('ll} .At‘l (6111112 3 .\lill'l\Cl Slt'L‘L‘l. 53‘) 3003. Agcs 7 13. .\lakc your on n cclcstial \\ indchimc inspircd by Mr Ar! ()fSIur lliuis cxhibition.


The Borrowers t‘niil Sat l3 Apr. 'l‘hu I lam «k 3pm; l-‘ri & Sat 3pm & 7pm. £0.50 (£8.50). King's 'l‘hcatrc. 3 l.c\'cn Strcct. 5300001). .\l;tt'_\ Norton's Classic adycnturc talc about a tiny family \\ ho

Iiy c undcr thc floorboards and rcly on 'borrou ing' from thc houscholdcrs is adapch for thc stagc. 'I‘hc cnchanting talc of adycnturc is rctold tising humour.

my stcry. thcatrical illusions and original music by Richard 'l'ay lor.

Outside The Cities

Activities And Fun

Easter Eggcitement t'nul Sun 14 Apr. 10am 5pm. £3.80 (£1.60). Alinond Vallcy llcritagc 'l‘rust. Millticld. 1.i\ingsion. 01506 414057. Join thc liastcr hunt. lollim tlic springtimc trail and mcct lambs. chicks. and many otlicr ncyy arriyals on thc farm. Coolgrooves 't‘hu 18 & Thu 35 Apr.

5 6pm. £1. Burgh llalls. 'l'hc ('ross. l.inlithgo\y. ()1506 844600. Agcs 0 ll. l.istcn to chart sounds \shilst lcarning cncrgctic dancc routincs at this \ycckly class.

Friday Hip Hop Hi 10 Apr. 2 3.30pm. £l.50. lloyydcn l’ark (critic. lloyydcn. l.i\ ing‘ (on. 01506 433634. Agcs 10 16. Spain's .luan (‘arlos l'crron hosts a high cncrgy. hip hop \mrkshop.

Popmoves Mon 33 Apr. 4 5pm. chal (‘ommunity 'l'hcatrc. South Bridgc Strcct. Bathgatc.01506 43303-1. .-\gcs (a X. :\ liycly. funk and cncrgctic \ycckly dancc L‘lit“.

West Lothian Youth Dance 'l‘uc 23 Apr. 4.30pm ts 5.30pm. £1 £1.50.

lltm tlc‘ll l’dt'ls (.L‘llll-C. lloyydctt. l.i\ingsion. 01506433634. Agcs i’ 11 8c 13 lb. l)ancc artist-in-rcsidcncc Katy .‘ylcls'cou n hosts a \ycckly pcrformancc dancc group.


The Happy Gang’s Arabian Adventure t-ri 13 Apr. 1 lam is 3.30pm. £6 £33 for four scats. Byrc 'l'hcatrc. Abbcy Strcct. St Andrcyy s. 013.34 475000. Agcs up to 0. .loin thc llappy (iang as thcy cmbark on a magical. musical \oyagc to mystical Arabia.

The Happy Gang’s Arabian Adventure Sat 13 Apr. 1 lam 6: 3.30pm. £6 (£4). lloyydctt l’ark (’cntrc. lloyydcn.l.i\ingston.01506433634.Ang tip to 0. Scc St Andrcyy s aboy c.

The Singing Kettle’s Jungle Party Sat 13 Sun 14 Apr. noon & 3pm. £0 (£7): £35 famin tickct. Albcrt llalls. Dumbarton Road. Stirling. 01786 473544. l)rcss up as your famuritc \y ild animal and join thc Kcttlcrs \y ith ncyy mcmbcr ls'cy in for a tropical adycnturc \y ith giraffcs. chimps and lions galorc. Sing along \\ ith thc gang to your fayouritc songs and a fcyy ncyy oucs too.

The International Purves Puppets Biggar l’uppct 'l'hcatrc. Bt'ottgltlott Road, 0130‘) 3300.31. £5 (£4 )1 family lic‘lu‘ls £33 (K £30. Book in adyancc as limcs arc subicct to changc. Rcductions for partics of liy c or morc. Shoyy s on offcr o\cr thc nc\t tyyo \yccks

Pips 8. Panda And The Magic Egg Thu 11. Thu 18 (k Thu 35 Apr. 10.45am; Sat 13 Apr. 3pm. Agcs tip to 7. TM miscliicyous dtio arc off to tltc bcacli \\ hcrc thcy btiild sand castlcs and play in thc sand. bcforc stumbling across a magic

The Tinderbox't‘hu 11 t& 1-‘ri 10Apr. 3pm. ('orporal l'it/patrick gocs in scarch of a magical 'l‘indcrbos and happcns upon somc \ycird and \yondcrful charactcrs along thc may.

The Magical Princess Sat 3(1Apl‘. 3pm. A l'krainian lolklalc about Andrcas. a bray c ady cnturcr \y ho trics to say c his bcautiful princcss 1rom thc \\ ickcd 'l‘sar.

l'nli/ Mon 33 Apr: litrious l'(’llll(’.\'. central Scot/mid

Festival performances are listed alphabetically by show title and then by venue in date order. For a copy of the festival programme, contact the MacRobert on 01786 467155.


ALADDIN Agcs 5 8. \\'licn young Aladdin agrccs to rctricy c a lamp from a forbidding cayc. littlc docs hc knoyy thc adycnturcs that arc in storc. Jack ()‘l.antcrn l’uppct 'l'hcatrc adapt this childrcn‘s cpic talc of magic. mystcry and (lying carpcts using colourful shadoyy puppctry.

Netherbow Arts Centre 43» 45 High Strcct. lidinburgh. 0131 556 0570. Fri 13 Apr. 1 lam & 3pm. £4 (£3). HENNY PENNY’S NURSERY GARDEN OF RHYMES AND STORIES Agcs 3 6. (‘an llcnny l’cnny. (‘hickcn l.ickcn and thcir fricnds stop thc sky from falling doxy-n‘.’ This and othcr childrcn's rhy mcs and storics arc told Using thc cxpcrt puppctry of Ian 'l‘urbitt's l’uppct ’l'hcatrc.

King’s Park Pavilion Kings Park. l)alkcith. 0131 663 3445.'1‘hu l 1 Apr. 3pm. £3.50(£l.50).

Musselburgh Sports Centre \cyybigging. .‘\ltissclburgh. 0131 653 6367.1"i‘i 13 Apr. 1 lam. £3.50 (£1.50). Cumbernauld Theatre Kildrum. ('umbcrnauld. 01336 33887. Thu 18 Apr. 1 lam. £3.


Agcs oycr 3. Yugcn I’uppcts adapt this Scottisli fairytalc about a man \\ ho c\changcs his old marc for a magic horsc. 'l‘lic story of thc pair's mission to \y in thc hcart of a princcss is told using gcntlc story tclling. music and colourful puppcts.

Netherbow Arts Centre 43 45 High Strcct. Iidinburgh. ()131 5560570. Thu 1 1 Apr. 1 lam & 3pm. £4 (£3). Cumbernauld Theatre Kildrum. ('umbcrnauld. 01336 733887. \Vcd 17 Apr. 1 lam. £3.

Gilmerton Community Centre 4 Drum Strcct. lidinburgh. 0131 664 3335. Thu 18 Apr. 1 lam.

MONSTERS IN MY WARDROBE Agcs 5 13. A young boy is tcrrilicd of things that go bump in thc night. and cspccially his looming \yardrobc. 'I‘o confront his fcar. lic cntcrs thc \yardrobc and cmbarks on a magical iourncy in this acclaimcd production from lilticboat l’uppct ('ompany.

Carnegie Hall tiasi l’ort.

l)unfcrmlinc. 01383 314000. Sat 13 Apr.

1 lam & 1.30pm. £4.

PETER THE PIRATE BOY Ang oycr 3. A spcllbinding adycnturc on thc high scas inyolying a storm. a shipu'rcck. a dcscrt island and a scarcd littlc boy. Young I’ctcr must sayc thc crcaturcs of a bcautiful island from thc spclls of .\'csta thc sca \yitch in this production from Kcnspccklc l’uppcts. Civic Centre Park l’lacc. Dollar. ()1350 313131. Thu 11 Apr. 3pm. £3. Gorebridge Leisure Centre lluntcrlicld Road. (iorcbridgc. (11875 831730.15ri 13 Apr. 3pm. £3.50 (£1.50). Port Ellen Primary School l.cnno.\ Strcct. l’ort lillcn. lslc of lslay. ()1406 810363. Tuc 16 Apr. 7pm. Arinagour Primary School (‘arnan Road. Arinagour. lslc of ('oll. 01870330383. Mon 33 Apr. 7.30pm. THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN AND OTHER STORIES Ang 377. Kidgloycs puppcts rctcll thc story of a dastardly ratcatchcr brought in by thc mayor to rid llamclin of rats. ()thcr childrcn's fayouritcs arc also told by Kidgloy'Cs including Acsop's fablc about a conccitcd croyy outyyittcd by a sly fox. Southhouse and Burdiehouse Community Centre Btu’dichotisc Strcct. lidinburgh. 0131 664 3310. Thu 1 1 Apr. 1 lam.

Carnegie Library 12 Main Strcct. Ayr. ()1303 386385. Sat 13 Apr. 3pm. £3.50 (£3.50).

Moredun Community Centre 5 .‘ylorcdun l’ark l’lacc. lidinburgh. 0131 664 3833. \Vcd l7 Apr. I 1am. RAPUNZEL Agcs 5 0. \\'hcn a bcautiful. young maidcn is imprisoncd in a high toyycr. a handsomc princc cmbarks on a qucst to sayc hcr. lidinburgh l’uppct (‘ompany bring this classic fairytalc to lifc using cxubcrant storytclling. bcautiful masks and colourful puppctry.

Cumbernauld Theatre ts'ildi-um. (’umbcrnauld. ()1336 733887. 'l‘uc 16 Apr. 1 1am. £3.

Wynd Theatre Bucclcuch Strcct. .\lc|rosc. 01806 833854. l‘ri 10 Apr. 3pm. £5 £13 family tickct.

East Kilbride Arts Centre ()ld ('oach Road. liast Kilbridc. 01355 361000. Sat 30 Apr. 3pm. £4 (£3). SIGURD THE DRAGON SLAYER Agcs 7 l l. l’olloyy a young hcadstrong \yarrior's journcy doyyn thc riycr Rhinc in l-‘olding 'l'hcatrc l’uppct (‘ompany's latcst production. Sigurd has rcscucd maidcns and slay cd dragons. btit innst nou pt'o\ c his maturity and braycry to \y in thc hand of Brunhildc. thc daughtcr of thc king of thc gods.

Netherbow Arts Centre 43 45 High Strcct. lidinburgh. 0131 556 0570. Sat 13 Apr. 1 lam & 3pm. £4 (£3). THE SINGING RINGING TREE Agcs 3 7. liolding 'l‘hcatrc l’uppct company adapt this liastcrn liuropcan

Edinburgh Puppet Company’s Rapunzel

listings Kids

folk talc about a princc in pursuit of a vain princcss. Traditional gloyc puppets and simplc storytelling arc uscd to tcll this story about thc pricc of tmc loy'c. Carnegie Hall tiasi Port. l)unfcrmlinc. 01383 314000. Fri 13 Apr. 1 lam & 1.30pm. £4.


Ang 5--7. Littlc 'I‘om can hayc a bath in a tcacup. 11y through the air on a lcaf. peak at thc insides of a cow. and charm audicncCs with his diminutiyc cutcncss. Shona chpc Puppcts' acclaimcd adaptation of the story of a littlc hero in a big. bad \yot'ld is told rising gcntlc storytelling and haunting music. Carnegie Hall liast Port. Dunfcrmlinc. ()1383 314000. Thu 1 1 Apr. 1 lam & 1.30pm. £4.

Kirk Hall South ('hurch Strcct. (‘allandciz 01786473544. Sat 13 Apr. 3pm. £3.

THE UGLY DUCKLING Agcs' 3~6. ('lydchuilt l’uppct 'l‘hcatrc prcscnt the classic talc about a littlc duckling who docsn't quitc fit in. \‘aricd puppctry styles and soft. sculpturcd scts arc used to rccrcatc a child‘s world of imaginatiyc fantasy.

Bowmore Primary School t-‘tora Strcct. Bou'morc. Islc of lslay. 01406 810363. Thu 1 l Apr. 7pm.

Corn Exchange (‘ouri Strcct. lladdington. 01630837631. Sat 13 Apr. 3pm. £3.50 (£1.50).


Rod And Hand Puppetry Workshop Thu 1 1 Apr. 3pm. SouthhoUsc and Burdichousc (‘ommunity ('cntrc. Burdichousc Strcct. lidinburgh. ()131 664 3310. Agcs oycr 8. l.carn thc basics of puppct dcsign and manipulation bcforc prcscnting a short show for fricnds and family in this fun scssion hosted by (‘hamclcon l’uppcts.

Simple Puppet Making Wm) 17 Apr. 3pm. .\lorcdun ('ommunity (‘cntrc. 5 .‘ylorcdun l’ark l’lacc. lidinburgh. ()131 664 3833. Agcs oycr 6. l)csign and make your own original puppct \\ ith thc hpr of ('hamclcon l’uppcts.

Shadow Puppetry Workshop

Thu 18 Apr. 3pm. (iilmcrton (‘ommtmity ('cntrc. 4 Drum Strcct. lidinburgh. 0131 664 3335. Agcs oycr 6. l.carn the art of shadoyy puppctry \\ ith cxpcrt tuition from (‘hamclcon l’uppcts hcforc putting on a short pcrformancc.

1 ‘. 26 Apr Xi‘t‘i.’ THE LIST 103