
Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Glasgow club listings compiled by Gillian McCormack.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Brel at Brcl. 9pm midnight. l-‘rcc. ZS' .\lar. Fortnightly DJ l-‘rank .\lurphx gctx tliosc t‘cct stomping plax ing thc host in soul. Rtka .\lotoxxn. l.atin and rcggac. I Hot Latino Nights at .\loda.

Spin lam. l‘it‘cc. \Vcckl}. :\ liuxion ol‘ l.atin and (‘uhan sounds cotrt'tcx} ol‘ l).l\ Sala/ar & Andreas.

I Jengaheads at Air ()rganic.

9pm midnight. lircc. \Vccklx. .\lart_xn Jcngahcad takcx its on a tnagical m_x xtcrx tour of house music plax itig rnclloxx hcatx and deep housc.

I Mark Robb at .\loloco (\cht lindi. 9pm midnight. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl). l).l .\lark Rohh starts thc xx cckcnd car'lx xx ith \otttc scrioux rctro t'unk.

I Nico’s at .\'ico’x. llpm midnight. l'rcc. Weekly Smcll thc chccxc'.’ 'l‘lic tincxt cdam sclcction for \cxcrcl} tip for it 'l‘hursdax night rcxcllcrx.

I Phatboy’s Kitchen at .\lc('huill'\ Way Out West. Spin midnight. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl)‘. Hip hop. hrcakx and heats cotit'tcsx of tlic \Vax .\lonkcx.

I Phonic at .\loxkito. 0pm midnight. Free. \Vccklx'. Qualitx dccp liouxc xx ith Phonic l).l\ Stcxcn Rcillx and (iordon Logan.

I Sample & Hold at Bar Soha.

Spin midnight. lircc. \Vccklx. l.ix c hip hop. rcplctc xx ith gucxt xocalixtx. \L‘l'illL'll} husincxx and pcrcuxxion.

I Spy at Sp_x. 0pm midnight. l’rcc. \Vccklx. Simon (‘ordincr tlt'tl\\l dth hix thang and dclixcrx \omc qualitx llt)ll\L‘ and funk} grooxcx.

I Tilt at Bar 10. 7pm latc. l’i‘cc. \VL‘L‘lx'l}; ‘l‘llL‘ 'l‘lll L‘I'C“ \ltll‘l thc xx L‘L‘kcttxl carl_x with an cxcning ol' liuro trancc.

I Virunga at Hrcl. llpm midnight. l‘i'c‘c‘. 3| .\lar. I’ortnightl). l).l ’l‘chico ,xcrx'cx up the hcxt in ghctto gt‘ooxc\ and (‘arrihhcan hcatx.


I Audio Intercourse at :\la\ka. .\lonthl_x. Next date I l :\pt'.

I Bennet’s at Bcnnct‘x. l lpiii 3am. £3 (£3). \Vccklx. Shaxx n takcx to thc helm at Illl\ prcmicrc gax night xx ith hix inimitahlc \L‘lCL‘lion til. L‘UllllllL‘l'L'lill dancc. xx hilc Annic xupplicx 7(l\ and Stlx hits.

I Chalk ’n’ Cheese at the ’I'irrrrrcl.

l Ipm .‘xam. £4 (£3 i; l'rcc xx ith a Snapl'ax before midnight. \Vccklx. 'l‘unncl regulars ch in Mcl'iarlanc and Scott \lacka). plus Stcphcn l.cc in room txxo. spin hoth and occasional commcrcial tracks.

I End Of The Month Club at lfitli Note ('alc (King Strcct l.

8.30pm midnight. £3. 2t).\1ar. \lontltl}. Do your hit to help the ch \otc xcnucx h) indulging in this \csxion ol~ Iix c and prc-t‘ccordcd music. llcld ltrnnilx cnough on the last 'l’hurxdax ol' cxcrx month.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgoxx School or .'\rt. llpm 3am. £3 tL'Zi. \Vcckl}. l)ctna and Mr .\'icc \ct‘atchin it tip hig \tx lcc. 'I'lrt'x formic/ll. '.-l-l.ixl'r‘irrr/ liii/ilr'i‘x gr'l [I “Ht/(HIT prt‘r'r' rill trig/II Ill/IQ.

I Groove Theory at liar Soha. llptn 3am. £5. \‘x'cckly Boogie on doxxn to this ncxx night l'caturing l).l\ Stcxx art .\lc(’allum. l).l \accm and l).\l(} fora night ol'RtU’i and Sotil.

I Homework at Vault. l lpm .‘xam. £5 (U l. \Vccklx. 'l'hc hascmcnt cluh itllttx for thc \tudcnt croxx d xx'ithout pandcring to the usual formulaic pap. The} call it tucked-up pop. xx liich mcanx prctty much an} thing from tcchno and clcctro to unaxhamcd pop classics. Ian and Stcx'ic man thc hox.

I LiveVEvil at ('luh Budda.

ltlpm .‘xain. £4. ZS .\lar. Monthly .r\l'tcr a \ucccxxl‘ul IS month \tint at the (iS;\. l’aul RCWI tltttl CU I'L‘ltlx‘illt‘ thcir \ttt'L‘-llt'L‘ drum (k haxx night to Budda. .\torph_x unlcaxhcx a lixc \ct. xx liilc t‘clloxx rcxidcntx Paul Rch Adam. (icco and Simon dclixcr thc hadaax jungle.

I Off The Hook at the l3tli \otc (‘luh ltlpm 3am. £3 it'll. \Vccklx. 'l‘hc ()‘l'll gang plax clcctro. Stk pop. ahxtract machinc-lmwd xoundx and drum in \otnc random hip hop and hoot) haxx hcatx for good mcaxurc.

I Skint at thc ('atliouxc. l lpm 3am. £4 t£3 i. \Vccklx. 'l'ough chcmical hrcakx and hcatx. rock and indic tor a \tudcnt} croxxd.

I Specific at :\l;t\k;l. l lpm Barn. [3. ZS Mar. Monthlx. (iucxt l).l\ and lixc cxpcrimcntal clcctronic lllllSlL‘ at thix magical musical mccting ground.

I Soul Shaker at .\l;t\. llpm 3am. £4 (£3 l. \VL‘L‘l'xl}. :\ l11l\L‘tl hug ttl~ L‘lL‘L‘ll'tt. tcchno. houxc and funk cotti‘tcxx ol‘ .lohn .\titchcll and .lunkxar'd l)og tShakc 'I‘hc l)l\c‘;t\t‘l.

I Trash at lt'uxll. ltlfitlpm 3am. U it) I. \Vccklx Studcnt l‘axcx xx ith a funk} lltt‘lllt‘.

I 1210 at Haha/a. Spin 3am. l'rcc hct'orc llpm; £4 tbil. \\'cckl_x. lan 'lhomxon and \ancc hattlc it out on thc tlx‘t'k\ L‘aclt xx L‘L‘k. prox itlttlg lllL' L'I‘tixxtl

xx ith hugc xocal houxc and garagc ttlllllt‘lth.

I Twice Ass Nice at lltc \‘clxct Rooinx. llpm Rant. [4 tl‘rcc xx ith \tudcnt ll)t. \Vccklx. l'pxtaii‘x. rotational t'cxidcntx takc it in turn\ to prox idc thc commcr'cial Rkll and hip hop xclcctionx. l)oxx nxtairx. .lamc\ l)oc .lnr plax \ lhi/a anthcmx all night long.

Chart & Party

I Madhouse at Shack. ltlfitlpm Sam. [4 it: l. \Vccklx. Sttidcnt anthcmx

prox idcd h} 1)] (‘.l.

I Loveshack at l‘ur} .\lurr_x 'x.

llpm 3am. Lil it: i. \Vccklx. Jim and Phil xx ith a hlcnd ol' cotnmcrcial claxxicx

x intagc indic and a touch of dixco.

I Rumble at thc (iaragc. llpm .iam. [-1 it: l. \VL‘L‘kl). 'l'hc lxltl\ gt) tlttttl l'tll' llll\ xtudcnt night. ma_xhc it's hccauw il‘ thc_x liaxciit tnanagcd to pull it\ onlx hccauxc tlic} 'xc hccn in an alcohol-induccd coma. (‘hart hitx. indic t'axourilcx and loxx -hroxx houw.

I Shagtag at l’rix ilcgc. llpm Sam. (4 tUi. \Vccklx. lnxanclx \ucccxxl‘ul night haxcd on a complcx numcrical flirting

\_x \tcm; cxcr) onc gctx a numhcr upon criti‘x. thcn. it" \oinconc catchc\ xour c} c. _xou xx ritc thcir numhcr on thc hoard next to xtxtii‘ oxxn. xx ith thc idca hcing that thc_x thcn l‘ll\ll tip to _xou and gct hi/-a_x. .\luxic— xx ixc. it‘x commcrcial houxc and trancc from Sc\_x Stcx c and Kink} Kcnnx.

I Skint at the ('athouxc. l lprn .‘xam. L'J tL'Z l. \Vccklx. l’unk. punk and partx pap xx ith plcntx of drinks promox.

I Wired at l)cxtin_x. ltlpm 3am. £2 hcl‘orc l Ipm; Li al'tcr. \Vcckl). ('axual night at thc xx rought-iron cxhihition-cum- cluh xx ith a dancicr muxic policx. 'l‘hix is the onlx titnc xx hcn dcnim and traincrx arc acccplahlc appat'cl licrc.

Glasgow Fridays


I Ad-Lib at .'\d l.ih. 5 Spin. l'rcc. \Vt‘t‘kl). Rttlttllttllttl l).l\ prox ltlt‘ lllt‘ pcrl‘cct soundtrack to xx ind doxx n to thc xx cckcnd iuxt ax thc har stall \crxc tip thc right cocktailx to takc thc cdgc oll lhc

xx cck.

I Bar Ce Lona at Bar (‘c Lona.

0pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckly (icot’f' .‘xlontl'ord with a uniquc hlcnd of house and dixco groox’cs.

I Budda at Bar Budda. Spm midnight. lircc. \\'cckl_x. (‘hrix llarris xpinning grooxc-lcd liouxc to thc trxual part) croxxd. I Cul De Sac at (‘ul l)c Sac.

0pm midnight. lircc. l‘ortnightlx. IS .\lar. ('hrix Bigu/li gctx thc xx cckcnd off‘ to a kick xtart xx'ith morc than a l‘cxx surprise Maria.

I Chi at .\lc(’huill\. Spin midnight. l'ircc. chkly .\ rathcr cool night. hcginning xx ith mclloxx xhaolin hcatx and huilding to t‘unkx littlle‘ and houncx lL'CllllU.

I Critical Mass at .\‘icc ‘ri‘ Sic-ax}. Spin latc. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl). \oi tmidi hiti) and John lllL‘\\ xx ith )Ultt‘ hcad pla} ing an_x thing from duh. punk. indic. rcggac. hip hop. dancc. raxx k. xoul and funk.

I Edward’s at lidxxat‘d‘x.

‘lpm midnight. l'rcc. \Vccklx. Kcilh l’xpcr rcx x up thc croxx d for thc xx cckcnd.

I Friday Street at Blackl't‘iars.

Spin laiit. £3 tL‘Z). 23 Mar. .\lonthl_x. Northern Soul and 'I'ainla Motoxxn at llll\ cxxcntial monthlx mod night.

I Kenny H at .‘xloloco t\\'c\t lindl. 0pm midnight. l'rcc. \Vccklx. l-‘unk'x grooxcx from around the glohc. xx ith just a xtnattcring of soul throxx n in for good

I Moskito at .\lo\kito. 0pm midnight. l'il-L‘L‘. \VK'L‘lxl). SIN lL‘ StllL‘ \lltltllt‘ltlll xxarming xou tip xx ith a xotillttl \clcction ol' garagc and xocal littllw.

I Paddy Power at the \‘arict_x Bar. 0pm midnight. l‘rcc. \‘x'ccklx. 'I‘hc axtotrndinglx cclcctic l).l l’addx poxxcrt'ullx plavxx cxci‘xtliirrg from Brian lino to l'ndcrground chixtancc.

I Papacool ill lllL‘ liRISL‘lllL‘lll liill'.

‘lpm midnight. I'rcc. \Vccklx. 'l'hc tincxt in ia//. soul and funk.

I Paul Cawley at Air ()rganic.

0pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vccklx. (‘axx |c_x 'x \ct‘x c\ a hcat and hrcak-haxcd xclcction. I Phonic at 5-1 Bcloxx. ‘)pm midnight. l'il'L'L‘. \VL'L‘l'xl). l’honic l)J\ Stcxcn RL‘lll) and (iot'don Logan \crxc up \omc qualitx hoth gt'ooxt‘\.

. RUSSCH’S ill thu‘llix.

(rpm midnight. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. DJ Yaxx kickx out thc hcxt Rtklk hip hop and

\\\ inghcat.

I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at Strata. llpm midnight. l'i'cc. \Vcckl). l'ndcrground qualitx liouxc. l.atin x ihcx and choiccxt tll\L‘t) from .'\ndx l'ngcr. Shac-l) and xpccial gucxt l).l\.

I Sound Museum at (‘(‘.I\ har.

0pm midnight. l-‘rcc. \Vccklx. ('lirix ‘hcanx' (iL‘tlthS tllcllc ck Schaxtianl and lluxhpuppx t[)ix incl. (iS.v\l uncoxcr a forgotten xxorld ol~ sound. dclx ing dccpcr and morc carcliillx than man) into loxt rcalmx of will. l.atin. l'unk. dixco and L‘\ttltc;t.

I Straight Ahead at pr Bar.

0pm latc. lircc. \Vcckl}. Dancc floorja/x. nor'tlicrn will and funk spun h_x thc \ttpcrh Straight Ahead crcxx.


I Afterglow at .-\d -l.ih. Monthly .\'c\t datc l2 Apr.

I The Ark at the 'l'unncl.

l(l.3()pttt Rant. [7 tt’ii. \Vcckl}. Scott .\l;ick;i} and Simon l-'o_x kccp thc croxxd

jumping xx ith top-qualitx hard liouxc in

the main room. xxhilc (iar'x ('urlcx moxcx thc croxx d in har txxo xx ith smooth garagc and xocal lltlll\L'.

I Bebado at thc Rixcrxidc (‘luh. Midnight Sam. [7 tf5 in adxancc from Bar Ill and l-‘irchirdi. 3‘) Mar. Monthly World music l'll}llllll\ comhinc xx ith part} hip hop lllllL‘\ at thix riotoux cxcning ol' lixc muxic and l).lx. l.ixc \amha coincx carc ol~ hoth hand ’l‘hc Bchado .'\ll\l;ll'\ plux thcrc'x trihal drum & hasx l'rom lidinhurgh cotnho \Vcird Attractorx. lil';l\lll;l pcrcuxxion from .\lax ('lcmcntx and hosxa hcatx from ('hict dc erxzr.

Heist The legendary Dr Bob .Jones is in the house this month. for a night of the highest quality black music. The Glasgow School of Art. Fri 15 Mar. rPyrotechnics Launch of an all- nexv night where diverse styles unite .1"; to keep you on the dancefloor. Fenetik boss Paul Cawley tpicturedl runs the show while guest action comes care of Grand Central's Aim. See preview tpage 77f and Word Up for details on how to Will goodie bags and free tickets to the night. Alaska. Fri 75 Mai:

:4 Mish Mash They were nominated for a Mercury Music Prize. their album Simple Things has gone gold and Jools Holland and Giles Peterson are among their biggest fans. Now Zero 7 are rolring into Glasgow to join Oscar for a night of SOUl. funk. jazz and Latin. The Arches. Sat 76 Mai:

Melting Pot Get up. stand up and strut your funky stuff at Mel‘ing Pet's first birthday bash. Simon Cordiner and Billy Woods celebrate a year of disco xvith. well. more disco. The Riverside. Sat l6 M. '1

Pressure The T commtinicaiion tour rolls into Glasgow. packing premier league Frenchies and to :al label mates alike. Laurent Garnier. The Youngsters. Michel De HCll. Craig Richards and Agaabassino are the boys with the underground house agenda. See preview. page 80. The Arches. Fri 22 Mai:

Resistance US hardcore techno legend Lenny Dee makes a rare Scottish appearance at this one-oft spectacular. Big Jerirt. Fri 22 Mai;

Juice DJ Splank of Zombie Nation fame brings his flamboyant live show to the Glasgoxx' massive. Expect an evening of hard edged oddball electro from the ntitbag xx'ho crafted ‘Ktnncraft .1002 The Glasgow School of Art. ['1’l 22 ill/far:

Let’s Go Back, Way Back V Test Old skool legends AlternB lOlll iunglist Mickey Finn and residents Bosco and Twrtch for a trip down memory lane while the Test monkeys bring it right up to date in the 'nu skool arena'. The Arches. Sat 23 Mai:

pnlu-‘u-le ._ --,_,.. ~".’

78 THE LIST "-'- 1": 7.1m