Film index

A Christmas Carol The Movie (ti 0 tJimm) ’l‘. .\ltirakami. l'K. 200! i Voich ol Katc \Vitixlct. Nicolax ('agc. Simon (‘ailow Xi) miiix. Dcxpitc thc ad\anccx madc in ctimputcr-gcncratcd imagcr}. thcrc ix xtill a caxc for thc traditional form. Sadl}. it‘x not one madc b_\ thix poorly cxccutcd lilm; thc animation ix Hat and xtatic. xcarccl) licttcr than that louiid on Saturda} morning kidx‘ 'l'\'. .\'or docx thc xtorytclling do ('harlcx I)ickcnx juxticc. xu'cctcning and xol‘tciiing an alt'cad} xcntimcntal original. ’l'hc linal xtrau.

liti“ ci cr. ix thc introduction ol‘ a pair of cutc.

xlapxtick micc. Bah. humbug. ('incnorld. l’alkirlt.

A Clockwork Orange 1 txi 000. (Stanlc) Kubrick. l'K. 1971 i Malcolm .\lcl)o\\'cll. Patrick Magcc. \Varrcn ('larkc. 137 minx. 'l‘hc night of ‘ultra-\ iolcncc' committcd b) Alcx t.\lcl)o\\clli and hix gang of ‘droogx’ gi\cx it itx lltiltil'lcl}. lint xubxcqucnt \ ictiiiiixation b) thc Statc xtill pt‘o\ idcx iiiticli lood for thought. 'l’hix lablc ol' la“ and dixordcr. crimc and puiiithcnt might caxily bc rccaxt in 2 l xt ccnttir} Britain. So. it‘x about timc thc Britixh public got to xcc thc latc iiiaxtci”x moxt inlaiiioux tilm. (‘(‘.r\. (ilaxgtm.

Comedie de l’innocence ll’( ii (Raoul Rllll. l‘i‘ancc. 2000i. A highl) -ratcd

px) chological thrillcr in which iiinc-}car-old lad ('ainillc appcarx to bc thc cpitomc ol' happ} go luck} )outhl'ulncxx. lixccpt. hc hax now dccidcd hc \iantx to lind out about hix ‘rcal iiiuni'. liilmhouxc. lidinburgh.

Cool And Crazy (Heftig og Begeistret) t lSi 000 iKnui link Jcnxcn. Norixa). littlli 105 iiiiiix. Joining a malc \‘oicc choir ma) not bc cx cr}onc‘x idca ol a good timc. btit giicn that lici‘lmag'x other main lcixurc acti\ iticx xccm to bc xiiioking rollicx and xtaring otit to xca. thix local cnxcmblc ix a popular onc. licrlcuig \llx (ill lllL‘ cdgc til. lllt‘ Barcnt SCH. Atlltl Jcnxcn doCx not xlitl'k l't'tittt \liti“ ittg thc titottoton} ol‘ thix xinall .\'or\icgiaii to“ n. .-\x

a lilm. (‘rml .-lm/ ( Tart could do \\ itli a litllc morc iiarratii c tll'l\ c. But ax a xocial portrait ll ix iiiipcccablc. and it ltax ilx U“ I] ptilcnl and rathcr xtoic l}‘l’lCl\lll. liiliiihouxc. lidiiiburgh.

The Day I Became A Woman it‘i t.\lar/ich .\lcxlikini. lran. Zilllth ()4 minx. ()nc ol' thoxc xinall lilmx \ihich takcx on thc big ixxucx. thix Iranian lil(i\ ic prcxcntx an intimatc thrcc-part portrait ol‘ dillcrcnt \x'omcn. .\'inc-}car-old lla\ \a ix introduccd to thc dark xidc ol lxlamic la“; iiiarricd \Hillldll :\llti(i ix indulging in a \ioiiicn-onl} bikc ridc \\ hcn hcr huxband xhou x up: and an old lad} gocx on a maxx xhopping xprcc. (il’l‘. (ilaxgoix; l‘ilmhouxc. lidinburgh. The Days Between t ISi t.\laria Spcllt. (icrman). Zillil i Sabiiic 'l‘imotco. llirold .\lano. Florian .\lullci'-\lohrungcn. ttx iiiiiix. l'iinn). mm ing drama in \xhich a dii‘cctionlcxx 23-}t‘;iivtiltl (icrinan \ioman incch and lallx in l(i\ c \\ ith a \ ixiting Japancxc xtudcnt. \\ ho barcl} xpcaltx a mud ot hcr languagc. (il’l‘. (ilaxgtm; l‘ilinhouxc. lidinburgh.

Dear Diaryt lSi O... t.\‘anni Mort-iii. Ital}; 1004) Nanni .\lorctti. chato ('arpcnticri. Itlti iiiiiix. .»\n intimatc journal. capturcd \\ ith both narratii c and tccliiiical lrccdom. .\lorctti‘x (‘aniicx aix ard-ix inncr xccx him /ip around Romc on hix \‘cxpa.

\ ixit thc .-\coliaii ixland hottic of a l'ricnd. and conic tip againxt thc doctorx \\ ho arc hai ing problciiix diagnoxing hix poxxibl} malignant illncxx. What ma) xccni looxc and unordcrcd ix acttiall} \cr) carcl'ull) xtructurcd. \xith a lL‘\ cl ol intimac} rarcl} achicx cd in thc cincina. (il‘T. (ilaxgoii; ('amco. lidinbtirgh.

The Deep End l ISi 0.0. tscon

.\lc( ichcc and l)a\ id Sit'gcl. 18. Still] i 'l‘ilda S“ inton. (ioran Vixniic. Jonathan 'l‘uckcr. ‘l‘l iiiiiix. .v\xxurcd adaptation ol' lili/abcth Satixa} llolding‘x 10-17 crinic noch abotit a mothcr tSix intoni attcinpting to conccal tlic murdcr ol' lict' child'x l(i\\ lilc lti\ cr. llci‘ actionx arc complicach b_\ a lilacktiiailcr

a trip to London

1st Prize

and two tickets to the movie.

5x 2nd Prize

To enter, just tell us:

Elysian Fields?

Friday 8 March.

Terms & Conditions:

responSIbility of the winner

The Early Spring Edinburgh International Film Festival Tour and The List want to give you the chance to experience this new event in style. For more information on the festival, check out the News section on page 4.

I A trip for two to the London screening of The Man From Elysian Fields. starring Andy Garcia and Mick Jagger. at the Curzon Soho on Friday 15 March. Prize includes an EasyJet flight to London Gatwick. a room at a top Soho hotel

I A pair of tickets to every Early Spring movie screened at the Edinburgh Filmhouse or Glasgow Film Theatre.

Which famous rocker joins the cast in The Man From

Answers on an email to ‘Early Spring’ to or on a postcard to The List, 14 t°"'u'°lr High St. Edinburgh, EH1 1TE. Deadline for entries is “mac?”

The prize draw is open to UK reSIdents aged 18 years and over, Both travellers must have a valid passport The Winner must be able to travei On the dates booked. it they are unable. another WHTHOT wrll be chosen, In the unlikely event that the trip to London becomes unavailable, a holiday of equivalent 0r higher value Will be supplied, No cash

alternative is available in lieu of the holiday Translers

to and from the airport and around London are the

Li Ni ii iiio EDINBU' mamm-


26 THE LIST 7% l <:t; '13. Ma’ QUIT/2

South Florida suburban teens plot murder in Larry Clark's Bully

(Vixniici \\ ho thrcatcnx to c\poxc tlic crimc and thc roiiianlic all'air thtix ruining lhc lcctiagcr ichangcd l'rotii lhc book'x datightci‘ to a ga} xon. \xhich cll'cctixcl} tipdatcx tlic di‘aiiiai. ’l'hc traditional “Cli ot intriguc ix rcplaccd b) thc cmphaxix on hiding a crinic \\ ithiii thc conl'incx ol' domcxticit}. a brilliant mox c on .\lc( ichcc and Stcgcl'x part. and onc \xliich \llti\\x grcat lidclil} to llolding’x much undcrxalucd \iiiting. ()dcon. (ilaxgou. Delicatessen l 15 l 0.0.. t.lcaii~i’icrrt-

.lcunct/.\larc (’aro. l‘rancc. l‘l‘H i Doiiiiiittiuc

l’inon. .\laricrl.aurc Dougiiac. .lcan-('laudc l)rc_\ l'tix. 0‘) iiiiiix. lit a xcpia \iaxtcland xtilliL‘\\liL‘l'L‘ in tlic luttirc. a lititchcr lccdx hix ncighliourx \xitli thc itiic} iointx ol hix lodgcrx. But \ihcn loriiicr clown l,tilll\till tl’inoni arrncx and lallx loi‘ hix daughtcr. an tiiidcrground \cgctat'ian rcxixtancc group L‘tittlL‘ to thc I'L‘xctlc. lltlat'tiittx blcnd til Iii/at'rc charactcrx. xlapxtick and comic tcnxion iiiakcx loi‘ thc lirxt lruc cult itctn ol thc ")llx. 'l‘lic l.ttiiiici‘c. ladinliurgh. Dinosaur t l’( iI ... llaric l,cigliton. Ralph lotidag. lb. Illllllt \iiiccx ol': l).l§. Succnc). Julianna .\largulicx. .loan l’louright. NI iiiinx. 'l‘hix latcxt computcr animatcd Ullt‘l'lli}: troni l)ixnc_\ liilltm x thc

iotiriic} ol' x\ladar thc lguanadon ax hc llccx

ttL‘t'tixx lllt‘ lltt‘lciit'-t'.'t\ txllt'd \‘iaxlt‘laltd til prchixtoric liarth alonc al'tcr licing xcparatcd lroin hix lillllll}. lnitiall}. thc c\citcmcnt ix contagiotix‘. thc (’( il xccncx arc xo rcalixtic il'x not that hard to liclici c \\ Ital _\ott arc \xalching could hc rcal. 'l'hcn tiagcd} xtrikcx; tlic lcmtirx lilll\. .v\nd lallx. \ct ax thc prcdictablc and. ultiinatcl}. boring xlot‘} linc ol' Illiiuumr iiiiloldx. that \\ inning I)ixnc_\ lorniula ix guarantccd to kccp an} dinoxaur cra/_\ l'our )cai‘ old pinncd to hix or lici' xcat \\ itliotit xcaring tlictn too much. Sclcctcd l'L‘lL‘dxC.

Disco Pigs t ISi O lKll'le‘ll Slicridan. lrclaiid. liltil i (’illian \lurpli}. lilainc (‘axxid_\. ‘l-l iiiiiix. llai ing alt'cad} liccn an lidiiiburgh l‘ringc hit. pIa} \\ right linda \\'alxh adaptx hix oun uork about an inxcparablc patrol troublcxoiiic tccnagcrx. Pig and Runl. lor thc liig xcrccn. 'l‘hc tratixpoxitioii. hoiicwr. ix not a xticccxxltil onc. \Valxh'x xcrccnpla} rcmainx too thcatrical. u Iiilc Slicridan'x lit-.i\_\ handcd dit‘cction allou x procccdingx to licconic rixibl_\ iiiclodi‘aiiiatic. \ltii'ph). \\llti plaicd Pig in tlic original production. giicx a pcrlorniancc \\ hicli bclongx on thc xtagc ('axxid} 'x Runt ix thc onc thing \\lil\‘ll inipi'cxxcx. 'l‘hc l.uiiiicrc. lzdinbtirgh. Dolphins It'i tjtiuoi, 't'ht- pi'iitltk‘ci'x oi [hp iiioxt xticccxxlul l.\l.v\.\ nio\ ic c\ct'. l.\( rt-xl. lakc tix undci'xca iiilo thc aquatic hoiiic ol tltillilillix. \Vith narration b) l’icrcc liroxnati and miixic Ii} Sting. l.\l.v\.\ 'l‘hcatrc. (iltixgtiu.

Don’t Say A Word l Hi 0. I( Eat} l'lcdcr. l‘S. Itlllli \licliacl liouglax. Scan licaii. Brittan} .\lui‘pli_\. lliinmx. .\ lrctiticntl) ludicroux. routinc lliilliiuiotl lhi‘illcr iii \\ liich l)oitglax pla} x a px_\cliiatt'ixt “llti liax lcxx than 34 hourx to rclric\ c a xi\ ligtirc iiiiiiilici' lroiii a xcciiiingl} catatonic paticnt i.\ltit'ph} i or a bunch ol rutlilcxx kidnappct'x tlcd b) llcani \\ ill intiidci hix dauglitcr. 'l'hc main prolilciii \\ itli (iai) 'Iltllicw In No /II Ili'uit'r li'ln'n )iiu‘lt' llt'tztl'

l‘lcdcr'x liliii ix that it hungch itx chiiia\. \thn it‘x o\ci‘ thcrc'x a prolound xcnxc ol ‘\\'ax that it ." ( icitcral rclcaxc.

Dr Dolittle il’( il . ilictt} 'I’honiax. lb. 10th liddic Morph}. ()xxic l).i\ icx. ()lncr Matt. 55 ininx. .\ turkc) \\lllt lx’c\ llarrixon iii itx original loriii. and xtill prctt} dirc thix timc round. 'l‘hix \\ ild lannl} adicnlurc ol'l'crx crtidc bottom humour tor tlic li’ti/u' audicncc. but lhc talking aninialx gimmick liatllcx \\ ith chccx} nioralit} and nothing coiiicx togcthcr. l'( i(‘ l’arldicad. (ilaxgoix.

1 l5) tl’t‘llt‘l' \.tt‘xx. \iit'\\;t}. :(lllll l’cr('|irixtian lillclxcn. Swn \ordiii. \larit l’ia .lacobxcn, b‘l iiiinx. I/n (ll/(l ( 'ou/ilt' lttc't‘lx ()Ht /'/¢‘ti ()‘.( I' //!r (‘1!(AI’(“\_\(\/lll thix conicd} ultich \xax a hugc bo\ otlicc hit in itx hoiiic countr}. l’art ol laarl} Spring. (il’l'. (ilaxgo\\; l‘lllillitillxt‘. lzdinburgli. The Emperor’s New Groove i t ‘. ... l\lat'k lltndal. lb". Illlll l).i\id Spadc. .lohn (ioodnian. lidl'llld Kilt, "b iiiinx. l'.nipcror Kit/co ix monarch ot an unxpccilicd South .'\lllt‘l'lc‘;tli land \iho ix turiicd into a llama li_\ Iiix xclicniing axxixlant Y/nia txoiccd iiioxt appropriatcl) b} Kitti during a botchcd axxaxxination attciiipt. 'l'hc llama ciiipcror gocx on tlic run and ix lit‘ll‘lt‘lltlc‘tl li} gtititl \\ lllt‘tl ltcl'tlc'l l’dt‘lta

t( ioodiiiani. \\llt\ liclpx rctuin Iiix tour lcggcd i‘ulcr to hix throiic. ‘l'hcrc arc thc occaxioual c|c\ci poxlniodciii touchcx lx'u/co xtopping thc tiliii rccl to talk to thc audicncc but iiioxll_\ thtx ix pi'inic old xcliool l)ixiic) xtull, ll Iackx llic aninialcd landxcapc inno\atioiix ol Imam. iioi docx it cnio} thc charactcr dc\clopnicnt ot tact/'tl'ln. \ihich ix \xh}. ultiiiiatcl}. itx ll‘.l\xlll}' cdgc. (‘incitorld l'alkirk,

Enigma t lfii .000 txticliat-I \I‘lt‘tl. l'lx'. Itltil i l)ougr.i_\ Scott. Katc \\ tnxlct. Sall'ron Burro“ x. ll" niiiix. 'I'oni .lcricho lSCUll i. it t‘l'dt‘lx SCL'Ulltl “wild “at codchrcalxcr. ix calch back troni picniaturc rctirciiicnl to lircai. thc \.i/ix' nc\i ciphci. ()ii hix i‘ctui‘n. hc dixco\crx that (‘Iaiic iliurrtmxi. tlic \Hillldlt \xlio lirolxc hix hcait. liax gonc niixxing and. \\ ith thc aid ot licr houxciiiatc i\\ inxlct i. licginx to dixcmci that xlic \\ax not ciitit‘cl) \\li.ll xlic xccnicd. .'\Pl\'\l.\ xt'l‘t‘t‘li ;ttl;t]il;tltiilt til l\)Ul‘Cll llarrix‘ licxt xclling no\cl ix. rai‘c|_\ cnough. liotli l't‘l;lll\c‘l_\ laithltil and rathcr good. thouin xcripturitcr 'l'oni Stoppard incicaxcx thc |o\ c intci‘cxt and liddlcx thc plot a littlc. but thc niixttirc ol c}lllc‘l\lll and lici‘oixiii that cliaractcrixcd llariix'x cliaractci‘x ix undilutcd in tlic llllll ()dcoii. ltdiiihui‘gh.

Extreme l l i tjllill l. l\l \.\ picxcntation. l\l.'\.\ 'l'ltt‘dll't'. (il.le_'ii\\.

The Field t l_‘i ... l.lllll Sliciidan. ltclaiid. l‘lUlli Richard liaiiix. .lohn lluit. loin lict'cngct'. lircnda l‘i'ickci. I lit llllltx. liaxcd on .loliii li, lx'caiiox xlagc pla_\. Slicridan'x tollon up to thc iniiiicnxcl} xticccxxlul Hi It I! loot ix a itiial tiagcdx xt-t in 1‘) “l. llaitix xtaix .ix lhc litill. an liixli tarnicr in coiiipctition \\|ll1 an \inciican toi lllC I‘lllx'lltht‘ Ul lllk' llk'ltl llt‘.\ \\til'l\\‘tl li‘l )carx, .\x thcii xtrtigglc intciixiltcx. xii

\ iolcncc and ic\cl.itioiix aic uiilcaxlicd \iliich di‘au hiiii iiit'\iii.ilili to an .i\\ lul tatc. l‘hc l tiiiiicic. ldinliuigh