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48 THE LIST 31 Jan-M Feb 2002

I Open Mic Southcrn Bur. 22 South ('IL‘l‘k‘ SII‘L‘L‘I. (3(37 2239. 7pm. I‘l'L‘C. .'\II

st} lcs \xclconic. plcusc hring )our on n instrumcnis.

I The Listening Room The Bluc Blu/cr. 2 Spittul Strcct. 22‘) 5030. 8pm. £2 sttggcslcd donation. .\lcllo\\ folk. rock und inorc :u this llL‘\\ unrunplilicd guthcring of siiigci‘/soiig\\ ritcrs prcscntcd h) I’ctcr Mich;th Rouun ol‘;\coustic l'ndcrground tunic.


I Alexander O’Neal Alhcrt Ilulls. Dumhurton Road. 01780 $3544. 8pm. KIT. SCL‘ Sui 2.


I The Mighty Midgets, Jet Star, Academy Rejects and Young Vegas King 'Iut’s \Vuli \\‘;ih Ilut. 2'72u St \‘inccnt Strcct. 22] 522‘). 5.30pm. £4 plus hooking lcc.

I AI Hughes Studio ()nc. (iroswnor llolcl. (irosxcuor ‘l‘crrucc. 3-H (35 lo. 0pm. I'IL‘C. I“ CBC-siting :tlld le‘L‘l Illllcs guitarist.

I Acoustic Jam \icc‘n‘Slcul}. 421 Suuchichull Strcct. 333 0037. 0pm. \Vcckl} scsston \\ ith I'rcc hoo/c lor pcrl'ornicrs.


I Charger, Minus, Matter und Out By Degrees 'I'hc liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 225 2504. 7pm. £5. (irrrrrr. things go all mclul und licux} rock at this local hund shimcusc.

I Analogue Bongo (luh. 14 .\'c\\ Slrcct. 558 M04. ‘Iplll. £2. 'l‘hc .«\nuloguc (’ollcctn c prcscnt :1 night ol' anti-capitalist nutsicul ni;1_\hcni. \\ ith support still to hc unnounccd.

Tuesday 5


GThe Hives, Randy and Sahara Hotnights But'rouluruk 244 (hillougutc. 552 4601. 2.30pm. £8.50 plus hooking lcc. Scc prc\ ith l'or thc high-kicking IIl\cs. supporch h) suss} l'cllou Scundinununs Suhuru llotnights. \\ ho should go doun

\\ L‘II \\ llll lillls til~ SIL‘;IIL‘I'-Klllllt‘_\ and [lit Ilkt‘.

I Sneak Attack Tigers, The Situates und Kilo Nicc'ri'SlcuI}. 421 Suuchichull Strccl. 333 003,". ‘lpni. Indic punk pop lrom thc 'l‘igcrs.

I Stuart’s Session l'isgc Bculhu. 233 \Vtintllullds Road. 504 I506. 0pm. I'VI'L‘L‘.

Wednesday 6


I Echo 8. The Bunnymen 'l‘hc (iurugc. 400 Suuchicliull Strcct. 332 l I20. 7pm. U250 plus hooking l'cc. \Vcll- prcscncd l.i\crpud|i;ui lcgcnds still plugging thcir “arcs. .\ ncu lt\ c ulhuni hus

Dilated Peoples bring theirhihop jams to Kig Tut’s, Glasgow, Mon 11 Feb

.Illsl hccn rclcuscd. l‘cuturing hits old and

I Rachel Stamp zuid Halo 'I‘hc ('uthousc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 248 6606. 8pm. to plus hooking l‘cc. ()\cr- l4s show. (ilitllllll) rock coinho supporch hy it ncu angst} Brit ultrock hunch.

I Breschnev :tnd Laskaris 'I'hc 13th .\'otc (’ulc. 50 ()0 King Strcct. 553 NBS. 9pm. lndic rock;

I Acoustic Open Stage 'I‘hc lluli Bur. l(i0 \\'oodl;tnds Road. 564 1527. 9pm. I'l‘CL‘.

I Live Music \icc'n'Slcul). 42l Sgiuchichull Strcct. 333 9037. 9pm. Bultlc ()l‘l‘hc Bands c\cnt. promoch hy North (ilttsgtm \lllslc‘.


I Starsky, Sunshine Delay and Sundowns l.;i Bcllc Angclc. Hastic‘s (low. 225 7536. 8pm. £4 £5. lispch indie pop iSiursk} l. Americana tSunshinc I)L‘Iit)'l and rock tSundou'nsi on this quailin triplc hill.

I Big Hand, August81 und Roguestar Studio 24. (‘ulion Roztd. 558 3758. 8pm. £4. ()nc of lidinhurgh's Lnout‘ilc sku hunds Big llund hpr opcn this ncu rcgulur li\c gig slot at Studio 24. \\ ith u hit ol lipr l'roni lidinhurgh indic

t) pcs Augusth‘l and l.i\ ingston's Roguestar.


I Harpies, Co-Exist untl Fragile King 'I‘ut‘s \Vith With llut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 221 527‘), 8.30pm. 9.4 plus hooking ICC.

I Defenestration and Detunkt 'I‘lic ('uthousc. l5 l'nion Sti'cct. 248 (1606. 8pm. U) pltls hooking l‘cc. ()\cr- l4s shou. .\lct;tl grim lcrs.

I Fat Monkey, Vinyl Reverb and The Boy Cartographer Nicc'n'Slcul}. 421 Suuchichull Strcct. 333 9637.0pni

I Francois Breut and Stephen Pastel 'l‘hc l3ih .\'otc (‘Iuh 260 ('|_\dc Strcct. 243 2177, 8pm. Smokc} indic und .»\ntcric;inu rcculling thc uork' ol' (’ulxico. 'l‘indcrsticks and thc Dirt} 'l‘hrcc from this 2l-_\L‘;il‘-0ld I‘il‘cncll sltlgt‘l‘ sting“ l‘ilL‘t‘ \\ lIIl support from (ilusgou 's crsm hilc pop troulmdour Stcphcn Hotel.

I Young Vegas The l3ih .\'otc (Eric. Su— (10 King Sircct. 553 M38. 0pm.

I ROOS‘ Silltlltt ()llL‘. (il‘nsH‘llUl‘ IiUlL‘I. (iroswnor 'I‘crrucc. 341 ()5 lo. 0pm. I'ircc. Blucs and rock.

I The Vagabonds ‘l‘hc Scoiiu. 1 l2 1 l4 Stockucll Strcct. 552 365']. 9pm. I'rcc. Popular cm crs.

I Jam Session Saunucl Dow‘s,

ti" UlNillisddlc‘ Rodd. 42.3 (HOT. 8.30pm.


Edinburgh I Jefferson Justice Ensemble Bongo ('luh. l4 .\'c\\‘ Strcct. 558 7604.