a Theatre listings

{ Edinburgh drama continued


l3 3‘) Nicolxoii Street. 52‘) (i000. Ill. \\'(‘. \\2\]

Chinese New Year Celebrations Sun 17 l’eh. 1pm. £3.50. An afternoon of ti'aditioiial (‘hinexe dance. act‘ohaticx and \otig\ ax IliL‘ lidtnhtlt‘gli ('hinexc School L‘ClL‘l‘l'illLW [ltL‘ year of the horxe.

The Magic of the Musicals Thu 31 Sat 33 l'ch. £40.50 L‘lXfiUtL’h’St) “(3.50). Marti \Vehh head\ the caxt of thix all-\inging.

all-dancing \llt)“ featuring [op lllllL‘\

lil‘ttltl l.t'\ .l/f\t'l'(l/)/t'\. (ith and (.llft‘llg’l).

7.30pm tSat tnat 2..‘\()ptnt.

I A a.“

Estate of the nation: A State Affair, Traverse, Edinburgh


Iilnt Ron. l.eith \Valk. 3|7 393‘). ll’. “(I \\'.'\l

Blackpool the It) t-‘eh Sat 2 Mat- (not Sun). 7.3(tpintSat tit;t13.3t)pttii. L‘T tL‘Si. The Premiere of [H ine \\'el\h\ lll‘\l lllll\lL‘;ll. \et iii a world populated h}

\\ horex. .illlllleW and \alexinan. performed h} third )L‘Ul' acting \tudentx at Queen Margaret l'nherxit) ('ollege. See feature.


2 In en Street. 52‘) (t()()(). Ill. T'l’. \\‘('. \\'.r\|

Bouncers l'titil Sat In Feb. Thu Fri 8pm; Sat 5pm tk 8.30pm. £8 No.50

05 £13.50). (iareth Hale and Tim Vincent \litl' in John (iodher'x timelexx coined) about the l'illlc‘ttlh nightcluh antics of lager ladx and good time girl\. The Good Hope the 1‘) Sat 23 l-‘eh. 7.30pm (Wed tk Sat tiiat 2.30pm).

{l l .50 {2019.050 L. l 7 ). SCL‘ (ilttxgtm. 'I'heatt'e Ro}al.

Return To The Forbidden Planet Wed 27 Feb Sat 2 Mar. 7.30pm (Sat mat 3.30pm). to US. iiditihtirgh \ltlxic‘ 'l'heatt'e ('otnpan} stage\ the award- ninning t'ock'n't'oll intixical.


43 45 High Street. 556 057‘). |\\'('. \\'.-\| The Gingerbread Boy Sat it) i-‘eh. SL‘L‘ Kltl\ lixlingx.

Danse Macabre Mon 25 Wed 27 [-ch. 8pm. £5 ([4). Broken Angel delixerx the tale of a talented )tmllg hoxei‘. xx ho hecotiiex L‘Ull\ll|11L‘tl h} \ iolence.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irittdla) Street. 248 4848. II’. H. Ti. \\‘('. \\‘.'\l

A Streetcar Named Desire Sat It) l-‘eh Fri 15 .\Iat'tnot Sun/Mont. 7.45pm tSat & \Ved mat 3.30pm e\cept Sat lo i-'eht. £8 £16 (£1 £13). Paxxionx run high iii hot and meat} l‘)4t)\ .\'e\\ ()l'lL‘11ll\. ax the I.) ceutn take\ on 'lcnnexxcc \Villiatth‘ clawic tale of broken tll'L‘tllilN. See pre\ ieu and (ia).


('amhi'idge Street. 338 1404. [l’. H. Ti. \\‘(‘. \\'.'\l

Rita, Sue and Bob Too and A State Affair l’ntil Sat lo l’ch, .\’pm that inat 2.3(lpini. L“) H.450). .\la\ Stafford-('lark directs a limit} and

poignant double-hill. capturing life on a Bradford hotixiiig extate in 1082 and 2000.

The Pearl Thu 14 Sat 16 l‘ch. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). \ixihle l-‘ictionx and l’aixle} .'\l‘l\ (.Clllll' adapt .lUlttt Steinhcck‘x ll()\ cl about a pearl llxllL‘l' \\ how life change\ di'ainaticall) “hen he lllltl\ ‘a pearl ax perfect ax the tnoon‘ hut itot iii the \\;l_\ he e\pect\. Not \tiitahlc for under llx. 300 TU lL'“.

Cave Dwellers the It) Sat 33 l-‘eh. 8pm. U) t£4.5(l). SCL‘ (il;|\go\\. l’;li\lL‘_\ :\I'[\ ('L‘lilt'c.

Boundaries 4: Back Out The USSR 'I‘hu 3| l'eh. (ipm. 8pm tk 0.30pm. U (f l .50). Performed readingx. featuring cutting edge \\t)t‘l\\ from the former Sm iet l'nton.

Monday Lizard Mon 25 ten. 3pm. Free. .'\n e\ening of 0C“ Scottish \xoi‘k. performed in a i‘ela\ed atmoxphet‘e in the bar. \\ ith In e intixic atid l).l\.


('o\\gate. 'l‘iclxctx: 473 300i). Fermentation l‘ntil Sat lo l‘eh. 8pm. £3 (UH. (irid Iron fol|o\\\ tip itx huge!) \ttcccxxftll \liou. Hit/w How .i lint/Ito \\ ith thix indoor pi‘oitienade production about a _\otitig l'i‘cnch \xotnaii \\ ho fallx pregnant. then ik‘L‘UmL‘\ iinolxed \\ ith a cheesemongct'. .\'ot \tiitahle for under lt\'\. SL‘L‘ t‘L‘\ ic‘“.

Edinburgh Dance


l3 3‘) Nicolxoii Street. 52‘) (i000. |H. \\‘(‘. \x'..\|

Northern Ballet Theatre - Madame Butterfly Tue 20 t-‘eh Sat 2

Theatre Guide

Thursday 14

‘Ihc National Rene“



Citizens Main Citizens Circle CilmorehillCtZ King’s

Paisley Arts Pavilion Ramshorn RSAMD Theatre Royal

3 o o (D < .l o

()l‘xt‘HC Vl’llC SHIN

l he ( hlt‘ldkt‘l

,lt “(I‘ll

(In c I)“. cllci'\

‘l-llL' (itititl l lupt'

Friday 15

The National Re\ 1C“

()l‘xt't'n' lllllk‘ Sttlh I lk‘ ( -.tl\‘l.tkc‘l Jmcph Jmcph

(‘au‘ l)“ cllci~

l’t'lt'l l’t‘“ L'l \

\t‘c (‘lavlcal

‘l llL‘ (iootl Hope

Saturday 16

The National Rene“

l lit' ( -.llk‘l.ll\t‘l

('in c I)“ c||ct\

Sunday 17

Hit-National. .-'.v\nd()n..

Monday 18

lhc \lilg'iztiii Rc ciLa tincnt

()hxenc ’l‘he Son~

lltc (iootl llopc

Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20

\cc (it) [he \latl l'iax‘i Scalht} l teak

()hxcnc 'l he Sonx ()hxen c The Son\ ll1\'(..ll\‘l.lkk'l lllc(balclakct Maine Maine



\ l'cilcct \tiiiil\t'i \ l’cilct'l \tiinhei

Church Hill Counting House Festival Theatre Gateway

King’s Netherbow Playhouse Royal Lyceum Traverse 1 Traverse 2

The Underbelly


Rita. \tic

menu I' “tong \IlIL' tip

See (it) late

lit Itiiicct x Ri\cidancc

The Pearl

l citiiciilalioii

()iic \cl l’la} l't‘\ll\.ll

menu I' \t. rong \lklk‘ tip

\t'c Ruck t\' l’t‘I‘

l‘lttllllt Ch litlllllt L‘h

Sec (III) I.llC

\\alanchc lhotig'hlx Scialching lhc ltitici \U‘lh {Hing} chidcnt Alien Residcnl .'\llt‘ll chidcnl .v\hcn

\ \ciixalioiial \o\c| \ \cthattmtal \‘mci \ \ctixalionai \o\ci :\ Midwininci'k \ \ltduttitiitet'x _ _ .-\ Mtdxtiinittetk

(me \\I l’|a_\ lcxtnal

menu I “tong \ith tip

(lllll\' \cu. \L:u('cld1:itit \ii

Ihc (itngcihtcad Ho)




:\ Sli’cctcat Named l)c\iic

Rita. Site \ \lalc \llaii Rita. Stic

'l'hc l’cail 'l he l’cail


Scc (at) life

()IIC \cl l’Ia} I\‘\l|\.ll

Blackpool Blackpool

lllt' (ll‘Utl lIl‘l‘C lllt‘(it't'\l lltti‘t‘ lx’ncidaticc Rnctdaiitc \ Sun-(cm Named Dcxitc

.\ Sticclcat .\amcd Dcxiic

(‘a\c l)\\cllci\ ('a\c Huclictx

62 THE LIST '~'- 1 -.-: