decorative textiles spaiitiiiig the 17th arid 18th centuries. The centrepiece ol the exhibition is crewelwork hangings ol 1719 vvitlt the tttonograttt ol the Old l’reteiider. Other key exhibits include a Kinghortie carpet made around 1620 and two eiiibroideries dated 1637 showing scenes lrom the Life ()f‘l‘lu' \‘i‘rein made lor one ol the ('atholic cotlt'tiers at (‘hat‘les l court. Prehistoric Japan: The Archaeological Collections Of Neil Gordon Munro t'titil Stiti 14 Apr. A collection ol prehistoric Japanese artelacts discovered by .\'eil (iot‘tiolt Munro. a Scottish medical doctor resident iii Japati at tltc beginning ol the 20th century. Scottish Sports Hall Of Fame l'ttti1\\'ed3l Jtil. Aii exltibition liiglilightitig the 100 nominations lor possible introduction into the tirst Scottiin Sports Hall ol liame at the Royal Mitseuni. From now until June next year. v isitors will be invited to nominate tlteir own choices which will then be counted and submitted to a jtidgiitg patiel who will choose 50 ol the Nation's lavourite sporting tigures lor inclusion in the lirst ever permanent hall ol lame.

You can also vote oii-liiie:

w w w Slice t’ntil Sttti 31 Mar. ('otitetiiporary silverware lrom the collection ol Seymour Rabinovitch leaturing over 40 broad-bladed servers or slices by British and Atiierican silversiiiiths.


l.ady Stair‘s llouse. Lady Stair's ('lose. 529 4901. Mon Sat 10am 5pm. Free. A Revolutionary Writer: Lewis Grassic Gibbon 1901-1935 t‘ntil Sat 13 Apr. A docuiiientai‘y exhibition lookitig at the lite attd work ol one ol Scotland‘s greatest 20th century writers. l.ewis (irassic (iihbott (1901 1935 ). author ol the classic Sir/1w! Swie.


1.52 .\'ethergate. 01382 909900.

Tue Wed. Sat & Sun

10.30am 5.30pm; Thu & 1‘ri

10.30am 8pm.

‘the eye of the beholder’

Sat 1o Iieb Sun 7 Apr ((ialleries l & 2). Dividing the galleries into live rooms. live internationally emerging artists examine the perception of beauty in new and recent works.

l’oll) Al‘lelhatiiii (l'SA) creates brightly coloured labric; Atilla (‘sorgo (Hungary ) translortiis the space with light: Rivane Neiienschwander (Bra/i1) presents a film piece; Yoshiliiro Stida (Japan) presents meticulously hand-carved wooden llowers and Vibeke 'l‘aiidberg (Norway ) questions the beauty ol the portrait photograph itt I'ktr'vs. NEW

St 10\"‘.’.

Woman Of The Dunes t'iitil Thu 28 lieb (l’ritit Studio (iallery‘). \‘v'oodblock prints and ceramic panels by ('ampbell Saiidilattds who studied the ancient tradition ol calligraphy under Shingai 'I‘anak'a iti Japatt. The result is a subtle ltision ol traditional and contemporary techniques. Carina Ciscato l'ntil Stiii 3 Mar (()ne l-‘iv'e Two). Functional ceramics including bowls. jars. teabowls in white porcelain.

Becky Crow t'iitil Stiii 3 Mar (()ne l-ive Tutti. Silverjewellery based on sketches ot people walking through parks and streets.


25 20 Mid \Vynd Industrial listate. 01382 225982. Thu Stiii noon 5pm. Hunter’s Expedition Of Discovery t‘titil Stiii 10 Mar. .\'ew \vtil’k liy Roi) lllllttet‘.


Albert Square. ()1382 432084. Mon Sat 10.30am- 5pm; Stiti 12.30 4pm: Thu 10.30am -7pm. £2.

The Royal Scottish Society Of Painters In Watercolours t'nill Sun 17 Mar. The RSW comes to Dundee lor the first time in 50 years t'or their 122nd annual exhibition. Artists include lilizabeth Black'adder. Ian McKenzie Smith. Philip Reeves arid Barbara Rae. pltis the work of young artists lroni across Scotland.

RSW Adult Art Sessions

Thu 14. Sat 16. Sun 17. Thu 21. Sat 23. Stiit 24 Feb & Thu 28 Feb. Sat & Sun

1 -2pm; Thu 5.45--(i.45pni. £2. Take a guided tour ol the RSW exhibition. see some ol the techniques used in the show and then try your hand at watercolour painting.

RSW Guided Tours Wed 20 & Thu 28 Feb. Wed 1pm: Thu 4pm. Advance booking necessary. (itiided tour of the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolours annual exhibition.

VISUAL RESEARCH CENTRE Dundee Contemporary Arts. 152 Nethergate. 01382 348060. Wed liri 10.30am 5.30pm: Sat & Stiii

12.30 5.30pm.


lintil Thu 14 lieb. A selection ol over 20 works by the French artist (‘laude ('losky.

Audio Arts (1973-2001)

Sat 16 Thu 18 Apr ((‘eiitre t'or Artist Books). An exhibition highlighting the work ol Audio Arts magazine on cassette who since 1973 have published nineteen volumes ol recordings which debate the theory and practice ol contemporary art.

Tik Tak Tok Sat to Feb Sttn 10 Mar. Aii artists exchange project between the \'R(' and the (‘onteniporary Arts Centre in Skopje in Macedonia leaturing the work ol a group ol Macedonian multi- media artists. NEW SHOW.

Outside the Cities

East Lothian


Stenton. 01368 850256. Daily noon 5pm (closed Thu).

Stephen J Carruthers and Colin Brown Sat 16 Feb Wed (i Mar. A two- iiiaii show ol paintings by Stephen J (‘arruthers atid (‘olin Brown. (’ai'ruthers shows semi-abstract works based on landscape arid still lile studies and Brown presents abstract works with elements ol

collage. NEW SHOW.



(‘at'lisle Road. 01098 420213. Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. Picasso: Histoire Naturelle

Sat 16 l‘eb Sun 26 May. An exhibition ol Picasso's wildlile prints. drawn to illustrate aii 18th century natural history book. and on loan lroni the 11ayw ard (iallery‘. NEW SHOW.



Dumbarton Road. 01786 471917. Tue-Sat 10.30am—5pm; Siiii 2 5pm. The Stirling Story t'iitil Tue 31 Dec. An insight into Stirling's history through objects. paintings. sculpture. poetry and perlormance.

Titanic - Honour 8: Glory t'ntil Sun 5 May. An exhibition by the 1"alkirk Titanic Society to commemorate Stirling man William Moyes. engineer on the Titanic who went dovv n with the ship on 14 April 1912.

MacPherson’s Stirling

l'ntil Siiti 7 Apr. A selection ot‘ works by photographer :\.i).S. .\lacl’hersolt whose images appeared iii Scottish

new spapers and journals during the 1900s and 70s

SCOTLAND THE BRAVE - AN INCOMPLETE HISTORY OF SCOTLAND (PART 1) Fri 22 1 (21). 1pm 8 Font. $78174? 57:3). Ctttiiliernattld Theatre. KIl(ilL1.’11. Ctll‘llXEt'lthtlhi. 01280 )‘S288f. Ages 9—13. Borderline Theatre COlllpétlty'001181011118fl1l()£tl)£111(i()ill'él‘.’(?ll|ll§j players; for the "ultimate wheech' through Scotland's; history. Mixuiq llill'll‘ ‘.'.'|1l1 murder. 0118 interactive show delves into the moving; story of Scotland's quest for independence. Find out if William Wallace look )(1 z ny'tliinq like Mel Gibson and why anyone wanted to steal the

Stone of Destiny in the first place.

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Fun

Rutherglen Rep Junior Drama Thu 14. Thu 2 |. Thu 28 Feb. D 7pm A

7 8.30pm. £12.50 £15 per term. ('atlikiii High School. \Vhitlaw burn. ('aiiibtislaiig. 641433 .Agcs 7 11) k 11 15. Budding thesps can learn the tricks ()1 the acting trade at these teti week courses.

The Captain’s Challenge II Hi

15 Tue 19 Feb. 11am 4pm. £4.50 (£3.25). The Tall Ship At (ilasgow Harbour. 100 Stohcross Road. 339 003 l. Put your nautical know ledge to the test with a lun quiz to establish the captain ot‘ the (iletilee.

Childhood and Painting Drama Sat lb lieb. 10am iiooii & 1 3pm. £15 lor lour weeks. llunteriaii Art (iallet'y. t'tiiversity ol(ilttsgovv. 82 llillhead Street. 330 5431. Advance booking required. Ages 7 10. A lotir week course lor children exploring children's play and games throughout the ages.

Children’s Workshops Sun 17 a Stiii 24 Feb. 1.30 2.30pm. £5.

S“ itchspace. at ()l'tishot'c. 3/5 (iihsott Street. 589 0607. Art workshops lor children led by artists Sorclia Dallas and Marianne (treated.

Illustration and Printmaking Sat 23 l"ch. 10am noon k 1 3pm. £20 lor lour weeks. llttiiteriaii Art (iallery.

t'ltiy crsity ol' ( ilasgo“. «S2 llillhead Street. 330 5431. Advance booking required. Ages 8 14. learn more about illustration and printmaking techniques at this tour week course.

CCA: Family Day Sun 24 t-eb.

1 lam 5pm. £5 (two adults and tip to three children). ('('.-\. 350 Saticliieliall Street. 352 4900. 1‘itii lor all the lamily leaturing workshops in drama. dance. music and art led by experienced (ilasgow -bascd artists and teachers.


Osmosis Jones tl’(i) Sat to Feb. lpiii; Cats And Dogs (l’(i: Sat 23 t’eb. lptii. £2.25 (lamily ticket £9). (ilasgow l‘iiltt Theatre. l2 Rose Street. 332 8128. See l-iliii Index.

Human Bodyil’o); Grand Canyon (l’(i); Dolphins (1'); Blue Planet (1‘). times vary. check 1‘iliii listings lor showing titties. £5 (£3.50). [MAX Theatre. (ilasgovv Science ('entre. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000.


Total Action Heroes Sat lo lieb. 3pm. £10.50(£4); lattiin ticket £18. Royal ('oiicert Hall. 2 Satichiehall Street. 353 8000. Another kids' concert from the RS.\'() presenting the music ol cliaiiipioiis with themes lroni .S'upw'nimi. But/nun. sports atid more.

S Club 7 Tue 19 Wed 20 l’eb. 7.30pm. £20. Sli(‘(‘. 1-‘iiiiiiestoii Quay. 0870 040 4000. 2001 's Song ()1 The Year award winners who Don't Stop Moviti'.


The Little Sea Monster Sat to Feb. 2pm. £4 (£3). Scottisli Mask Aiid t’uppet 'l'heatre ('etitre. 8 It) Balcarres Avenue. Kelv indalc. 339 (i185. A little sea monster gets tip to all sorts ol' 1111\chiel iii this production lroiii Jack ()'l.aiiterii l’tippcts.

Pied Piper And Other Stories Sat 23 l‘eb. 2pm. £4 (£3). Scottish Mask And l’uppet 'l'healre (’eiitt‘e. 8 10 Balcarres Avenue. Kely indalc. 3.39 (i185. ls'idglovcs puppets retells the story ol a dastardly ratcatcher brought iii by the mayor to rid llamcliii ol rats.

‘t-z .‘ THE LIST 89