Kids listings

Activities And Fun

Quickies For Kids l{t));tl Maxeuni ()i' Seotland. 2 (‘hamherx Street. 247 421‘). liree. 'I‘en—ininute talkx I'or ehildren held every Sat and Sun at 2.30pm. Youth Theatre Workshops Thu 14. Thu 2 I. Thu 28 Feb. 5.30 7pm. £1.50 (50p). Galena} 'l'heatre. lilin Ron. l.eith Walk. .‘l7 303‘). l-‘or ages l2 lo. \Vot'kxltops with QMI '(' (‘onnnunin 'l‘heatre Studentx and guest ltllot'x. Planet Power l’ri 15 Sun I7 I-‘eh. Wed 2() Sun 24 l‘eh. Wed 27 Thu 23 l-'eh. ltlam 5pm. liree. Dynamit~ liarth. llol}t'ootl Road. 550 7800. Make a Intlrogen hotnh. \tir up a \\ hirlu ind or make a Vortex \anixh at thix \eriex ol' tun interaetix'e e\hihit\.

Family Friday Nights l‘ri IS & Hi 22 Feb. 7 8.30pm. £3.50 t £2 £2.5(Ii: tamil} tieket £8. l{t));ll ()lML‘l’Hllttl'} \'i\itor (‘entre. Blaekt‘ord Hill. («is 8405. li\plore the night \k'} in these fun lainil} \eviom \\ ith interaetn e aetix itiex. dome demonstrationx and a \lide Silo“. Under Water World Sat In Sun I? l‘eh. Wed 20 Sun 24 I‘eh. ltIain 5pm. £".‘)51£4.5(II. l)_\nainie liarth. llo|_\rood Road. 550 Th’tltl. Explore the III} SlL‘t'lL‘\ ot' lllL‘ tlL‘L‘P itlltl lllt‘ Cl‘L‘itllII‘L‘S lliitl ll\L‘ lliL‘I‘L‘ through a serie\ of aeti\ itiex and gainex. l’ltix. l)ino the Dinoxaur \\ ill he regaling.v all with tale\ of hix undernater iltl\‘ClIltlt‘L‘\.

Saturday Art Sat lo tk Sat 23 l'elt. Itlain noon. £ ll) per I'our \xeek hloek. l)ean (ialler). Bell'ord Road. (\24 o2tltl. :\d\anee hooking required. Agex o It). Working xx ith dilterent ttl‘ll\l\. learn ereati\ e teehniquex axing inxpiration tron] \\ot'k\ in the galler}.

Children’s Drama Workshops Sat lo & Sat 23 Feb. 10.30am noon. £I (50p). (iate\\a} 'l‘heatre. lilm Ron. l.eitlt \Valk. 3l7 303‘). l‘or ageS i' 12. \Vorkxliopx \\ ith (‘).\ll '(' L‘mllllltlllll} theatre \tudentx and guext tutorx.

Shell Family Workshop Sun I? l‘eh. ltlain lpm. £4 (£2). lil('(’. 15H Morrison Street. 300 3000. .-\d\anee hooking.v required. .»\g_'e\ 7 l2. .’\ tainil) workshop to eoineide \\ ith the RS.\( )\ 7i)1(l/.'l(‘ll()ll IIt'I'm'x perl‘ormanee. Sound Portraits! Sun I? the It) l‘eh. Sun noon 4pm: Mon tk 'l'ue

10am 4pm. £7 per group. National Portrait (ialler). 1 Queen Street. (>24 (>418. l‘ainil) tun tor the mid-term holida) \ \\ here _\oti ean reeord inini- dramax \\ ith the help of aetorx and \ottnd teehnieianx haxed on the portraitx in the gallery. Se‘xsioiix laxt one hour.


Oliver il'I Sun l7 l‘eh. l2.3()pin. £4.50 t£2.5()t. 'l’he Lumiere. Ro}al \ltixetun. (‘hainherx Street. 247 42l‘). See l'ilin Index.


Total Action Heroes Sun I? l-‘eh. 3pm. £8 t£4I1 liiiiiil} tieket £IS. l'xher llall. l.otliian Road. 22S 1 I55. See (ilttxgtnk.


The Pearl ’I‘Iiu I4 Sal It» lieh. 7.3opm. £7 (£3.50). 'l‘ra\er\e 'l'heatre. ('anihridge Street. 223 l-lll‘l. Vixihle l'htelltmx ttIltl l’aixle) :\rt\ ('entre adapt .lohn Steinheek‘s nm el about a pearl tixher \xlioxe lil'e ehangex dramatieall} \\ hen lie linds ‘a pearl as perleet ;t\ the moon but not in the \xa} he e\peet\. .\'ot suitable l'or under 12»

A Wolf’s Tale . . . and other stories of the Wild Sal In l‘eh. l2..‘~()pni & 3pm. l‘ree. hut tieketed. Ro)a| .\ltixeuni. 2 (‘lianiherx Street. 24 42l‘). Agex 5 H. Wee Slot'lex'

\lot‘} hunters take ehildren and their l'ainiliex on ad\enture e\plorin}_' Seotland‘x \\ ildlit'e.

The Gingerbread Boy Sat lo I-eh. 2pm. £.i.5()t£2.5t)i. Netherhon .'\rt\ (.L‘llll'L'. 43 4.5 lllglll Street. .556 U55“). Ages 3 (I. ('elelirate lllt‘ l't‘axl til l'tmlx

90 THE LIST 1-'. .4?“ l-rl, .1


l l'\,tl.i'\,. .x, ./. \

with [MS piodtietion Ironi linintt‘x l’tippet 'l'lieatre.

Chinese New Year Celebrations Sun I" l'eli. lpin. £4.5ll. textual llieatie. l3 2‘) \ieolwn Street. 52" Mill". See photo eaption.

Not Exactly A Midsummer Night’s Dream In .‘,.‘, Sat 3* I «ix 7.30pm. £5 t£3t Hitintoii llie..tie'\\\ell\\av\.\ltiwellunel11m5 1“. .v\§_'e\ o\er l2. lirtinton totitli llieatie prexentx a new take on Sliakexpeaie'x



Pancake Saturday Stories \.:E m l‘eh. 2pm. £5 I£.5I. .\etlierho\‘. .\rt\ (‘entre. 43 45 High Street. 550 “5"” Stor_\lel|in3_' tun \er\ed up Ior eliildien aged 3 (1.

Holiday Stories “at In l'el‘. .Tpm £3.50 t £2.5lli. \etliei‘lnm _\rt\ Centre. 43 45 High Street. 5% ‘5‘”. .\;.'e\ * ti linio) \oine \tor)tel|in;: Inn \\ itli (iadahout (irannie.

Holiday Stories Hm _‘I I .~I\. Span £3.50 t £2.5lli. \etlierlmv. .\!t\ ( "entic. 43 45 llllel Street. 55o 95-"). .\_:'e\ l S .loin .\tid) llunter toi talex ol .itlxentnie and l'olklot'e.

Sunday Stories Sun .11 I-eI».

2 3pm. £2. \ational l’oi’tiait (ial|ei_\.. l Queen Street. 024 (illS. .lonine} to liii‘aua) land\ and meet eolotn tnl L‘lltll'tlelt‘l'x III llIt'St' \lHI_\lt‘llIIIf' St‘SxtI i11~ l'Ul' lIfJL‘S “\t‘l'

Outside The Cities

Activities Antl Fun

Art Attack lllll H. 'l lllI 2 l. llItI .‘S l'elt. 4 5pm. £2. Sir John \\ llSUII |o\.'-. n llall. Stirling: Street. .\ii‘diie. IIIINS 205515. .\;.'e\ o\ei .S. l)i.i\\in;', |\.illll|!ij'. eollaee and \eulpture ale |llSl \onie oi :ln- teelinitpiex taught at lltlS el.i\\ Learning Photography Hm I 1. tin. 2|. lliu 2S l'elt. 0 .Spin !_S 5“

t£2 £2.50). .\lolltel\\ell lleritag'e ( entie. l llllel Rtliltl. \lttlltt‘t'u ell. lllti".\

25 Itlllll. .'\§:e\ met l2. .\n Intiotlnelou eoui'xe pio\ ltllllj.‘ at. IIISIt'lIl into Ilie \‘.iilltl olphotograph}.

Bird Box Building In IS I .‘l‘.

Ht) Spin. l'ree. l’litlllS ( 'onnti) l’..ik.

\ '.x‘ l\)


o' ?l:\' l' 5' ix“ ’.

Break Dance & Hip Hop 1'

l1; 2 lul‘ ‘1. ‘3,

l’ 1 i ll


\ I‘.o~‘_.‘ S"


e A Bird. A Home Build “Em ABoxSigwtg, ._ -.

': i..l\'SI,, It ‘3‘ I ll ll‘\lt\ ’l

\.-~:: \\

Slii‘itllt‘il Meet The Minimunchers S

l'5 l'.1.""l.“..tu:.. ‘1‘:

ntlttttv '«.'.::.v:..\. 2' l"‘ \ltli! 121:. l.ll.\""'z

Treasure Trail x y S \.‘.i l' " lo'. I’ \i



Treasure Trove I t‘ S :.~ " II

Art Attack


West Lothian ‘i’out‘n Dance

.\ l '. ‘1 ll l' 11;:u i‘ 3" ll..:_. \lt Jaw.

Toy Making \\.

":‘t11‘ 5" li'. ..


Cumbernauld Youth Arts Festival l lIlIl Sat |(\ l‘elx lllllt‘S \ar_\. ‘. l 2 to! .a ‘leen l Iekel‘_ ('unilternattld ll;.~.iti.~. l\lltlllllli. tinnhernanld. lll23o ‘S‘SS' \ tine-ix- piot'rannne ol theatre. IlzliSie «lanes and ‘x‘.ttll\SlliI]‘S e\ploring_'

...; mix-eta oi pet totinanee and tlexigned

Cats And Dogs tl’(il Sun I“ l'elt.

tiipzn '..|.5ll \laelx’ol‘ert. l'ni\ei\it\ ol Staten; \lilliltt‘. lllfl‘.\(t lolIISl. See I l:i:'; lntl.'\


Louise l1; 1* l 5!». £I “.Stt.

lx’w'Eu--» llalix. lx’otliex Square. (ilenrotltex.

5‘" ti ltII lo lielp eeleltrate her

a intx (l I pop \tar. and loriner

li.-::...I IE;CI!i"\'i. l oin\e perIorIm.

Steps Club 7 and Absolut

Britney I II I5 lelS 15pm. £(i l LVli.

I .:~,'\c:':.:nltl lite-.ili‘e. Kiltlrtnn.

t a;::.?‘.': iiaitlti. “I2 {ti “32SS5. \\ llll [lie »:E;.:: SKIN .-.:e to ‘oe no more. llllS

K“ :\.:lill lll..:\ lie‘ll‘ lit \iillt‘il lllt‘ l‘lit\\.

Hie-2:: IS \i‘xolnt Britney .1 dead



.to! [Minn ‘.

The Happy Gang’s Arabian Adventure \1'. lo l‘elt. llani t\' 2pm. \'.' llteatte. \l:i\\‘. ell

ll.) I lettmtle. til 155 lotion. -" lozn the ll.:pp_\ (Line aS 93. ot. .' :t‘i.:.'Ie.:i. lIItlSlt'nl .. '- 22:}. \31. al \\i;i. The Happy Gang’s Arabian Adventure \lott IS lne I‘) l'eli. \lon

i" ::.. l.:. il..n. t'\ 2. 5l'l‘lll. l'..|Sl\\tIittl xix-.ooti l’\. lx’onken (ilen l-lo \L. I i:i!:io. 5". l" 2”. \geS tip to l). l. l\1il\:;tle

Scotland The Brave An lncomplete History of Scotland (Part 1) I It 13 l-etw.

'~ .\ ‘yn. wit": 9.5».(‘uinl‘erikiuld l3 lxtitizian. lllllll‘t‘llhtllltl.

' \_-.~.-\ 1%. see i‘lwlU Monsters In My wardrObe \' ~~. fine i_’§S[liL:ASll".

To \tl..niSin:tl1 llieatre.

:1. Road. Kitk.‘.ild}. tll5‘l2 Li " " l1:in .: inayiea'. \\.irilrolie lull ol ._::::.‘\ lll lllnehoat l’uppet I .g. "roilnetmn The Pearl \\.-\i .‘ ' l .‘l‘. lltpin. io'tt to! [l5 .\

\4 I

'ntioem lx’oail. t'i‘ ’. Li_“t_‘“

the international Purves Puppets l-1' -. .1! l'tlp'k". theatre. [\’o.:.i. I‘IS‘I" 22llh‘l. £5 I£-li;

S .\ L it». Hook tll

- \ianeet to elianee.

‘illt‘ i.."\3 l\‘.U \Kx't‘kS

{he Tinderbox Sn in I .-l». 2pm.

tin l :i/pairt

._ }.'oe\ ill \e.-.ieli o! .i

lifiiilt‘ll‘i‘". “at inippenx upon xiii .'.\‘IItL.'ITtIi\‘lS

:"o III-..\~

.45.qu And Panda Meet The Three

Bears Sn. \ S..' ‘i l eh. .‘pin. ,\_:'e\

* lit; letzzt‘ie

'_'.‘.i\\tIIIIt‘ \et oil on .1

Children’s Art Exhibition l nn! l1. l .T‘ l (fl-Jtteijnlen (‘ounti'_\ l' Sit. l\)i'.:tl. l .ixt l\iil\title. “m .1 limo. ..iliSiS tip to lo :ili:\ti.itiii;' I’M/ex lot the l\e\l

':~.- ..‘.'-...itletl .1! the and ot the

Storytime For The Under 75

SJ. Slcli. l't 9" ll.i!I: llee

lx’ ~i "' t~ Seiiool \\\ll\l. lx’atllo. ll. 1: :3

“.t \toi_\t.‘llin;'