Film index

Sanjuro t 15) O... iAkira Kuroxaua. Japan. 1962) 'l‘oxhiro .\Iifune. ’I‘atxu_\a Nakadai. Yuzo K;l)'tlllt;t. ()(l minx. A xequel to lbjim/m Kur'oxau a hax the epon} moux hero dancing a jig round the hig uould-he xamuri hoyx and clc\ erl} taking the micke) out of the action adVenture mo\ iex of the time. A xtunriing clima\ lto\\e\ er. (it’ll (ilaxgou'.

The Scorpion King (the) i('huck Ruxxell. l'S. 2002i D\\a}ne Johnxon. Kell) IIu. Michael ('Iarke Duncan. thc minx. 'l‘hix prequel to and xpin—off from The .Ilimimr Remrm. ix a much Iexx xtar-xtudded affair than the Indiana Jtmex-xt} 1e ad\enture. ‘l’lie .S‘mrpi'mi Kine remainx limit} in ancient Iig}pt where the e\'il ruler of the riotoi‘ioux city of (iomorrah ix hux} ing himxelf la) ing uaxte to the \‘tlrltitlx nomadic trihex of the xurrounding dexert. ()n the \erge of extinction. the feu remaining trihex pool their rexourcex and hire an axxaxxin. Mathayux iJohnxon aka The Rock 1. to infiltrate the enem) camp and kill a xoi'cerer \xhoxe \ ixionx gi\e the (ioiiiorrah'x ruler the upper hand. See rex iexx. (ieneral releaxe. The Shipping News l 1510... il.axxe Ilallxtroiii. t'S. 2002i Kenn Space}. Julianne Moore. Judi Dench. 117 minx. Annie I’roulx'x l’ulit/er I’ri/e-u inning no\el ahout a dcprexxed middle~aged father \\ ho takex hix daughter off to hix famil} 'x ancextral home in harren Next fotindland after the unfaithful \\ ife ithough line of Illx life) ix killed in a car \\ reck. ix an eccentric hlack corned}. htit alxo a ran. melanchol} _\arn. What hope. then. for arch

The Small Wonders

Production Award Scheme 2 (mun/x will be given £2000 to make your film! Supported by I’VA filmmaker-in- rexidence: Amy Hardie Encouraging new talent Documentary/animation/ performance/l‘iction contact: The Film and Video Access Centre on: 013] 220 0220 deadline: 29 April 2002 °€D.|NBVRGH'

42 THE LIST 2", Ar» 7."?

xentimentalixt Ilallxtrom not leax ing I’roulx‘x maxterpiece floundet'ing'.’ None it uould xeetit. )et agaitixt the oddx llzillxtt‘ottt delixerx a watertight piece of drama. directed and acted \\ ith heautiful rextraint. particularl} h_\ Space} \\ ho p1a)x the deprexxed protagonixt Quo}1e. Dominion & Ster (‘entur_\ ('inema. tidinhurgh.

Shrek 1 t ' l 0.... (Andrea Adamxon. Vick} Jenxon. I5. 2001 1 Voicex of Mike .\I}er‘x. ('ameron Dial. liddie Murph). ()0 minx. Slur/c u ill ha\ e \Valt Dixne} turning in hix cryogenic free/e tank. This trul} xuh\erxi\e animated film takex pot xhotx at fairytale lll)tll()lt)g_\. xihile xingling out I'ncle \VttII.\ helm ed Slum III/life. ('rm/erel/u. l’flllN‘t’llfU. et al. l'nder thc guixe of a quext to rexctre a princexx from a dragon undertaken h} the epon} moux green ogre t\\hich kidx \\ ill lo\ c l. .V/Il‘t'k ttlxn t‘lltlllexxl} pillagex corporate Dixne}. xatirixing itx theme parkx and executn ex. And uho‘x hehind all thix'.’ Producer Jeffre) Kat/either? of Dixne} rixal xttidio I)ream\\‘orkx. alxo formerl} head (if. _\‘ep. I)ixltc‘). Selected releaxe.

Sidewalks Of New York 1 Hi 000 did Burnx. 1S. 2002) lid Burnx. Heather (iraham. Roxario Di!“ xon. 107 ininx. Burnx hax heen making Iiix o“ n lo\\ -ke) Wand of Next York xtoriex for xoine )earx no“. hut for Iiix latext xlice of life in NY(' the \\ riter- director takex hix cue from Woody Allen. Milena/M intert“ inex the li\ex (if \i\ Ne“ Yorkerx. \ariouxl} falling in and out of relationxhipx and \xori'} ing ahout e\ er meeting the right perxoii in a moxt neurotic manner. 1,ike Allen. Burnx goex fora mix of light“ eight filmed} and romance. pla) ing it along in a xemi-imprm ixed faxhion. It'x \xatchahle enough. hut falIx do“ n h} trying loo hard to he hotlt off—the-cuff and deep and meaningful. ()deoii. (ilaxgim; l'(}(’ (‘inemax Iidinhurgh.

Sing-A-Long-A Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat il’(}r iDax id Mallet. IS. 10091 Donn} ()xrnond. Richard Altenhorotigll. Joan ('ollinx. 7o minx. .\Itixical retelling of the Ilihlical xtot‘} oi Joxpelt. hcing xcreened here \\ ith audience participation. fun and garncx. Part of the Digital I‘ilin I"exti\a|. ()deon. (ilaxgou.

A Skin Too FveI’(il 000 tJeroett Berk\enx. Netherlandx/I)enmark/t 'Ix'. 2001) 48 minx. Biopic ahout the life and premature death fat 201ofxittget'~xotig\\t'itet' Nick Drake. .\ti.\ex footage of hix childhood home \\ ith interx ieu x. including the xinger x actrexx xixter'. (iahrielle. (iI’I‘. (ilaxgow Slogans ithci t( iiergi Xhtnaiii. Allxinia/I‘rance. 2001 l Artur ( iUl’ixlltl. I.ui/a

Jet Li is The One, although, in tact and as you can plainly see, he's the many

Xhuxani. Agiin Qirjaqi. U0 minx. Set in the late I‘J7tlx \\ hen the IIo.\hax regime held Alhania in an iron grip. S/oemrx tellx the xtory of a )oung hiolog} teacher \\ ho leax ex the capital cit_\ for a xchool in the iiiountairix. Ahxurdixt corned} xx ith a political hent. I‘iImhouxe. Iidinhurgh.

The Son’s Room (La stanza di tiglio) t 151.... fNanni .\Ioretti. Ital}. 2002) Nanni .\Ioretti. I.aura .\torante. (iiuxeppe Sanfelice t)1) minx. A xignificant creali\e departure for Italian actor-\x riter- director Namii .\1oretti. the I’alme D‘( )r-

\\ inning The Sun '\ Room makex for a faxcinating portra)al of ho“ an unexpected death fragmentx a pre\ iouxl) united middle- claxx famil}. .\Ioretti depich the chilling practical detailx of the funeral arrangementx. and then xhou x Ito“ grief ix hoth externalixed and internalixed h} the

herein ed. Aided h} underxtated pcrforrnancex and an urrohtr‘trxne \ ixual xtyle. thix ix a film of decepti\ e \llllpllcll). \xhich engagex directl} \\ ith the xpectator'x emotionx \\ liilxt amiding tearful reconciliationx. ('ameo. Iidinhurgh.

Spy Kids it) 0... iRohert Rndrlflllel. IS. 2001 r Antonio Banderax. Alan Cumming. (‘arla (iiigino. h"? minx. like an} )oung children. ('armen and Juli ('orte/ harhour iiopex of madcap ad\enttrre. htit unlike moxt children their apparentl} normal parentx are top international xuper- xpiex. When the} 're kidnapped ax part of a daxtardl} plot to dextro} the \xorld. cooked up h} kook} iriaxtermind I’egaii I‘loop 1(‘umming i. it fallx to the children to xaxe the “orld. Rife with fanlax}. xpecial-effeclx \x'i/ardry and high-octane thrillx. S/n Kit/x ix particularl} enjoyihle hecatixe it‘x the children and not the adultx that ultimatel) xa\e the da_\. ()deon. Iidinhurgh; ('inexxorld. lialkirk.

Teenage Kicks - The Undertones (the) i'l‘om ('ollinx. Northern Ireland. 2001) 72 rninx. Docurnentar} ahout the Northern Ireland punk hand \xhich comhinex footage ofJohn I’eel‘x \ ixit to the hand‘x holiteto“ n Derr} \\ ith archn e material of the hand and the place. The film'x producer Viriri} (‘unningham and t’ndertoiie Damian ()‘Neill \xill introduce the film. l‘ilmhoiixe. Iidinhurgh.

Thir13en Ghostsr 1.x'i O. iSte\e Beck. IS. 2002) I". Moira) Ahraham. Iimheth Da\ idt/. .\latthe\\|ard. ‘11 minx. 'I‘he xole heir to eccentric (A I'tlx Kt'illcox‘ i.-\hrahami extatc ix Arthur (loll) Shalhouhi. a \\ idou ed father of t\\o \\ ith mone_\ trouhlex. Thinking hix ltick hax changed. Arthur takex the fatnil} on a tour of the propert} he hax inherited old} to find Iiix

e\ il uncle hax not left hix nephe\\ a houxe. hut a inacahre machine: huilt h} the de\ II and pou cred h) the dead. I‘roin here thix remake of old \cltool xchlock -ftl;txtet' William caxtle‘x film follou x a \\ ell \\tll'll path through xuxpenxe and gore to an exploxne dextination. Selected rcleaxe. Time Outti’(ii O... il.aurent (liiitet. Iirance. 2002i Aurelien Recoing. Ix'arin Viard. Serge I.i\ro/et. 13-1 rninx. the original French title. l.'l','ni/rloi 4/” It iii/H tranxlalex literall} ax ‘ttnie tahlc‘. xtiggexting the xtructure impoxed h} .i working routine. li'onicall) xo. xiiice thix ix a xlou -hurning \ltld} of a middle~aged office \iorker \\ ho. liming ont hix ioh. cannot hear to tell hix famil). xo he \llllpl} rm eiitx a flc\\ one. But maintaining thix fiction xoon hccornex a full-time occupation. Ilix \\ itc. children and parentx heliexc lie ix making It)!" the 1.x. and lltx xell' deception Ix \U effecti\e that \xhen hix father qucxtionx their effecti\enexx in dealing \\ ith endemic third world po\ ert}. he ix pcrxonall} olfciided. (‘antet \xax inxpired h} a doctiiirentcd caxc. hut it ix a textament to hix formal control and ra/or—xharp inxight that hix tictiorial ending ix more quietl} dexaxtating than \\ fiat happened in real life. I’ilnihouxe. Izdinhurgli, 0 Tomorrow (Domani) it’( ‘o tI-rancexca Archihugi. Ital}. 2001 \tarco Baliani. ()rnella .\Iuti. \alerio .\I;t\lt;tlltlc.t. SS rninx. Drama centring on the effect of a deuixtating earthquake to a xiiiall lllctllc\.il t'inhrian to\\n. It \ltt>\\x the dexolatrori cou pled \\ ith the reaction of people ptilliiig together to H} and mm i\e xuch onx. l’art oi the Italian l'ilm liextnal. See feature. (iI-"I'. (ilaxgou; I‘ilmliouxe. Izdinhurgh. Training Day 1 IS) 0.. (Antoine I‘titiua.l'S.2001iDen/e1\Vaxliington. lithan Ilauke. Scott (ilenn. 120 minx. \Vaxhington hax xpent a career pla} iiig dignified heroex. hut here Ire caxtx otf hix nohle mart} r perxona \\ ith a rneting portra}al of a px}chopathie and ruthlexxl} amoral I.:\I’D nai'coticx officer. ’I'hix Bad lieutenant hax an idealixtic rookie partner illau ker. \\ ho hax um 24 hourx to perxuade hix much-deeorated \cteran colleague that he too hax the necexxar} courage and meet xa\ \} to \xork underco\ er. I’ropelled h_\ \Vaxhington'x x\\aggering. charixinatic performance. Ira/nine /)u\ cririxex tt)\\.lt’tl\ dixtiiiction. old} to he let dou n h} a dixaxtroux final reel. \xhich lurchex into prepoxteroux action ino\ ie \IIU\\tIt1\\Ii\ and \IIUUI-Utltx, Neu I’icttir'e Iloirxe. St Andre“ x. 0 24 Hour Party People I 1.x. 0.... i.\1ichael \Vintcrhotiorn. I'Ix. 2002i Ste\e (hogan. I’add} ('onxidinc. Shir'le} Ilenderxon. 110 ininx. the “hole ci'aI} tale of I’actor} recordx. the Ilacienda and all thingx \Iadchcxter' ix retold h} \xi'itci lirank ('ottr'cll Bo) ce \xho hax done xoiiie thing quite extraordinar} turned 'I'oii} \Vilxon'x d_\ xftinctional ad\eiiture from 107» to no“ into a poxt—modern romp that no er takex itxelf too xcriouxl}. Bo} ec'x regular collahorator. \Vinterlmttom. directx like a man poxxexxed h} the contoittcd xpiritx ot Jean-I.uc (iodard and I.iiidxa} Anderxon. and ix more than tip to the taxk uxmg .1 \.iii ct} of xcratch}. quirk). punk} dex icex to tell talex from a cantankeroux cit}. Douhle top Selected rclcaxe.

0 Unfair Competition (Concorrenza sleale) 1 l5. ll'ltnt'c Scola. Ital}. 2001 1 Diego :\l\.ll.lllltlttll\‘. Sergio ('axtcllitto. (iei‘ard Depardieu. I 10 minx. Drama xho\\ing the II\ ex of .1 km ixh faniil) |i\ mg under the faxcixt racial Iau x oi lttll) 1033.'I'\\oxliopkccpcrx. Ito“ M cl t'rnherto. a ('atliolic. and Sergio. a Jen manage to xta_\ friendx dexpite the lie“

Ia\\x. Part of the Italian l’iliii I'extnal. See feature. (iI’I‘. (Ilaxgoxi; I‘ilnihouxe. Iidinhurgh.

Verdi’s Rigoletto i I’(ii I’ai't of the Digital I‘Ilm I‘cxtnal. ()deon. (ilaxgim. Warm Water Under A Red Bridge (151 O... iShohci liiianiura. Japan. 2002i .\Iixa Shunt/u. Ixoii \akuxho. Il‘) llllll\.'Iil1c1'L‘ haxotten hecti a xenxeol ahxur'dit} in .Iapanexe filiiiriiakei Shohei Iinamura'x \xork. hut the concert at the heart of hix neu film gi\ ex the “hole \M‘llx a “all” .tt'tlllcltllll). SIiiiiii/u pla) x .i tliiitx xomeihiiig \\t\lll.lll \\ hoxe e\cexxi\e \\.ilci