Film index

The Colour Of Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge) l Isl COO ((laudc ('babrol. lirancc. I‘NSI Sandrinc Bonnairc. Antoinc dc ('auncx. Jacqucx (iamblin. l 13 minx. A more xtl';tlf_‘ltlltit‘\\tll'tl thrillcr than \xc'rc uxcd to from ('habrol. (iamblin ix a xtruggling. agcing artixt. chc. implicach in thc murdcr ot a tCll-}C;it‘-ttltl girl. But it chc lookx guilt}. what about hix \\ ii‘c. \'i\ ianc tlionnairci'.’ .\'ot guilt) of thc crimc ol' courxc. bill of a chxcr ol't‘cncc. ol' cmbarking on an atlair \\ ith an undcniabl} obnoxioux mcdia cclcbrit}. (icrmain idc (‘auncxi (‘habrol xcttlcx hcrc lcxx l'or px}chological dcpth than thc \\ idth ol' xocial culpabilit}. and ol't'crx up an llltpl’CxleC xtud_\ in toxic milicu. lidinburgh I-‘ilm (iuild. lidinburgh.

Cool And Crazy (Heftig og Begeistret) ttbci 000 tKnut lirilx' Jcnxcn. .\'or\\ a}. 200i l 105 minx. Joining a malc \oicc choir ma) not bc cxcr)onc‘x idca ot‘ a good timc. but gi\cn that licrlcxag'x othcr main lcixurc acti\ iticx xccm to bc .xmolx'ing rollicx and xtaring otit to xca. thix local cnxcmblc ix a popular onc. Bcrlcxag xitx on thc cdgc of thc Barcnt Sca. and Jcnxcn docx not xhirk t'rom xlltm ing thc tttonoton} oi thix xmall \orncgian toun. .'\x a lilm. (no! And ('ru:_\' could do it ith a littlc morc narratnc dri\ c. But ax a xocial portrait it ix impcccablc. and it liax itx oxxn potcnt and rathcr xtoic l}ricixm. Scc rc\ icn. (ilaxgou l-‘ilm 'I‘hcatrc. (ilaxgmx: lhc l-‘ilmhouxc. lidinburgh.

The Crimson Pig 1 lb tlla);io .\li}a/aki. Japan. l‘)‘)2i'lokiki Kato. Aldo ()txuka. ‘H minx. Japancxc animation about a buxh pilot \iliojuxt happcnx to look likc a pig. l’art ol' thc Studio (ibiin xcaxon. 'l‘hc l-‘ilmhouxc. lidinburgh.

Cunnamulla t lSi tl)cnnix ()‘Rourlxc. Attxtrailia/Scotland. 2000i 80 minx. Wat'tx and all portrait of xmalltoxxn lit‘c in Quccnxland. .v\uxtralia. l’oignant. t'unn}. honcxt and alna} x rcxpcctlul Ul- ttx xubjcct. l’art Ul- thc Sbcllicld lntcrnational l)octitttcnlat'} l‘cxtixal. (ilaxgmx l‘ilm 'l'bcatrc. (ilaxgou.



30 THE LIST ‘--'- 29’, l (rt, 7/)?




/ working with those at risk on tlir streets

Day For Night t IS) 0000 tl'i‘ancoix 'l‘rul‘t'aut. l‘rancc. l‘)73i Jacquclinc liixxct. Jcan-l’icrrc l.caud. lirancoix 'I‘rutl'aut. Valcntina ('ortcxc. lltl minx. lntcrcxting and cntcrtaining mm ic about mm icmaking. “ith l’rull'aut ax lhc haclx dircctor tr} ing to xtccr caxt and crc\\ through a tack} lo\ c xtor}. \Von an ()xcar for cht l-‘orcign l‘ilm. lidinburgh l‘ilm (iuild. lidinburgb.

The Devil’s Backbone (El Espinazo del Diablo) t IS) 00000 ((iuillct'tno dcl 'loro. Spain. 2001 l .\larixa l’arcdcx. l-cdcrico l.uppi. liduardo dc Noricga. ltl7 minx. ln dcl 'l‘Ut‘U'x L‘cht'tl) -crat'tcd ghan talc xct during Spain'x ('i\ il War a _\ouiig ('arlox ix brought to a rcmotc orphanagc prcxidcd o\cr b} an odd cldcrl} couplc tl.uppi and l’arcdcxt. and hauntcd b) tbc ghoxt oi anothcr orphan. :\ poixcrl‘ul political backdrop ix xcutttlL‘xxl) intcrwoxcn \\ ith a xtrong i'cligioux xubtcxt. and thcrc arc numcrotIx cultural rctcrcnccx including thc xurrcal imagcr} ol' Sal\ador Dali and thc Victorian (iothic \xritingx of MR. Jamcx. (ilol‘iouxl) photograpbcd b_\ :\lmodo\ ar'x cincmatograplicr (itiillcrmo Na\arro. thix ix brilliant \ ixual. allcgorical xloi'}tclling. lhc l'lltttlltitlxc. lidinburgb; MacRobcrt. Stirling.

Dinosaur l Pt h 000 itinc l.cighton. Ralph /.ondag. l‘S. ZtXltli Voiccx ot': l).li.

Succnc}. Julianna .\largulicx. Joan l’lou right.

82 minx. 'l‘ltix latcxt contputci' animach ott‘cring lrom l)ixnc} t'olltmx thc Iiournc} ol :\ladat' thc lguanadon ax bc l'lccx acroxx thc mctcot'-t'a\ ixlicd \\ axtcland ol' prchixtoric liarth alonc altcr bcing xcpat‘atcd irom hix ianiil). Initiall}. thc cxcitcmcnt ix contagioux; thc ('( il xccncx arc xo t'calixtic il'x hot that hard to bclic\ c \xliat _\ou arc \xatching could bc rcal. 'l‘hcn tragcd) xtrikcx; tlic lctiturx talk. .-\nd talk. th ax lhc prcdictablc and. ultimatcl). boring xtor) linc ol' Uimmuu‘ unl'oldx. that “inning l)ixnc} tormula ix guarantccd to kccp an) dmoxaur ct‘al} tour- }car-old pinncd to hix or hcr xcat \\ ithout xcaring thcm too much Stcr ('cntur) (inc-ma. lidinburgh.

mm @eflidhl . Cunningham

at THE HUB Friday 22nd February 8.00-1.00 am 0 tickets £l5.00 from

Streelwork 0l3l 022 6600 or The lluh 013] 473 2000

Dogma t lSi 00 (Km in Smith. 1S. 1990) Matt Damon. Bcn Alllcck. Alan Rickman. Ht) minx. Smith. crcator ot' (lab and ltimxcli a dc\otil bclicwr. controntx lhc conflict bctuccn pcrxonal taith and thc iiixtitutionalixcd rcligion of thc ('atholic ('hurch. Mcamx hilc xlaclxcr prophch Ja} and Silcnt Bob prot idc thc uxual caxual obxccniticx. Dog/nu ix \ ulgar and irrcx crcnt. and l'caturcx a ‘poop monxtcr' and :\lanix Morrixcttc ax (ind. lt'x alxo undixciplincd. xhambolic and boring. :\x a xatirc. it docxn‘t hax'c a pra} cr. ('amco. iidinburgh. Dolphins t l 'i (200th. 'l‘hc produccrx oi thc mtixl \tlc‘ccxxlttl l.\l.-\.\ liithc‘ L‘\CI'. liil't'l'th. takc ttx undcrxca into lhc aquatic homc oi dolpliinx. With narration b} l’icrcc Broxnan and mitxic b} Sting. l.\l.-\.\ 'l‘hcatrc. (ilaxgtm. Donald Cammell’s Wild Side t 1.x: .0. tl)onald (‘anunclL (S. 200th Annc llcchc. (‘hrixtophcr \Vallx'cn. Joan (but. I 12 minx. In 1995 Wild Sit/ox produccrx rc-cut thc lilm againxt (‘ammcll‘x \\ ixhcx. ln .-\pril 10% hc xhot himxcll'. No“ thc l’t'rforniunt't' co- tlll'cctttl'\ lttxt mm it: \CL'\ lltL‘ ligltt ol' tltl} in thc t'orm hc intcndcd. 'l‘hix px)choxc\ua| thrillcr. in “hich tour pla}crx bankcr. raclx'ctccr. cxtrangcd \\ il‘c and bod) guard tuck cach other in cr both mctaphoricall} and litcrall). ix an uncx cn ai'l'air. .\'c\ crthclcxx. lhc caxt arc tliot'otlghl} cnlcrtaining. and ('ammcll xa_\x xomc intcrcxting tliingx about thc xc\/po\xcr/monc} ncxux. lidinburgh l-ilm (iuild. lidinburgh.

Don’t Say A Word I ISi 00 t( iar) l‘lcdcr. [‘S. 3002) .\lichacl l)ouglax. Scan Bcan. Brittan} Murph}. .-\ l‘rcqucntl} ludicroux. routinc lloll} \xood thrillcr in \\ liich l)ouglax pla} x a px) chiatrixt \\ ho hax lcxx than 2-1 hourx to rctricx c a xix-tigurc numbcr from a xcL‘lttittgl} -catatonic paticnt (Murpli) i or a bunch ol‘ ruthlcxx lxidtiappcrx tlcd b} Bcani u ill murdcr hix daughtcr. lhc main problcm \x ith (iar) ‘I'liingx '1}; Du In [Mn-n- ll‘lmt You 'H' Ih'ml' l‘lcdcr'x Iilm ix that it bungch itx climax. \Vltcn il'x ox cr thcrc'x a l‘rol‘ound xcnxc ot' '\\'ax that it'." Scc rct icu. (icnct'al rclcaxc.

Extreme t2()()l l. l.\l:\.\ prcxcntation. l.\lx\.\ 'l'hcatrc. (ilaxgow

The 51 st State I lb't 000 tRoim} Yu. l'S/l'K/(Xmada. 30”] i Samucl l.. Jackxon. Robcrt ('arl}lc. limil) Mortimcr. 03 Hum. 'llicrc'x much about thix comcd} thrillcr that’x juxt plain datt: Jaclxxon'x ('alil'ornia drug dcalcr donning a kill for hix \ ixit to ram} l.i\crpool. Carl} lc"x xcouxc thug morc conccrncd \\ ith thc l.ixcrpool—\lanchcxtcr loot} match than minding Jackxon. ('arl} lc‘x c\ t.\lortimcrt going Statcxidc to bccomc a contract killcr. Dali. but tun. lndixidual clcmcnlx. trom ()Tl~ pcrt’ormanccx to \ iolcnt gun pla}. \xork ltt ixolation. but thc toncx jar:



Cate Blanchett pegs it out of o

ne frying pan and into another in the war-time drama Charlotte Gray

in onc xccnc )ou‘rc laughing at Rick} 'l‘omlinxon pla) ing Robcrt l)c .\'iro \ ia Jim Ro} lc. lhc nc\t )our rcclmg at him bcmg torturcd in thc moxt graphic taxluon. (’amco. lidinburgh.

Fight Club t lSi 0000 tl)a\ id liinchcr. l'S. 199‘)! Brad Pitt. [id Norton. llclcna lionham (‘artciz IRS minx. .\laxculmil_\ ix in a mcxx and conxumcrixm ix to blamc. .\lcn

ha\ c bccomc tlttL‘llC xpcctalorx Ul' lit-c according to I’m/i! (‘lu/i. l-'iiiclici”x contrmcrxial adaptation ot' (buck l’alalmiulx‘x no\ cl. ln rcclxlcxx rcxponxc to tliix latc t\\cnticth ccntui‘) malaixc. Norton'x docilc xpcctalor tcamx up \\ ith l’itt'x mixchicmux 'l‘) lcr Durdcn to torm an arcna tor mcn to bcat cach othcr to a pulp and lhux rcconncct \xith thc \xorld. lt'x Jill and mixx. but cnough ol' thc punchcx conncct to xtartlc c\cn thc moxt docilc ot \ icncrx. lhc l‘ilmhouxc. lidinburglt.

The Filth And The Fury: 15» 000 «Julian 'l‘cmplc. l'K. Ititltli It)" minx. ln hix xccond attcmpt at dclinmg thc Sc\ l’ixtolx \lttl'}. 'l‘cmplc lt;t\ iltlUl‘lL‘tl tt t't‘\ l\lt)lll\l xlttttc‘c \\ ith tlic intcntion ol dixpcllittg thc notion that thc group \xcrc lhc xtoogcx of an art xchool mmcnicnt maxtcrmindcd b} xcll3 proclaimcd x\cnga|i Malcolm .\lcl.arcn. Spllclng JV titl\ ttlttl xttic‘ix litittlil‘L‘C lltlu intcrt icnx \\ ith thc band and pt'c\ iouxl} unxccn ll\ c t'ootagc. 'l’cmplc \xantx tix to xcc lhc group ax a gcnuinc c\ploxion ot tilt} at lllL' xltttL‘ til lil‘llttlli lt)\\;tt‘tlx lltL‘ L'tltl Ul tltL‘ l‘)7()x. l'ltlttiatcl}. l‘lit' l’l/l/l .-lm/ I'lit' /-'uI'\ ix c} c cand} that managcx to land} contirm lhc .\lcl.arcn/“cxmood acxthcttc \ txion. 'I'hc l'lllltltttllu'. lidinburgh.

The Fluflert IS» 00 t\\‘axh \cht and Richard (ilat/cr. l‘S. ltltlli .\lichac| (‘unio. Scott (iurnc). Roxannc Da}. 03 nimx. Scan «('unioi rctttx ('ili'a'n Rum trom a \ tdco xtorc mil} to bc gi\ cit ('iim’n ('um b_\ llll\l;llxt'. 'llic xtar ot' lhc porno. Johnn} Rcbcl «(iurnc} i. xubxcqucntl} bccomcx Scan'x ’Roxcbud’. ()lixcxxlttlt dt‘nc‘x Scan to gct t1 lttl‘ All lltt‘ ltlttl production compan} that cmplo} x Johnn}. and Scan xooii bccomcx Jolmn} ‘x t'axouritc 'tlul'tcr' tbcmg tltc mdn idual \x ho arouxcx a porn xtar t'or lhc camcrai. 'I'lit‘ I’lum'r tricx to brcak all ot' llol|_\ \xood'x rulcx about \\ hat a ga} man xhould bc likc. l'nt'ortunatclx. thc lilm dixappomtx b} doing lhc onc thing that porn ix not xuppoxcd to do ll lca\cx )ou l'ccling lt'ttxtratcd. Scc t'c\ icxx and pic\ It“ in (ia). l'(i(’ chticn Strcct. (ilaxgou; l’(i(‘ (’incmax. lidmburgh.

From Hell t [M 000 t:\llcn and .v\|bcrt llughcx. l‘S. loot iJolinm Dcpp. ilcathcr (iraliam. Robbic (‘oltraiic l_‘l mm. .\x a (iothtc thrillcr m tltc llammcr mould. l'l'UIH [It'll \\Ul’l\x itixt linc. Blood ix xplattcrcd about \\ ith thc cntliuxiaxm ot an abattoir attcndant. and thcrc'x not an opportumt} mixxcd to \xrcath xccncx ltl mm and xhroud thcm m xhadotx. llo\\c\cr. ax an imcxtigation ot thc Jack tltc Rippcr murdcix. from Hull ix .1 dixappomlmcnt. lt bi'mgx nothing ncu to thc plcthora oi conxpirac) thcoricx xuiroundmg lhc brutal xla_\ mg ot to c \\littcchapcl proxtitutcx in [SSS liul thcn ll \\ax .il\\.i)x going to bc a tall ot‘dcl'. adapting .\lan \lool‘c and lzddic (‘ampbcll'x c\|iauxti\ c graphic nowl imcxltgation into lhc citmcx (icnctal

t'L' lt‘uxt‘.