Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


l()-l Woodlands Road. 333 0038. Mon Fri l0am 5pm: Sat l0am 13.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition Wed 3 Hi 12 Apr. A selection of paintings b_\ Scottish artists including John Bathgate. J.l). Henderson and Alastair Buchanan. Ni W SHOW.


353 Arg} le Street. 0‘)0| 033 0300. Search l'ntil 'l'hu 38 Mar. Lens-based work b} first )ear students from (ilasgow School of" Art responding to and intestigating the n‘iultitiide of" tunnels. passagew a_\ s and rooms situated tmderneath the Arches.

0 RAW: Real Art Weekend \Ved l0 Sat l3 Apr. As part of (ilasgow Art l-"air. the Arches hosts iiightl} entertain- ment at the RA\\' club featuring \ ideo. lilm. theatre. perl'oriiiance and music with DJ Sidewinder. I)J .\Iillwai'd and the cafe bar l)Js. plus \'Js 'l‘apehead and Addielixe 'l‘\'. screening\ from ('inel‘eel and musi- cal theatre l'i'om (‘.\'t"l‘. ()n the exhibition side of things. Sw itclispace presents ctit- ting-edge audio and \ isual work b} Scottish artists including new works b} Beagles «k Rainsax. ('laudine llart/el and lltigh \Vatt. l.omo photographers w ho

hax e been documenting (ilasgow through the lens of a lomo camera w ill be show ing the results of" their _\ear-loiig snapping and Scale Project is a mix of perfor- mance. \ ideo and installation dex ised tor the cit} ()I.(llil\gt)\\. See preview and llitlist.


1‘) Parnie Street. 553 777‘). Mon Sat iiooii 5pm.

Scape l'ntil 'l‘ue 3 Apr. Landscapes. cit} scapes and seascapes from new and regular exhibitors including Borders landscapes from James MacAula}. ’l'uscan scenes from Ian Scott lilliot. and intimate studies from Moira Kelman. Figurative Works t'niil the 2 Apr. A special selection of tiguratix e works b} \arious artists including Ix nit Morrison and Jtilia Jell‘i‘e}.

Director’s Choice t'niil Tue 3 Apr. (‘eraiiiic sculpture b} April Young. Portfolio liri 5 Mon 3‘) Apr. New paintings bx regular galler) exhibitors including Alan King. Jacqtieline .\larr. Br} an Iixans. 'l'odd (iarnei'. Mar} Batchelor. Judith Bi'idgland and

(‘Iierx lene l)_\er. Nl Sl-lOW. Director’s Choice Hi 5 Mon 2‘) Apr. Sculpture b) Tom Allan. ceramic sculpture b_\ April Young aiid Shirle) Pettigi‘ew and jeweller} bx Julie ll_\slop.


185a Bath Street. 333 3830. Tue Sat l0am 5.30pm.

Blair Millen and Graeme Sharp l'ntil .\Ion l5 Apr. A two~person show of liguratixe paintings.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I34 lil}[ll\\\()t)tl Street. 333 4037.

Mon l‘ri ‘).30ain 5.30pm1Sat

l0am lpm.

Postcards l'ntil Tue 3 Apr. Small paintings b} a range of contenijxirar} tit'llsls.

Not Human l'ntil Tue 3 Apr. Animal sculptures b_\ a selection of artists. The Glasgow Boys Sat 0 Apr Hi 3 Ma}. Paintings b} the (ilasgow lioxs drawn from the collection ol' the lileiniiig»\\'\told liouiidatioii. Nl W

St irrxx. '

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY l0 King Street. 55.3 0733. Mon Sat l0.30am midnight: Sun I llpm. Kaleidoscope 'l‘iie ‘) Apr Sat 8 Jun. Paintings. drawings. prints and other media b_\' artists from liastern litirope.



350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4‘)00.

Sun \Ved l lam (rpm; 'l'hu Sat

llam Spin.

The Tenth Level t'iiiil Sat 30 Mar t('('A 3 ck 3). Rod Dickinson is a London-based artist w ho has been

inxol\ ed in making crop circles lot the last decade. I‘or the (’('A. Dickinson along with actors and collaborators w ill re-enact two historical exents. In The .lUIH’S/UH'II RU-(Vlu‘t‘llllt'lll. Dickinson will recreate aspects of the li\'es and deaths of" the 70s religious group the People’s 'l'emple. llllttltttills for their mass suicide of I078. The Ali/2min Rt’-('IIU(‘IHI('III t'e— enacts one part of Stanle} .\Iilgi'aiii's l‘lbtl electt'o-sltock obedience experiments. LAST CHANCE TO SEE: Art And Re-Enactment Thu 28 Mar. (rpm. £5 (£4) t('(‘A 5). As part til a series ol' lectures relating to the 'Ii'iiI/i [.('l'l’/ exhibition. this discussion explores re-enactinent as a theme within contemporary art practice. Speakers include Jereiu} l)el|er. Jane Pollard and Iain l‘"iii's_\tli. 'I‘om ()‘Sullixan. Joanne 'lkithain and Under Sterling.


3o \Vest (ieot'ge Street. 333 555 l.

.\loii Sat l0am 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm. Mixed Exhibition A selection oi paintings b_\ local artists.

Adam Barsby I'ntil Sun 3| .\Iar. Animated. cartoon-like paintings exploring a range of whimsical subjects b} Adam Barsb}.

All About Eve .\Ioii S 'l'ue 30 Apr. Paintings b} \iirious artists including Jo} Is'irton Smith. Douglas lloltitatitt. Robert I.enkiew ic/. (iitl'_\ llenlield and ('liarles \\'ilniott. Nt-’_‘.".i’ Si-lOi‘J.


l'nixersitx ol' Sti‘athclxde. 33 Richmond Street. 548 3558. .\Ion l‘ri l0am 5pm: Sat noon 4pm.

Terry Setch - A Retrospective l’ntil Sat l3 Apr (closed 3‘) .\Iar l Apr). In a career spanning 40 _\ears. this retrospecti\ e exhibition explores the de\elopment ot"l"err_\ Setch's work through large-scale paintings and drawings to digital iinager}. Much oi Setch‘s work is inspired b} and constructed l't‘ottt seaside delt‘ittls liottttd on a beach on the Sexet‘n Iistiiar} btit more recentl}. Setch has sourced images from the web and email. See rex iew. Re-Used. Fused. Promoted t'iiiil Sat l3 Apr tclosed 3‘) .\Iai' l Apr). Io complement the Setch l‘Cll'tispL‘L‘llVL‘. mixed media ceramics bx (ilasgow- School ol‘Art graduate Kirstin Brown

w hose work also incorporates discarded items.


J73 \Vesl Regent Street. 33] (i370.

.\lon Sat l0ani 5.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition t‘iitil Tue St) Apt’. Sponsored b} Scotwork Negotiating Skills. a selection of paintings. drawings. sculpture. ceramics and jew'eller) bx leading British artists including Jack Knox. Philip Reex es. Philip Braham and Peter llow son.


3] (’hisholm Street. tentrance through salon). 553 7l00. .\lon Sat

10.30am 5.30pm (until 7pm 'l‘htil. Communicative Place t‘iiiil Sat 30 Mar. A collaborathe exhibition and project b_\ three artists A} a lguchi. Matias Ring and Jtilia Schnabel which in\ ites the audience to take an acti\e role in the work.

Clemensen, Docherty and Morland .\lon S Siiii 38 Apr. With the

emphasis on the handmade and home- made. new work by (ilasgow -based artists ('hristine ('leinensen. [leather Docherty and Douglas .\lorland. NEW SHOW.


IS ('astlemilk Arcade. (334 3603. Mon Fri l0am l.30pm x 3.30 5pm.

Willie Owens: Retrospective Hi 3‘) Mar liri l3 Apr. (ilasgow artist Willie ()w ens explores relationships and the sell- in this selection ol‘ paintings. NEW SHOW.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 33‘) l‘)‘)(i. .\Ion 'I‘hu & Sat 10am 5pm: I-‘ri ck Sun I lain 5pm. Patricia Mackinnon-Day t'niil Sun l‘) .\Ia_\‘. l-‘ollow ing her i'esidenc) in (ilasgow during last _\ear. artist Patricia .\Iackinnon-l)a_\ responded to the sensitive and political issue of asylum seekers. and in particular those housed in Sighthill. The resulting installation is concerned with changes in spaces and communities and questions our attitudes towards the relocation of the as_\ luin seekers in (ilasgow.

Sighthill Views - Images Of Asylum Seekers In Glasgow t'iiiil Sun 1‘) Ma). Photographst (iiiilliem Alandi‘} and Anna Kari ol' the Sighthill estate and the asylum seekers who lixe there.

ODavid Mach: Hell Bent t'niil Sun 3‘) Sep. Idle-lint” l)a\ id .\lach. creator oI BI"; [It’ll/x. the three htige steel lleittls on the MS. returns to Scotland with a major show of new and recent works. A space- man made from coat hangers. sculptures constructed eiitirelx l'rom matchsticks and collage works created b} photographs donated b} the people ol‘ (ilasgow are jttst some of the weird and wonderful exhibits on show. l’rom 3 I4 Apr. .\lach and his team w ill be constructing a sculpture made from 50 tonnes of newspaper. See llitlist.


Rouken (ilen Road. ()30 0335. Hi. Sun & .\Ion |.30 5.30pm: Sat l|.30am 5.30pm. Spring Exhibition t'iiiil Siiii l4 Apr. An exhibition of paintings including works b_\ Jennil'er.-\nderson. Kii'st} \Vithei'. Anne .\Ieiidelon. ('olin liraser and man) others.


(ieorge Square. 553 l‘)37 lrecoi'ded information): 'l‘ron Box ()l'lice 553 4367 iadxance booking). 'l’hu & l‘ri

10.30am Spin: Sat 10.30am (i.3t)pin: Sun noon b.30pm. For further information

w w w .glasgow artlair.com

0 Glasgow Art Fair 'l‘hu l l Sim l4 Apr. [4 (£3.50); children under H) t'ree. .\'ow in its sexenth )L‘ill'. Scotland's nation- al contempoiar} art fair takes tip residence in (ieot'ge Square bringing together around 40 galleries from throughout the [K and litirope. 'l‘his )eai' features a col- laborath e exhibition from the ('(‘A and 'I‘raniwa). You Are Bt’IH't't‘ll I/i'n' xlllrl There and RAW: Real Art Weekend which inxolxes the Arches. (‘('A. (ialler) ()1. Modern Art. (ilasgow School of Art. the Lighthouse and 'l'ramwa}. See Arches list- ing for club e\ents. See prex iew and llillist.


I48 \Vesl Regent Street. 33l 3095.

Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition t'iiiil Tue 30 Apr. Modern British art bx (iillies. Iiardle}. Mel-aggart. Blackaddei‘. Reexes and man} others plus sculpture b) Dennis Shields. Dennis \\'estwoiiil. Ann (‘hristopheiz James (’astle and Tom Allan.


('al'e ('osmo. l3 Rose Street. 333 (i535. .\lon Sat l0.30ain ‘)pm.

Ian McFarlane t'iiiil Sat 30 .\Itll'. An exhibition of music photograpr b) [an \Iclitrlane.

GFT Young Filmmakers .\Ion l the 30 Apr. Pupils at St Paul's priinai'} school explore the experiences of as} lum seekers and refugee children. Nl',\r"\.’ SHOW.

listings Art


5:: Ruth Vollmer - Drawings And Sculpture The first-ever showing of drawings and sculpture by the late Ruth Vollmer whose work was influenced by the mathematical patterns found in nature. Inver/eith House. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. until

Sun 5 May.

. Glasgow Art Fair/RAW This year's arts fest not only has 40 galleries to browse and buy art from. but a featured collaborative exhibition from cutting—edge art spaces CCA and Tramway plus RAW. a multi-venue. pan city event featuring exhibitions. mUSIC and clubs. See preview. George Square. Glasgow. Thu lI—Sun 74 Apr; RAW. various venues. Glasgow. Wed lO—Sun 74 Apr.

The Art Of Star Wars A must-see for fans of Stars Wars in the only Scottish showing of this exhibition which goes behind the scenes of the space epic. City Art Centre. Edinburgh. until Sun 8 Sep. David Mach Big Heids creator David lvlach returns to Scotland with a show of new and recent works ranging from sculptures made from coat hangers to a scolptural installation built from 50 tonnes of newspaper. Ga/lery Of Modern Art. Glasgow. until Sun 29


My father is the wise man of the village Artlink's two-year FuSion project comes to a triumphant end in this exhibition of collaborative works made with aitists. psychiatric patients and staff at hospitals in Edinlxirgh and the Lolliians. See rGVIew. Fruitniarket Gallery. Edinburgh. until Sat 6 Apr. Art In The Home Site-specific artworks created for. and housed in residential homes across Edinburgh as part of this unique collaborative prOJect featuring artists from Scotland. Europe and Japan. Various reside/ 2tia/ homes. Edinburgh. unti/ Sun 31 Mar.

. Bridget Riley: Silkscreen Prints And Gouaches 1963-2001 Last chance to see this small retrospective of works by leading op artist. Bridget Riley. Hunter/an Art Gallery: Glasgow. until

Sat (5 Apr.

At” .kk‘l’ THE LIST 87
