
Edinburgh Thursdays continued

ABC Africa l-‘ilmhouxc. 88 Lothian Road. 228 2688. 7.15pm. £3.50 £5.50 (£2.00 £4.00). Thu 14 l’cb. lll\plt'lltg documcntary about AIDS in l'ganda. The Fluffer l-‘otmtain l’ark l'(i('. l’ountain Park. 0870 ()02 0417. £4.50 (£3.50). From Hi 15 l‘cb. Sct iii tltc ga} porn \HH‘ltl thi\ charming comcd) follott \ tltc carccr of a young fluffcr litcrall} itt lt)\'L‘ u ith hix job.

Edinburgh Fridays

Theatre A Streetcar Named Desire l'ntil l'l'l 15 Mar. Scc 'I’hu.


Lush ligo. l’icard} l’lacc. 478 7434. 10.30pm 3am. £5. 1-"ri 22 l'cb. Monthly Luxh is back \\ itli l)J\ l)alc (.lo_\/l’lanct ()tit) and (‘t'aig (l’lanct ()ut) dixhing ottt their own brand of fule dancc. pop and handbag.


Breakfast At Tiffany’s l-‘ilniliouxc. 88 Lothian Road. 228 2(i88. 7.15pm. £3.50 £5.50(£2.0() £4.00). Thu 14 Sun 17 l-‘cb. Scc 'l‘hu.

Witness For The Prosecution 'l'hc l.umicrc. Ro}al .\lu\cum. (‘hambcrx Strch 247 421‘). Hi 4.30pm; Sat 7.30pm. £4.50 (£1.25 £2.50). lit 22 & Sat 231-‘cb. Billy “lltlc‘t‘ axxcmblcx it Slat-\ltltltlc‘tl L‘thl for this courtroom thrillcr. including ga} 1cgcnd('ltarlc\ Laughton. hixc\ual '1'} ronc l’tmcr ck thc inimitablc .\1arlcnc.

Edinburgh Saturdays - Clubs Saturday Social ('lub Jam.

(‘ommcrcial Strcct. 555 5022. 0pm 2am. l-rcc bcforc 10pm: £6 (£4) aflcr. Sat 2.3 Nb. liortnightl). .'\ mi\ of part} llll\ from rcxidcnt 1)] l)alc ll.ll\lt ). tll'llllu promm a plcnt) and a frcc \liuttlc \cr\ icc rttnning c\'cr_\ 30 min\ aftcr Upm from Broughton. Mingin’ Stttdio 24 tll])\l;tlt‘\l. (altott Road. 558 3758. 10.30pm 3am. £5. Sat



Bennet’s ‘)0 (ilavfot‘d Strcct. 552 57m. llptn 3.30am. £3 £0 (£2 £5). ()pcn 1i\c nights a \tcck \\ ith c\ccllcnt dancc action \Vcd to Sun and a \tudcnt nigltt on Thu.

Cube 34 ()uccn Strcct. 220 awn. 11.30pm 3am. £3 (£2 \\lllllil'\c‘l‘1.(itl_\ nightx on Mon and 'l‘uc \\ ith I);t\\l()lllllll_\ arid 15.1 botlt pla} ing cltccx} chart. Polo Lounge 84 \\'il\on Sum. 55.3 1221. 10pm 3am. £5. lf}ou‘rc tip for a dancc. do“ nxtairx in thc 1’olo ix thc placc to bc \\ ith clttb nightx lircxlt. l.ll\lt and (‘arry on 1’olo l’ri to Sun.


Candle Bar 3()(‘antllcngg\. 5(i4 1285. 9pm. lit'cc. l)i\co fla\ottr on Wed. Hi and Sat. \xith an intriguing mix of gtmip. tri\ in and karaokc in thc cotttpalt} of :\ngic() on a Sun.

Court Bar ()9 llttlt‘ltcxtn) Strcct. 553 2463. ().30 10pm. l’rcc. l’opular traditional bar.

Delmonica’s ()8 Virginia Stl'ccl. 552 4803. 9pm. l'rcc. Mix on Mt. Sal. .\lon arid luc. a mm on 'l’liu. karaokc on Sun and a gamcx itight on \\’cd.

LGBT Centre 11 l)i\on Sticct. 221 7203. llant 12am. l't‘cc.liar/cafc \xitlt kat'aokc from Hi to Stnt.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilmn Slrccl. 553 1221. 10pm lam. l‘rcc. lintcrtainmcnt frotn Mon to 'liltu u itlt c\ct"\lltiug front laid back \oundx and litc lllll\lt' from Tom and Mari at tltc bcginning of tlic \xcclx' to funk. dixco and l'L‘tlllL‘\l lttn ncarcr lhc \tcckcnd.

Revolver ()a John Slt'ccl. 553 345p. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. .v\rcadc ganic and qui/ ltlgllh on Sat al'tcrnoonx.

68 THE LIST ‘-'- 1*“. (:1. V

Observe The Sons Of Ulster at the Citizens’ Theatre, Glasgow

231‘cb. l-ortnigltll}. \t) nothcltxc. gay fricndl} clubbing ‘.\1ll1 hard houxc and \c\) trancc tron) lllc rcxidcntx lirian l)cmp\tcr and \lan .1o_\.

Joy ligo. l’icard_\ l’lacc. 4'8 ~43-1.

10, 30pm 3am. £10 (£51. Sat 1!) l‘cb. l-ortniglttl}. \laggic and ,-\l.m'\ incal} ltouxc lthlittllitit) of llillltl\ in-thc—air l1t‘tlt‘lllSlll\\llllfc‘\l(lt‘tll\lllt'llltllllg l‘rcnd} \Vk'lltl}. \\ llll Sall} 1’in1a}\ \auc) nn\ o1 chart. pop arid garagc in tlic dim H\l;tlt'\ \ititc.

Eye Candy (lul) \lcrcatlo. 3() 3‘) \larkct Strcct. 22012241. 11pm 3am. £10 (£(\I1£()infanc_\ tlrcxx. Sat 10 l'cl). l‘orlniglitlj.. l\)k‘\ltl'\‘lll\ (itacinc l’opxlar. \clat llarton and \cil (toolxxton llUSI tlicir inlamoux. glam lttttISt‘ part}. MsDemeanour l’ltocin\ t'cllar liar. ‘18 lii‘ottfilltttnt Stt'cc't. 5.5211231 Sat 1() l-cl). .\lontl)l_\. laxcning c\c1u\i\c1_\ tor tt';ttt\\c\lilc\ and tt';tt)\\c\ttal\.


The Claremont 133 135 liau ('larcmont Strcct. 55b 5()()2. 8pm. l‘rcc. Sat It) l'cl). l‘ortniglttl). .\lS(‘ and l'hc licat‘x organixc tltc night \.\ llll a tlt‘cxx

codc ax \‘.i1da\_\outlarc.

Theatre A Streetcar Named Desire 1 lllll .\l;'.l'. 5LT llll,

Sadie Frosts 8 It) \\t-\t (icot'gc Strcct. 332 8005. 12pm 12am. lircc. l).l\ (l‘ri. Sat and .\lon ). karaokc ('l‘hu and Sun) and tllllI/L‘\ (Inc and \Vcd ). 'l‘uc blcndx tltc kllll/ and karaokc and cotncx tip \\lll1 tpii/okc \thilc Sttn ix \\()lllt‘ll onl_\ it) tltc liluc Room.

Waterloo \Vatci-loo Slt'cct. 33‘) 5801. 12pm 12am. ()nc o1 (ilaxgotx '\ bcxt knoxxn ga_\ barx.


Clone Zone 1.(;l’)'1'(‘t~mrc. l)i\on Strcct. 221 7203. Mon Sat 11am ‘lpm. Sttii 12pm 0pm. \Vidc rangc of \ idcox, llt;lf_‘;l/lllt‘\ arid to} \.


Bi-G-Les (7U l,( ililli. ll l)l\()lt Slt't‘t‘l. 221 "203. l>upport nctxtork lor 1.(ili'l' undcr 25.

Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 332 5010.111\V’.\11)S \upport.

Centre for Women’s Health 3 Salltl} lttl'tl l’lacc. l (‘i‘llll

Glasgow Lesbian Line 1’()Ho\ (i8().(13711.. 552 3355..\tl\tcclinc. Glasgow Women’s Library tot) 'l'rongatc. 552 83-15. ()pcn 'l‘uc lit

1 ()pm'. Sat 2 5pm. .\ libi';tt'_\ lull of \\otncn\ litcralurc.

Phace West ti) Halli Slt'cct. H2

3.8 38. 'l'ltc tuattt \cr\ icc tn tltc on! ()1 Scotland lot pcoplc allcctt'd l\_\ l|l\'/.-\11)S.

Steve Retson Project 3 Saint} t'ortl l’lacc. 211 X(»()l.()pcn'1'uct& 1111)

5. 30 8. 30pm. Sc\ual hcaltlt ad\ icc and t‘ttllll\t'lllll‘..' lot g'a_\ incn. Strathclyde Lesbian & Gay Switchboard l't) Hm. w. (1‘ .‘(‘)1'. 33.‘ \3'7 ()pcn llll‘llltl.1ll_\ \t|\Icc lot t'a_\ ntcn and l(‘\lll.tll\.


Breakfast At Tiffany’s t‘ntil Sun l~ l't‘lt. SL‘L‘ llttl.

Manhattan 'l‘hc l.umic‘rc. Royal .\lu\cutn. (‘hambcrs Strcct. 247 421‘). ~..3llplll. £4.50 (£1.25 £2.50).

Sat 1() l‘cl). \Vtmd} .-\llcn i\n'l Mum” for hix x} mpathctic portra}al of lt()111()\t‘\ll;ll\. \o clicck otit .\1cr_\l Strccp pla_\ ing lllx c\-\\ ifc turncd lcxhian and glot‘} in thc(icr\1t\\in \otmdtrack.

Witness For The Prosecution 1-‘ri 22 «K Sat 2.3 l't‘li. SCL‘ l'il'l.


The Masquerade Ball ‘l‘hc .\\\L‘ltlltl_\ Rtntlth. .51 (it'ttt'g'c‘ Sll't‘t‘l. 221) 434‘). 8pm lam. £15 (£12). Sat 23 l‘cb. ()rgamxcd b} tltc Lothian (1:1) and l.c\l)i.m Su itchboard and dcxcribcd ax ‘.-\ \(tcltlt'ltal .\\\L‘tltltl_\ ()l‘ l’L‘lMtth in 1)i\gui\c'. drm~ing to imprcxx ix highl} rccotnmcndcd.

Edinburgh Sundays


Lube ligo. l’icard} l’lacc. 478 7434. 10.30pm 3am.£10Sun241‘cb. 1‘()r'tt)ig|itl_\..‘\'c\t fortnightl} club prommng thc \cr_\ bcxt of undcrground




C.C. Blooms 23 34 (it'L‘L‘tlSltlL‘ l’lacc. 550 0331. 10.30pm 3am (bar from ()pm). l‘rcc. .-\ bar and club \\ ith a \xliolc hoxl of high camp arid dixco c‘lztxxtLN.

The Honeycomb I5 I" Nitltlr) Strcct. 530 5540. 11pm 3am. £8 (£0). l".\cr_\ Sim tlic llonc} comb pla'u ll()\1 to 'laxtc. a night of hard littlht‘ and Itcdonmn \\lll1 l).1\ l-‘ixhcr tk l’ricc.


Blue Moon Café l Baron) Strcct. 5570011. .\lon liri llant 11.30pm.

Sat Sun 0pm 12.30am. l‘rcc. lidinburglt'x longcxt rttntting ga} cafc. Nexus ()0 lirougltton Strcct. 478 Tom). 1 lam 1 lptn. l-'i'cc.'1‘|ii\ cafc/bar ix part ()1 lllL‘ l,( ili ('L‘lllt't'.

C.C. Blooms 2,3 24 (il'L‘L‘llSltlL‘ l’lacc. 55b U33 . 10.30pm 3am (bar from ()pm). l'rcc. .\ bar and club \\1[l1;l \\ holc hmt of high catnp and dixco claxxicx.

Habana (il'L‘L‘HSltlt‘ l’ltlL‘L‘. l2-‘ll. 12pm lam. l'rcc. Drink and a minglc. Flashback *) Hopc Stt'cct. 22o 0001. 4pm lam. 1-'oi‘ti)ct'1} l‘larcx tltix llL‘\\ ga) \cmtc pt'otnixcx a 70x and 80x fch \\ ith L'IIL'CS} (lixc'ttalttl pup .\lt)tl [051111. Frenchies Roxc Strch. 225 705 I.

lptit 1am. lircc. .\ placc to chat attd chill or wait until Stm for thc tri\ ia (pm or \Vcd 1or karaokc \\ ith 'l'itt} (ialorc.

The Gilded Saloon 333 (‘ougattx 220 (>550. 0pm lam. lircc. lixcr} Stiit IllL‘ Saltmlt llt)ltl\ lllL‘ ()11 80 com L'lllL'lll prc club \cxxion for 'l'axtc at tltc llonc}cotnl).

The Laughing Duck 24 “on c Strcct. 220 23"(i. .\1on Hit) 1 lam 11pm. l'll tk Sat 11am lam. Sttn

11.30am llpttt. lt‘x back and it'\ ga}

Tackno ('lub .\lcrcado. 36—30 Markct Strcct. 226 4224. 10.30pm 3am. £3 £(i. Sun 24 l‘cb. Monthly. 'l‘rcnd) \Vcnd)~ consolidatcx hcr domination of lidinburgh‘x club \ccnc at hcr most cclcbratcd \ho\\ca\c. 'l'ackno.

Cinema Breakfast At Tiffany’s Thu 14 Sun 17 l-‘cb. Scc 'l‘hu.


The Pink Ball Macdonald llt)l}t‘()t)tl llolcl. 81 llt)l)t‘()t)d Road. 528 8170. 7pm. £30.95. Sttn 17 l'cb. .-\n cwning of linc dining. drinking \\ ith ccilidlt and dixco dancing.

Edinburgh Mondays

Clubs Trendy Wendy l’lanct ()tit.

(irccnxidc l’lacc. 524 00(il.

10.30pm 3am (bar from (ipm). lircc. l-‘ortniglttlt. l)J\ cxcry \x'cck and Trcnd)‘ \Vcnd} doing hcr thing c\ M} fortnight (Mon 18 Mb).


Brief Encounter l-‘ilmhouxc. 88 Lothian Road. 228 2(188. 7.15pm. £3.50 £5.50(£2.00-£4.00). .\lon 25 licb. .\'oc| (‘imard pcnncd llllx \tiff uppcr lip. doomcd lmc \tot'} wt in a railua} «lation \taiting room.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


A Streetcar Named Desire t'ntil Hi 15 Mar. Scc 'l‘hu.


Fairy Liquid Local. 235 (‘ou-gatc. 225 5413. 10pm 3am. £tbc. \Vcckl)’. .\'c\\' \\L‘L‘l\l_\ ga) night pl‘tmtlxlllg uplifting chart attd dancc.

Edinburgh Wednesdays

Theatre A Streetcar Named Desire t'ntll Hi 15 Mar. Scc ‘l‘hu.

again. St) llSlt. cotttf} bar. L‘UlltlllL‘lVL‘ to chatting and mcrr} making.

New Town Bar Dublin Strcct. 538 7775. Mon 'I‘hu 12pm lam. l’ri ~Sat 12pm 2am. Sttn 12.30pm ~1am. (la) crttixc bar attracting an oldcr croml. Planet Out (il‘L‘L‘ltSlth PlilL‘L‘. 524 0061. Mon Fri 4pm 1am. Sat Sun 2pm lain. l‘rcc. .\ darn ftnc bar \\ ith l)J.\ c\cr} .\Ion night. a qui/ on 'l'uc and 'l‘rcnd) \Vcnd) cwr} fortnight and l.ll.\lt l)J'\ ('raig and l)alc cwry Sat night.


Out of the Blue Baron} Stt'cct. 478 7048. .\lot) Hi 1 1am 7pm. Sat

llatn ()pttt. Sttn 12pm (ipm. (in) and l.L‘\l\ian \ltttp.

Bobbie’s Bookshop 230 \ltit't'ixtm Strccl. 538 706‘). Mon Sat

10am 5.30pm. Stockx a \\ idc \clcction of ga} iii;tga/iitc\ frotn thc l'lx' and abroad.


A.D. ('ontact 55b 404‘). (irottp for lcxbianx incl" 40. .\1ch\ montlil} to plan \ocial ctcntx. Ncucomcrx \tclcomc. Dykes Night Out PO Box lot). liltl 3l.l’. lnfortnal gct togcthcrx for \tomcn. Lesbian Line 557 ()751. .\lon & ’I‘hu 7.30 10pm. llclplinc.

LGBT Police Link 1.01% (‘cnti-c. (it) lirougltton Strcct. .\1on () 7pm. \Vcckl). ('all (i211 5138. ()20 5140 if}ou “am a chat \\ itlt _\our communit) ofliccr. Lothian Gay & Lesbian Switchboard 556 404‘). 7..‘~() 10pm cxcr} da}. (la) arid lcxbian hclplinc. Stonewall Youth Project (‘ontact (‘22 2200 l()I-I5IL'L‘1 ()I‘ (13-15 I l 3“ (1(15 (Youthlinc ). chulat' mcctingx and \ocial c\cnt\ for l.( iB'l~ undcr 2o.