l'ntil Sun 31) Jun 2(11)2. 'l'hix cxhihition loolxx til SCUlllsli immigration lo Ntit‘llt .-\mcrica and thc l'ounding o1 thc St .-\ndrc\\ 'x Socict} ol‘ l’hiladclphia. xct tip in 1747 to carc lot“ tlic xick itntnigrant Scoix. What A Wonderful Invention Wireless ls! l'niil Thu 31 Jan. to coincidc with lhc 11)t)tlt anniicrxar} ol‘ thc lirxi tranxatlantic radio hroadcaxt. thix cxhihition cclchratcx thc imcniion of thc \\ ii'clcxx.

NEWHAVEN HERITAGE MUSEUM .\’c\\ha\cn llarhottr. 551 4165. Mon Sun noon 4.45pm. 1’. \\'.-\. Mcntorahilia and I‘L‘L‘i)l)\11'llL‘lCtl \L‘L‘IIL‘S tcll lllL‘ \li)t’_\ \II' .\'c\\ha\cn and itx xca~going hcritagc. trout itx originx ax a na\al docl\_\ard to itx continucd iixc ax a lixliing port.

They’re Handed Doon l'ntil 'I‘uc 31 l)cc. .’\n cxhihition looking at thc hixlor} o1 thc l’aixlc) \llil\\l aitd tlicir adoption h} .\'c\\ haxcn lixhti l\L‘\.


5.3 lliglt Stt‘cct. Quccnxlcrr}. 331 5545. Mon. 'l'hu. l-‘ri & Sat 11)am lptn &

2.15 5pm; Siitt noon 5pm. lircc.

Food For Thought A look at childrcn‘x dict and cating hahitx o\cr ihc paxt 151) )L‘dt'x.


2 ('ltamhct'x Strcct. 247 421‘). Mon Sat l1)am 5pm t'luc Spin); Sun ttoon 5pm. l'il'L‘C.

Millennium Clock .\ chaucc to \ tcu Ruxxian tncchanical xculptor liduard 11c‘t'xtidxk}'x millcnniiun clock. a kiuctic xculpturc. mcaxuring ninc 111L'11'L‘\ high. Textile Treasures: Caring For A collection l-lllll Mon 1) .\la_\. .\ collcction ot~ liuropcan \\ all hangingx attd dccorati\ c tc\tilcx xpanning thc 17th and 18th ccnturicx. 'l‘hc ccntrcpiccc of thc cxhihition ix crcti L‘l\\1)l'l\ hangingx o1 171‘) \\ ith thc monogratn o1 tltc ()ld l’rctcndcr. ()thcr kc} cxhihitx inclttdc a Kittghornc carpct inadc around 11121) and ttxo L‘ttlln‘ititlcrlcx tliilcil Hi3“ \l11)\\ ing xccncx lt‘om lhc l.i/i' ()1 HM llI'L’lll titadc lor onc ol' thc (‘atholic courticrx at (‘harlcx l court. Prehistoric Japan: The Archaeological Collections Of Neil Gordon Munro l'ntil Sttit 14 Apr. .'\ collcction o1 pi'chixtot'ic Japancxc arlclaclx dixco\ci'cd h) \cil (iordon .\lunro. a Scottixh incdical doctor rcxidcnt 111 Japan at thc hcginning o1 tltc 21)th ccntur}.

Guided Tours Thu 31 Jan. I 1.311am. (illltlL‘tl lUllt'xt)l-1l1L"lt‘\lllL"lil'L‘;l\ltl'L'\ c\hihition.

Scottish Sports Hall Of Fame l‘niil \Vcd 3l llll..'\11L‘\llll)lllt)ll ltigltlighting tltc 1111) nominationx l'or poxxihlc introduction ittto thc lirxi Scottixh Sportx llall o1 l-‘amc at thc Ro}al .\luxcum. l‘rom 111m until .lunc 11L‘\1)L‘;11'. \1\llt)t'x \\lll l‘L‘ 111\11L‘tl ll) nominatc thcir (Ml) choiccx \tltich \\ ill thcn hc counch and xuhmiitcd to a judging pancl \\ ho \\lll chooxc 51) oi thc Nation’x 1'a\ouritc xportiug ligurcx l'or incluxion in thc lit'xt cicr pcriitancnt hall ol' t'ainc. You cart alxo \otc oit-linc \\\\\\.xL‘Ulll\l1\|)1)l'l\llilllUI-lillllL‘t‘Ulllx

Slice l'ntil Sun 31 Mar. ('ontcnquat'.‘ xil\cr\\arc from tltc collcction o1 Sc} moitr Rahinox ilcli l'cattu'ing out 41) hroad-hladcd xcr\crx or xliccx h_\ Britiin and :\mcrican xil\crxmithx.


lad} Slnll’ix Illlll\L'. l.utl} Slilll'.\('l1)\t’. 53‘) Will. .\1on Sal Illaui 5pm. lircc.

A Revolutionary Writer: Lewis Grassic Gibbon 1901-1935 t‘niil Sat 1.3 .'\pr. .\ documcntar} c\hihition looking at lhc Inc and uork o1 onc o1 Scotland'x grcatcxt 21)th ccitlur} u l‘llL‘l'S. l.c\\ ix (il'axxlt' (iihhon. tIllllttit‘ til' lllt‘ clttxxtc Sit/1w! Sung.

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS l5: \L‘lllcl'gttlt‘. (“332 WWW)“. 'l‘llc \Vt'tl. Sat it Sun 11).31)am 5.31)ptn;'lltu tk l'i'i l1).31)am Spm.

Will Maclean: Driftworks l'ntil Sun

.3 l'ch. Nut and c\ixting \torkx h} \Vill .\1aclcan. continuing hix l'axcinaiion with mitxcumx and lhc prcxcntation o1 incaningl'ttl ohicctx. Working iii a \arict) ol‘ mcdia. thc xhtm l‘caturcx pt‘c\ iottxl} unxccn lai'gc-xcalc inxtallationx ('m/ R(’(/lll(’lll and ('rut. ancrncxx-horn .\laclcan. onc ol' thc moxt rcxpcctcd o1 ltix gcncration ol’ artixtx iii Scotland. \\ ax ihc rccipicnt (ll-1)llL‘()l.lllC lirxt ('rcath c Scotland .r\\\ard.x itt 211111),

\\ hich cnahlcd him to producc ncu “ork tor thix cxhihition. {AST CHANCE TO SEE. Woman Of The Dunes 1'niil'1‘hu Zx‘ l't‘l) 1l’t'lltl Sllltlli) (iallct) ). \Viitxlhlock prinix and cct'aniic panch h} (’aniphcll Sandilandx \\ ho xtudicd thc ancicnt tradition of calligraph) tmdci' Shingai 'I‘analta in Japan. 'l'hc rcxult ix a xuhtlc l'uxion o1" traditional and contcmporary tcchniqucx.


25 21) Mid W} nd lndtixtrial lixtatc. 1)] 382 225082. Thu Sun noon 5pm.

Hunter’s Expedition Of Discovery 'l‘litt 14 l‘ch Sun 11) Mar. .\'c\\ “til‘lx h} Roh lluntcr. NF‘-.'. 81 lO‘.'.'.


Albert Squarc. 01382 432084. Mon Sat 11).31)ain 5pm; Sun 12.31) 4pm; 'l‘hu 11).31)am 7pm. £2.

The Royal Scottish Society Of Painters In Watercolours Sun 3

l’cii Sun 17 .\1ar.'1‘hc RSW coincx to l)undcc for thc lirxt timc in 51) )carx for thcir l22nd annual c\hihitiou. .v\rtixtx includc lili/ahcth Blackaddcr. lan .\1cl\'cn/ic Smith. Philip Rcc\cx and Barhai'a Rac. plttx tltc uork o1‘_\oung artixlx 11".)111 ilL‘l'Uxx Scotland. NE 811179..

RSW Adult Art Sessions Sat 2. Sun 3. 'l‘hu 7. Sat 0. Sttn it Thu 14 l‘cl). Sat it Sun 1 2pm: 'l'hu 5.45 (i.45pin. £2. 'l’altc a guidcd tour o1 tltc RSW c\hihition. xcc xomc o1 lhc tcchnitlucx ttxcd in thc xhott and tltctt tr} )our hand at \\;IlL‘1'L't)l1)lll' painting. RSW Guided Tours Mon 4 it inc 1: 1"ch. .\1on 2pnt1'l‘uc 3pm. Adxancc hooking ncccxxar}. (iuidcd tour ol' thc Ro};tl Scottixh Socicl} o1 l’ainlcrx itt \Valcrcolourx annual c\hil)ition.

Outside the Cities

East Lothian

STENTON GALLERY Sicnton.1)l3(i.\’ S51)25(i. l)ail} noon 5pm lL‘l1)\C1l‘IAlllll.

Tom Watt and Marie Scott l'nlil \Vcd (i l-ch. .»\ tuo-pcrxon xhoti lcaturing xccncx ol' Inc in Southcrti l-‘rancc h} ’l‘om Watt and alixtract land. xca and xtill lilc paintingx h} .\laric Scott.



lilmhank.r\\cuuc.1)l5(i3 554343. Mon 'l‘iic & 'l'hu l'ri 11)am Spin; \Vcd & Sat

10am 5pm.

Interface l'ntil Sat 1) .\lar. .\ group xhott ol' nor). 1)} ninc contcmporar} artixtx \\llt) all xharc a xtrong intcrcxt in xcicncc and arc currcntl} undcrtaltiug collahoi‘ationx lll \L‘lt‘llllllc rcxcarch. .-\1‘ll\l\ IllL'lllllC ('lara lhl’xllll. .\licltclc l.;t/L‘11l)}. l.uulxt‘ l\'.\\'tlxi)11. llidco l‘uruta and :\lixtair .\lacl..

Gayle Calderwood Sat 2 lit-h Sat 31) Mill. l’aintingx tttxpit'ctl l‘} cllllillttiml mcmoricx and ohxct'xationx h} (la) lc (lillllt‘l'HtHHl. Ni 8' ii



Sll'L‘L‘l. .\l1)ll Sill 11)am 5pm.

Pablo Picasso - Histoire Naturelle l'ntil Sun llll't‘l‘..'\IlL'\llll‘lll1)l11)I1)\L'l'.ill printx h} onc ol thc 211th ccntur) 'x gi'catcxt at‘tixlx. \\ hich lookx at l’tcaxon t'cxpottxc lo lltc natural \torld.

Dreams Of Childhood 1'niil Sat 35 .\la_\ :\n cxhihition looking at artixt'x t'cxponxcx to childhood ranging trom Victorian imagcx ol childrcu h) ai'tixtx xuch ax llci‘dmait and (icmmcll to \xorkx h} lloi'ncl. Mc’l‘aggart attd .v\lc\andcr ( ialt.


TUM TUM TINKER Sat 9 Feb, 2pm. £4 (23). Scottish Mask 8. Puppet Theatre Centre, 8-10 Balcarres Avenue, Kelvindale, Glasgow, 0141 339 6185. Blue Boat Theatre’s acclaimed show uses mime, music, puppets, a crazy wheelbarrow and a magic needle to tell an adventurous story for

the whole family.

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Fun

Rutherglen Rep Junior Drama Thu 31 Jan. 'I‘hu 7 l-‘ch. Thu 14 lich.

(1 7pm & 7 S.31)pm. £12.51) £15 pcr tcrm. ('athlxin Iliin School. Whitlaxthurn, ('atnhuxlang. (141 4331. .-\gcx 7 11) (k

l l 15. Budding thcxpx can Icarn thc lt'lclxx 01' lllL‘ acting tradc til lllL'\L‘ 1C1) \\ L‘L‘lx‘

Childhood 8. Painting Drama Sat 2 S Sat 9 l‘ch. 10am noon & 1 3pm. £15 for tour \\L‘L‘l\.\. lluutcrian .-\rt (iallcr); l‘ni\ci'xit_\ ol‘(ilaxgo\\. S2 llillhcad Slt'L‘L‘l. 3311 543 l. .-\tl\';tnL‘L‘ hooking rcttuircd. .'\gcx 7 11). .-\ lour \icck courxc l'or childrcn cxploring childrcn'x pla} and gaitch throughout thc agc.x.

Children’s Workshops Sun 11) l‘ch. 1.31) 2.311pm. £5. Sit itclixpacc. at ()l‘l'xhorc. 3/5 (illWSUIl SII'L‘CI. 53‘) ll()ll7. :\t'1 \\t)1‘lx\llt)px litit' L‘ltiltlt‘ct) lL‘tl h} ztl‘lixlx Sorcha l)allax and Mariannc (ircatcd.


Human Bodytl’m: Grand Canyon tl’(i). timcx \ar}. chcck l-‘ilm lixtingx 1'or xhtming limcx. £5 t£3.51)). [MAX ‘I‘llCilll'L‘. (iltixgim SL‘lCnCL‘ (t‘tlll'C. 51) Pacific Quay-121150111).


The Adventures Of Ivan The Slug Sat 2 l’cl). 2pm. £4 tL‘3i. Scoiiixh Maxk ck l’uppct ‘l'hcatrc ('cnirc. S 11) Balcari'cx .-\\ cnuc. lx'cl\ indalc. 33‘) (i185. A humoroux xtor) ahout honc idlc lian \\ ho xquandcrx £ 1 20,1101) in a fortnight. Richard \lcdrington l’tippctx rctcllx hix adxcnturcx \\ hich includcx a gaincxhott. a laich tnagiciatt and piratc trcaxtn'c. Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat inc 5 Sat ‘) l-ch. Mon 1 1 Thu 14 l‘ch. 2.31)pin it 7.31)pm; l-‘ri 5pm & Spin; Sat 2pm. 5pm & Spin. £5 £21.51). King'x 'lliciitrc. 297 llath Sti'cct. 2S7 551 l. 'l‘txcnt} tuo )carx al'lci‘ itx lirxt pcrl'ormancc. :\11tll't‘\\ l.lo_\d \Vchhcr and lint l{ic'c“x hihlical mtixical ix \ltll pulling in lllL‘ L‘t‘mulx. lillL‘tl tlx ll ix \\lllllUPSl11)\\ iuncx xuch ax ‘('loxc lixcl'} l)oor' and ‘:\ii) Drcam Will l)o‘.

Tum Tum Tinker Sat 1) 11-1». 2pm. £4 t£3). Scottixlt Max). tk l’uppct ‘l‘hcati'c (‘cntt'tx .S' 11) llalcarrcx .'\\L‘11UL‘.

Kc|\ indalc. 33‘) (1185. Scc photo caption.

Activities And Fun

Quickies For Kids R1)_\£ll .\ltixcum ()1' Scotland. 2 ('hainhct'x Strcct. 247 4211). lircc. 'l'cn-minutc talkx lor childrcn hcld cx‘cr)‘ Saturday at 2.15pm and cx'cr)‘ Sunda} at 3.15pm.

Family Friday Nights l"ri 1 & Hi 8 Mb. 7 8.30pm. £3.51) t£2 £2.51));1‘amil_\‘ tickct £8. Rotal ()hxci'\'atot'_\ \‘ixitor (‘cntt'c. Blitckloi‘tl Hill. (3138 S405. lixplorc thc night xk} in thcxc l'ttn latnil)‘ .xcxxionx \\ ith intcractu c activiticx. doinc dcmonxtrationx and a xlidc .xhott. Saturday Art At The Dean Sat 2 l-ch. l()am noon. £11) for a tour \i‘cck hloclx. l)can (iallcr). Bcll‘ord Road. (124 (12111). Adxancc hooking rcquircd. Agcx

(i 11). Juliana ('apcx lcadx a xcricx of tour l'un norkxhopx \\ hich uxc inxpiration l'rom \\ot‘kx itt thc gallcricx to cxplorc drau ing tcchuiqttcx.

Family Fun with The Sparks Sat 2 l’ch. 1 Iain 12.311pm. £2.51). 'lhc lluh. ('axtlchill. Ro}al .\lilc. 73 21)1)1).Join thc adxcnturoux clati for an cxtraordinary journcy into a land of muxic. pla_\ and lantax}. l)c.xigncd 1'or thc cxtcndcd laittil} \Vllll childrcn agcd 5 l2 _\carx. cach “L‘L‘lx' hax a tlil'lct'ciit thcmc and on Sat 2 l-‘ch. thc family ix 'At 'l’hc Part)".

Saturday Art Sat 1) l’ch. 11)am noon. £11) per tour-\icck hlock. l)can (iallcr). Bcll'ord Road. ()24 62111). .-\d\ancc hooking rcquircd. :\gcx () 11). Working \\ ith tlillct'ctit artixtx. Icarn crcati\ c tcchniqucx uxing inxpiration from \\t)l'l\'\ in thc gallcr}. 'l‘hc cluh \\ ill hc hrokcn do“ it into 1.0111 \icck hlockx and xtarting on Sat 9 lich. Icarn ‘Baxic Print 'l‘cchniqucx'.


Atlantis: The Lost Empire tl't Sat 3 l‘ch. 1pm. £4.51) 1 £2511). 'l’hc l.umicrc. Ro)al .\litxcunt. (‘hatnhcrx Strcct. 247 4211). Scc Film lndcx.


Schools Showcase t'niil l-‘ri l l‘ch. 7.311pm. £4 (£2); lamil} tickct £8. Quccn'x llall. ('lcrk Strch («)8 201‘). l’upilx lt'om mcr a down lidinhurgh xcltoolx pcrl'orm cici'}ihing ll‘Ulll claxxical and rock to traditional Scoiiixh.

Victoria Beckham, Mis-Teeq, Warren Stacey, Bellefire, Tippi and Aurora Sun 11) 1-‘ch. (iptn. £0.51). l'i‘Slthl ’l'hcati'c. l5 3‘) Nic‘tilxtin Strcct. 52‘) 0001). 'l’lic iniinitahlc VB tl’oxh to hcr malcx) llctltlx thc l'in'I/t ()Itt' (illtll'l .S‘hmt‘ Iii'i'.’ iii aid o1 Radio l-‘orth'x llclp a ('hild Appcal. :\nothcr t\\o hig nainc actx arc L‘\PL'L'IC\I l1) hc L‘iHlllt‘ttlL‘il [1) round out thc poptaxtic hill.

' : 1 (:1 1’30? THE LIST 87