SONG AND DANCE-f GUMBOOTS (cert tbc) 76min .0.

Nothing beats live performance. but tiiis next-hest-thing recording of the ‘999 Fringe hit gradually hut Surely earns :ts Keen.

Gumboot (la

‘cii g grew

Out of the oi'iprr-éssiye conditions of golo mii‘ing in SOuth Alixca. Toifing in enforced Silence and near— oarkness. migrant workers slapped tl‘eir Wellingtons to coniiitunicate.

From this percussive

a \"JDOIC art form

developed. The shov. slides and stomps ovc-r political history in tavoii"

Fast and the Furious

Released: 11 February 2002

Al‘. in‘presswe box at" ee s".

stars -". this hi Eh {TT?TE‘:"(‘:. ea" "it’i"‘:l. .‘ws'. Included an‘oiig .t‘e :A/ D exi'as s'.~.:' my:


Gabrielle - G Hits-Dreams Can Come True Released: 11 February 2002

Following ‘row the .w“. in time for \/aie'i‘.-"~::~‘s Dan.

The Fugitive - Special

Released: 11 February 2002

r\'i<t°.()l‘ \. t)-


a Tut ". .nem

Planet of the Apes - 2 Exclusive Sleeve)

Released: 18 February 2002

T IW‘ B' y’./\I\“ 'I'rt .x‘l /‘-r"v\/ [Ln/m5 'J' (Li. i\}

The Watcher

Released: 18 February 2002

Detective ti‘ri’e" star" "(l dawn-s Sari-'7" £t"f5 “Kr-aw;


A Knight’s Tale

Released: 18 February 2002 Medea? fair:- set 2'; a "ock Sfiil'"l"'?i-"r< trial

JUSLS t, :L,.!()"», ’1)" 'r’“. :1."

Mona Lisa

Released: 25 February 2002

The text i‘. Astrid" "s 'Harv'w‘a'tr’7 re

the (ItélSSIF Boy's fiéi":l‘;'.i'-"

Homes Eif‘il i/l-or‘ar: (Zaire

Westlife - World of our Own Released: 25 February 2002

A DVD ."-(l-')() c" ‘.'.'-t-s°.1‘r:'s Q

MrM-"itj Of... '2zrt.‘i":'.-.':.

released as a sizec a e:i '. a". t“ i?‘~:;-

“1;...”- .yt,.‘

of r'nn‘erliate. ii‘t'ectiotis entertainmt’nv from a shn'tless. playfully sexy and sweat~drei‘c'iecl ail-male (’ast o" t‘.‘.’(‘:".’(‘:. Tireless and \.'\.'c-’l--(l".ii~::-<l. these outrageon ‘5 "is sing and dance from their i‘earts. ll‘e DVD 'icltiries a documentary. 1"]; VHS a"<i DVD retai'. ‘DC'tétkt l-lutera

DON (X 75:7 LEGALLY BLONDE (12) 92min on


ft)” 5: l)".:..‘.

tin". tll's teen ion‘

iiat‘. t

tithi‘ift‘tt...’ an, (11:15» Met,-

stars jus. ) g Reese \. .i‘. ie'spoon.

“1' x). (Hui L (1‘. \I



one o" acKicst

‘ast‘ \"" fines-5‘:


Disc Set (HMV

{t D?“

iv“. l‘ 31.. I I I, .‘ Hillt-

na'hes l" shox'xlii/ Is an ar‘tr‘," with srtreen {7"("-‘§€‘:"C(‘: coinin ; out of he" . . , x'xell you get the (lea. \. titers; >oon plays t‘'lii' t7!f)l‘(t(? sorority oi ieen E-iie \‘r’oorls zvito is {ltl't‘tttttt by her iioyf'iei‘u when he t‘i'.t(l(l‘.}".‘3 o“ to Hahxarrl l sztlioo‘. Not to )e (Tiii’lilttt‘7. til";- ‘ollo‘.'.'s him No enrolment ’l-I‘:ii":""‘:.";t?{t to heervite a eua? eagle and ‘.'.’l." the (WOW?) hack. Hf)‘.‘.’(‘:‘.’t‘:", been a tT'Y‘ilttt) shes a water ‘(‘:X(T“,l‘,t it t.i""t‘ :‘ istVr's tlft'.


s a. ti. His

iiri't I "hid up ii‘

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MG M V l i'S

behave ." :1"tl t/VD 'tF'ltdl‘i

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(15) 123min 0000

,‘l‘ll'\\'.i an it ill

“um, Wat-0‘“.- 0'-

vein. ’I‘ :lV‘iV (\(M’i'k‘

IV~/:~".|‘ I"A{:\lr;:,l‘\ff']f "W ‘1 ’l ‘;:>a";ig at} o" the M It} ‘j‘,""|\' :‘r‘x \,l.‘.’i‘{\,i\ '."Tt"’ll\.’ Cirrr-ste’i' t’?" “3".” -':~" lies?

fi‘igxivi II‘{,I'(‘.( ‘lt‘

i."ii"<i-t-st (into I)". tilt:-

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(fl )y\i*‘I\:I ;);;lfl\‘y["()‘lhj(‘.

617‘11"y.._,{};t‘_{}t"."r|?'\ “Hwy; ‘: ilflr’v't tron‘';inne r\.4"«yr‘r._ [)(Ii-Iil,‘ \(hratha'rH 4"" i '?~l"9‘7 l '(":'_ /\


twitr'O ".‘§t‘:‘1 or (i «r:'i:/:‘.'.i2"<:. ll liq?" l W4“:

Vt *8 DVD Win

DDCl JMF NTAQV SICK (18) 86min 0000

It's one of the last great sexual taboos. Hidden JList hel‘ind sex with the (lisahierl tern‘inaliy ill here Il‘t‘ltlflil‘tl some heat ii“.

act on is an arena ot

sari/i "‘JtSlDClllSt

riisc: ission "‘ost people Et‘.'(‘,i’l. 'l‘l‘anK God. then. to" ROD Flanagan: artist. poet. cystic tirirosis poster ho‘. and s'..tierihasorfitist.

This excelleth (iocii'i‘ei‘tarr,’ fo'lmxs the last fen-x nears o" his life as Bot: allows ins (l()""."£ti"1X‘.'.'if(}ff‘)Dfill. nick. ir‘x. fuck and nin‘ towards the pear; gates. Touching and ;a.': dropping Ethree and a half it‘~i‘.iites heng cut try the British Boarri I)? Filn‘. (:!{irlflt=(‘£tltilt hi, turns. funny ano contra") ivii'trat of a Lintisiiat tl‘le‘. iBFI VHS retail 'Paul Dale;

ALSO RELEASED The Body Have the

re't‘ai'is o‘ .Jesus Christ

«test 3-!

{'12s is: a ttl'ét‘."-‘:.

himsel" been (l"%/‘”)‘.’t?"€?(llz) ADI/NW) Dfi'irlerris checks 4 oi it. ’h/letrrirlontr‘~ VHS rental; DVD reta-li

Broadway Classics First fol ir tities from til'i‘eri tor-TV American theatre. livtltiri’es .lason Rain"! is and Robert Rerl‘orri in The lemma/t Cornet/t. (Blue Dolphin VHS retail.

Pasty Faces Glasgox-J and l as Vegas set r‘v‘llt‘e flick fron‘ lo::al iatl Davirl Pau' Baker. lMetrorlon‘e VHS rental; DVD retail; The Princess And The Warrior Hip German tilii‘ttiaker loit‘ lykt'xer's disappointing lolloxvv-up to Hurt / o/a Run, lPathe DVD ."etaili

Scary Movie 2 Sequel to the (luinher than (l'lll‘il) parorly oi the Sr‘rea/it trilogy. lBuena Vastii Vl lS anrl DVD

."3"? Hi


It coma to happen as the ces‘. ‘r em ‘ro't‘ Fri/toe? .leees Is On gets her ser Sa

ph' cs

Kat e and. guess azhaf. t'cr a glossy "viriazee and has us?

(one on of


Homes 's

‘8-rr‘o"t't immaoe .'.'t" T-"C' .\/«w.«;vi Regan-

A .r. .e. s. -., .ha.

her e“ s pooped by ."-".”""‘.'t:’} 'i‘a‘e flezieeerates and Tea Bro .'.'.;t"":”t{“i(‘,'8 pius one nice ‘at :9 me. Edt'l Stewart ‘.'.’r'g"t.. '.'.ihc secret“, ‘a'V‘, es "er and he: :resto you a"

v .1 apogee e ro'tico'“ tor New C Heat reader. Ail inc 1"- s act.iai y prettn. '.'."."t some . v '..i""s from James Lance and D Chris as the o“ ee Letharios.

Han "g earned from (“two Fee: neat unorks anti '.'."‘.at doesc't in this genre Dar :i Nichols has '.'.""tT€‘.-" a ‘a-r'y acerbic script that or“; o<;casov‘-a"\. to: over "to he 't‘atiti in. This is a so as C ose a picture oz. get 0‘ past separation-

tratni‘a rxitsrrie of the

t0.§jt“"(l rioee.n ."(tf Is Sex

A, 7-”{3 \/ f, . pa‘yaf DCXKEI

DRAMA TEACHERS Channel 4. Wed 13 Mar, 10pm 0000

‘7‘. r ..

‘5 4:4"? I

Yca. knou'x how VDtl rea used to nate the first oriy back at school after the hornays'? So ’to tie teachers It's seres ‘or this oopalar semi-

st irreai comedy orama \.' Smoi‘. Kurt and Br-ri" another year one." hit "a st :5 S-".‘CK"‘_C] he" 'irl the tt'KO s'ieds an'l tat 'tg to forn‘

ll‘t‘u'il‘ vtg‘i. "eiatlct‘sh ns i.'.’l'." the "ni‘oste sex,

(wt 't-a’ii. c' a s'xi'i‘,


look into the lives of not- long-Out-ot-college teachers. closer in irentalty to the pupils than the rest of the staff room. In this first episode Susan, the good listener. gets a Crush on the n w languagesteacnenthe arrya! of a blonde bombshell creates waves and Kurt desperately tries to get the COurage together to dump geeky." office assistant Carol. Plot‘.'/ise. It iSrt't Garib- shattering stutt. but Teachers is really all about snappy dialogue and Outing apart relationshps for a good look inside. And what yOu ficd is a world of angst. sarcasm and camaraderie. iLouisa Pearson.


BBC2, Sun 3 Mar, 10pm 0000

What have yOu done today? Had a cup of tea and a sandwich? Not worth making a 24- part drama out of is it? But such is the premise of this ground-breaking American series. and the re5u|ts are pretty damn impresswe. Starting at midnight on the day of the Californian primary elections. each episode covers one hour. as a plot to assassmate a DFBS'dBlltlal candidate is uncovered. The lead role of Jack Bauer. head of the government's Celinter Terrorist Unit. is played by Kiefer Sutherland. who turns in a fraught and Wired performance to match the show's edgy CinematOgraphy and tense. taut script. The excellent writing is probably the key here. as intricate plot deveIOpments and overlaps are developed cleanly. bLiilding Suspense delectably in the process. Whether they can keep it up over 24 episodes remains to be seen. but first signs are that 24 is a classy piece of innovative drama. (Doug Johnstone)

.2 Ma' 91)“? THE LIST 103