Mar. 7.30pm ('I'hn niat 2pm: Sat mat 2.30pm). £7 £27.50(£5 £24.50). \B'IK new artistic dii‘cctoi' I)a\ id .\'i\on choicogi'aphx thi\ dramatic thrcc-act hallct \crxion of thc tragic talc. wt to Puccini's \corc. Scc prcxicu.


IS 22 (il'L‘L‘tl\itlL‘ Place. 0370 6003424, Ill. \\'('. \\'.v\|

Riverdance l'ntil Sat 23 Mar (not Sun). 8pm (\Vcd & Sat inat 2.30pm). £l6 £33.50. 'l'hc \tunning dancc \cnxation l‘t‘llll'llN to Edinburgh. cotnplctc \\ ith (H or 80 pcrlornicrx. lt‘ttlllt'lttg hoth ll‘lxll and international tllllle‘ and (lancc. ll‘_\on \a“ it ltt\l tinic. go again it'\ changcd dramatically ll )(iti‘\c ncx cr won it. pi'cparc to he (la/Ilctl h} quickfii'c l'cct. lighting liddlcx and glanioi'oux c‘t)\[lllllL‘\. \Vondct'l‘ul \tull‘.

Central Drama 8: Dance


CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Kiltli'uni. 0l236 732887. ll’. H. Ti. \\‘('. \\'.-\l

Sleeping Beauty Thu )4 t-‘ch. 7.45pm. £8 (£6). Ballot \cht pcrl'orinx thc L‘lit\\i£‘ill talc of thc cursed Aurora accotnpanicd h) 'l‘chaikox \k} '\ \corc. You’re On - Youth Cabaret Night Fri )5 li‘h. 0pm. £3. Shoucaxc ol' coincdianx. inipcrwnatorx. \ingci'x. tlilllL‘Cl'\. littl\tct;tn\ and magician» Oleanna Thu 21 l-‘ch. 7.45pm. £8 (£5). Scc (ilaxgon. ’l'hc :\rchc\.

Scotland The Brave - An Incomplete History of Scotland (Part 1) Hi 22 ("ch Soc Kltl8 listings.

Peter Morrison and Guests Sat 23 lich. 7.45pm. £0 (£6). A night ol music and song “'00) one ol' thc starx of thc BBCK Songx ()IflS‘t‘U/lunrl. Nicholas Nickleby Wed 27 l-‘ch. 7.45pm. £8 (£5). Sec (ilasgtm. l’aixlc‘)‘ :\t'l\ ('cntrc.

Cave Dwellers Thu 28 lich. 7.45pm. £8 (£5). Sec (ilaxgou'. l’aidc} Arts (‘ctlll'Lfl



'l'ay Square. 0| 382 223530. ll’. 1). \\'('. \\'.v\|

Women On The Verge Of HRT l'ntil Sat I6 Ii'h. 7.45pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £5.05 £12.05. Soc litlinhtn‘gh. Brunton 'I‘hcati‘c.

Scottish Dance Theatre Hi 22 c Sat 23 lich. 8pm. £6.05 (£4.05). Scotland'x l'orcmoxt contcnipoi'ar} (lancc coinpan) prcxcntx Janct Sinith'x \\ itt) takc on Scottish lil‘c. [lit/I Lam! and a nc\\ work by ct'iticall} acclaimed chi)rcographcr. .lan (lc Sch) nkcl “(u/(ll I'm Not Hi'll.

1984 'I‘nc 26 lich Sat 2 Mar. 7.45pm (Sat inat 2.30pm). £4.05 £12.05. .\'oi'thcrn Stage linxcnihlc and Herb) l’la} hottxc prcxcntx thix \tark adaptation ol(icot‘gc ()i'ucll’x poucrl‘nl I048 nowl about a futuristic totalitarian rcgiinc.

East Kilbride


.\la\\\cll l)t'i\c. 01355 248660. Oleanna Thu (4 [Th 7.30pm. £8 (£5). Scc (ilaxgou. Thc :\t'chc\.

84 Charing Cross Road \Vcd 3t) & Thu 28 lich. 7.30pm. £4.50 (£3). l-LK ch 'l‘hcatrc (’lnh tcll thc hittci'xucct \lt)l'_\ o).

a post-“ai‘ romance hctuccn an .-\nicrican and a sh} linglishman.



\Vcsl Bt'itlgc SII‘L‘L‘I. (H.324 506350. ll). \\'('. \\'.'\|

Oleanna Mon 18 lb)». 7.30pm. £5 (£3). SL‘L‘ (ilaxgou. ‘l'hc‘ :\t'chc\.

Double Scotch Thu 28 t-‘ch. 2pm & 7.30pm. £5 £7. Singcr l’ctcr .\lt)t'l'i\()tl and conictlian .lohnn} Iicattic tcani up \\ ith thc l’cgg} ()‘chl‘c Trio for an owning ol‘ Scottish \ai'ict).



Bcnnoch) Road. 01502 412020. (I). ll. \\'('. \VA]

Beyond The Barricades Sat to li‘h. 7.30pm. £l 1.50 (£10.50). Songx (iron) the West lint) and Bi'oadxiay ltlll\l£‘£tl\.

Nicholas Nickleby Wed 20 l~‘ch. 7.30pm. £3.50 (£4.25 £5.50). SCL‘ (ilzofiou. l’aixlc) .-\rt\ (‘cnttc

The Loves Of Shakespeare’s Women Sat 23 lich. 7.30pm. £8.50 (£6.50). Susannah York gocx it alonc (or this onc-uoman \hou. lcalttt‘ing \pccchcx and \onnctx \\ t‘ittcn h_\ \onic ol Shakcxpcarc'x (anioux \xoincn. Monsters In My Wardrobe Sun 34 l-‘ch. 3pm. Soc Kitl8 Iixtiiigx.

The Pearl Wm) 27 lich. 7.30pm. £5.50

(£3.50). Scc Iitlinhtn'gh. 'l‘i'awt'xc 'I‘hcatt'c.



(‘i\ ic (‘cntro \Vinthnillhill Strcct. 0l608 2675l5. ll’. \\‘(‘. \m)

The Launderette ‘l‘hu 2) & Hi 32

listings Theatre

itch. 7.30pm. £6 (£3). .\'orth l.;tll;tt’l\‘\hil'c‘ Youth 'l‘hcalt'c pt'cxcnlx a \cll-(lm i\c(l 800“ based on a hungch hank t‘ohhct'\.

Women On The Verge Of HRT'

“c0 27 l‘t‘l). 7.

30pm. Scc litlinhurgh.

Bi'unton 'l‘hcatt'c.

St Andrews


Abbe} Strcct. 0| 334 475000.

The Merchant Of Venice

l'ntil Thu 14 [ch 8pm. £6.50 (£4.50). The St Andre“ \ l'nixcrxit} l.itci'ar_\ Socict} tacklcx Slizikcxpcaii'c‘\ controwrxial pla}.

Oleanna Hi 15 «k Sat 16 l‘ch. 8.l5ptn. £3 (£0). Scc (ilttxgtm. 'l'hc :\t'chc\. Brigadoon Mon l8 Sat 33 l-‘ch. 7.30pm (Sat inat 2.30pm). £5 £8

(£5 £6.50). St :\ndrc\\ \ Atnatctir ()pci'atic Socict} pt'c‘\c‘ttl the popular Scottixh musical.

Nicholas Nickleby .\Ion 35 & Tue 26 l't‘l). 8pm. £12 (£7.50). SL‘L‘ (ilitxgtm. Paile .'\l'l\ (critic.

Cave Dwellers Wed 27 l-‘ch. 8pm.

£ )0 (£5 £7.50). SL‘L‘ (illl\g()\\. l’;ti\lL‘_\

:\l'l\ (’cntt'c.

Women On The Verge Of HRT Thu 28 l’ch Sat 2 Mar. 8pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £8 £12 (£6.50 £7.50). Soc

lidinhurgh. Bt‘unton 'l’hcati'c.


COWANE THEATRE (‘ouanc Strcct. 0(786 473544. ll’. ll.

\\'(‘. \\'.v\|

Club Asylum in )5 & Sui l6 l-‘ch. 8pm. £3. (’ompan} ol‘.’\ngcl\ (lclwx inside thc uorltl ol }()tit)g rcl'tigcm and thcir (ilaxucgian ncighhotn‘x. in thix nc“ production. Scc rm icu.

Thursday 21 Friday 22 ()lcanna

\thl-izm Stalin} hulk

l ()lncnc The Sum .

()hxcnc 'l'hc Soils

lhc (Xiictakct lhc ('aictakct

Saturday 23


()hxcrxc 'l‘hc Sonx

lillC ('.llt'l.lI\CI

Sunday 24 Monday 25

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Tuesday 26 Wednesday 277 Thursday 28

St‘t‘ (Ill) lllt' Rcckic“ Slct‘l‘c'h

Rccklcw Slt‘t'lk‘l \




Citizens Main Cottier Th GilmorehilthZ

mm. mm. mm. mm. nu- um.) \lnm'x lhc \ma xiiimx nw \ma King’s E mom)... Night-ix} Nichol.“ Nicklch} Pais|ey Arts 8 my. (mm m- Rock .\ l’ol‘ Pavilion O Bamshorn E \ l’ctlcct \ninhci \ l’crlcct \unlhci i'iit- \‘mi i’i‘t- \ [\ll tilt~ \ Ni iiit- \ it.) ow.) Theatre Royal \(ml) liilog} xmii ltilog) Noah lttliuf} \\.|lci\\.ill “.Ilt‘H‘J“ namway .m- Rock .c l’op st-c th .x— l’op (‘lmw 1T0“ ()ntt- Hittcn ()nt't~ Hint-n .\'ot l'.\.ict|} . \tll l:\acll) . . . \anx‘n0n‘11k"vl‘txcm Brunton ' Church Hill Coml'mg House iiit- \l.ij..'i\'()l iiit- man.- ()l (h.- .\i..;..-.. ()l Sec i.” \i.(() litillctll} \Iatlamc (mitt-in; Martin.- Hunt-ill} Festival I'I'I Blackpool (slut-mm) Blackpool Blackpool Blackpool Blackpool Blackpool Gateway ; (imam nupt- nit-(mm) nupt- iht- (ioml llopc lx'ctnin t.) iht- (mum 1.. [ho King’s g I).mcc Mat-amt- i)..n.-t~ Mat-amt- Dancc Macabre Netherbow g l(l\cl(l.illxt' Rut-(ain‘t- i<n.-.a.m.t- Rncitlanu’ l\’l\t't\l.llltc l\’l\t’t\l.lll\’t' Rut-“(.ma- Playhouse 1 .\ Stiu1c.u'\urnllXxur .\ Stiutczu'Nmml[Xxin' .\ Stiu1car.\';uinll)out- .\ Stiu’tt‘m‘NguinllXxin' .»\Stnuc.u'\;u1nlDoric :\ Strum)! Nutulll-‘lll‘ (‘..\.-i)(-..-iit-i\ (um-omit”. (um-inane“ I ' Traverse 1 Ttaverse 2

The Underbelly

". .‘:--I i or .‘ THE LIST 63