)oeiiiiietitai‘} l‘extnal. l'ilnihouxe. ladinhiirgh.

Space Jam il'iOO t.loe l’)tka. l'S. I‘llltii .\lieliael .lot'datt. litigx Bruin}. \\.i) ne Knight. S" iiiiiix. \axt} alien eartoonx lia\ e eaptured litigx Bruin} and are going to eiixl.i\ e the l.ooiie} 'l'uirex in their amuxement park oti .\loroii Mountain. hut Bugx liax the l‘l'.tllt\\;t\ e M ehallenging them to a liaxkethall game and eiilixtiiig the taleiitx ot' .\| .loi'dan loi Iiix letttll. laekittg lltt‘ el.t\\ til ll In! lltil/It’t/ Kim: I Ix’uli/ul ' and the paee oil a real liaxketliall game. Slum .ltim xhould di\ert the kidx on Satiii‘da} inorniiigx. e\ en tliotigli the tokex and el'teetx are tried ti'om oiei' iixe. it it’ lx’eiitiexi Street. (ilaxgoxi; l'(i(' (‘iiieiii.ix. ltdinliiiigh La Strada t ISI 0... tl'redeiieo l‘t'llllil. ltal}. Wilt (itiilietta .\laxina. .-\iit|ioii) ()iiinn. Riehard llaxehai't. 115 mm» l‘ellini'x \\ ite .\laxina ix tlllliH'f.‘L‘ll;tl\lL‘ ax a xiniple minded