Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


m4 Woodlands Road. 332 002S.

.\lon l-‘ri l0am 5pm; Sat

l0ant 12.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil ’l‘hu 28 ten. A selection ol' paintings h} Scottish artists including John Bathgate. .l.l). Henderson and Alastair Buchanan.


253 Arg_\ le Street. over till (Ben.

The National Review Of Live Art l'ntil Stilt l7 l"eh. Britain's longest running l'extixal oi' lixe art takes tip residency in the Archex \\ ith an eclectic range of ne\\ “mix from around the \xorld and the 1K. (’urated h} \ikki .\lilican. founder and artistic director of \eu

.\lo\ ex International. the programme encompaxxex performance-haxed. timcw hased. installation and \ ideo \xork. llighlightx include Roxcmar} Butcher'x Scan. tirade in collahoration \\ itlt \ txual artist Vong l’haophantt and compoxct‘ ('ath} l.ane: inleracthe c} her installationx h_\ Baith I’arthan: an interactix e \ ideo installation created h} ('laire \Vard 'I‘hornton attd l’au Ros. Kin/fut: the British premiere ol Sltilpa (iutpta installation which attemph to deal \\ ith prejudice. There are alxo lilm \creeningx inclttding \torkx h} Stephanie Stttith and liduard Steuart t'l‘hu l-l l‘eh l'rom 10pm t; 'l‘raee} .\loll'att tl’ri l5 l-"eh from 1030me and Julia Bardxlc} tSat lo l’eh. from 10.30ptnt. l‘or tnore inl'ormation log onto \\ wane“ lL‘l‘l'llttl'lL‘\.c‘0.lll\

Search Wed 20 lieh Thu 28 Mar. l.en\- hased \xork h) lirxt )L‘tll‘ \tudentx l'rom (ilasgtm School of Art rexponding to and imextigating the multitude ol' tunnels. passageua) \ and l't)t)lll\ \ituated underneath the Archex NE ‘.'. St ltd-.1. Artist Forum: Talk the It» raw. 7pm. Nikki .\liliean. arti\tic director of .\'c\\ Moves International lpl'tttlllL‘Cl'S of Next 'l‘erritories and the National l{c\ ie\\ ()l~ l.i\'e Artl presents her experience ol deVeloping llll\ programme oi" international art\ e\ent\.

ARLINGTON BATHS CLUB Arlington Road. Woodland» 3320021. l)ail_\ noon 5pm or h} appointment. This Never Really Happened Sat lo Sun 2-1 l‘eh. l’;tititirtg\. drauingx. monoprintx and \culpture h} l.i/ [)reu. l.i/.a Dimhleh) and Diana l.e\lie housed in the ne\\ l_\ renoxated galler} \pace at Arlington Baths (’luh.


l‘) l’arnie Street. 552 777‘). Alon .Sal noon 5pm.

The New Year Show t‘ntil Mon 35 lieh. A mixed exhibition l'eattu'ing (ilingt)\\ pillllllllgN and etching\, a selection ol' uork h) nc\\ artixtx. ptllllllllg‘x on a lo\ e thetne attd regular cxhihitorx tr_\ something new Director’s Choice l‘ntil .\lon 35 ten Sculpture h} April Young.


ISSa Bath Street. 222 2330. ’l'tte Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Mixed Show t‘ntil l-‘ri 15 l'ch. .\ selection ol paintingx including \\tll'l\\ h} (iraeme Sharp. .\latt .\lacint_\rc and Roh Mulholland plus glthx \\t)l‘l\. ceramic\ and jeueller) h} (ilaxgtm School of Art graduates.

Blair Millen and Graeme Sharp l’ri 22 l'eh Stilt 3| .\lar. A tuo Iterxon \hou oi ligurathe paintingx.

Car N02 by Paul Finnegan forms part of Works From The Saatchi Gift at

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART 134 Bl_\th\\\ood Street. 332 4027. Mon l‘ri 9.30am 5.30pm: Sat

l0am lpm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil 'l'hu 2S l‘eh. A Selection ol’ ctttllelllpot'at') Scottixh painting\ and de\ign h_\ \tll‘ltllIS artixtx.


Buchanan Street. t-m- more iniormation call 07032 1533 1‘) ore rttail

artheli\(U _\ahoo.co.nk or click on

\\ \\ \\.arlheli\.cotn

Subface Sttn 2‘1 l'eh. ~1.30pm. llltlcpeltdetlt (ilaxgtm hawtl collahorati\c moltile art\ \pacc Arthcli\. \ct up It} (ilasgtm School ot' Art graduate linti|_\ l'ield. present this one~oll periorntance in Buchanan Street l'nderground. l'ield ha\ in\ ited extahlixhed Bttto dancer l{_\tt/o l-‘ukuhara lrorn .lapatt to perl'ornt alongxidc projected \ ixualx creach h} l’ield. 'l‘he \ ixualx are photographic \till\ edited ax alt attitnated l'ormat arid the \otmd \elccled h} hoth ;tl‘ll\l\ l‘t‘l'lt‘L‘lS the :lllllthpllcl't‘ til the

en\ ironment attd the link hemeen

\ ixualx and dattce. !'~.E .‘3‘ ‘f

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY l0 King Street. 55 i 0" ‘3. Mon Sat l0..‘~0am midnight; Stilt I 11pm.

Eva Cadario l’ntil Sat 33 let». .«\ photographic iourne} through Mongolia taken h} li\a ('adario. Brand New Day Sun 11 l-eh Sat in Mar. l.and\cape paintings h} Belortlsxian arli\l .-\lc\alttlcr l‘iall\ci.


350 Satlcltichall Street. 352 -l‘)l )0.

Sun \Ved llam (tpmfl'hu Sat

llam Spin.

Donut l'ntil Sun 1" Mar t(‘( ‘A ll. .\like Stuth t\\ iit l)\'l) proicction and tour monitor lll\l;lll;llltlll ix about the drau ing ot a peri'ect circle. l'.\|tlttt'ittg ltllt)\}llt‘l';lllc pa\timc\ ol British culture. the title oi the piece Uri/Ill] relerx to the term tISL‘tl h} _\ottng laxt car enthtt\ia\t\ to tlexcrihc a circle ol' hurnt ruhher made It} spinning a rear \\ llL‘t'l tll'l\L‘ (ill tlll lllt‘ Split

0 The Tenth Level Sal lo l‘elt Sat 30 .\lar t('(‘.\ 2 & it. Rod |)ickin\on IS a l.ottdott haxetl arti\t who has hecn in\ol\et| lll making crop circ|e\ lor the last decade. km the (‘('.-\. Dickinson along \\ ith actors and collahot‘ator\ \\ill re enact t\\o historical e\ent\. In li/ll' ./l'll('\lllll II /\’t' ('lltlt Illlt’lll. Dickinson \\ ill recreate axpectx ol' the li\e\ and tlL‘;llll\ oi the 70x I‘L‘lllettlIS grottp 'I’he l’eople'x 'l’emple. llllitllltttIS lor their lltav \uictde oi HTS. 'l'/ic .l/l/g/‘tlm /\’t' (’lltlt .’III('III I'e enaclx one part oi Stanle} \lilgram\ l‘)(t0 elcc tro \hock ohetlience e\peritnenl\. Sec pre\ ten and llitlixt.

.L-‘ ’1.

Glasgow School Of Art

The Milgram Re-Enactment Sttn |~ l'eh. 3pm t('('A 3). Rod Dickilholl present\ a li\e reconxtrttction ol~ l)r Stanle) \lilgram‘x l‘)(tl \ocial p\_\cllolog} e\perintent. ‘()hedience to Authorit_x' in a ptn‘poxe-httilt room haxed on the Yale lahorator} that \lilgratn llSL‘tl.

Vivienne Gaskin Sat 23 l-‘eh. 3pm t(.('.-\ 3 t. llead ol'Artixtic Programme and liducation at the (‘('.\. \'i\ iertne (ittxklll talks ahottt the curatorial de\elopment ol‘ the ’l'enth l.e\el e\hihition.


30 \VL‘Sl (iettl'ge Street. 332 555 l.

.\lon Sat 10am 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm. Mixed Exhibition .\ selection of paintings h_\ local artixtx.

St Valentines l'ntil 'l'htt 2S l‘ch. A \election ol ligurathe paintingx incltrding \\ork\ h} lleindel and .lo_\ Kirton-Smith.


l'nixerxit} ol Strathchde. 22 Richmond Street. MS 2558. Mon l’ri 10am 5pm: Sat noon —lpm.

Art Textiles 2 Hull Sat 2 .\lat'. (‘hallenging perceptionx oi' te\tile art. thix group e\hihition oi \\ttl‘k h) 23 artixh featurex a range ol di\er\e arid cutting- edge lL‘\lllL‘\. ‘l'he tll‘llSIS USL‘ \ill‘lttUS materialx including rice. hone. \\a\. human hair and photograph} and among the \election are .leruood l’ri/e \\ inner ('aroline Broadltead. Jeanette Appleton. l.i\a (iallachcr. l’add} Killer and Andre“ 'l‘tmmx.


lth \Vc‘Sl Regent Street. 22l (ti-ill.

.\lon Sat l0am 5.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil 'l‘hu 2S l‘eh. A \clection ol‘ paintings. drau ingx. sculpture. ceramics and ieuellet‘} h) leading British artixlx incltrding .lack l\'no\. l’hilip l<ee\e\. l’hilip Braham. ('ath_\ Richmond attd l’eter lltt\\\trll.


.il (‘hixholm Street. tentranee through Saltllll. 552 “lllll Sat \Vk‘tl

ltlfittam (tfitlpnt; 'l‘hu tk l'ri

lll..ill;llll ~30plll.

Surround l‘ntil Still 24 l'ch. l‘ree (killer) \ second e\hihition in it\ re\ainped \pace leaturex the Milk ol' X Squared. a )ttllllg‘ architecttu'al practice haxed iii Bern. S\\it/et'|;ttitl1ar1d(ilaxgoxt School tll .\l'l \ltltlclll .lillt Rillll\k'_\ “lltl has heen \hortlixted tor the llunterx Art l’ri/e \llti\\\ iilttt and inxtallation. K) \a .ltlllll\tlll. Kate Beaugie. Damian Shield» (irant l’alehott and Melinda Stradling alxo leatttre iii the \ho\\. See t'e\ ie\\. LAST

(ll lAlM ll 7{ 3 33! l


IS (‘axlletnilk Arcade. 0H 2003.

Mon Sat 10am 5pm.

Garry Adam: New Photographs l'ntil lit 15 l'eh. l’hotographx It} (iat‘t‘) Adam.

listings Art

Nigel Henderson and Wolfgang Suschitzky Moving photographic works docwnenting London's East End during the early 50s by Henderson and a portrait of Britain between the 30s and 70s by photographer and filmmaker Suschitzky. See preview. Nigel Henderson. Dean Gallery Edinburgh. Sat 76 Feb—Sun 7 Apr; Wolfe ang Suschitzky. National [Do/trait Gallery Edinburgh. Fri 22 Feb—Sun 79 May.

The Tenth Level Through film and live performance. Rod Dickinson re—enacts two historical events: Stanley Milgram's 1960 electro-shock obedience experiments and the events leading up to The PeOple's Temple's mass suicide of 1978. See preview. CCA. Glasgow. Sat 7 6 Feb—Sat 30 Mar.

Keith Coventry Sensation artist Keith Coventry shows silkscreen prints of women in a crack den and sculptures of supermodels. dogged/Shel: Edinburgh. until Sat 2 Mar.

Jack Goldstein Ten short 16mm films from the 703 by the Los Angeles-based avant garde filmmaker. performance artist and painter. Jack Goldstein. See review. Modern Institute. Glasgow. t/nti/ Fri 22 Feb.

Four Photographers With very different approaches to photography and landscape. Susan Derges. Garry Fabian Miller. Patricia Macdonald and David Williams feature in this group exhibition. See review. lng/eby Gallery. Edinburgh. until Sat 9 Mar.

Bridget Riley: Silkscreen Prints And Gouaches 1963-2001 From black and white op art swrrls to visual vibrations of colour. a small retrospective of works by leading exponent of op art. Bridget Riley. Hunter/an Art Gallery. Glasgow. until Sat (5 Apr.

Hellen van Meene - Japan Series Gentle photographic studies of young Japanese girls documenting the transitional Journey from child to woman by lrlellen van Meene. inver/eitli House. Royal Botanic Garden. Ftlinlmrgli. tint/l Sun l0 Mar.

' C.“ lett Alt)" THE LIST 83