index Film

Caledonian Sleeper *3” Seated Apex '


Dream about jellied eels

Stretch legs


v , - t . I I .. -. ., + guests

Edinburgh/Glasgow to London, £25 one yvay, £30 return. ' I . . Aberdeen/Invemess/Fort Willia'mto London. £40 One way. £45 tetum. é Eggfiange 0870 90 33 444

. ' - “M S‘ I L .7 I “Dmakmg up We gm" :‘cx'; si'igic 01.! 8!". ADVIL . J ' / Irwiuties excuIste barn: vim. Masks and Wmm cAuDONIAN sun”. I '

. I‘ennxes by (Imo maas and mothers Hi rhythm. .mmwmamnmhm - ‘n . .

art loving, comedy laughing, ,

attraction visiting, theatre going, Friday February 15th 2002

hill walking, scotland touring, 13th Note club, Glasgow club dancing, beer swilling, S d NM h un ay r are

Sport crazy, watching, Edinburgh Queens Hall

Venue Box Office 0131 668 2019

o o o o M nd 4 h M h mu5Ic lIstenmg, hotel staying enaséoviéréndgiiomy

a A r ‘7' * ,I sis-22F; Vita 7 " :2 2.}, ; '<- y spen ers .I .1 imamm '9; $1.41 » m

+ special gu

e targe” em i aiila Shepm

Sunday 26“: May Glasgow Royal Convert “all

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4” 4. \vuuv “In “flim- III II 33:; 8000 - :1

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plus support from I'IIGII'I‘II'IS MA'I'CIIINDX IB-IJNI'I IDISAS'I‘IEIK Arts, Entertainment,Tourism and Leisure Publicity Nationwide 8th March - Edinburgh, La Belle Angele

9th March - Glasgow, 13th Note 0 I 4 I 4 2 9 3 8 3 8 All tickets available from credit card on-line at

www.ticl< and from Virgin 8. Ripping and all usual outlets.

F 1"!“ THE LIST 35