Glasgow life

The Look

What’s The Look? lt's (hc pop fashion hihlc writtcn hy l’aul (iornian. What is it about? 11 cclchi'atcs [110 links hctwccn music and lashion and how stylc icons such as 'l'hc Bcatlcs. lilyis and Bowic hay c al't‘cctcd strcct stylcs oyci' thc ycai's.

What’s happening? 'I‘hcy arc turning thc launch into a inultiincdia cycnt with rcadings. liy c music. his. stunning iniagcry and a look at sonic ol thc fashions.

Who will be there? 'Ilic author l’aul (iornian will hc doing thc rcadings. (ilcii .\latlock (Scx Pistols) and Kcyin Rowland (l)c.\y‘s .\lidnight Runncrs.

picturcd) will supply thc liyc music whilc Brttcc .\lai‘cus will hc spinning thc discs.

Anything else? What inorc could you want with this (inc mix (it lashion. music and a look at thosc who hayc drcsscd tip and incsscd up - stcp l'oi'wai'd .\ls Aguilcra. I The Look. Q2. 4 74 Sat/(:li/e/ial/ Stree . I :31) ()7 i’ I. l'Ver/ 24 Apr. Vii/ii. 5‘19. :50.

Books At The Botanics (ilasgow Botanic (iardcns. 730 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 334 2422. 10am 5pm. l-‘rcc. Pick up a litcrary hargain at this hook inarkct. Russian Art Sale llillhcad l.ihrar_\. Byrcs Road. 33‘) 344‘). ‘).30ain 4.30pm. l‘t'CC. Scc Sat 13.


The Meeting of the Waters The Normandy llotcl. lnchinnan Road. chlrcw. SS4 37‘)4. 2pm. lircc. A gcntlc stroll along thc (‘lydc and ('art walkway. Introduction To Orienteering Strathclydc ('ounti'y Park. 366 Hamilton Road. .\lothcrwcll. 016‘)S 266155. 2 4pm.


Celtic v Rangers (’cltic Park. Kcrrydalc Sti'cct. l’ai'khcad. 551 S653. Noon. Scason tickcts only. Sl’l. toothall.

Other events

Orchid Fair Kihhlc l’alacc. (ilasgow Botanic (iardcns. 730 (ircat \\'cstci'ii Road. 334 2422. 10am 5pm. lirci'. Scc Sat 20. Books At The Botanics (ilttsgim Botanic (iardcns. 730 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 334 2422. 10am 5pm. I’rcc. Scc Sat 20. Hungarian Days t'iiiicisiiy ol‘ (ilasgow. 330 5585. 10am. £7. Scc Sat 20. Antique 8. Collectors Fair .\toir llall. .\litchcll 'l‘hcati‘c ('omplc\. (ii‘am illc Strcct. 01764 654555. l()ain 4pm. £1 ((‘hildrcn t't'cc').


Food and Drink at The Burrell Buri‘cll ('ollcction. 21160 l’olloksltaw s Road. 287 2550. lpni. l-‘i'cc. 'l'hcincd guidcd tour ol' thc Burrcll (‘ollcction with Kirsti .\lacaulay.

Book events

Ainsley Harriot Boi'dcrs Books. 283 Buchanan Sti'cct. 222 7700. l230pin. l‘rcc. l’opular chcl and 'l‘\' cclchrity llat‘i'iol signs copics (it his ncw hook.

Museum Of Transport K(}l‘.’lll Hall. 1 Burnliouse Road. 2337' 7f?0.

Mon»- 1’hu 2’) Sat thnr-Spnu 1‘ n é“. Sun

ye; tl'.


Qiitl 1 iooi.

to celet>rate its (,(jllltflllll‘, Sharmanka Kinetic

3- Kl".(l Street.

Other events

Free At Last - Tony Benn (’iti/cns' 'l'hcatrc. l 1‘) (ioi'hals Strcct. 42‘) ()()22. 7.30pm. £10 (£3). 'l‘hc i'ccciitly rctircd .\11’ Tony Bcnn dchuts at lhc ('itl. Scc prcy icw.

Stella Screen Cinebar Blackl‘i‘iars. 36 Bcll Strch 552 5924. ‘)piii. 1‘i'cc. Tonight's liliii is li’luir lit/(ll I’l‘njr'i‘l 2.

Wednesday 24

Book events

Cafe Litteraires Alliancc l‘i‘aitcaisc dc (llasgow. 7 Bow iiiont (iardciis. 3304281. 6pm. l'i‘cc. 'l'hc int’oi‘iiial hook discussion group discuss l.u It’llllllr' gi'lm' hy Annic lirnaus.

Other events

The Look g2. 474 Sauchichall Sll'c‘cl. 5.5.5 .51 l 1. 7pm. £12.50. l’tip fashion hihlc 'l’ln' Look with a multimcdia cclchration ol' rock tashioii. l’atil (iorman w ill gi\ c a i'cading. music will conic 1mm [)1 Brucc .\larcus and a li\ c pci't'oi'tiiancc l'i‘oiii rock lcgcnds (ilcn .\latlock and KM in Rim land. SL‘L‘ photo caption.

Book events

William Boyd Boi'tlct's Books. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 7pm. 1’i'cc. 'l'lic titlior o1. .-lrnnu/i//n discttsscs his iicw ll()\ cl .'lll\' l/imiu/i llr'iirl.


Football Forum llainpdcn l’ark. 'l'lic National Staditiiii. l.cthcrhy l)ri\ c. 0800 ()27 0321. 7.30pm. £3.50. l’undits .laiiics 'l‘i'aynor. Kcith Jackson and Hugh ch\ ins join a pancl ol' iiiaiiagci's. play crs and lcgislators to answcr your qucstions.


Ross Sinclair 'l'raiiiway. 25 Alhcrt l)riyc. 287 3‘)()(). 6pm. l‘rcc. Ross Sinclair talks ahout his work. l‘octtsing.

l)a", ’/ :',i)i“.’:‘1i.:'>’_) 'E‘C/‘fvfli. 1"‘t;\/l';‘.(triai‘ teiieii‘e’t ‘1a'. of 'iié)?



look at (Elasticxx !!i‘..’

:‘Jl‘ .‘(V \l \ I“ H: o,.;.f,i;o;.(£i,/J :1”, 1m”_f.)wh [mp Hm“; .,.)/ Nail). Sat (‘4 Sun 4‘“ .1 t. I '_ W w ';’it~.§{ I) l“. 'r c ('2 l(:l (s "” “£31116.lll(:()ll(llll€:f;.fi"'l)fi 2 l) ) 2' Hm I )

and other paraphernalia. People’s Palace 8. Winter Garden Glasgow Green. 6:34 0221’). Moiifilhu 8. Sat sc 10am Fipii); 1 n 2’; Sun 1 1am 53pm. l "ee.

(Slasftov‘J's host Ion/(.41 institution has recentl,’ undergone a iiiaior tacel-tt

106 THE LIST 1‘ 2", fun I’m?

from. An hour long; iiie’:hai‘.ii;a' tiallet pertornwxl 1),; l (luai‘tl 1%er‘s;i<lsk‘,"s kinetic lll)’.ll"‘:f; node from sciat; 'v‘etal anti tiii',‘ .'.",</ii,-ii figures. Tenement House ‘.-'.:’) Haccieucl‘. Sheet.

(‘iarnethill 13,919, (I ‘: B").

The Tall Ship At Glasgow Harbour 1(2)?) Sf:>l>’;'riss litia'i. 63‘.) 06:21. Day. 3316f, 'S‘I’...'":',; £l(I(;()'l‘t)(l."-l(7(l (illl'(ll‘:ll tree. 1 hit out aheat

\ i!(tf;(t<;’.'."5; 'l‘ltlllll'l‘: lieiitaitig- ()1) 1. tan) tta: 83/.

(Ni/.7“, l; .'

rah life

We welcome submissions for this section. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Edinburgh life listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.


Scottish Sports Hall Of Fame l‘ntil Sun 30 Jun. Royal .\luscum. 2 ('hamhcrs Strch 247 421‘). l"rcc. An cshihition highlighting thc 100 nominations tor possihlc introduction into thc lirst Scottish Sports Hall of l’anic at thc Royal .\luscum. \"l\ll()l's will also hc inyitcd to notninatc thcir own choiccs.


Meet The Stonemason Royal .\luscuin. 2 ('hainhci's Strcct. 247 421‘). 10.30am 12.30pm & 2 4pm. l-‘rcc. Stoncmason lii'ik Ramsay talks ahotit ltis cralt.


Hugh Miller Guided Tour Royal .\luscuiii. 2 ('hamhci's Sti‘cct. 247 421‘). 12.30pm. l‘rcc. Voluntccr guidcs lcad a guidcd tour o1 thc llugh .\lillcr cxhihition.

Particulate Colour In The French Countryside: Pisarro, Van Gogh, Seurat .\ational (iallcry ol Scotland. 'Iiltc .\lound. 624 (i200. 12.45pm. l‘i'cc. Art historian lilcctra McKinnon giy cs a talk.

Robert Louis Stevenson Tour Various \cnucs. 550 395‘). “Pm. £10. A two-hour walking tottr lcd hy lidinhurgh guidc .loliii Skiiincr. Visiting thc kc} locations associach with thc carly Inc of thc cclchi‘atcd author. l’rocccds to childrcn’s charity \Vaycrlcy (’ai'c.


Melrose Sevens ’l‘lic (lrccnyai-ds. lligli Strccl. .\lcli'osc. (11896 822003. 12.45 7pm. liitcrnational cluh tournamcnt at thc hii‘thplacc ot’ Scycns Rughy.

Livingston v Rangers \\‘cst l.othian ('ourici' Stadium. .»\ldcrstonc Road. 1.i\ ingston. 01506 417000. 3pm. £19 (£10). Sl’l. t'oothall match.


Hugh Miller Guided Tour Royal .\lusctiiii. 2 (‘haiiihcrs Strcct. 247 421‘). I230piii. l'i‘cc. Scc l’i'i 12.

Other events

Doors Open Day - Edinburgh Castle lidinhui'gh ('astlc. Royal .\lilc. 225 ‘)i\'46. ‘)..‘s()aiii 6pm. l’rcc. Admission to thc castlc and its National \Var .\ltiscum ol' Scotland is l'i'cc l'oi' onc \\ cckcnd.


you've a i); ssion for

Camera Obscura (lastlel‘iil. lt:;i,;i|l\/1..e. 11’6 3774‘). 1Vl()l) 1 ii

(:aiitlles. then take a

Want (Epiii. S‘-1.l:>

11) V3.80: lattiily ticket 3‘1-1. Pick lll) a l)(f(lt}f;illill‘ 1.". your “and 'g .i’. t'iit; attraction, ‘.'.’l‘.l(ll‘ gin/(:5; . stew; a as: time.

.itit) lllliltlt.‘ i)l ilitr filly.

Carberry Candle

Musselhurgh. 665) 6666. Mon Sat 0am 46pm: Sun nooii~iipiii. Free. It

trove of all things wax. Craigmillar Castle Craigmillar Castle Road. 661 #1541"). Daily E).;-3()aiii ~6pm. S‘ l .80 .‘l.1)(); (Illll(ll(}." Vim). l().' a real taste of histoiy. take a drive out to this iaiiishackle ol<l

Mosaics Workshop For Beginners llowdcn Park ('cntrc. llowdcn. 1.iyingston. 01506 433634. 10am 4pm. £20 (£14). Adyancc hooking rcquircd. Agcs over 12. Sarah I);in lcads a workshop to makc a small dccoratiyc pancl.

Hound Association Championship Dog Show Royal llighland (‘cntrc. Ingliston. 335 6200. Dog show.


City Of Edinburgh - 4V4 Recreational Tournaments .\lcadowinill Sports (‘cntrc. 'I‘rancnt. 52‘) 7‘)27. 4 7pm. £3. An cycning ol‘ yollcyhall coiiipctitions whcrc thc cmphasis is on having fun.


Hugh Miller Guided Tour Royal Muscuin. 2 (‘hamhcrs Strcct. 247 421‘). 12.30pm. l-icc. Scc Fri 12.

Other events

Early Morning Bird Walk Royal Botanic (iardcn. lnycrlcith Row. 552 7171. 6.30am. £4 (£3.50). lixpcricncc

thc hirds' dawn chorus and hrcathc in

thc unusual sccntcd llowcrs of thc


Doors Open Day - Edinburgh Castle lidinhurgh (‘astlc. Royal Mile. 1 225 9846. ‘).30am » 6pm. lircc. Scc Sat 13.

CD 8: Record Fair (‘rownc Plaza.

80 High Strcct. 01360 440546. A widc sclcction oi (‘1)s. casscttcs and vinyl to hi'owsc. htiy or cxchangc.


Meet The Stonemason Royal .\luscuin. 2 ('hamhcrs Strcct. 247 421‘). l().30ain 12.30pm & 2 4pm. Free. Scc Thu 1 1.

Other events

Art Workshop Bordcrs Book's. [hit 26. liort Kinnaird Rctail Park. 657 4041. 6pm. Art classcs for cycryonc with Lynda l-‘ranic with hints and tips for all incdiuins.

Salsa llowdcn Park (‘cntrc. llowdcn. l.i\'ittgslon. (11506 43363-1.

6.30 7.30pm. 'l‘cn classcs £36 (£27). (‘olomhian pcrl'ormcr Jocl Rojas uscs his uniquc (caching tcchniquc to lcad this wcck‘ly salsa class.

Tuesday 1 6


Football Forum 'l‘ynccastlc Stadium. (ioi'gic Road. 0800 027 0321. £3.50. llayc your say as litha pundits Jamcs 'I‘i'aynor. Kcith Jackson and Radio (‘lydc‘s \cry own sports monkcy lltigli chyinsjoin a pancl of top managcrs. playci‘s and lcgislators to answcr your qucstions‘.

castle. which although not (quite as intact as Edinburgh Castle. is far more atiiiostiht-zric. Edinburgh Castle Royal Mile, 225 9846. Daily E).30aiii—<6i)m. £8 (5‘2 —S‘6i. Attractions in this striking medieval castle include James lV's famous cannon, Mons Meg. the One O'Clock Gun With its own

(ll'l\.’(} out to this treasure

exhibition. lots of military silverware and. of course. The Stone Of Destiny.