Edinburgh life

Edinburgh life continued

Book events

Big Word Performance Poetry (iilded Saloon. 233 (litigate. 226 (i550. 9pm. £4 (£31. Furious poetry cabaret starring Scotland's reigning Slain champion 'l‘im 'I'urnbull. incessant rambler Donna Campbell. Keith Morton and Lochend bard Raul ls'ayyalsky.


International Women’s Day Conference 2002 lidinbtirgh (‘ity Chambers. High Street. 34611077. l).15am~~4..‘~()pm. £5 £45. Based on the theme ol ‘\\'omen :\s :\ l'lorcc For Social ('hange‘. this conference organised by linact C\p1ol‘es the issues which women lace iii their personal. professional. political and community actiy‘ities.


Scotland’s Patron Saint Netherboyy :\t'ts ('entre. 43 45 High Street. 55b ()57‘). 2-«3pm. l‘ree. Donald Smith asks the ducstion. ‘yy'ho should be Scotland’s patron saint." See pt‘ey'ieu.

Scotland’s Most Ancient Garden Royal Botanic (iarden. lny'erleith House. 552 7171. 3pm. Free. Diane lidyy'ards explores lil‘e iii Scotland 400 million years ago.

David Skinner Memorial Lecture lidinburgh (‘ollege of Art. Laurislon Place. 221 (soot). 7pm. Free. This year's Day-id Skinner Lecture \s'hich commemorates the outstanding contribution made to landscape architecture in Scotland by the late Protessor Day‘id Skinner. l‘eatures l-‘rench landscape architect Michel Desi-igne \y'hose yyork includes ptiblic parks. city squares and courtyard gardens. Design And Museums Royal Museum. 2 (‘hambers Street. 247 421‘). (i.3l)pni. £3 t£2i.:\1icc Rays-thorn discusses the importance of design.

Friday 8

Book events

International Women’s Day ('haplaincy ('entre. Bristo Square. M2 8882. 7.30pm. £4 (£2.50). ('clcbi‘alcd \\l'1lL‘l'S.’\ll Smith and Kathleen Jamie join a host of writers to mark International Women's Day. The exciting it ill also feature music from \Vendy' Weathci'by. pltis a bookstall and bar.


Scottish Canals Harry Miller Hall. Kirk ()' 15ic1d('hurch. 7.3(1pin. 7(1pt35pi. An illtisti‘ated talk giyen by Stanley lainiesoii.

Other events

National Science Week Dynamic liat‘tll. Holyrood Road. .550 780i). £tbc. A week ol‘ science—related actiy'ities. Voices And Faces The Hub. (‘astlchilL Royal Mile. 473 2001). 7 9pm. (’ottrse lee £50 t£4l)i. .-\d\'ance booking required. Acclaimed Scottish play“ right 'l’om .\lc(irath explores the opportunities created by Digital Video.

The Life And Time Of Inspector Rebus

Meet Old Ouad. UlllVOlfSll‘,’ Ol Edinburgh. so? 646/1. Wed, Fri 8. Sat 2.30-4.30pm. $16193 ~S‘T/oi. Follow in the footsteps of Ian Rankin's tamed detective on this walking tetir around St Leonard's police stations. Salisbury Crags and his fictional home in Marehmont. Museum Of Childhood 42 High Street. 6’29 41/52.

Mon- Sat 10am fipm. collection

94 THE LIST QB l M) 1.2 Mai POT)?

Free. Founded in 195:3. the museum has live puhlit: galleries ‘.'.’|ll1 all manner of artelaets relating to childhood llllOthll the ages. Museum Of Flight

l‘ast l ortune Airfield. Haddington. 01620 8801308. Daily

10.30am DMD. 5‘3 iS‘1.f>(): children lreei. Based on the launch site of the Hit-1 Airship. the museum is home to Scotland‘s national {iVIEllIOll

Rays of light

What iS it? it looks like a little piece of heaven Visible from earth. btit these beatilic happenings are acttially called auroras. caused \y hen the Sun erupts and sends streams o1 particles toyyards earth.

How often does that happen? l-‘reqttently'. btit these particles must then be trapped by the liarth's magnetic lield and this causes the gloyy iii the atmosphere. Our high latitudinal position in Scotland means we have a greater chance of \y itncssing these strange natural phenomena. Fascinating stuff. Tell me more. lixplanations o1. astt‘o-phy sics are best tell to the experts. and it just so happens that yye haye one here in tidinbttrgh. Based at the city’s Royal ()bset'yatory. [an Shellield

has a personal interest in the Aurora and its el'l‘ccts on radio commttnieatioti. aitd \y ill gi\e a lecture describing the aurora. its el'l'ects on earth and tips on hoyy best to obsci‘ye it. Pltis. it might just be the closest some of its c\cr get to seeing yy hat heaycn looks like.

I Magnet/r: Lights A Gt/ide To The Aurora. Roy/a/ Observatory 1/isifoi (Se/1.5a}. B/ackford Hill. (568 840:3. Tue I2 Mar. 7.30pm. Free.

Book events

Breton Tales Setherboyy .-\t‘l\ ('entre. 43 45 High Street. 55o 057‘). 2.30pm. £5 (£3.50). Renoyyned storyteller Marie ('hillinine shares stories for all ages l‘rom Brittany.


Hearts v Dundee United 'I‘ynecastle Stadium. (iorgic Road. 201172111. 3pm. £12 £14 t£o £7i. S1’1.l‘ootball match. Livingston v Hibernian \Vest 1.othian ('oui'icr Stadium. Alderstone Road. l.i\ingston. ()15l1o 41711110. 3pm. £19 (£101. SPI. lootball match.


Spring Lectures 2002 Royal Botanic (iarden. lnycrleith House. 01202 44324o. 2pm. £12 t£51.'l‘he(iarden History Society In Scotland present their annual public lectures. Sir Roy Strong is ill giye a talk on "the Portrait :\nd the (iarden‘ and Dr James Holloyyay discusses 'Strangers In Paradise: The 1‘it'st Tourists In Scotland‘.

Other events

Scottish Motorcycle Show Royal Highland (‘entrc. Ingliston. 335(i2t1(1. ‘lain 5pm. £12 (£6: accompanied under 15s l'reei. .\1otorcy clc c\hibilion \yith family entertainment including stunt riders. live bands. and \ intage classic display s. Mad March: Campaigning For Change Dalry Primary School. 4 ('athcart Place. 225 7592. 9am 3pm. linact iny'itc \yoinen from all oy er Scotland tojoin in yyorkshops in drumming. banner making and singing. belorc a match at noon trom .\lot'l‘is()n Sti'ccl car park to Dalry School. .-\n alternoon ba/aar in the school \\ ill leittlll'c stalls. displays and pcrl'ormances.

A Day With Davros 'I'hc ('laremont Bar. 33 135 Iiast ('laremont Street. not 8023. .\'oon 5pm. £17. The tidinbtirgh Doctor Who group giye tans the chance to meet actor 'I‘ei‘ry .‘yliilloy better kttoys n as Day i'os. creator ol the Daleks. Phone or email lidinburghm 1)\\'.-\S.l)r\\‘ho.org l'or tickets.

Newhaven Heritage Museum

Net-.tliatxen llarhoui'. {>551 H.165). Daily noon 1' ree. Memorabilia and i't:-(:onsti‘ti(:tt‘:(l scenes tell


CD 8- Record Fair Assembly Rooms. .54 (icot‘ge Street. (11500 4411.546. .\ \\ ide selection o1.('l)s. cassettes and \ illyl to broysse. btiy or c\change.

National Science Week Dynamic litll'lll. Holyrood Road. 5.51) "8111). £lbc. Sec Fri 8.

Voices And Faces ’l‘lie ltub.(‘asi1e1iill. Royal Mile. 473 2(1()(). lllain 5pm. (iotn'sc lee £5” l£4il1. Sec PM 8


Edinburgh Rocks v Leicester .\lcadoyy batik Sports (‘enlie 13‘) l.ondon Road. (iol 5351.5pm. [—l£51.lilil. (‘haiiipionship basketball match.

Other events

National Science Week Dynamic l'.;tl'lll. Holyrood Road. 5511281111. £11K. Sec liri 8.

Scottish Motorcycle Show Royal Highland ('cnti'e. liigliston. 335 (i201).

0am 5pm. £12 i£o1 accompanied under 15s l'reci. Scc Sat 1).

Voices And Faces the Hub. (‘asilchilt Royal Mile. 473 2l)l1o. loam 5pm. ('ourse l'ec [50192401. See ill 8.


Censoring Sexual Material: An Ethical Debate Dynamic liarth. Holyrood Road. 34o (1‘)". 7pm. .4\ public debate oil the ethics ot' pornography and its direct and indirect Iiiiks to \ iolence against \yomen and children.

Other events

National Science Week Dynamic l'iitt'lll. llolyl‘ootl Road. 5.51) “SUD. £11K. See Hi 8.

Tuesday 1 2

Other events

Magnetic Lights - A Guide To The Aurora Royal ()bsct‘yatoi‘y Visitor (’cnti‘e. Blackloi'd Hill. («is 84115. 2.3llpm. l‘ree. See photo caption.

National Science Week Dynamic liai'th. Holyrood Road. 55117801). £lbc. Sec Hi 8.

Wednesday 1 3

Book events

Sue Macgregor \y'aterstone‘s. 123 Princes Street. 220 2(ioo. opin. Free. Radio 4‘s popular presenter details hei' lite and career \\ ith her autobiographical ysoi'k, Hit/nun (NH/inlay.


Literacies In The Community Open Door. 421) \lorningsidc Road. 447 0757. l1).5();tl11. [1. Literacy issues discussed by (‘ommttnity liducalion \sorker \‘ickie Hobson.

Other events

National Science Week Dynamic liai'th. Holyrood Road. 5511 78(10. £tbc. Sec PM 3.

‘The Elsies’ Hidden Heroine Awards St Bride‘s (‘entie to ()t'\\ e11 'l‘ei'i'ace. 34o 1405. 7pm. £3. \amed alter the pioneer ol the Scottish \Vomen‘s Hospitals. lilsic lnglis. these ayyat'ds. hosted by 1ilaitie(' Smith celebrate yyomen's uniquecontributions to l‘amily. community and the yy ider yyorld. Talent Match 2002 the Point Hotel ('olllet’ellee ('enli'e. .54 Bread Street. 221 5555. 1 0pm. l'rce. .\ \ ibrant match- making c\ent bringing together graduates li'om disciplines such as sales. ['1’ atid production. ysith like-minded. innoyatiye companies.

Thursday 14

Book events

Travel Writing Evening \Vzttei'stiiiies. l3 l4 Princes Street. 556 31134. o.3()pm. l'rce. l.ocal tray cl \y'riters (iay in Bell and Peter ls'err talk about their tray e1 c\pcrienccs to coincide \y ith \Vorld Hook l)tl_\.


Centring On The Peripheries t'niyersity o1 tidinbtirgh. (i511 4022. :\n international sy nipositiin c\plot'ing the question o1 marginality in literature lrom the Nordic countries attd Britain. l‘or more inlormatioii. call or email: bthoinscnlu slitllltldl1.etl.ile.tll\


John Knox .‘s’etliei'boyy Arts (‘enti'e. 43 45 High Street. 55o 057‘). 2 3pm. liree. Donald Smith inyestigatcs this lamotis lidinburgh character.

Social Inclusion And The Natural Heritage Quaker Meeting House. 7 Victoria 'l‘ei'race. 557 (i238. 7.3llpin. £2. Scottish Natural Heritage's i'tiial economist Pat Snoyydon considers the links betyyccn social inclusion aitd eny ironinental agendas.

World Book Day Dynamic liat'th. llolyl'ootl Road. 5.51) 7801). £7.‘)51£4.5l)1. .-\ day o1 story telling and actiy itics to mark World Book Day.

National Science Week Dynamic liat‘th. Holyrood Road. 55() 78111). £tbc. See l'il'l S.

the story of Net. razen S‘t‘:.:’>() east,- Y51‘1‘él.".‘.ll‘y 312(E"1{tl1()"£‘:l <:o ie<:t:o"s and its sea doing; l‘t:tittioe. t'ttket E"i3.:‘>t’). Starting; 'ftt- o‘ "attiiai lisfo'y. palace 0f at; a 13:". (toi‘ttiij, {tl>l)t?‘.. gttsolooy. science. Hoiyroodhouse the titlié‘tttt} 'ias t3‘.()>‘*.(?(1 ft’EtT’l'tOithl‘. anti tl‘e

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